ESERCIZIO NUM: 1804 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito VIAGGI-TURISMO per completare le frasi(01):
1 You can buy flight tickets from a ___. A=travel agent B=journeyman C=travelling shop / 2 A travel schedule is called an ___. A=itinerary B=itemisation C=initial / 3 A young traveller with little money is a ___. A=frontpacker B=cheapster C=backpacker / 4 A cheap place to stay for young travellers is a ___. A=youth hostel B=young hotel C=youth monger / 5 A large, expensive room in a hotel is a ___. A=suite B=suit C=roomsuit / 6 The place where you are going is your ___. A=departure B=destiny C=destination / 7 On a plane, you can fly first class, business class or ___ class. A=cheap B=budget C=economy / 8 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=Can you tell me where there is a hotel near here? B=Can you tell me where is the hotel near here? C=Can you help me where there is a nearby hotel? / 9 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=I am need to check in to this hotel. B=I need to check in to this hotel. C=I need to checking in to this hotel. / 10 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=My plane is leaving in half an hour. B=My plane will leaving in half an hour. C=My plane leaving in half an hour.