Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 20 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(01):
...sugar / ...time / ...houses / ...cheese / / / ...children / ...girls / / ...hobbies
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(02):
...electricity / ...suitcases / ...rice / ...water / ...bottles of water / ...coal / ...scarves / / ...dollars / ...sand
A FEW oppure A LITTLE? scegli quale inserire prima di ogni parola dell'elenco(01):
apples - rice - bicycles - trees - boys - money - dogs - time - sugar - cups
A FEW oppure A LITTLE? scegli quale inserire prima di ogni parola dell'elenco(02):
bread - ideas - water - luck - friends - chairs - coffee - children - work - men
QUANTIFIERS: scegli una parola tra quelle qui di seguito per riempire ogni spazio. A - A FEW - ANY- A LITTLE - MUCH - A LOT OF - SOME - MANY - AN - A LOT
1. How ..... children do you and Tony have? // 2. I don't have ..... patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring. // 3. We only have .... carrots. We...
QUANTIFIERS: abbina le risposte alle domande.
RISPOSTE: A. There aren't any. // B. Yes, we have a lot. // C. I don't have much, but it's enough. // D. Yes, a few. // E. No, none. // F. There...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi. La prima parola in ogni frase è "I".
1. I / for / was / too / much / me / slices / and / . / seven / it / ate / pizza / of --- 2. a / . / like / of / I / pieces / few / cake / would ...
In ogni spazio inserisci una delle seguenti parole: FEW - A FEW - LITTLE - A LITTLE
1. If you have... time, could you come and have a look at my computer. It's not working very well. // 2. She is quite poor... Ever since she lost her...
Completa le seguenti frasi inserendo al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(01):
He speaks...Spanish, so we were able to find a nice room in Madrid. / There are only...bananas left in the box. / We need...butter for this cake. /...
Completa le seguenti frasi inserendo al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(02):
This president had...power. / She spoke...English. It was nearly impossible to understand her. / They got...complaints. / I'm sorry, but I...
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(03):
Could I have ... sugar for my tea, please? / If you want to make pancakes, you need a few eggs and ... flour. / Have you got ... minutes? I need to...
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(04):
There will be ... rain this week. / ...friends are coming over tonight. / I need ... sleep. / Could you buy ... bottles of water for me? / My parents...
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(05):
We had ... snow last winter. / ... people were interested in the exhibition. / I speak ... French. / There are ... gentlemen nowadays. / She has ......
Completa le seguenti frasi inserendo al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(03):
1 I have read....of his books. 2 We have....time left to visit the contemporary section. 3 That tour was....long. It's lunchtime now. 4 My...
Completa ogni frase scegliendo uno dei QUANTIFIERS proposti.
1. I've sat in that chair ... a time and thought about poor Joseph. --- 2. ... Meg and...
Le seguenti frasi che contengono QUANTIFIERS sono corrette(01)?
1. Are there any questions or can we move on to the next unit? --- 2. Nearly each person I saw that day complained about the cold. It was freezing!...
Le seguenti frasi che contengono QUANTIFIERS sono corrette(02)?
1. If you have some doubts about the exam, come and ask me. --- 2. There were no photos taken here last night. None. --- 3. All the students didn't...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con QUANTIFIER. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. get / in / manages / to / hour / five / who / complete / under / test / bonus / a / anyone / points / an / will / the / . --- 2. the / is / ocean...
Guarda il video tratto dal film Harry Potter(02) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'10" con 8 domande su much/many/a few/a little/some/any. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
FEW oppure A FEW? Scegli la parola giusta per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 You'll find __ dollars lying on the dresser. A=a few B=few C='few' or 'a few' / 2 I have __ things I'd like to talk to you about. A='few' or 'a...