Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 97 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT:
1. Mark (study) biology since high school. / 2. Sophie (read) novels after school. / 3. He (love) to watch television since he was a kid. / 4. Many...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS:
1. We (read)a book in my class. / 2. The entire team (works) hard to improve their skills. / 3. That horse (runs) really fast in all of the races....
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al PRESENT-PERFECT(01):
1. Nora flies to Spain. / 2. Ted reads books and magazines. / 3. My friends visit Los Angeles. / 4. The actress plays many roles. / 5. My restaurant...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al PRESENT-PERFECT(02):
1. He goes to the party. / 2. She eats dinner. / 3. Oscar likes to play soccer. / 4. Four of us play the drums. / 5. Melanie sleeps for eight hours....
Guarda queste frasi al present perfect. FOR e SINCE vengono utilizzati correttamente o no?
1. They have been going out together for last February. // 2. According to this label, the document hasn't been updated since two years. // 3. Since...
Abbina ogni risposta breve a una domanda qui sotto.
RISPOSTE BREVI: A. Yes, he has. // B. No, they haven't. // C. No, it hasn't. // D. Yes, we have. // E. No, she hasn't. // F. Yes, they have. // G....
Completa il testo. Usa il PRESENT PERFECT o il PAST SIMPLE.
Film maker George Richards .... ( 1 - be) interested in the cinema since he ... ( 2 - be) a small child. He .... ( 3 - make) his first film when he...
C'è una parola in più in ognuna di queste frasi al PRESENT PERFECT, trovala.
1. I've have never been to Russia. What's it like? // 2. Have you ever been bought a sportscar? // 3. I haven't met to any famous person in my...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT e il PAST SIMPLE. L'espressione di tempo viene prima in ogni frase.
1. times / to / been / 1998 / I've / since / . / Russia / four / , --- 2. I / had / . / , / in / Russia / on / to / to / business / go / 1998 ---...
Usando le parole date, componi delle frasi usando il PRESENT PERFECT e JUST.
1) I/start a new book/have 2) We/finish/dinner 3) He/speak/to his friend 4) She/get/home from school. 5) Our friends/leave. 6) He/read a fantastic...
Usando le parole date, componi delle frasi usando il PRESENT PERFECT e NEVER.
1 Lisa/do/bungee jumping. 2 I/bake a cake. 3 Jack/make a model. 4 Sam and Tina/go dancing. 5 My grandparents/send a text message. 6 We/play a board...
Leggi le frasi e indica se sono al PAST SIMPLE o al PRESENT PERFECT.
1 I went to America last year. 2 I've been to America twice. 3 I took my grandma some books on Sunday. She's not very well. 4 I have taken my grandma...
Quali di queste espressioni di tempo passato si usano con il PAST SIMPLE e quali con il PRESENT PERFECT?
in August • this week • at 4 o'clock • since this morning • in winter • last night • since January • last month • on Monday • since...
Completa le frasi scegliendo il verbo alla forma giusta fra quelle proposte per ogni frase (01):
1. This sweatshirt __ by so many people in my family. / a. worn b. is being worn c. has been worn / 2. My mom __ three different countries before she...
Completa le frasi scegliendo il verbo alla forma giusta fra quelle proposte per ogni frase (02):
1. We __ the answers to the test, but we had forgotten them. / a. have known b. are knowing c. had known / 2. The family __ in the same neighborhood...
Leggi la storia e completa il brano coniugando i verbi proprosti fra parentesi al tempo corretto(01):
It was a beautiful day in Paris. Ian and Kelly had been walking all day, and now they were (to be) both very tired. They __________ (decide) to stop...
Leggi la storia e completa il brano coniugando i verbi proprosti fra parentesi al tempo corretto(02):
Alison had always wanted to play basketball on the high school team ever since she was (to be) a little girl. She __________ (practice) for years to...
Leggi la storia e completa il brano coniugando i verbi proprosti fra parentesi al tempo corretto(03):
My family and I decided to go to the new amusement park for my birthday. I had been planning our day for months, and now it was (to be) time to go. I...
Riordina le parole in ogni frase e scrivi una domanda al present perfect.
1. Have you finished cutting the grass? 2. Where has my friend gone? 3. Have you arranged when to meet Steve? 4. Who’s got the most conkers? 5. How...
Quali delle seguenti frasi sono al PRESENT PERFECT TENSE?
1 We have seen the light. / 2 I have finished my work for today. / 3 She saw him and she liked him. / 4 We had a great time in Switzerland. / 5 ...
Completa le seguenti frasi usando HAVE oppure HAS per il present perfect:
1 I _______ seen this movie before. / 2 She _______ just finished her exams. / 3 We _______ asked for an extension. / 4 They _______ invited us for...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando il verbo suggerito al termine di ognuna e coniugandolo al PRESENT PERFECT TENSE(01).
1 They ___ ___ the train to Kyoto. take / 2 Mike ___ ___ for a job as a waiter. apply / 3 I ___ just ___ from my holiday. return / 4 I ___ ___ this...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando il verbo suggerito al termine di ognuna e coniugandolo al PRESENT PERFECT TENSE(02).
11 We ___ already ___ your car. repair / 12 My secretary ___ ___ here since 2005. work / 13 Congratulations! You ___ just ___ a million dollars! win...
Scrivi una domanda al termine di ogni frase in modo che il primo pezzo della frase sia la sua risposta.
1 RISPOSTA= He has been to China. DOMANDA= Where __? / 2 They have lived here for three years. How long _? / 3 Scott has taken your car. Who __? / 4...
Riscrivi ogni frase in forma NEGATIVA:
1 He has been to China. / 2 They have sent the package. / 3 Scott has taken your car. / 4 Jacy has completed her project. / 5 I have ordered...
Completa ogni frase usando il PRESENT PERFECT TENSE oppure il PAST TENSE del verbo suggerito alla fine:
1 He ____ last night on a train to New York. LEAVE / 2 __ Sally ever __ her son to the zoo? TAKE / 3 I __ not __ golf for a couple of years. PLAY / 4...
Correggi gli errori di PRESENT PERFECT che ci sono in queste frasi:
1 Joe have finished his homework. / 2 Have you finish reading that book? / 3 I have seen that movie last week. / 4 John and Mary has started a...
Riempi gli spazi in queste frasi con BEEN o GONE:
1. Let's ask Peter about Florida - he's .... there twice. // 2. I've ..... to museum to see the exhibition on old dolls. It was a bit boring to be...
Guarda come BEEN e GONE sono usati in queste frasi e indica se sono corrette o no.
1. If you've already gone to Canada, why are you planning another vacation there? // 2. "Where's your husband, Mrs. Lawrie?" the gangster asked....
Leggi questo testo sul vecchio colonnello. Poi utilizza le istruzioni di risposta per scrivere delle domande utilizzando il PRESENT PERFECT o il PAST SIMPLE.
I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and I don't work anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired when I was 69. I have been...
Leggi questa storia e coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nel tempo giusto(01):
One day a husband and wife (1) (drive) to the countryside to visit their friends when they realised they needed to stop for gas The man was filling...
Leggi questa storia e coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nel tempo giusto(02):
John is 32 years old and lives in Manchester with his girlfriend, Gita He (have) a very unusual job - he is a stuntman! Every day he (drive) to the...
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS, completa ogni frase usando uno dei finali suggeriti.
FRASI: 1. I am sweating because. --- 2. I've been crying because. --- 3. My clothes are all wet because. --- 4. I'm really angry because. --- 5. I'm...
Leggi queste frasi e per ogni spazio, scegli tra il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE o il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi(01):
1. I've....this room all morning and now I'm exhausted! (clean) // 2. Hurry up Jane! You've only....two s and we have to write the answers to five....
Leggi queste frasi e per ogni spazio, scegli tra il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE o il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi(02):
1. I'm really tired. I....since seven thirty this morning. (work) // 2. six schools in six years. He never stays in the same job. (teach)...
Leggi queste frasi e per ogni spazio, scegli tra il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE o il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi(03):
1. When I got home, the neighbor said that my dog (bark) for an hour. // 2. I (sit) on my front porch when I saw the eagle. // 3. When I called up,...
Leggi queste frasi che usano il present perfect continuous e past perfect continuous. Ci sono quattro frasi corrette e quattro errate. Quali sono corrette?
1. I'd been working for a very bad company when I met my present boss, who offered me this job. // 2. Don, sit down and relax! You've been working...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. morning / cleaning / these / been / dirty /. / all / I've / floors --- 2. three / office / for / has / Liz / this /. / in / been / weeks / working...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past oppure present perfect(01):
1. The weather ___ (be) awful in the past few days. // 2. We ___ (wash) the dishes. They’re clean now. // 3. ____ (your course, start) yet? // 4....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past oppure present perfect(02):
11. How long ___ (Vicky, have) that camera? – For about a month. // 12. We ___ (just come) back from our holidays. // 13. You parcel ___ (arrive)....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past oppure present perfect(03):
1. The President ___ (just come) out of the building and will make a speech in a moment. // 2. ____ (you ever be) to America? // 3. ____ (Churchill...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past oppure present perfect(04):
11. It ___ (be) very dry so far this week, but it ___ (rain) a lot last week. // 12. I would like to meet a ghost but I ____ (never see) one before....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present perfect(01):
1. The earth ___ here for billions of years (be). // 2. We ___ cards for the last few hours (play). // 3. We ___ problems with our new car recently...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present perfect(02):
11. I’m tired because I ___ well lately. (not feel) // 12. _____ your problems? (your parents, always, understand) // 13. The patient ___...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present perfect(03):
21. I ___ for 6 years. (marry) // 22. Dad ___ a number of jobs in the last few years (have). // 23. The bank is still closed. It ___ yet. (not open)...
PRESENT PERFECT: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01).
1 George has ___ his breakfast and is ready to go. A=finished B=finish C=finishing / 2 Johnson has ___ up his room. A=tidied B=tidy C=tidying / 3 The...
PRESENT PERFECT: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(02).
1 We use the present perfect tense with the keyword ___. A=already B=ago C=last / 2 Which sentence is correct? A=Jenny has read that book a year ago....
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi alla forma NEGATIVA con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He does not write letters (01):
Present Progressive / Simple Past / Past Progressive / Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect / will-future / going...
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi alla forma NEGATIVA con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He does not write letters (02):
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect Progressive / Future Progressive / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Progressive /...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(01):
We are watching a film - He often reads books - Tomorrow the sun will shine - I was listening to the radio yesterday evening - We are going to fly to...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(02):
They are riding a bike - She looked at a picture - We often take photos - I have just had a cup of tea - Alice will learn French next year -...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(03):
Tom is asking a question - He helped his mum last Sunday - Jessica lives with her mother - He has written an e-mail - There will be some rain in the...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato ogni verbo:
cleans - is reading - listened - speak - am going - have watched - are going to fly - were - will work - has been raining
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He writes letters(01):
Simple Present / Present Progressive / Simple Past / Past Progressive / Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect / will-future /...
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He writes letters(02):
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect Progressive / Future Progressive / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Progressive /...
Quiz sul PRESENT PERFECT, rispondi ad ogni domanda scegliendo una delle risposte elencate:
Which verb forms are used with the Present Perfect? had, had had, has, has had oppure have had / What are typical signal words for the Present...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al PRESENT PERFECT:
We ride our bikes. / She writes texts. / They are watching videos. / Does he often jog? / Jack plays computer games. / Why do you have so many pets?...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(04):
Did you play tennis yesterday? // Have you ever watched a film in English? // Was John reading the book last night? // How long have you been...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
Our class... the test yet. (not/to write) / Tim and Joe... the boxes into the house yet. (not/to carry) / It... to snow. (not/to start) / The cat......
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
She... her room... . (not/to tidy up/yet) / They... a Tablet PC... . (not/to use/so far) / My father... the car. It is still dirty. (not/to polish) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(01):
Karen... me an e-mail. (to send) / Dave and Pat... the museum. (to visit) / I... at the pet shop. (to be) / They... already... their rucksacks. (to...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(02):
The students... a flight to Vienna. (to book) / The cat... a mouse. (just/to catch) / Jack and Brian... this picture. (just/to draw) / He... his...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma INTERROGATIVA(01): the kitchen door? (to paint) / ...your brother... the shopping? (to do) / ...Julian ever... a spider? (to touch) / ...your father ever......
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma INTERROGATIVA(02): five years? (John/to live/for) / ...the e-mail to grandma... = (the twins/to write/yet) / Why... so much money on sweets? (Dan/to spend) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(03):
Emma... this film on TV. (never/to see) / How often... she... the office this morning? (to phone) / ...the Millers... yet? (to arrive) / John... on a...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(04):
I... in a restaurant before. (never/to work) / ...the school bus? (Robin/to miss/ever) / They... each other... a long time now. (to know/for) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
Carl... to the teacher for the last ten minutes. (not/to listen) / The students... to learn the new words. (not/to try) / Kim... crossword puzzles....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS(01):
I... this website since 1999. (to run) / My parents... for years. (to smoke) / He... for his girlfriend since 6 o'clock. (to wait) / We... in Greece...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
Andrew... in the country since 2015. (not/to live) / How long... your grandparents this car? (to drive) / They... today. (not/to cycle) / Tony... his...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(03):
Max... his comic book. (not/to read) / How long... French? (they/to learn) / I... for two months now. (not/to drive) / ...the whole morning? (she/to...
Completa il brano con il PAST SIMPLE oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
Most of us think we can't live without our mobile phones. However, they(not / be) in existence for very long. The very first mobile phones(not be)...
Completa il brano con il PAST SIMPLE, PAST CONTINUOUS oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
Mark Zuckerberg (start) Facebook in 2004. At that time Mark was (study) psychology and computer science at Harvard University. While he (attend)...
Completa il brano con il PAST SIMPLE, PAST CONTINUOUS oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi in elenco.
buy • go • not have • read • speak • surf • watch • work
1 Jane.....a book when her boyfriend called her. 2 interesting...
Completa le frasi con il PAST SIMPLE oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
1 Last week I(buy) two detective novels to read on holiday. 2 I (read) three books this year. 3 We (have) dinner in a Turkish restaurant last...
Completa il dialogo con il PAST SIMPLE oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
1 A:(you / have) lunch yet? B: Yes, I (have) it an hour ago. 2 A: Has (Julia / tidy) her room? B: Yes, she (tidy) it yesterday afternoon. 3 A:...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del PAST SIMPLE oppure del PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi: be • finish • see • correct • go.
1 see a white water rafting competition yesterday. 2....Miss Jackson....our English compositions? 3 Dennis and I....a great film last...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi: eat • arrive • make • write • do • send • be(x2)
1 I....ten emails this morning. 2 She....a poem for her mum. 3 They....two chocolate cakes for the birthday party later. 4 We....all our homework. 5...
Completa le frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi alla forma affermativa o negativa in base al senso della frase.
1 I (eat) all my lunch. I'm not very hungry. 2 George(start) his painting. The canvas is blank. 3 Sarah(go) to Australia. She will be back next week....
Traduci in inglese le seguenti frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT (01).
1 Sono stato in America. 2 Abbiamo fatto la pizza per cena. 3 Si è lavata i capelli. 4 Sono andati al parco. 5 Si è tagliato un ginocchio. 6 Hai...
Traduci in inglese le seguenti frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT (02).
1 Hai mai provato il cibo indiano? 2 Non sono mai stato a Londra. 3 Non abbiamo mai fatto parapendio. 4 Non ha mai fatto una torta di compleanno per...
Completa la conversazione telefonica con la forma affermativa, negativa o interrogativa del PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
RYAN: Hi Al, I want to take Katie to the cinema but I don't know what film to choose. new Tom Cruise one? (see) RYAN: No, I....but...
Scegli l'alternativa corretta in queste frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT.
1 I went to the cinema last Sunday / since Sunday. 2 I have read two books since Sunday/last Sunday. 3 She didn't sleep well since yesterday /...
Scrivi quale forma verbale inglese è corretto usare nelle situazioni indicate in ogni frase(01):
1. We use ____ tense to talk about actions in the future. -- 2. If an action happened today I would use ____ tense. -- 3. We use ____ tense to talk...
Scrivi quale forma verbale inglese è corretto usare nelle situazioni indicate in ogni frase(02):
11. If an action happened two days ago I would use ____ tense. -- 12. We use ____ tense to talk about actions in the past but in unfinished time. --...
Le seguenti istruzioni sull'uso dei verbi inglesi, sono TRUE o FALSE?(02):
8. In present perfect the action is past and the time is finished. -- 9. We need infinitive form to make questions and negative sentences in past...
Le seguenti istruzioni sull'uso dei verbi inglesi, sono TRUE o FALSE?(01):
1. We use did to make question and negative sentences in past simple tense. -- 2. We use present simple to talk about regular actions and things that...
Leggi la storia qui sotto e indica tutti i verbi principali. Poi scrivi un numero vicino a ciascuno di essi per mostrare se è: infinitive=1, simple form=2, past tense=3, past participle=4, ing form=5.
The Hungry Lion and the Foolish Stag
A beautiful stag was drinking at a pool. He noticed his reflection in the water and was admiring the size...
Partendo dalla frase I EAT CHOCOLATE EVERY DAY, trasforma il verbo EAT nei tempi indicati(ove possibile):
2. Zero Conditional. PRESENT: 3. Present Continuous, 4. Present Perfect, 5. Present Perfect Continuous, 6. Imperative Form. PAST: 7. Past Simple, 8....
QUIZ con domande miste sui verbi, scegli la risposta corretta fra quelle proposte:
1 Which of these sentences is in the present simple tense? / A) I bought a new pet. B) My pets love me. C) I’m feeding my pets. / 2 Which of these...
Guarda il video tratto dal film Cattivissimo Me(03) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'40" con 10 domande sul present perfect. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Cattivissimo Me(04) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 3'16" con 8 domande sui vocaboli dell'abbigliamento. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
PRESENT PERFECT e avverbi di tempo: scegli l'avverbio giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Have you __ seen a ghost? A=wherever B=ever C=never / 2 I have been to Shanghai ___. A=three times B=a time C=ever / 3 Which is the best sentence?...
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 He is out of breath because he has been __. A=running B=ran C=run / 2 I'm not hungry. I've been ___ all day. A=eating B=ate C=eaten / 3 I have been...
PRESENT PERFECT forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 She ___ eaten yet. A=have not B=has not C=not has / 2 Peter ___ finished reading the Economist. A=has not B=not has C=have not / 3 Viola has not...
PRESENT PERFECT forma passiva: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 The herb __ been used for centuries in Tibet for healing purposes. A=have B=had C=has / 2 The secret __ been passed down from generation to...
PRESENT PERFECT forma interrogativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 __ you ever seen a ghost? A=Have B=Has C=Had / 2 __ you ever climbed a mountain? A=Had B=Have C=Has / 3 __ Dorothy returned to Kansas yet? A=Have...
PAST SIMPLE o PRESENT PERFECT? scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 I _____ golf for a couple of years. A=did not play B=have not played / 2 His boss ____ at him many times for being late. A=shouted B=has shouted /...