ESERCIZIO NUM: 1133 - CATEGORIA: verbi > modali - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Completa le frasi usando una delle espressioni proposte con verbi MODALI di obbligo, permesso e possibilità.

should keep - can start - don't have - to pay - mustn't enter - can buy - shouldn't walk - can't copy - can't iron - can't smoke
No Smoking 1. here. // Admission Free 2. You don't have ... // Keep In Cool Place 3. You... this cool // Keep Off The Grass 4. You... on the grass. // Fresh Fruit For Sale 5. You... fresh fruit here. // Private Property 6. You... without permission. // Cheaters Will Be Expelled 7. You... from other students. // New Course Begins Tonight 8. You... new course tonight. // Don't Iron 9. You... this shirt. // Donations Welcome 10. You... to pay.