Indica quali di queste frasi hanno un senso compiuto con soggetto e verbo(02):
1 Which is a complete sentence? A=A gift that for the man was there. B=A gift for the man was there. C=A gift for the man standing there. / 2 Which is a complete sentence? A=That the time taken would be less than three days. B=The idea was to do the work within three days. C=The objective to complete the project within three days. / 3 Which is a complete sentence? A=That her sister probably would cause problems. B=That her sister would not turn up was obvious. C=That her sister seemed to have an attitude. / 4 Which is a complete sentence? A=Whether he feels it is appropriate or not. B=If possible, come before sunset. C=If he knows what is good for him. / 5 Which is a complete sentence? A=Get me the President on the line! B=Gets to be quite a tricky task. C=Gets easier as you gain experience. / 6 Which is a complete sentence? A=I wonder if you know the girl next door. B=At the moment, lives there with her two friends. C=Playing loud music at night and going to bed late. / 7 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=Looking like a princess when she strutted around. B=Entering school was always a frustrating experience. C=Joe stopped. / 8 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=Joe smiled. B=Joe blinked. C=Joe lifted. / 9 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=What we saw when we first arrived. B=What is the issue here? C=What a great guy! / 10 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=Which team wins is important to me. B=Which is exactly why I called you. C=Which team will win?