ESERCIZIO NUM: 1823 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli il giusto significato per ogni MODO DI DIRE(01):
1 24/7 means... A=all the time B=never C=sometimes / 2 Sometimes we say __ instead of 'man'. A=turkey B=boybo C=dude / 3 An attractive woman is a ___. A=chicken B=chickadee C=chick / 4 An attractive man is a ___. A=chunk B=hunk C=funk / 5 Someone who has taken drugs is __. A=blue B=low C=high / 6 Another word for 'relax' is ___. A=wick B=chill C=flow / 7 I call my car my ___. A=boots B=robot C=ride / 8 If someone likes jewellry, they are ___. A=blong-blong B=blang-blang C=bling-bling / 9 Someone who likes computers is a __. A=beek B=geek C=teek / 10 We can say ___ instead of 'isn't' or 'aren't'. A=aresent't B=ain't C=paint