ESERCIZIO NUM: 1811 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > scuola - DIFFICOLTA': *****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito studio-scuola per completare correttamente le frasi(02):

1 ___ is the study of life. A=Biography B=Biokinetics C=Biology / 2 ___ is the study of physical laws and nature. A=Biology B=Physics C=Chemistry / 3 ___ is the study of distribution of wealth. A=Economic B=Economy C=Economics / 4 To be a lawyer, you need to study __. A=Legislature B=Legal C=Law / 5 To be a teacher, you need to study ___. A=Educational B=Education C=Teacher / 6 If you like history and finding old artefacts, you could study ___. A=Arachnophobia B=Archeology C=Arteology / 7 Which degree is the highest? A=Master B=Bachelor C=PhD / 8 ___ is the study of religion. A=Theology B=Godology C=Bibliology / 9 ___ is the study of land and nature. A=Geology B=Typography C=Geography / 10 ___ is the study of rocks. A=Typography B=Geology C=Geography