ESERCIZIO NUM: 1837 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito SCUOLA per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 The teacher gave us lots of __________. A=homeworks B=homework C=housework / 2 I got good ________ in all my tests. A=grades B=letters C=points / 3 Another name for a teacher is _____________. A=talker B=instructor C=instructioner / 4 You use a _________ to draw straight lines. A=booker B=ruler C=compass / 5 The school year is sometimes split into __________. A=mesters B=annualities C=semesters / 6 The boss of the teachers is the __________. A=principal B=principle C=prince teacher / 7 A sports lesson is called ___________. A=PE (Physical Education) B=PA (Physical Action) C=AE (Aerobic Education) / 8 Special activities after school are ____________ activities. A=extracurricular B=extravagant C=extreme curriculum / 9 Pens, paper, pencils etc. are ____________. A=stationery B=stations C=stationaries / 10 Bad children are punished with _________. A=retention B=attention C=detention