ESERCIZIO NUM: 1199 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > mestieri - DIFFICOLTA':
Collega ogni definizione al suo mestiere scegliendolo dall'elenco dato(03):
DEFINIZIONI: a) can’t eat fattening food / b) has to know the route of flight / c) has to be strong / d) has to wear a crash helmet / e) has to know all the elements of dance / f) has to know a lot of things / g) can work at home / h) has to know plants and animals / i) has to construct or design things / j) has to know a lot of history / k) has to know the map of the city / l) has to know Maths and documents / m) has to have very clean hands
MESTIERI: 1. A cook / 2. A model / 3. A writer / 4. A tourist guide / 5. A runner / 6. A dancer / 7. A bookkeeper / 8. A driver / 9. A farmer / 10. A designer / 11. A snowboarder / 12. A teacher / 13. A pilot