ESERCIZIO NUM: 1099 - CATEGORIA: verbi > infinito gerundio - DIFFICOLTA':
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Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi che usano strutture all'infinito / gerundio. La parola DIANA è la prima parola in ogni frase.
1. part / in / intellectual / discussions /. / Diana / enjoys / taking --- 2. went / without / home / Diana /. / goodbye / saying / anyone / to --- 3. her / for / of / is / tired /. / call / waiting / Diana / to / husband --- 4. door /. / back / forgets / her / lock / to / Diana / always --- 5. appointment / make /. / hairdresser / with / to / an / Diana / her / managed --- 6. / month / the / exam / for / passed / continuously / Diana / by / a / studying --- 7. / to / can't / people / speaking / Diana / stand / rude --- 8. would / doesn't / have / Diana / the / travel /. / like / more / money / to / , / but