ESERCIZIO NUM: 1072 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-perfect present-continuous - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Leggi queste frasi e per ogni spazio, scegli tra il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE o il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi(01):

1. I've....this room all morning and now I'm exhausted! (clean) // 2. Hurry up Jane! You've only....two s and we have to write the answers to five. (write) // 3. Tony....with his uncle recently while he looks for a new apartment. (live) // 4. I've....English for over twelve years now. (learn) // 5. That's a really nice watch you have Greg. How long (have) // 6. My local hockey team are an embarrassment to everyone. The season finishes in two weeks and they....a single game!! (not win) // 7. Ouch! I' finger with that terrible knife again! (cut) // 8. Sorry to arrive looking so untidy. I' I missed the bus. (run) // 9. You know your dinner is in half an hour. How many of those chocolates have....? (eat) // 10. I've....writing my first novel at last. It should be published in the summer. (finish)