ESERCIZIO NUM: 1827 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MODI DI DIRE per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 To speak softly is to ___. A=mention B=caress C=whisper / 2 To speak unclearly is to ___. A=whisper B=mumble C=reply / 3 To make a comment is to ___ something. A=arrange B=warble C=mention / 4 To answer a question is to ___. A=contrast B=rely C=reply / 5 To say something very loudly is to ___. A=whimper B=sulk C=shout / 6 Another word for 'shout' is ___. A=yell B=screech C=stammer / 7 If you have a speech problem that makes you repeat sounds like th-th-this, then you ___. A=stamper B=scamper C=stutter / 8 Which sentence is correct? A=He replied me that everything was okay. B=He said me that everything was okay. C=He told me that everything was okay. / 9 Which sentence is correct? A=John told that he had a headache. B=John said that he had a headache. C=John informed that he had a headache. / 10 Many students get the pronunciation of 'said' wrong. 'Said' sounds like ___. A=maid B=bad C=red / 11 'Oh well, that's another hundred bucks down the toilet,' he ___. A=signed B=assigned C=sighed / 12 It was ___ that a million bucks had been stolen from the vault. A=reportage B=ported C=reported / 13 Which sentence is correct? A=John informed that we had to leave by nine. B=John informed we had to leave by nine. C=John informed us that we had to leave by nine. / 14 Which sentence is correct? A=The president refused to comment on the matter. B=The president refused commented on the matter. C=The president no commented on the matter. / 15 Which sentence is correct? A=John said, 'It's a wrap!' B='It's a wrap,' John said. C=A and B