ESERCIZIO NUM: 1419 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > mestieri - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Scegli il lavoro corretto fra i tre proposti per ogni descrizione.

1. This person flies planes. - driver - pilot - plane man / 2. This person works in a school. - professor - teacher - researcher / 3. This person plays football. - footballer - footballist - footballman / 4. This person works in a restaurant with the public. - chef - dietician - waiter / 5. This person works in a hospital and does surgery. - nurse - doctor - surgist / 6. This person writes for a newspaper. - journalist - author - novelist / 7. This person speaks many languages. - teacher - commentator - interpreter / 8. This person acts in films. - producer - actor - director / 9. This person owns a lot of animals. - zooman - farmer - fisherman / 10. This person paints pictures. - decorator - cameraman - artist