Indica quali di queste frasi hanno un senso compiuto con soggetto e verbo(01):
1 Which is a complete sentence? A=During the snowstorm. B=In the rain. C=He wept. / 2 Which is a complete sentence? A=When the sun shines. B=Peter looks around. C=As soon as he gets back. / 3 Which is a complete sentence? A=Takes his learning seriously. B=Math is his strong point. C=Good at math and also geography. / 4 Which is a complete sentence? A=Learning to do math problems in his spare time. B=Learning, the key to a good job. C=Learning makes a man knowledgeable. / 5 Which is a complete sentence? A=Which took place in ancient Egypt. B=Which chariot is yours? C=Which makes a proud man humble. / 6 Which is a complete sentence? A=Wherever she went during the Autumn. B=Where to find a decent husband these days. C=Where there's honey, there are bees. / 7 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=All of us including the preacher's wife. B=All of us have a tale to tell at midnight. C=All of us seem to have some idea. / 8 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=Speaking with his mouth open and spitting out bits of food. B=Hanging by his fingertips, the man looked scared. C=Looking around, he judged the coast to be clear. / 9 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=She has a house on top of the hill. B=There is a house on that hill. C=A house on top of the hill, near the lake. / 10 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=George and Mildred, who also has AIDS. B=He keeps a pet cat, which he adores. C=Selma, who I met earlier, came to the party.