Countable o uncountable? fai la scelta giusta fra le tre opzioni e completa le frasi(01):
1 This water _____ too cold to drink. A=are B=must C=is / 2 Please help me to move _____ furniture. A=this B=these C=those / 3 Please help me to move this _____. A=furnitures B=furnitural C=furniture / 4 People say that _____ is power. A=informatives B=information C=informations / 5 Please eat up all _____ rice. A=the B=a C=(nothing) / 6 I love to drink orange _____. A=juices B=drink C=juice / 7 We need to check the _____. A=equipment B=equipments C=equip / 8 Which word is uncountable? A=cup B=cheese C=biscuit / 9 Which word is uncountable? A=trend B=chart C=information / 10 Which word is uncountable? A=banana B=peach C=honesty