ESERCIZIO NUM: 1559 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-simple to-do to-be negative-form - DIFFICOLTA':
CLICCA QUI per aprire un TUTORIAL sui VERBI prima di svolgere l'esercizio
Completa questa frasi usando IS, ISN'T, ARE, AREN'T, DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T(02):
12. We..(not)like to go to the movies. / 13. He..(not).always walk his dog. / 14. His dog..very big. / 15. drive to work take the bus? / 18. He.. an intelligent boy. / 19. He..a good worker. / 20. He...very successful. / 21. He.(not)..tall he...short. / 22. He.quiet he..(not)..noisy.