Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 32 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(01):
1. You are traveling with __ to Chicago? / 2. Did you find out __ house we are visiting? / 3. The man __ came with us is my uncle. / 4. __ is that...
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1. The girl with __ I worked was very quiet. / 2. You are talking to __? / 3. Does anyone know __ backpack this is? / 4. She talked to a woman __...
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1. Do you know __ is coming to the party? / 2. The student to __ I spoke was very kind. / 3. You are eating dinner with __? / 4. I have no idea __...
Inserire la parola WHOSE se necessario, quando non è necessario scrivi NULL:
1 Marsupial are animals .... young are carried in a pounch. -- 2 David Attenborough is a naturalist ... films have been seen all over the world. -- 3...
WHOSE oppure WHO'S? Scrivi la soluzione corretta
1 ... book is on the table? -- 2 ... gone to the cinema with Mary? -- 3 ... left the sunglasses here? -- 4 I can’t tell ... were those weapons. --...
Scrivi delle domande utilizzando WHO, WHAT E WHERE in modo che le frasi qui di seguito servano come risposte:
1 I am in Paris -- 2 There is a bed, a table, a lamp and wardrobe. -- 3 She is my girlfriend -- 4 It's a lamp -- 5 They are Jim and Sue -- 6 It's...
WH- questions, completa ogni frase, usando WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO O WHY(01):
1. _____ ’s the time please? -- 2. _____ did I just say? -- 3. _____ do you think you are? -- 4. _____ is my coat? -- 5. _____ do you want to...
WH- questions, completa ogni frase, usando WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO O WHY(02):
1. _____ do you work? -- 2. _____ were you talking to yesterday? -- 3. _____ ’s going on? -- 4. _____ are you still in bed at four in the...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH oppure WHOSE(01):
I talked to the had broken down in front of the shop. / Mr Richards, a taxi driver, lives on the corner. / I live in a house in...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH oppure WHOSE(ma con una X se non ne serve alcuno):
This is the boy.... had an accident. / Yesterday I saw a car.... was really old. / Mandy is the girl.... I met on Friday. / I haven't seen...
Completa le frasi con WHO oppure WHICH.
1 That's the girl ... is the victim of cyberbullies. 2 What's the name of the gadget ... moves the cursor on a computer screen? 3 My sister has got a...
WHO oppure WHICH? scegli quello giusto.
1 That is the boy WHO/WHICH loves baseball. 2 This is the book WHO/WHICH I read. 3 There are a group of teachers WHO/WHICH are really good. 4 I love...
WHO, WHICH, THAT: scegli il pronome RELATIVO corretto:
1. This is the tablet WHICH/WHO belongs to my sister. 2 Who's the boy WHICH/WHO broke the window, 3 Did you take the keys WHO/THAT were on the table,...
Osserva le immagini e, usando le parole date, componi delle frasi con il PRONOME RELATIVO.
Esempio immagine 0: bakery / sell great bread = This is the bakery which/that sells great bread. 1) teacher / teaches us science. 2) dog / live next...
Completa le seguenti frasi con WHO oppure WHICH.
1 The car .... hit the tree was travelling very fast. 2 A mouse is a gadget .... moves the cursor on a computer screen. 3 The people .... live in the...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH, WHOSE. Scrivi una X se non c'è bisogno di scrivere niente. In alcune frasi c'è più di una soluzione possibile.
1 This is the student ... didn’t pass the exam. -- 2 There is nobody ... cares about me. -- 3 I haven’t seen Linda, ... sister is ten years old,...
Unisci le frasi l'una con l'altra usando un pronome relativo.
1 The boy is here. The boy likes wrestling matches. -- 2 Don’t eat the apple. The apple is poisonous. -- 3 I’m challenging the boy to a bowling...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH, THAT, WHERE, WHOSE, WHOM.
1 Look at the children ... are playing in the garden. -- 2 The teacher, ... all children are afraid of, is very nice. -- 3 That lady, ... pet is...
Completa ogni frase con WHAT WHERE WHEN WHO WHY(01):
1. ____ are you doing here? -- 2. ____ lives next door to you? -- 3. ____ will my pizza get here? -- 4. ____ is my newspaper? -- 5. ____ didn’t you...
Completa ogni frase con WHAT WHERE WHEN WHO WHY(02):
1. ____ are we going to the park? -- 2. ____ time did they get home? -- 3. ____ is the nearest post office? -- 4. ____ is fourteen minus eight? -- 5....
Leggi questa lettera di Ben all'amica Sheila. In ogni spazio indicato da un numero, inserisci un pronome relativo WHOSE - WHERE - WHEN - WHO - WHICH - THAT
Dear Sheila, In your last letter, you asked me to tell you about all the things I did during my summer vacation. We went to Vancouver (1)I have some...
Scegli uno di questi pronomi relativi WHOSE - THAT - WHO - WHERE per completare ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. What's the name of the city... the Golden Gate Bridge is? / 2. What do you call a machine.... you can get money from in the street? / 3. What do...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi che usano i PRONOMI relativi.
1. on / me / the / table / the / give / jug /. / which / is --- 2. man / is / that / in / big /. / who / a / lives / lawyer / house / the --- 3....
Guarda questi annunci scritti dagli utenti su un sito di incontri. Tutti usano pronomi relativi. Quanti errori ci sono in ogni frase: nessuno, 1 o 2?
1. I'm a man which likes fishing and reading. I would like to meet a woman who idea of a great evening is great conversation. // 2. I'd like to meet...
Guarda queste frasi che usano tutti i pronomi relativi. Quali frasi sono corrette?
1. That was the place where I'd seen you. // 2. Hannah went to get the book which I'd lent her the day before. // 3. It was raining again. The rain...
Scegli uno di questi pronomi relativi WHO, WHICH, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT per completare ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. Alexander Graham Bell is the man....invented the telephone. // 2. The son finds most demanding is French. // 3. They met in the...
Riscrivi ciascuna di queste frasi usando non più di cinque parole in ogni spazio e usando il PRONOME tra parentesi senza cambiarlo.
1. Mario is the guy who cuts my hair every month. He's 37 today. > Mario,..., has his birthday today (who) // 2. Carol's house is the largest in the...
Completa le domande con WHAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOSE, HOW, WHERE(01):
1. ____ did you do that for? // 2. ____ dress do you want to wear, the red one or the blue one? // 3. ____ opened the door? // 4. ____ keys are...
Completa le domande con WHAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOSE, HOW, WHERE(02):
11. ____ did the party last? – Almost two hours. // 12. ____ did you do in Australia? // 13. ____ jacket is this? - I think it’s mine. // 14....
Completa le domande con WHAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOSE, HOW, WHERE(03):
21. ____ do you normally get to school? // 22. ____ did you find her? – Yesterday evening. She was in the park // 23. ____ does she teach? // 24....
Crea tante domande per ogni QUESTION WORDS che trovi tra parentesi, in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(01):
1. We went home quickly in the evening. (how, where, when) // 2. Peter watched his friend closely (whom, how) // 3. Jenny told us a long story...
Crea tante domande per ogni QUESTION WORDS che trovi tra parentesi, in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(02):
9. I went to my friend’s place yesterday because I didn’t have anything else to do. (where, when, why) // 10. He spent the evening playing cards...