Sequenze logiche nelle frasi: inserisci l'elemento temporale corretto(01)?
1 __ of all, you need to apply for a visa. A=First B=Next C=Then / 2 __, send a photocopy of the visa to us. A=Next of all B=Next C=Nextly / 3 __, we will send you your ticket. A=When B=Then C=And then / 4 __, you need to confirm that you have received the ticket. A=Finally B=In final C=In conclusion / 5 __, you need to confirm that you have received the ticket. A=In last B=Lastfully C=Last of all / 6 You need to press the red switch. ___, the machine will print out the results. A=After that B=Later C=After / 7 Many animals sleep for long periods. ___, bears hibernate all winter long. A=Example B=For example C=In example / 8 __ in the presentation, we will be looking at domesticated animals. A=Next on B=Later C=After / 9 ___ let's examine animals in the wild. A=Last one B=Lastly C=Laster / 10 Some drink coffee. __ drink tea. A=Other B=Others one C=Others