Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 27 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(01):
1) John has a book. It is _________. 2) Lena has boots. They are _________. 3) Phil and I have many toys. They are ________. 4) You have a hat. It...
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(02):
1) It belongs to me. It is ________. 2) It belongs to them. It is ________. 3) It belongs to us. It is __________. 4) It belongs to her. It is...
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(03):
1) I have a new book. It is ________. 2) She has a new cat. It is ________. 3) They have new pillows. It is ________. 4) We have new shoes. They...
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 01.
1 Mr Grant is alone today. Where is ...wife -- 2 My friend Irene is in Scotland with ...husband. -- 3 Paul and Lara are at school: that is
Decidi il POSSESSIVO corretto da inserire in ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. is Neil. I am a teacher. -- 2. That is your sister! What is -- 3. ..are Monica and Paula and we are Italian. -- 4. What is...
Completa le seguenti frasi con un AGGETTIVO oppure un PRONOME POSSESSIVO facendo attenzione alla persona indicata tra parentesi.
The bus stop is near... house. (we) / How is... new school? (you) / This is my bag and that is... . (he) / Sophia's hair is longer than... . (I)...
Completa il brano scegliendo per ogni parentesi il pronome personale o il pronome possessivo.
I am Robert and (I/ME/MY) live in Bristol. This is Jack. (HE/HIM/HIS) is (I/ME/MY) friend. (HE/HIM/HIS) lives in Bristol too. Sarah likes...
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 02.
1 That's a famous bridge. ... name's Tower Bridge. 2 They're my cousins. ... names are Daisy and Tom. 3 She's a famous actress. ... name's Emma...
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 03.
1 I've got two sisters. ... names are Emma and Jessica. 2 Hi, I'm Michael. What's ... name? 3 Isabelle is twelve and ... brother is sixteen. 4...
Scegli il PRONOME POSSESSIVO corretto fra i due proposti.
1 It isn't YOUR/YOURS car. It's our I ours. 2 Is that your I yours smartphone? No, MINE/MY is white. 3 Our I Ours car is big, but THEIRS/THEIR is...
Sostituisci le parole in maiuscolo con un PRONOME POSSESSIVO.
1 It's HIS BIKE. 2 They're EMMA'S FRIENDS. 3 It's OUR HOUSE. 4 They're KEVIN'S BOOKS. 5 It's HER WATCH. 6 They're YOUR PHOTOS. 7 It's THEIR CAMPER...
Inserisci il corretto PRONOME POSSESSIVO nelle seguenti frasi:
1. The boy was looking for __ parents. / 2. Did you go to __ house after school? / 3. I bought a giant candy bar because I wanted it to be all __ ....
Trova il pronome presente nelle seguenti frasi ed indica che tipo di pronome è(02):
1. My dog had puppies yesterday. / 2. All students have to read the book. / 3. Several parents disagree with the rule. / 4. The trees are...
Trova il pronome presente nelle seguenti frasi ed indica che tipo di pronome è(03):
1. The movie that Katie saw was fantastic. / 2. Are these sunglasses yours? / 3. Something seems wrong with this picture. / 4. Did you do any...
1 This is .. bag, and that is .., too. -- 2 What a nice car that one! Is that car .., John? -- 3 Is this pen .., Judy? No, it’s not .. -- 4 - Are...
Sostituisci i soggetti tra parentesi con un AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO.
1 (I) parents are from London. -- 2 (You) house is very big! -- 3 Have you bought it with (you) own money? -- 4 (They) children are at school now....
Riscrivi le frasi sostituendo la parte in stampatello con il PRONOME corretto.
1 That t-shirt is MY T-SHIRT. -- 2 This dog is JACK'S. -- 3 Is this my dictionary or YOUR DICTIONARY? -- 4 Are those shoes MARY'S ONES? -- 5 This car...
Completa le frasi usando una delle due scelte di PRONOMI:
1 John is coming to school on his own, he/his sister is staying at home. -- 2 Did your/yours father call? -- 3 Would you like to meet Jane? She is a...
Completa le frasi usando una delle due scelte riguardanti i PRONOMI:
1 The possessive pronouns / possessive adjectives always stand before the substantive. -- 2 The possessive pronouns / possessive adjectives stand...
Scrivi il corretto aggettivo POSSESSIVO negli spazi vuoti(01).
1 is Marco. What's yours? -- 2 Hannah is very angry that is broken again. -- 3 ...vacation was ruined by the weather and we had...
Seleziona il POSSESSIVO corretto scegliendolo fra i tre proposti:
1. The bike belongs to me. It is _____ bike. - his - her - my /// 2. The bike belongs to him. It is _____ bike. - he - her - his /// 3. The bike...
Guarda il video tratto dal film Toy Story e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'28" con 11 domande sui pronomi possessivi. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Indica il POSSESSIVO corretto fra i tre proposti per completare ogni frase:
1 That car is __. A=mine B=my C=me's / 2 But the other car is __. A=you B=yours C=your / 3 He claims that the jeep is __. A=his B=him C=he's / 4...
Indica se la parola in stampatello è un SOGGETTO, un COMPLEMENTO OGGETTO oppure un PRONOME POSSESSIVO
SHE likes playing football. / MY name is Greg. / Tim can see HER in the supermarket. / What's YOUR favourite food? / HE can see Emily in the shop. /...
Completa le frasi con un AGGETTIVO o PRONOME POSSESSIVO.
The bus stop is near... house. (we) / How is... new school? (you) / This is my bag and that is... . (he) / Sophia's hair is longer than... . (I) /...
Scrivi il corretto aggettivo POSSESSIVO negli spazi vuoti(02).
1.The boy / 2.Mary sees...mother every day. / 3.My friends bring...children to our place on Saturdays. / 4.The cat
Scrivi il PRONOME POSSESSIVO corretto per indicare a chi appartiene il soggetto di ogni frase, esempio: This pen is her pen > hers.
1.These pens are Bill's and Sue's pens. / 2.This office is her office. / 3.That book is our book. / 4.This coat is your coat. / 5.That dog is my dog....