Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 298 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
Abbina i pronomi personali soggetto inglesi dell'elenco ai corrispondenti pronomi italiani:
Scrivi gli otto pronomi personali soggetto inglesi in ordine dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona plurale:
Scrivi gli otto pronomi personali soggetto inglesi in ordine INVERSO dalla terza persona plurale alla prima persona singolare:
Scrivi il present simple del verbo TO BE in ordine dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona plurale comprensivo dei pronomi personali:
Scrivi il present simple del verbo TO BE in ordine in ordine INVERSO dalla terza persona plurale alla prima persona singolare comprensivo dei pronomi personali:
Scrivi il present simple del verbo TO HAVE GOT in ordine dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona plurale comprensivo dei pronomi personali:
Scrivi il present simple del verbo TO HAVE GOT in ordine in ordine INVERSO dalla terza persona plurale alla prima persona singolare comprensivo dei pronomi personali:
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(02).
mountain - zoo - copy - tree - country - day - sky - knife - bed - dress
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(03).
dollar - cross - tooth - sky - table - story - Japanese - store - roof - bus
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(04).
crash - chief - self - dress - mess - series - sheep - family - toy - table
Scrivi il SINGOLARE delle seguenti parole(01).
roses - boys - families - potatoes - wives - photos - children - sandwiches - fish - feet
Scrivi il SINGOLARE delle seguenti parole(02).
lamps - cities - sheep - cliffs - roofs - thieves - pence - pianos - teeth - bases
Scrivi il SINGOLARE delle seguenti parole(03).
boxes - ladies - men - days - sheriffs - shelves - heroes - oxen - diagnoses - criteria
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(05).
1.wife - 2.door - - 4.window - 5.teacher - - 7.pen - - 9.dress - 10.pencil
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(06).
1.key - 2.potato - 3.hat - 4.class - 5.student - - 7.bus - 8.boy - 9.lady -
Metti le lettere maiuscole ai nomi propri nelle seguenti frasi:
1) pat the cat laps the milk. 2) mrs. brown tells her students to sit down. 3) noah asks his mom for a snack. 4) father maxwell reads the story...
Indica i nomi al plurale:
desk chairs table couches rug carpets cushion pillows lamps book shelves clock pictures frame blanket magazines toys bowl candies nuts phone curtains...
Osserva il verbo e scegli con attenzione il nome al singolare o al plurale(01):
1. The boy / boys eats an apple. 2. The girl / girls curl their hair. 3. The teacher / teachers speaks to the class. 4. The curtain / curtains are...
Osserva il verbo e scegli con attenzione il nome al singolare o al plurale(02):
1) My pillow / pillows are pink. 2) My bed / beds is small. 3) The room / rooms are clean. 4) The couch / couches is comfortable. 5) The table /...
Osserva il verbo e scegli con attenzione il nome al singolare o al plurale(03):
1. The bunny / bunnies eat carrots. 2. The horse / horses runs fast. 3. The hamster / hamsters are hungry. 4. The cat / cats plays with the...
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(01):
1) A cat, many cat __________. 2) A bird, many __________. 3) A dog, many __________. 4) A bunny, many ___________. 5) A hamster, many...
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(02):
1) A room, many __________. 2) A table, many __________. 3) A chair, many __________. 4) A bed, many ___________. 5) A couch, many...
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(03):
1) A toy, many __________. 2) A doll, many __________. 3) A car, many __________. 4) A robot, many ___________. 5) A card, many ____________. 6)...
Metti l'apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(01):
1. The chair belongs to Mr. Palmer. It is Mr. Palmer _______ chair. 2. The ruler belongs to Ava. It is Ava ______ ruler. 3. The apple belongs to...
Metti l'apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(02):
1. The hat belongs to Nick. It is Nick ________ hat. 2. The coat belongs to dad. It is dad _________ coat. 3. The scarf belongs to Ms. Brown. It is...
Metti l'apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(03):
1. The car belongs to my mother. It is my mother __________ car. 2. The dog belongs to Tony. It is Tony ___________ dog. 3. The keys belong to my...
Unisci ogni soggetto dell'elenco con il pronome personale corretto(02):
SOGGETTI: Gave Louis and I - Talk to Lucy - Presented to John - Feed the cat - Reads to the kids - Sat on the chair - Showed you and your friend...
Unisci ogni soggetto dell'elenco con il pronome personale corretto(03):
SOGGETTI: My friends - The girl - A cat - You and I - You and Bill - The boys - This boy - Lisa and her friends - A car - Emma
Unisci ogni soggetto dell'elenco con il pronome personale corretto(01):
SOGGETTI: Mark - to your brother - John and I - gave the girl - finish a book - the dog - you and your friend - Mary - look at the stars -...
Sostituisci i soggetti in STAMPATELLO delle seguenti frasi con il pronome personale corretto:
1) ARDEN AND I go to the movies. a. I b. We c. He d. They 2) YOU AND I like cookies. a. We b. You c. They d. Us 3) YOU AND MICHAEL prefer cake to...
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(01):
1) John has a book. It is _________. 2) Lena has boots. They are _________. 3) Phil and I have many toys. They are ________. 4) You have a hat. It...
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(02):
1) It belongs to me. It is ________. 2) It belongs to them. It is ________. 3) It belongs to us. It is __________. 4) It belongs to her. It is...
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(03):
1) I have a new book. It is ________. 2) She has a new cat. It is ________. 3) They have new pillows. It is ________. 4) We have new shoes. They...
Scrivi i plurali dei nomi aggiungendo S oppure ES(01):
1) station - 2) house - 3) building - 4) church - 5) mall - 6) apartment - 7) sea - 8) beach - 9) bridge - 10) waltz - 11) dance - 12)...
Scrivi i plurali dei nomi aggiungendo S oppure ES(02):
1) block - 2) pot - 3) pan - 4) plate - 5) dish - 6) spoon - 7) fork - 8) box - 9) sandwich - 10) apple - 11) orange - 12) chair - 13)...
Scrivi i plurali dei nomi aggiungendo S oppure ES(03):
1) tree - 2) ant - 3) fox - 4) dog - 5) rabbit - 6) pool - 7) deck - 8) ditch - 9) road - 10) street - 11) lake - 12) peach - 13) heart ...
Scrivi i plurali delle seguenti parole che terminano per Y(01):
1) toy - 2) ploy - 3) play - 4) blue jay - 5) birthday - 6) alley - 7) tray - 8) turkey - 9) monkey - 10) valley - 1) day - 2) chimney -...
Scrivi i plurali delle seguenti parole che terminano per Y(02):
1) enemy 2) story 3) pony 4) army 5) body 6) berry 7) baby 8) factory 9) lady 10) puppy 1) daisy 2) butterfly 3) froggy 4)...
Sostituisci le espressioni tra parentesi con i corretti PRONOMI PERSONALI SOGGETTO.
1 (Nicolas) .... is a dentist / 2 (Luke) .... is my cousin. / 3 (Your cousin and his wife) .... are at the disco / 4 (Miss Janet) .... is French. / 5...
SINGOLARE, PLURALE oppure ENTRAMBI? Scegli l'opzione corretta.
1 We / 2 She / 3 I / 4 It / 5 You / 6 They / 7 He
Cambia i seguenti nomi in PRONOMI PERSONALI.
1 Leyla / 2 Justin / 3 Mike and Susan / 4 The weather / 5 Me and you / 6 You and your two brothers / 7 Your dog and its puppies / 8 A ring / 9 The...
Sostituisci il soggetto tra parentesi con il PRONOME appropriato.
1 (Michael) studies everyday. / 2 (Susan and I) are going to the pub tonight, would you come with us? / 3 (My brothers) are living abroad now. / 4...
Verbo TO BE: scegli la persona corretta.
1 I/They/We am a student. / 2 It/I/They are a beautiful couple. / 3 We/It/He is cold today. / 4 You/I/He are good at playing the guitar. / 5...
Completa le frasi con il PRONOME PERSONALE corretto.
1 This is my brother Kyle. ... is 13. / 2 Hey Mike, look at that dog and its little puppies. ... are so sweet! / 3 Listen to this music.
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(01).
1 Photo: .. -- 2 Roof: .. -- 3 Potato: .. -- 4 Series: .. -- 5 Bus: .. -- 6 Tomato: .. -- 7 Toe: .. -- 8 People: .. -- 9 Family: .. -- 10...
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 01.
1 Mr Grant is alone today. Where is ...wife -- 2 My friend Irene is in Scotland with ...husband. -- 3 Paul and Lara are at school: that is
I oppure ME? completa le seguenti frasi con il pronome corretto(01):
Mom made the bed for ____. The party will be fun for you and ____. Kim and ____ walked to the bakery. Ben and ____ make a great team. Will you...
I oppure ME? completa le seguenti frasi con il pronome corretto(02):
Mom and ____ are going to see auntie Sue. Sam will ask Tom or ___ for a ride to the store. Mom drove ____ to school today. ____ really want that...
I oppure ME? completa le seguenti frasi con il pronome corretto(03):
____ walked downstairs. Sam ate with ____. Please give the tickets to ____. ____ read a story to my brother. Tom and ____ played a game...
Decidi il POSSESSIVO corretto da inserire in ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. is Neil. I am a teacher. -- 2. That is your sister! What is -- 3. ..are Monica and Paula and we are Italian. -- 4. What is...
Seleziona il PRONOME corretto scegliendolo fra i due proposti(01):
1. Please give ____ water. - I - me /// 2. I send ____ a letter every month. - him - he /// 3. George cooks fish for ____ every day. - them - they...
PRONOMI personali o AGGETTIVI possessivi? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta:
Suzanne friend. not very tall and slim. ....has a small oval face, ....has long blond hair and ....eyes are blue. eleven...
Completa le frasi con un PRONOME soggetto o un AGGETTIVO possessivo.
1. ... name's Dave. / 2. Betty is English, ... is from London. / 3. We are in Class 1B, ... teacher is Me Lee. / 4. Charlie and Jack are brothers,...
Completa le frasi con il PRONOME PERSONALE corretto.
1. My teacher is Miss Danes, ... is great. / 2. John and I are best friends, ... are in Class 2A. / 3. Andy and Pete are American, ... are from...
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO o il PRONOME PERSONALE soggetto corretto.
1. My teacher is cool! ... name is Miss Dalston. / 2. My name is Jim Green and ... favourite colour is green too! / 3. Jim and Tom are brothers, ......
Scegli il PRONOME PERSONALE complemento corretto:
1. English is my favourite subject, I love it/them. -- 2. Jake is my best friend, I sit next to her/him in class. -- 3. Me and my brother go to the...
Completa le seguenti frasi con un AGGETTIVO oppure un PRONOME POSSESSIVO facendo attenzione alla persona indicata tra parentesi.
The bus stop is near... house. (we) / How is... new school? (you) / This is my bag and that is... . (he) / Sophia's hair is longer than... . (I)...
Completa il brano scegliendo per ogni parentesi il pronome personale o il pronome possessivo.
I am Robert and (I/ME/MY) live in Bristol. This is Jack. (HE/HIM/HIS) is (I/ME/MY) friend. (HE/HIM/HIS) lives in Bristol too. Sarah likes...
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (01):
...pupils / ...time / / ...dollars / ...milk / ...children / ...water / / ...dogs / ...people
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (02):
...CDs / / ...cups / ...juice / ...time / ...pencils / ...cheese / ...cornflakes / ...pizzas / ...lemonade
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (03):
...nonsense / / ...smoke / / ...mice / ...women / ...countries / ...teachers / ...fruit / ...cups
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(01):
milk - room - butter - song - music - minute - tea - child - homework - key
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(02):
rice - potato - information - man - bread - poetry - mile - vegetable - weather - sheep
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(03):
confusion - roof - traffic - pain - behaviour - knife - cutlery - freedom - mouth - peace
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(04):
luck - permission - ox - work - salmon - crisis - baggage - research - aircraft - rubbish
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(05).
tomato - tooth - aircraft - logo - mouse - crisis - passer-by - radius - grown-up - crossroads
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(04): dreaming. (George) / green. (the blackboard) / ...are on the wall. (the posters) / running. (the dog) / ...are watching TV. (my...
Indica quale pronome personale è possibile utilizzare per sostituire i seguenti nomi:
sister - boy - school - cars - Emily and Jack - bike - Sophia and I - dad - parents - teacher
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per creare due frasi da ogni frase iniziale, come nell'esempio:
This is Henry....comes from Scotland > This is Henry. He comes from Scotland.
Look at Jack and Susan....are walking. / What time is it? 10...
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (01):
pencils / lemonade / pounds / literature / water / dirt / snow / files / bones / trouble / CDs / music / cups / juice / time
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (02):
pupils / time / money / dollars / milk / children / water / fun / dogs / people / pencils / cheese / cornflakes / pizzas / lemonade
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole irregolari. - 2.child - 3.tooth - 4.woman - - 6.foot - 7.person - 8.sheep - 9.mouse
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(06):
1.I see (they, them) every day . - 2.He sits near (I, me) in class. - 3.She goes with (we, us) to the movies a lot. - 4.I like (she, her) very much....
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(07):
1.Sue always eats icecream after lunch. ...always eats icecream after lunch. / 2.The boy goes to school every day. ...goes to school every day. /...
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (03):
cars - music - pictures - flowers - milk - numbers - money - tea - girls - pencils
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (04):
food - evenings - websites - sugar - women - cheese - children - time - mice - information
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 02.
1 That's a famous bridge. ... name's Tower Bridge. 2 They're my cousins. ... names are Daisy and Tom. 3 She's a famous actress. ... name's Emma...
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 03.
1 I've got two sisters. ... names are Emma and Jessica. 2 Hi, I'm Michael. What's ... name? 3 Isabelle is twelve and ... brother is sixteen. 4...
Completa le domande utilizzando MUCH o MANY e interpretando le risposte per capire cosa scrivere negli spazi con i puntini 01.
1 How .... in your class? There are 33 students in my class. 2 How .... in the fridge? There is a lot of ice cream in the fridge. 3 How .... in your...
Completa le domande utilizzando MUCH o MANY e interpretando le risposte per capire cosa scrivere negli spazi con i puntini 02.
1 your wallet? No, I haven't. Only 5 pounds. 2 ....? Yes, they have got 5 children: two sons and three daughters. 3 ....biscuits in that tin?...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per ogni frase(01).
1 There's MUCH/A LOT OF fruit in the kitchen. 2 Are there MANY/MUCH eggs in the fridge? 3 We haven't got MUCH/MANY time. 4 There's A LOT OF/MUCH milk...
Sostituisci le parole in stampatello con dei PRONOMI PERSONALI.
1 Dad's car is always clean. He washes HIS CAR every Saturday morning. 2 We've got two Labradors. We walk THE TWO LABRADORS in the local park. 3 Our...
Scegli il PRONOME POSSESSIVO corretto fra i due proposti.
1 It isn't YOUR/YOURS car. It's our I ours. 2 Is that your I yours smartphone? No, MINE/MY is white. 3 Our I Ours car is big, but THEIRS/THEIR is...
Sostituisci le parole in maiuscolo con un PRONOME POSSESSIVO.
1 It's HIS BIKE. 2 They're EMMA'S FRIENDS. 3 It's OUR HOUSE. 4 They're KEVIN'S BOOKS. 5 It's HER WATCH. 6 They're YOUR PHOTOS. 7 It's THEIR CAMPER...
Trova gli AGGETTIVI e i nomi nel seguente elenco di parole:
bird happy walk yellow big egg eat shiny blue rock lamp salty water chair jog dark dirty arm girl fluffy large donkey furry smile warm apple
Indica i nomi nelle seguenti frasi(01):
The cat is purring. The boy kicked the ball. Sam plays with his friend Ben. The bus stops at the red light. We saw tigers at the zoo. These...
Indica i nomi nelle seguenti frasi(02):
Parker is eating an apple. Canada is a beautiful country. The jar is broken. My sister painted a pretty picture. The girls are dancing. Tom is...
Indica i nomi nelle seguenti frasi(03):
Who likes bananas? Luke brought cake to the party. The rabbit skipped across the road. Ice floats on water. All kids love ice cream. We’re...
ANYONE, EVERYONE, SOMEONE, NO ONE: scegli il pronome indefinito corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1) Can _____________ pass the salt? 2) _________________ can pass this test. 3) This movie is for _________________. 4) It is too difficult,...
ANYONE, EVERYONE, SOMEONE, NO ONE: scegli il pronome indefinito corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
1) There is ____ for you in the fridge. 2) I am so hungry, I could eat ____. 3) Oh no, there is ____ left! 4) _________ you make is delicious. 5)...
ANYONE, EVERYONE, SOMEONE, NO ONE: scegli il pronome indefinito corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(03):
1) There is a dance.______ is invited. 2) I am certain ______ will come. 3) If you don’t invite them, ______ will show up. 4) There is no...
Sostituisci tutti i nomi in STAMPATELLO con il corretto pronome personale nelle seguenti frasi:
1) PAT AND RITA climb up the stairs. 2) THE DOG barks loudly. 3) FRANNY gave THE CAT its toy. 4) GRANDMA reads THE CHILDREN a story. 5) MARK...
Indica i nomi nelle seguenti frasi(04):
Amy threw the ball for her dog to fetch. Children are playing in the park. How many candies do you have? Sue likes to write in my journal. My...
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei segenti nomi(01):
person - fungus - tuna - basis - criterion - shelf - calf - series - woman - foot - knife - goose
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei segenti nomi(02):
sheep - moose - cactus - ox - man - child - deer - leaf - wolf - mouse - fish - tooth
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei nomi fra parentesi e completa le frasi(01):
1) The _____________ run to the park. (child) 2) Your _____________ have grown; you need new boots. (foot) 3) Many _____________ will attend the...
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei nomi fra parentesi e completa le frasi(02):
1) The ____________ go beside the spoons. (knife) 2) There are so many __________ in this pond. (fish) 3) The _____________ flew south for winter....
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei nomi fra parentesi e completa le frasi(03):
1) Place all your ____________ in a jar. (penny) 2) There are so many ____________. (box) 3) I like the pattern of the ___________. (series) 4)...
Trova i nomi nelle seguenti frasi ed indica se sono al singolare o al plurale:
1) These pencils are sharp. 2) Melanie has the eraser. 3) Write three sentences. 4) Let’s read this book. 5) Play with the blocks. 6) Put...
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i nomi evidenziati in STAMPATELLO(01):
1. Would you like some MILK with your cereal? 2. You will need EGGS and sugar for this recipe. 3. Devon asked for more TIME to finish his test. ...
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i nomi evidenziati in STAMPATELLO(02):
1. Would you like me to add some more MILK to your hot chocolate? 2. Malcolm poured syrup on his PANCAKES. 3. I would like another PLATE of...
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i nomi evidenziati in STAMPATELLO(03):
1. She folded the clean TOWEL and put it in the closet. 2. A lot of research goes into these ASSIGNMENTS. 3. Mom thinks there is enough TIME to...
ME oppure I? scegli il pronome corretto e completa le frasi (01):
1. ________ went to the store with mom. 2. She bought ________ some new clothes. 3. ________ tried them on first. 4. Mom made sure they fit...
ME oppure I? scegli il pronome corretto e completa le frasi (02):
1. Frank and ______ went to football practice. 2. He passed ______ the ball. 3. ______ passed it back. 4. As we played, _____ said: “Pass it to...
ME oppure I? scegli il pronome corretto e completa le frasi (03):
1. The teacher told Marissa and ____ that it was our turn. 2. She and ____ went to the front of the class. 3. ____ placed our poster on the...
Sostituisci la parola in STAMPATELLO con il corretto PRONOME PERSONALE(01):
THE FIREMEN rescued the cat from the tree. / MY FRIENDS AND I are going to the movies. / TOM likes to read books about fairies. / MOM AND DAD are...
Sostituisci la parola in STAMPATELLO con il corretto PRONOME PERSONALE(02):
Did DAD wash the car? / The pile of clothes on the floor belong to BEN. / DAD parked THE CAR in the garage. / MAX is digging a hole in the garden. /...
Sostituisci la parola in STAMPATELLO con il corretto PRONOME PERSONALE(03):
KITTENS like to drink milk. / This is SOFIA’s hat. / THE KITE flies in the sky. / Amy threw THE BALL for her dog to fetch. / CHILDREN are playing...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1. Laura told her friend Julie that ____ could not go to her hous tonight. 2. Phil was happy...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
1. It is getting dark outside; __ ___ should go back home. 2. Lori looks sad. I wonder if...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(03):
1. The book I am reading is interesting; _____ is about dinosaurs. 2. The cashier told my mom...
Sostituisci tutti i nomi in STAMPATELLO con il corretto pronome personale nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1. ELIZABETH came downstairs to answer the door. 2. FRANK gave a hand to his brother, and they fixed the bike together. 3. YOUR GOLDFISH looks...
Sostituisci tutti i nomi in STAMPATELLO con il corretto pronome personale nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1. ROSALIE gave her sister a blanket. 2. The children told THEIR MOTHER why they were late. 3. MY FATHER replaced the broken light bulb. 4. The...
Sostituisci tutti i nomi in STAMPATELLO con il corretto pronome personale nelle seguenti frasi(04):
1. THE HELICOPTER flew low over our heads. 2. The man parked HIS CAR in the garage. 3. LINDA AND SOPHIE ordered a milkshake for dessert. 4....
Metti l' apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(04):
1. My __________ (cousin) bicycle is larger than mine. 2. The __________ (doll) hair is blond. 3. The __________ (chair) cushion is loose. 4. The...
Metti l' apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(05):
1. My __________ (friend) pool is huge. 2. This __________ (month) newsletter is about spring. 3. The __________ (party) start time was written on...
Metti l' apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(06):
1. The __________ (cat) scratch post has tipped over. 2. The __________ (book) conclusion is interesting. 3. __________ (Dad) new shirt is...
Inserisci l' apostrofo per completare le frasi e chiarire il possesso(01):
1. The teachers desk is full of papers. 2. Joe car is parked behind the school. 3. The students chairs were piled against the wall. 4. Today...
Inserisci l' apostrofo per completare le frasi e chiarire il possesso(02):
5. The dogs coats were dirty because they had been playing. 6. The knights ____ swords were sharp. 7. The singers ____ voices were in harmony. 8....
Inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi scegliendolo tra quelli indicati(01):
1. Doug thought that __ was going to win the race. / 2. Doug lost because __ shoe...
Inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi scegliendolo tra quelli indicati(02):
1. Sally was sure __ would have to go to school on Friday. / 2. My parents thought...
Inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi scegliendolo tra quelli indicati(03):
1. Mark and Sue said __ have to go to school on Friday. / 2. Bob thought that __...
THAT oppure WHICH? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(01):
1. Who is __ girl on the swing? / 2. We saw the cat __ loves to eat the grass in our yard. / 3. The cafeteria, __ opens at noon, serves hamburgers on...
THAT oppure WHICH? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1. My favorite movie,__ is very popular, is about a girl in India. / 2. You ate the pizza __ I love for breakfast. / 3. The book __ I read was...
THAT oppure WHICH? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1. The hand __ hurts the most is my left hand. / 2. When he saw the house, __ had six huge windows, he started to cry. / 3. I like to buy cheeses __...
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(01):
1. You are traveling with __ to Chicago? / 2. Did you find out __ house we are visiting? / 3. The man __ came with us is my uncle. / 4. __ is that...
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1. The girl with __ I worked was very quiet. / 2. You are talking to __? / 3. Does anyone know __ backpack this is? / 4. She talked to a woman __...
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1. Do you know __ is coming to the party? / 2. The student to __ I spoke was very kind. / 3. You are eating dinner with __? / 4. I have no idea __...
ITS oppure IT'S? elimina la forma errata da ogni frase(01):
1. I love this school! ( Its / It’s ) an amazing place. / 2. The hamster enjoys running on ( its / it’s ) wheel. / 3. The store? ( Its / It’s )...
ITS oppure IT'S? elimina la forma errata da ogni frase(02):
1. ( Its / It’s ) time to go to bed now. / 2. I love your house. ( Its / It’s ) very beautiful. / 3. The dog lost ( its / it’s ) toy at the...
ITS oppure IT'S? elimina la forma errata da ogni frase(03):
1. ( Its / It’s ) so fun to watch a dog chase its tail. / 2. The monkey at the zoo had ( its / it’s ) cage cleaned while we were there. / 3. When...
Inserisci il corretto PRONOME POSSESSIVO nelle seguenti frasi:
1. The boy was looking for __ parents. / 2. Did you go to __ house after school? / 3. I bought a giant candy bar because I wanted it to be all __ ....
Trova il pronome presente nelle seguenti frasi ed indica che tipo di pronome è(02):
1. My dog had puppies yesterday. / 2. All students have to read the book. / 3. Several parents disagree with the rule. / 4. The trees are...
Trova il pronome presente nelle seguenti frasi ed indica che tipo di pronome è(03):
1. The movie that Katie saw was fantastic. / 2. Are these sunglasses yours? / 3. Something seems wrong with this picture. / 4. Did you do any...
Completa le frasi con le parole seguenti: CLUBS - BARS - DICTIONARIES - BEDS - BATHS - BATHROOMS - CITY
1 Dear Mum, Miami is a beautiful .... There are interesting buildings, and wonderful beaches. -- 2 The Hotel is big and comfortable. There is a...
Il PLURALE: scrivi la soluzione corretta scegliendo tra le due alternative proposte.
1 There are thirty days/dais in a month. -- 2 Those neighborhoods/neighbors are very kind -- 3 I'm always so kind with my parentes/parents. -- 4...
COUNTABLE oppure UNCOUNTABLE? Scrivi C or U vicino ad ogni parola.
1 Man: -- 2 Snow: -- 3 Luggage: -- 4 Meal: -- 5 Bread: -- 6 Ear of wheat: -- 7 Bunch of flowers: -- 8 Shoe: -- 9 Air: -- 10 Hair: -- 1 Advice -- 2...
1 This is .. bag, and that is .., too. -- 2 What a nice car that one! Is that car .., John? -- 3 Is this pen .., Judy? No, it’s not .. -- 4 - Are...
Sostituisci i soggetti tra parentesi con un AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO.
1 (I) parents are from London. -- 2 (You) house is very big! -- 3 Have you bought it with (you) own money? -- 4 (They) children are at school now....
Riscrivi le frasi sostituendo la parte in stampatello con il PRONOME corretto.
1 That t-shirt is MY T-SHIRT. -- 2 This dog is JACK'S. -- 3 Is this my dictionary or YOUR DICTIONARY? -- 4 Are those shoes MARY'S ONES? -- 5 This car...
Completa le frasi usando una delle due scelte di PRONOMI:
1 John is coming to school on his own, he/his sister is staying at home. -- 2 Did your/yours father call? -- 3 Would you like to meet Jane? She is a...
Completa le frasi usando una delle due scelte riguardanti i PRONOMI:
1 The possessive pronouns / possessive adjectives always stand before the substantive. -- 2 The possessive pronouns / possessive adjectives stand...
Inserire la parola WHOSE se necessario, quando non è necessario scrivi NULL:
1 Marsupial are animals .... young are carried in a pounch. -- 2 David Attenborough is a naturalist ... films have been seen all over the world. -- 3...
WHOSE oppure WHO'S? Scrivi la soluzione corretta
1 ... book is on the table? -- 2 ... gone to the cinema with Mary? -- 3 ... left the sunglasses here? -- 4 I can’t tell ... were those weapons. --...
Sostituisci le parole tra parentesi con i pronomi personali complemento adeguati:
1 This is a gift for (Sonny) -- 2 I love (Jimmy) -- 3 These presents are for (Keith and me) -- 4 We are on the balcony with (our friends) -- 5 The...
1 The tourists are at the Colosseo and their guide is with .. -- 2 Where is Alex? There is a visit for .. -- 3 Are these cakes for ...? Yes, they are...
Riscrivi le frasi cambiando le parole in maiuscolo con un PRONOME PERSONALE COMPLEMENTO.
1 I have just seen THOSE PEOPLE running that way. -- 2 Jack is next to JIM. -- 3 Let’s drink A BEER! -- 4 I can’t manage to see GRACE. -- 5 We...
SOGGETTO o PRONOME personale complemento? scegli l'alternativa corretta.
1 Mick and me/I are going out. -- 2 would you like to come with we/us? -- 3 Mark and Jason have been in London for a year, didn’t them/they? -- 4...
Riempi gli spazi con il corretto PRONOME PERSONALE COMPLEMENTO.
1 Mary is hungry. Give .. a piece of cake. -- 2 Is that Michael’s new girlfriend?- -Don’t ask me, ask .. -- 3 My kids are lost, I will go and...
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO (01:
1 Would you like .... pizza? -- 2 There are .... pens on the desk. can you lend me yours? -- 3 Are there .... oranges in the fridge? -- 4 I haven’t...
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO(02):
1 Would you like .... sweets? -- 2 I had .... ideas about your thesis. -- 3 I’d like .... chocolate, and you? -- 4 Have you got .... cakes for me?...
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO(03):
1 There’s .... cake in the fridge. -- 2 she has got .... posters. -- 3 She hasn’t got .... friends. -- 4 I have got .... time to speak with you....
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti, inserisci quello adatto al tempo indeterminato(01):
1 Do you know any/some Americans? -- 2 Yes, I know any/some. -- 3 I need to taste a some/few types of wine .... -- 4 ... to choose the best one/any....
Aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti, inserisci quello adatto al tempo indeterminato(02):
1 There isn’t many/much coffee. -- 2 Go to buy a few/some, please. -- 3 In a few/any case, this house will remain my property. -- 4 I haven’t...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(01):
1 I need .... for my homework -- 2 I didn't go .... last Summer -- 3 Does .... want to go to the cinema? -- 4 He left from his office without saying...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(02):
1 I asked if .... wanted an ice cream -- 2 .... told me about your family -- 3 Is there .... wrong? -- 4 I didn't eat .... because I wasn't hungry --...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(03):
1 There is ... behind the door. -- 2 Can you hear ...? -- 3 No, I can’t hear ... -- 4 The smell of fried onion is ... -- 5 What are you thinking? -...
Completa le frasi con MANY, VERY, A LOT, ALOT OF, LOTS OF, HOW MUCH.
1 Is there .... traffic in the center of the city? -- 2 Have you got .... brothers? -- 3 They haven’t got .... fruit for lunch. -- 4 Your cake is...
Completa le frasi con MUCH, MANY, HOW MUCH, HOW MANY:
1 I don’t like .... ketchup on my chips. -- 2 She always buys .... sweets. -- 3 There are .... tins of coke. -- 4 Are there .... teachers in that...
Completa le frasi con MANY, A LOT OF, VERY, MUCH, A LOT:
1 There aren't .... people leaving around our house -- 2 We haven't got .... chairs for the wedding -- 3 I like to put .... sugar in my coffee -- 4...
Completa le frasi con MANY, A LOT OF, VERY, MUCH, A LOT(02):
1 There is .... to do for my party. -- 2 It’s .... late. -- 3 He usually reads .... -- 4 Are there .... messages for Mr Charlie? -- 5 He hasn’t...
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale I oppure ME:
1. Give that book to ____ . -- 2. ____ don’t like working in shops. -- 3. Does your friend know ____ ? -- 4. ____ and Ted are going out for lunch....
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale HE oppure HIM:
1. ____ always goes home early on Tuesdays. -- 2. I asked ____ for some help. -- 3. ____ asked, “What’s her problem?” -- 4. ____ was always a...
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale SHE oppure HER:
1. ____ thought he was joking. -- 2. ____ has got long hair. -- 3. I see ____ on the bus every day. -- 4. John called ____ at half past nine. -- 5....
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale WE oppure US:
1. ____ aren’t interested. -- 2. Nobody told ____ . -- 3. They don’t believe ____ . -- 4. Will ____ be able to meet up? -- 5. This is what ____...
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale THEY oppure THEM:
1. I don’t know ____ at all. -- 2. ____ can’t hear you. -- 3. Ask ____ yourself. -- 4. Who is that man with ____ ? -- 5. ____ went to the cinema...
Completa le frasi con un pronome soggetto o un pronome oggetto(01):
1. Have you seen my dad? ___ ’s wearing a red shirt. -- 2. Are ___ going to finish your dinner? -- 3. I don’t like Christopher. ___ really annoys...
Completa le frasi con un pronome soggetto o un pronome oggetto(02):
11. I don’t think the shop is open. ___ usually closes at five thirty. -- 12. I showed ___ my photos. He thought ___ were boring. -- 13. “How...
Abbina le parole del primo gruppo con le parole del secondo gruppo per formare quattordici nomi composti(01):
PRIMO GRUPPO: after, birth, book, table, air, tea, pan, paper, cave, horse, parent, home, car, cup - SECONDO GRUPPO: day, work, time, port, hood,...
Abbina le parole del primo gruppo con le parole del secondo gruppo per formare quattordici nomi composti(02):
PRIMO GRUPPO: time, bath, in, out, no, cliff, police, some, bread, ant, water, wheel, fall, day - SECONDO GRUPPO: side, house, out, hanger, table,...
Abbina le parole del primo gruppo con le parole del secondo gruppo per formare quattordici nomi composti(03):
PRIMO GRUPPO: lamp, wheel, foot, in, human, shop, fire, foot, motor, butter, rail, mini, name, track - SECONDO GRUPPO: valid, shade, chair, ball,...
ITS o IT's? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(01):
____ beginning to snow. -- ____ very nice to see you this morning. -- The frog holds the fly on ____ tongue. -- ____ hard to balance on a high beam....
ITS o IT's? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(02):
____ really fun when my friends come to play. -- I watched the spider weave ____ web. -- I know ____ late, but ____ New Year’s Eve. -- It was ____...
ITS o IT's? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(03):
The cat licked ____ paw. -- The hamster is so cute. What’s ____ name? -- ____ going to rain tomorrow. -- My toy is not in ____ box. Where could it...
THERE, THEY'RE o THEIR? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (01):
My parents called to say that _____ going to be late. -- Are _____ any more cookies left? -- Please take the clothes off the washing line when _____...
THERE, THEY'RE o THEIR? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (02):
Amy and Ben took _____ puppy to the park. -- The kids will love these tickets because _____ big basketball fans. -- The kids cannot watch TV until...
THERE, THEY'RE o THEIR? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (03):
_____ going to win the soccer match. -- The girls put _____ soccer balls away after the game. -- They studied hard and did well on _____ test. -- The...
YOUR o YOU'RE? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (01):
Which one is _____ brother? -- What is _____ name? -- _____ parked in the wrong spot. -- If _____ still working on your project, raise _____ hand. --...
YOUR o YOU'RE? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (02):
Did _____ ball roll under the bed? -- Sam said _____ a fast runner. -- Tell mom _____ too sick to go outside. -- Where is _____ homework? -- Where...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare frasi con pronomi soggetto e oggetto. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura indicata!
1. vase / gave / . / him / blue / I / the --- 2. to / rudely / us / spoke / . / they / very --- 3. tell / never / us / the / time / . / they --- 4....
Scrivi il corretto aggettivo POSSESSIVO negli spazi vuoti(01).
1 is Marco. What's yours? -- 2 Hannah is very angry that is broken again. -- 3 ...vacation was ruined by the weather and we had...
Seleziona il POSSESSIVO corretto scegliendolo fra i tre proposti:
1. The bike belongs to me. It is _____ bike. - his - her - my /// 2. The bike belongs to him. It is _____ bike. - he - her - his /// 3. The bike...
Seleziona il PRONOME corretto scegliendolo fra i due proposti(01):
1. _____ have one sister and one brother. - She - I /// 2. Thomas is my brother. _____ is twenty. - He - She /// 3. Betty is my sister. _____is...
Completa le frasi con una di queste parole. Dovrai anche rendere le parole plurale.
1. There are four ..... here, but none of them are sharp! // 2. In many cultures, the men take...
Leggi questo dialogo tra Jim e Carol. In ogni riga c'è un errore di ortografia. Trovalo e scrivi la parola CORRETTA nello spazio.
Jim: Are we making the birhtday cake today? // Carol: Yes, we have everythink we need. // Jim: Do you have any flower? // Carol: Yes, there are...
Guarda queste frasi al present continuous. In alcune frasi, il participio presente è scritto in modo errato. In altre frasi, un'altra parola è scritta male. Trova le parole errate e scrivi la parola CORRETTA.
1. Are you still reading the computer magazzine, Jeremy? // 2. I can't speak to you now. Martha is cooking spagetti in the kitchen and dinner is...
In ogni frase, c'è UNA parola scritta male. Scrivi l'ortografia corretta.
1. Come quikly and look at our new bathroom. Isn't it beautiful? // 2. The library? Turn left here and go strait for 200 metres. // 3. I am truely...
Per ogni elenco di parole, trova quello scritto in modo errato e scrivi la parola CORRETTA.
1. hospital - computer - delicous - tasty - breakfast // 2. library - complicated - volcano - thunderstorm - baeuty // 3. lovely - universety -...
Quiz: utilizza la prima lettera e le definizioni fornite per scrivere la parola a cui si riferisce ogni frase.
1. Bird that can't fly, black and white, lives in the South Pole. (P) // 2. Place you go when you are sick or hurt in an accident. (H) // 3....
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con i nomi composti. In questo esercizio, i nomi composti sono divisi in due parole separate. Queste parole sono normalmente UNA parola. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. was / the / Shergar / . / 1980s / race / a / horse / famous / in --- 2. Costner / a / Kevin / . / Whitney / with / movie / body / played / guard...
I nomi composti vengono usati correttamente in queste frasi?
1. My uncle bought a horserace, but he broke his leg after two races. // 2. There was a blackbird on the window this morning. It was a crow, I...
Quale dei due PRONOMI proposti occorre inserire in ogni frase?
1. He's a much better dancer than _____. - I - me // 2. It was Alice and _____ who told the police about the robbery. - he - him // 3. (FORMAL) Max...
Guarda questo elenco di PRONOMI RIFLESSIVI. Scegline uno per riempire ogni spazio sottostante.
1. They found a last minute flight to Florida for almost...
Completa ogni frase mettendo un PRONOME RIFLESSIVO per ogni spazio.
1. My dog managed to bite....on the leg and we were laughing so much. // 2. I held the map upside down, confused....completely and got lost for an...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con i PRONOMI RIFLESSIVI. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. so / yourself / tough / be /. / don't / on --- 2. / you / late / to / very / took / time / bed / it's / yourselves / because / it's --- 3. too /...
Scegli un PRONOME riflessivo oppure EACH OTHER per ogni frase.
1. There was an angry argument as the two sisters blamed ______ for the accident. - each other - themselves // 2. We took the wrong path and got...
Guarda il video tratto dal film Toy Story e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'28" con 11 domande sui pronomi possessivi. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Countable o uncountable? fai la scelta giusta fra le tre opzioni e completa le frasi(01):
1 This water _____ too cold to drink. A=are B=must C=is / 2 Please help me to move _____ furniture. A=this B=these C=those / 3 Please help me to move...
Countable o uncountable? fai la scelta giusta fra le tre opzioni e completa le frasi(02):
1 I got wet in ______. A=a rain B=the rains C=the rain / 2 I'd like a glass of ________. A=water B=the water C=waters / 3 _______ of the world's...
Indica il POSSESSIVO corretto fra i tre proposti per completare ogni frase:
1 That car is __. A=mine B=my C=me's / 2 But the other car is __. A=you B=yours C=your / 3 He claims that the jeep is __. A=his B=him C=he's / 4...
NOMI oppure VERBI? scegli la risposta giusta ad ogni domanda.
1 Which word is a noun? A=communicative B=communicate C=communication / 2 Which word can be a noun? A=love B=lovely C=loveless / 3 'Hope' can be a...
Scegli il corretto PRONOME RIFLESSIVO per completare le seguenti frasi(01).
Robert made this T-shirt... / Lisa did her homework... / We some Coke at the party. / Emma, did you take the photo by...? / I wrote this...
Indica se la parola in stampatello è un SOGGETTO, un COMPLEMENTO OGGETTO oppure un PRONOME POSSESSIVO
SHE likes playing football. / MY name is Greg. / Tim can see HER in the supermarket. / What's YOUR favourite food? / HE can see Emily in the shop. /...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH oppure WHOSE(01):
I talked to the had broken down in front of the shop. / Mr Richards, a taxi driver, lives on the corner. / I live in a house in...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH oppure WHOSE(ma con una X se non ne serve alcuno):
This is the boy.... had an accident. / Yesterday I saw a car.... was really old. / Mandy is the girl.... I met on Friday. / I haven't seen...
Completa le frasi con HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY(01):
...stars are there in the sky? / ...people live on islands? / ...birds are there? / ...water is in the ocean? / is in a bank? / ...countries...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(01):
How...players are in a handball team? / How...pocket money do you get per week? / How...time is left? / How...sisters does Ella have? / How...coins...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(02):
There isn't...milk left in the fridge. / You shouldn't eat so...sweets. / My friend doesn't eat...fruit. / They don't know...about the history of...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(05): sitting on the sofa. / ...are watching TV. / Are...from England? / going home. / ...are playing football. / a wonderful day today....
Completa le frasi con il PRONOME PERSONALE corretto facendo attenzione se è usato come soggetto o come complemento oggetto.
... lives in Liverpool.(he) / I met... in the office.(he) / They sing with... in the choir.(I) / Lisa likes...(it) / Excuse..., is this the way to...
Completa le frasi con un AGGETTIVO o PRONOME POSSESSIVO.
The bus stop is near... house. (we) / How is... new school? (you) / This is my bag and that is... . (he) / Sophia's hair is longer than... . (I) /...
I've got... in my eye. / There is... at the door. / We haven't heard... about Peter. Is he ill? / Do you live... near Mandy? / ...wants to see you. /...
EACH OR EVERY? usa il distributivo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi (01):
....of the students has three books. / There is a bus....2 hours. / There are four worksheets - please take one of..... / We enjoyed....minute of our...
EACH OR EVERY? usa il distributivo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi (02):
.... child received a present. / I gave .... plant some water. / I gave .... plant some water. / She was carrying bags in .... hand / In .... box...
EACH OR EVERY? usa il distributivo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi (03):
.... Monday, he buys a kilo of apples. / .... of the children received a present for Christmas / The teacher gave .... of them a sticker for good...
Scrivi il corretto aggettivo POSSESSIVO negli spazi vuoti(02).
1.The boy / 2.Mary sees...mother every day. / 3.My friends bring...children to our place on Saturdays. / 4.The cat
Scrivi il PRONOME POSSESSIVO corretto per indicare a chi appartiene il soggetto di ogni frase, esempio: This pen is her pen > hers.
1.These pens are Bill's and Sue's pens. / 2.This office is her office. / 3.That book is our book. / 4.This coat is your coat. / 5.That dog is my dog....
Scegli il corretto PRONOME RIFLESSIVO per completare le seguenti frasi(02).
1.The cat nearly killed ...when it ran across the road. / 2.I enjoyed the party. / 3.He always looks at the mirror. / 4.We helped
Scegli il corretto PRONOME RIFLESSIVO per completare le seguenti frasi(03).
1.I went to the supermarket by .... / 2.Harry lives by .... / 3.Anna had dinner at the restaurant by .... / 4.You shouldn't go there by .... / 5.We...
ANYONE oppure SOMEONE: scegli il pronome indefinito corretto per completare le seguenti frasi:
I know ... who is 100 years old. / There is ... at the door. / Did ... call? / There wasn't anyonein negat4e clauses, we use 'any…' at home. / I...
Completa le frasi con SOMETHING o ANYTHING.
Is there ... I could do for you? / There is ... in your hair. / He said ... stupid. / Did you buy ... ? / There isn't ... in the fridge. / Do you...
Completa le frasi con SOMEWHERE o ANYWHERE.
Have you seen my necklace ... ? / The restaurant must be ... around here. / My friend lives ... in Spain. / I cannot find my glasses ... . / Did you...
Phil is watching ... on TV. / Can you see Simon ... ? / My little sister doesn't eat ... with carrots. / My grandfather is someone who doesn't go ......
I didn't know anyone at the party and they weren't playing ... good songs either. / Let's go somewhere and eat ... . / I bought ... cheese in the...
I would not go ... without you. / There is ... I want to tell you. / The plates are ... in the cupboard. / Let's buy ... postcards here, they are so...
When I am on holiday, I always buy ... for my relatives. / When my brother is on holiday, he never sends a postcard to .... / Do you know ... punk...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(03):
Jane hasn't got ... time. / Do you know ... words in English? / He didn't eat ... meat. / There isn't ... butter in the fridge. / How ... eggs did...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(04):
There is too ... water in the bath tub. / How ... brothers and sisters has Anne got? / I don't receive ... letters nowadays. / How ... rice do you...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(05):
She has so ... friends! / Too ... cooks spoil the broth. / Hurry up. I don't have so ... time. / We went to a dairy yesterday. I had never seen so...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per ogni frase(02).
1 There are....apples in the kitchen. 2 Have we got....milk in that carton? 3 You haven't got....potatoes on your plate. 4 Are there....tomatoes in...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per il seguente brano.
It's dad's birthday on Saturday and there's a special birthday dinner at my house. I've got a recipe for apple pie. It's dad's favourite dessert. So,...
Completa le seguenti frasi con i PRONOMI COMPLEMENTO corretti:
1 Do you like tea and coffee? No, I never drink..... 2 Charlie is my best friend. I sit next class. 3 My little sister always takes her...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(06):
1 Layla is my best friend. She sits next to .... in class. 2 Do you often see your grandparents? Yes, I often see .... 3 Have you got my email...
Completa le frasi con WHO oppure WHICH.
1 That's the girl ... is the victim of cyberbullies. 2 What's the name of the gadget ... moves the cursor on a computer screen? 3 My sister has got a...
WHO oppure WHICH? scegli quello giusto.
1 That is the boy WHO/WHICH loves baseball. 2 This is the book WHO/WHICH I read. 3 There are a group of teachers WHO/WHICH are really good. 4 I love...
WHO, WHICH, THAT: scegli il pronome RELATIVO corretto:
1. This is the tablet WHICH/WHO belongs to my sister. 2 Who's the boy WHICH/WHO broke the window, 3 Did you take the keys WHO/THAT were on the table,...
Osserva le immagini e, usando le parole date, componi delle frasi con il PRONOME RELATIVO.
Esempio immagine 0: bakery / sell great bread = This is the bakery which/that sells great bread. 1) teacher / teaches us science. 2) dog / live next...
Completa le seguenti frasi con WHO oppure WHICH.
1 The car .... hit the tree was travelling very fast. 2 A mouse is a gadget .... moves the cursor on a computer screen. 3 The people .... live in the...
Traduci le frasi e inserisci MANY, A LOT OF, MUCH:
C'è molto caffè - Ci sono molte persone - Ci sono molti panini - Ci sono molte macchine - C'è molto zucchero - Non ci sono molti panini - Non ci...
Indica a quale nome della prima frase si riferisce il pronome personale della seconda frase(01):
1. Take off your boots. They are wet. 2. Call Mark after supper. He seemed worried. 3. Adam and Carol were playing with the kittens. Then, Carol...
Indica a quale nome della prima frase si riferisce il pronome personale della seconda frase(02):
1. Taylor is picking up flowers. They smell so good! 2. Andrew just finished his homework. Now he is reading a book. 3. The bus driver stopped to...
Indica a quale nomi della prima frase si riferiscono i pronomi personali della seconda frase:
1. Julie chose a new book from the library. She opened it to look at the pictures. 2. Patrick writes his homework in his notebook. Then, he puts it...
Scegli il pronome RIFLESSIVO corretto e completa le frasi (01):
1. Anthony is old enough to walk home by __________________. 2. The dog dug this hole by __________________. 3. Come on kids, the dishes won’t...
Scegli il pronome RIFLESSIVO corretto e completa le frasi (02):
1. The book is all by ________________ on the shelf. 2. Maddie and Jeremy count the money_________. 3. Franny pours ________________ a glass of...
Scegli il pronome RIFLESSIVO corretto e completa le frasi (03):
1. I folded my clothes all by _____________. 2. We treated _____________ to supper at a restaurant. 3. That cat let _____________ into our...
Indica il nome nella prima frase a cui si riferisce il pronome in STAMPATELLO presente nella seconda frase(02):
1. Martin, this is your mess. Clean it YOURSELF! 2. I need a new pair of shoes. MINE are too small. 3. Paula made a card for her father. She...
Indica il nome nella prima frase a cui si riferisce il pronome in STAMPATELLO presente nella seconda frase(03):
1. Grandma picked carrots from her garden. She grows them HERSELF. 2. Look at the colorful leaves. THOSE are beautiful! 3. Is something wrong with...
Indica il nome nella prima frase a cui si riferisce il pronome in STAMPATELLO presente nella seconda frase(04):
1. Joe finished his test. He did it all by HIMSELF. 2. Listen to Erin play the piano. She learned it by HERSELF. 3. The girls are playing their new...
Riscrivi le frasi utilizzando il genitivo sassone:
1. The pants belong to Jonathan. 2. The piano belongs to the Smiths. 3. The dress belongs to the doll. 4. The tail belongs to the cat. 5. The...
In ogni frase c'è un PRONOME ma è sbagliato! trovalo sostituiscilo con quello corretto (01):
1. I haven’t been able to find his shoes. / 2. When my grandpa visits, she likes to go to the museum. / 3. The mayor and their wife live in a big...
In ogni frase c'è un PRONOME ma è sbagliato! trovalo sostituiscilo con quello corretto (02):
1. If we eat too much, we will ruin their dinner. / 2. Suzy is spending a lot of time on its homework. / 3. Mr. Jones called and she asked me if I...
In ogni frase c'è un PRONOME ma è sbagliato! trovalo sostituiscilo con quello corretto (03):
1. When my grandma visits, he always stays in the basement. / 2. If my Uncle Sam calls, tell them I am not here. / 3. I saw the little girl who...
Inserisci il corretto PRONOME RELATIVO nelle seguenti frasi:
1. __ lives in this house needs to mow the grass. / 2. I don’t know __ restaurant is the most delicious. / 3. The teacher __ teaches science loves...
Inserisci il corretto PRONOME INDEFINITO nelle seguenti frasi:
1. __ likes being sick. / 2. __ of my family members live in California. / 3. She saw __ who looked just liked her mom. / 4. I was wondering if you...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH, WHOSE. Scrivi una X se non c'è bisogno di scrivere niente. In alcune frasi c'è più di una soluzione possibile.
1 This is the student ... didn’t pass the exam. -- 2 There is nobody ... cares about me. -- 3 I haven’t seen Linda, ... sister is ten years old,...
Unisci le frasi l'una con l'altra usando un pronome relativo.
1 The boy is here. The boy likes wrestling matches. -- 2 Don’t eat the apple. The apple is poisonous. -- 3 I’m challenging the boy to a bowling...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH, THAT, WHERE, WHOSE, WHOM.
1 Look at the children ... are playing in the garden. -- 2 The teacher, ... all children are afraid of, is very nice. -- 3 That lady, ... pet is...
Scrivi nelle categorie corrette le seguenti parole:
nouns: -- main verbs: --...
Correggi l'errore in ogni domanda e scrivi i sostantivi plurali irregolari correttamente(01):
1. Which Mediterranean beachs are the cleanest? -- 2. Do you like tomatos? -- 3. How much do child’s shoes cost? -- 4. How many lifes does a cat...
Correggi l'errore in ogni domanda e scrivi i sostantivi plurali irregolari correttamente(02):
11. How many churchs are there in your town? -- 12. What do most mans think about all day? -- 13. How many wifes did King Henry VIII have? -- 14....
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi I, ME, MY, MINE, MYSELF:
1. My colleague forgot to leave the documents for __. -- 2. Tommy told me to book the plane tickets __. -- 3. Can you tell __ what happened, please?...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi YOU (SP), YOU (OP), YOUR, YOURS, YOURSELF:
1. Is that red car ____? -- 2. I’m pleased for ____. -- 3. Take good care of ____. -- 4. I put ____ sandwiches in my bag. -- 5. Your teacher was...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi HE, HIM, HIS (PA), HIS (PP), OR HIMSELF:
1. ____ has just told me what you said. -- 2. I don’t trust ____. -- 3. ____ loves Mozart. -- 4. The zookeeper took ____ uniform out of the locker....
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi SHE, HER (OP), HER (PA), HERS, OR HERSELF:
1. ____ likes reading and rock climbing, but not at the same time! -- 2. The problem was with Laura ____, not anybody else. -- 3. She won’t say why...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi WE, US, OUR, OURS, OURSELVES:
1. That’s ____ in the photo – behind the gate. -- 2. The science experiment that went wrong had to be ____, didn’t it? -- 3. ____ ’ve been...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi THEY, THEM, THEIR, THEIRS, THEMSELVES:
1. ____ will discuss the problem with you tomorrow. -- 2. I didn’t hire these DVDs – the twins borrowed them ____. -- 3. Please pop ____ in the...
Leggi questa lettera di Ben all'amica Sheila. In ogni spazio indicato da un numero, inserisci un pronome relativo WHOSE - WHERE - WHEN - WHO - WHICH - THAT
Dear Sheila, In your last letter, you asked me to tell you about all the things I did during my summer vacation. We went to Vancouver (1)I have some...
Scegli uno di questi pronomi relativi WHOSE - THAT - WHO - WHERE per completare ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. What's the name of the city... the Golden Gate Bridge is? / 2. What do you call a machine.... you can get money from in the street? / 3. What do...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi che usano i PRONOMI relativi.
1. on / me / the / table / the / give / jug /. / which / is --- 2. man / is / that / in / big /. / who / a / lives / lawyer / house / the --- 3....
Guarda questi annunci scritti dagli utenti su un sito di incontri. Tutti usano pronomi relativi. Quanti errori ci sono in ogni frase: nessuno, 1 o 2?
1. I'm a man which likes fishing and reading. I would like to meet a woman who idea of a great evening is great conversation. // 2. I'd like to meet...
Guarda queste frasi che usano tutti i pronomi relativi. Quali frasi sono corrette?
1. That was the place where I'd seen you. // 2. Hannah went to get the book which I'd lent her the day before. // 3. It was raining again. The rain...
Scegli uno di questi pronomi relativi WHO, WHICH, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT per completare ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. Alexander Graham Bell is the man....invented the telephone. // 2. The son finds most demanding is French. // 3. They met in the...
Riscrivi ciascuna di queste frasi usando non più di cinque parole in ogni spazio e usando il PRONOME tra parentesi senza cambiarlo.
1. Mario is the guy who cuts my hair every month. He's 37 today. > Mario,..., has his birthday today (who) // 2. Carol's house is the largest in the...
Completa le frasi con i PRONOMI relativi elencati di seguito:
1. Dallas is the city....Kennedy was shot. // 2. Bill Clinton was the president....wife was called Hillary. //...
Leggi questa lettera di denuncia che Daniel scrive al proprietario di una società alberghiera. Per ogni spazio, scrivi il pronome relativo corretto. Se non è richiesto alcun pronome relativo, è sufficiente inserire una X.
Dear Mr. Jeffries, I want to complain about the hotel .... (1) I stayed last week, one of your company's hotels. I spent nearly $200 on the hotel,...
Scegli il miglior PRONOME RELATIVO per completare ogni frase. Se non è necessario, inserisci una X.
1. It was Wilson .... gave me the old map and he had found it in a old junk shop. --- 2. My uncle apologised for his insult, .... we accepted...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con PRONOMI RELATIVI. Fai attenzione alle virgole!
1. the / now / is / homeless / house / fire / , / Jack / was / , / destroyed / whose / in / . --- 2. whose / King / sold / have / books / millions /...
WHENEVER oppure WHATEVER? Completa le frasi scegliendo l'indefinito giusto fra quelli proposti.
1 You can tell me ___ you want. A=however B=whatever C=whoever / 2 Whatever means ___. A=nothing that B=anything that C=something that / 3 ___ wins...
NOME, VERBO o AGGETTIVO? Completa le frasi utilizzando la versione corretta della parola proposta(01):
1 We both had ____ ideas. A=difference B=differ C=different / 2 Sammy Boy has a lot of ____. A=confidence B=confident C=conference / 3 Improve your...
NOME, VERBO o AGGETTIVO? Completa le frasi utilizzando la versione corretta della parola proposta(02):
1 She doesn't talk much; she is not very ____. A=communicate B=communicative C=communal / 2 We had great ___ in reaching the mountain peak....
NOME, VERBO o AGGETTIVO? Completa le frasi utilizzando la versione corretta della parola proposta(03):
1 Eat well and look after your ___. A=healthful B=health C=healthy / 2 The antique is over two thousand years old, but its __ remains unknown....
THEIR, THERE o THEY'RE? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi(01):
1 ___ is an interesting house up on the hill. A=Their B=There C=They're / 2 Many travelers have lost __ way in those woods. A=their B=they're C=there...
THEIR, THERE o THEY'RE? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi(02):
11 Don't look over here. Look over __. A=they're B=there C=their / 12 Look at these little ants. __ so tiny! A=There B=Their C=They're / 13 Elephants...
PRONOMI RIFLESSIVI: scegli il pronome corretto fra i tre proposti per completare ogni frase.
1 George helped ___ to the buffet. A=himselves B=him C=himself / 2 Please help ___ to the buffet. A=you B=yourselves C=oneself / 3 The band called...
Scegli il PRONOME corretto fra i tre proposti per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 Joe likes Jazz, but I don't like __. A=they B=them C=it / 2 Joe likes waffles, but I don't like __. A=them B=they C=it / 3 She gave me her...
ITS oppure IT'S? Scegli la soluzione corretta fra le tre proposte per rispondere alle richieste di ogni frase:
1 __ raining. A=It B=It's C=Its / 2 My dog sometimes licks _ bum. A=its B=it C=it's / 3 Can you give _ to me? A=it B=its C=it's / 4 I'm always...
NOMI oppure AGGETTIVI? scegli la risposta giusta ad ogni domanda(01):
1 Which word is an adjective? A=difference B=differ C=different / 2 Which word is an adjective? A=body B=fitness C=healthy / 3 Which word is an...
NOMI oppure AGGETTIVI? scegli la risposta giusta ad ogni domanda(02):
13 Which word is Not a noun? A=honor B=honest C=honesty / 14 Don't let __ stand in your way. A=frightened B=fear C=scared / 15 It is a great __ to...
NOME, AGGETTIVO o VERBO? scegli la risposta giusta per completare ogni frase(01):
1 The world is a ___ place now. A=different B=difference C=diffident / 2 Two years ago, the economy was bleak, but now it has ___. A=covered...
NOME, AGGETTIVO o VERBO? scegli la risposta giusta per completare ogni frase(02):
13 I __ a waiter, but now I work in a bank A=used to B=used to be C=use to be / 14 Things have become more expensive __ I was young. A=when...
NOMI COMPOSTI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 Put on your ___ before you go out. A=rainman B=bathcoat C=raincoat / 2 Which is a real word? A=gunman B=knifebasket C=cuptable / 3 Which is a real...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi e decidendo se inserire anche un PRONOME RIFLESSIVO oppure no.
Last Monday I got up at six, then I(show)... / She really(feel)...well today. / Let's(meet) six tomorrow. / Last weekend Alex cooked dinner...
Scegli il PRONOME INDEFINITO corretto fra i due proposti (01).
1 I've seen that girl SOMEWHERE/ANYWHERE before. 2 NO ONE/ANYONE in my family likes junk food. 3 EVERYONE/ANYONE should do regular exercise. 4 Do you...
Scegli il PRONOME INDEFINITO corretto fra i due proposti (02).
1) Is there ANYWHERE/EVERYWHERE we can talk? 2) I don't want NOTHING/ANYTHING, thanks. 3) I'm meeting SOMEBODY/ANYBODY later. 4) Linda has got...
PRONOMI INDEFINITI: riscrivi le frasi in forma affermativa(+), negativa(-) o interrogativa(?) in base ai suggerimenti tra parentesi.
1 I haven't got anything to do today.(+) 2 There's somebody in the room.(?) 3 I saw something I liked.(-) 4 They didn't meet anyone interesting.(?) 5...
Completa le frasi con someone/somebody, anyone/anybody, no one/nobody and everyone/everybody.
1 I don't know......who smokes in my class. They hate cigarettes. 2 Look!......has written graffiti on that shop window. 3 my family rides a...
Abbina le domande(1-5) con PRONOMI INDEFINITI alle risposte corrispondenti(a-e).
1 Can I talk to you about something important? 2 Have you got anything to eat? 3 There is something wrong with this machine, Who can help me? 4 Is...
IT come soggetto impersonale, scegli la forma migliore per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 __ is almost 3:00. A=This B=It C=The / 2 __ is getting really cold these days. A=This B=It C=The / 3 It is important that we both speak to her....