Con questa chiave di ricerca abbiamo trovato 76 esercizi.

Altri esercizi di GRAMMATICA e VERBI: aggettivi - apostrofo - articoli - ascolto - avverbi - be-going-to - can-must - comparativi - comprensione-advanced - comprensione-elementary - comprensione-intermediate - conditional - congiunzioni - discorso - few-little - for-since - frasi - futuro - genitivo-sassone - gerundio - imperativo - infinito - invalsi - irregular-verbs - maiuscole - many-much - modali - negative-form - nomi - participio - passivi - past-continuous - past-perfect - past-simple - phrasal-verbs - preposizioni - present-continuous - present-perfect - present-simple - pronomi-indefiniti - pronomi-misti - pronomi-personali - pronomi-possessivi - pronomi-relativi - pronomi-riflessivi - punteggiatura - question-form - say-tell - singolare-plurale - some-any - superlativi - there - this-that - to-be - to-do - to-have - too-enough - video-esercizi - when-while - who-whose - wish -. Altri esercizi sui VOCABOLI: abbigliamento - animali - casa-arredamento - cibo - colori - corpo-umano - daily-routines - famiglia - giochi - giorni-mesi-stagioni - halloween - hobby-sport - luoghi-citta - mestieri - mezzi-trasporto - misti - natale - nazioni - numeri - opposti - scuola - tempo-atmosferico - video-esercizi -
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LEGENDA DIFFICOLTA' ESERCIZI: molto facile facile medio difficile molto difficile
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al FIRST CONDITIONAL:
1. If you (not/hurry), we will be late! --- 2. If Enrico (pass) his exam, he will be very happy. --- 3. However, if Enrico fails, he (not be ) very...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi al FIRST CONDITIONAL. La prima parola in ogni frase è IF:
1. , / tell / I'll / tomorrow / him / you / him / Brian / call / see / if / . --- 2. if / , / dry / very / too / you / it / long / this / . / meat /...
Abbina le frasi del primo gruppo a quelle del secondo per formare delle frasi CONDITIONAL:
PRIMO GRUPPO: 1. It will start to rain heavily // 2. If a bus finally arrives, // 3. If you are looking for your new blue sweater, // 4. You will...
Scrivi la parola EXTRA o mancante in ciascuna di queste frasi CONDIZIONALI.
1. I tell John you asked about him if I see him. // 2. Please call one of the managers this phone starts ringing. // 3. Metal does expands if you...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi al FIRST CONDITIONAL:
1. animals / . / wild / they / bite / are / if / scared --- 2. finger / touch / hot / , / your / . / stove / burn / if / a / you / you --- 3. get /...
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli proposti al CONDITIONAL(01).
1 If we leave now, WE'LL/WE'D catch the 8:25 train. 2 If I HAVE/HAD my own tablet, I wouldn't have to use dad's computer. 3 If you MIX/MIXED blue and...
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli proposti al CONDITIONAL(02).
1 If it WON'T/DOESN'T rain this year, there will be a drought. 2 I'll watch the match on TV if I GET HOME/WILL GET home in time. 3 If all the ice in...
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli proposti al CONDITIONAL(03).
1 When you WILL BE/ARE in New York, you WILL SEE/SEE the Empire State Building. 2 When I WILL BE/AM eighteen, I WILL TAKE/TAKE the driving licence. 3...
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli proposti al CONDITIONAL(04).
1 If we don't protect endangered species, they WILL/WON'T disappear. 2 If people continue to exploit the planet, it WILL/WON'T survive. 3 There...
Completa l'esercizio inserendo i verbi opportuni coniugati al CONDIZIONALE:
1) I ______ even ___ (be) trying to get with her if I _____ (not think) she was right for me. 2) If the exam _______ (not be) so difficult, I ______...
Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(01):
1 If I (study), -- 2 I (pass) the exam. -- 3 If you (wait) a minute, -- 4 I (ask) my parents. -- 5 If she …(win) the lottery, -- 6 then she...
Rispondi a queste domande utilizzando le risposte elencate sotto (indica gli accoppiamenti dei numeri di ognuna):
DOMANDE: 1. What do you do if you get a headache? // 2. What do you do if you feel bored in your English class? // 3. What do you do if you get...
Leggi la seguente intervista tra Mr. Jones e un ispettore di polizia. Per ogni numero tra parentesi, indica la domanda migliore che devi chiedere per tali informazioni.
INTERVISTA: Policeman: OK, Mr. Jones. Now just tell us what happened last night and what you were doing between 7 o'clock and 10 o'clock. Mr. Jones:...
Leggi il testo su Handsome Rick. Per ogni numero tra parentesi, indica la domanda migliore che devi chiedere per tali informazioni.
TESTO: Rick is (1) years old and lives in Manchester. He is a (2) for a company that makes cardboard boxes and he earns (3)a year. He lives with...
Leggi questo breve testo. Per ogni numero tra parentesi, indica la domanda migliore che devi chiedere per tali informazioni.
TESTO: John Carpenter is a (1) who lives in the centre of London. His address is (2) and his telephone number is 090-445-2324. John is (3) years old...
Completa queste coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE:
1. If I(can/speak) Japanese, I would live in Tokyo. // 2. If James (not have) a cat, he would buy a dog. // 3. I would live in Monaco if I(be)...
Riempi ogni spazio con la forma corretta dei verbi per creare il first o second CONDITIONALS.
1. If I get home late tonight, I(not eat). // 2. If Jan could run 100 metres in 10 seconds, he (be) an athlete. // 3. If Simon catches a fish today,...
Leggi queste frasi al Second CONDITIONAL. Ogni frase ha una parola che è EXTRA o MISS-SPELT. Trova quella parola.
1. If he were to younger, he could walk faster. // 2. We could go to the beech if the weather were nicer. // 3. If your sister was an animal, what...
Guarda queste frasi al First and Second CONDITIONAL. Sono corrette o sbagliate?
1. I'll see you tomorrow if I come to work. // 2. If I did knew her name, I would tell you. // 3. If I were you, I would tell my father about the...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi al Second CONDITIONAL. Ogni frase inizia con la parola IF. Ricorda la punteggiatura!
1. time / , /. / study / French / If / would / I / I / more / had --- 2. mother / some / them / If / cheap / shoes / saw / , / would / she / buy /. /...
IF CLAUSES: coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nel modo corretto e completa le frasi(01):
1. If he ___ (eat) everything he ___ (be) ill // 2. The police ___ (arrest) him if they ___(catch) him // 3. What ___ (happen) if my parachute...
IF CLAUSES: coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nel modo corretto e completa le frasi(02):
13. You ___ (not have) so many accidents if you ___ (drive) more slowly . // 14. What ___ (you, do) if you ___(hear) the alarm? // 15. If you ___...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo al tempo richiesto nelle parentesi (01):
1. He – be – an interesting man (past simple) // 2. I – arrive – at 11. (going-to future) // 3. I – not do – that – if – I – be –...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo al tempo richiesto nelle parentesi (02):
13. If – I – see – lights – I – stop (past simple and conditional 1) // 14. He said – Mum –already – go out (past perfect simple) //...
Leggi queste frasi al CONDIZIONALE, trova gli errori e correggili.
1. If he didn't know what to do, he would have asked us. -- 2. Unless she comes soon, we'll be late for the first performance. -- 3. Tell him to go...
THIRD CONDITIONAL ordinamento: metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto. La prima parola in ogni domanda è sempre IF:
1. 7.30 / for / I / . / would / I / work / bus, / have / hadn't / the / if / caught / late / been --- 2. known / be / you / if / so / angry, / you'd...
THIRD CONDITIONAL, indica quali di queste frasi sono corrette(01):
1. The doctors would have called by now if they had finished the operation. --- 2. I might have be very rich if I'd been born in the USA. --- 3. I...
Scrivi il verbo giusto in ogni spazio in queste frasi CONDIZIONALI.
1. If I ... watched the late movie on TV, I'd be feeling so much better today. --- 2. Our world ... be a better place if people were a little nicer...
Scegli la corretta forma verbale, fra quelle proposte, per completare ogni frase(01):
1. If I hadn't overslept, I ______ on time. - will have been - would have been - will be // 2. If you had eaten a good breakfast, you______ so...
Scegli la corretta forma verbale, fra quelle proposte, per completare ogni frase(02):
1. I wish our team ______ . - did win - had won - has won // 2. If only I ______ guitar! - can play - will play - could play //...
THIRD CONDITIONAL, indica quali di queste frasi sono corrette(02):
1. If I had knew it was going to rain, I wouldn't have gone hiking. // 2. You probably wouldn't have had an accident if you hadn't been so tired. //...
THIRD CONDITIONAL, indica quali di queste frasi sono corrette(03):
1. How wonderful that movie was! // 2. Only after posting the postcard did I remember I hadn't put a stamp on it. // 3. Rarely Veronica forgets to...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: completa le frasi scegliendo la soluzione corretta(01).
1 If you heat water to 100 degrees, it __. A=would boil B=boils C=boil / 2 He always orders pizza if he ___ hungry. A=get B=would get C=gets / 3 If...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: completa le frasi scegliendo la soluzione corretta(02).
1 If you pay peanuts, you ___. A=get monkeys B=got monkeys C=getting monkeys / 2 If you ____, you get a certificate. A=will finish the course B=do...
THIRD CONDITIONAL, fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente:
1 If I __ studied harder, I would have passed the test. A=would B=have C=had / 2 If I had studied harder, I would ___ passed the test. A=had B=have...
SECOND CONDITIONAL, fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente(01):
1 If I __ a rich man, I would buy my own jet plane. A=was B=am C=had / 2 If I __ a ghost, I would run a mile. A=see B=would see C=saw / 3 I would...
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi alla forma NEGATIVA con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He does not write letters (01):
Present Progressive / Simple Past / Past Progressive / Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect / will-future / going...
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi alla forma NEGATIVA con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He does not write letters (02):
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect Progressive / Future Progressive / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Progressive /...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(01):
We are watching a film - He often reads books - Tomorrow the sun will shine - I was listening to the radio yesterday evening - We are going to fly to...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(02):
They are riding a bike - She looked at a picture - We often take photos - I have just had a cup of tea - Alice will learn French next year -...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(03):
Tom is asking a question - He helped his mum last Sunday - Jessica lives with her mother - He has written an e-mail - There will be some rain in the...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato ogni verbo:
cleans - is reading - listened - speak - am going - have watched - are going to fly - were - will work - has been raining
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He writes letters(01):
Simple Present / Present Progressive / Simple Past / Past Progressive / Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect / will-future /...
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He writes letters(02):
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect Progressive / Future Progressive / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Progressive /...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(04):
Did you play tennis yesterday? // Have you ever watched a film in English? // Was John reading the book last night? // How long have you been...
Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(01).
1 If they....(stop) putting toxic waste in rivers, there....(be) a lot of water pollution. 2 If farmers....(use) too many pesticides on fruit and...
Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(02).
1 Plastic....(suffocate) the oceans if people....(not take) more care. 2 If you....(clear) the table, I'll....the dishes. 3 If people....(continue)...
Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(03).
1 If rainforest destruction....(continue), more animals....(lose) their habitat. 2 You....(not/learn) much if you....(not/study). 3 If I....(make)...
Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(04).
1 If you....(not hurry), you....(miss) the train. 2 If he....(go) to bed earlier, he....(not be) so tired. 3 I ....(have) good marks if I....(not...
Completa le frasi con una delle espressioni con il SECOND CONDITIONAL proposte.
I'd buy the white one • I'd buy them • I'd walk to school • you'd be healthier • e could visit the museum • you'd learn more • we...
SECOND CONDITIONAL: completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi.
1 If someone(try) to bully me, I(tell) my parents. 2 You(feel) less tired in the morning if you(go) to bed earlier. 3 If I (be) taller, I(play)...
Completa le ipotesi con SHOULD o SHOULDN'T e i seguenti verbi: have • feel • pass • be • enjoy • speak.
1 Matteo's big sister has lived in England for five years. She.....English well. 2 The train arrives at 9:25. It's 9:25 now. now. 3 This...
Inserisci SHOULD oppure SHOULDN'T nelle frasi.
1 You.....tell lies. 2 Angela.....go to bed earlier. She's always tired in the morning. 3 The children that way. 4 Richard.....behave...
SHOULD-SHOULDN'T: scegli l'alternativa corretta (01).
1 You look very tired. You SHOULD/SHOULDN'T go to bed early. 2 You SHOULD/SHOULDN'T sit too close to the W. 3 You SHOULD/SHOULDN'T drink more water....
SHOULD-MUST: scegli l'alternativa corretta.
1 Teenagers SHOULDN'T/MUSTN'T spend too much time on their smartphones. 2 You MUST/MUSTN'T come to the new gym with me next week - it's brilliant! 3...
Usa SHOULD-SHOULDN'T per completare le seguenti frasi in base al loro significato.
1 Sarah has had a temperature since Thursday. She.....go to the doctor. 2 Gianni,.....I book you an appointment at the dentist's for Monday...
Leggi il dialogo tra due amiche e completa le supposizioni con SHOULD e i verbi sleep • have • wake up • arrive • be • look.
LETIZIA: Look at this hairstyle in my latest magazine. I might cut my hair like this. What do you think? SOFIA: It.....nice on you. You've got thick...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: collega le condizioni(1-8) ai relativi risultati(a-h).
1) If there is a red flag on the beach, 2) If you choose a volunteering holiday, 3) If you like a tropical climate and sandy beaches, 4) If it rains,...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nella forma corretta.
1 If the weather's (be) good, we always (go) to the beach. 2 If your suitcase (weigh) more than 15 kg, you(have to) pay for the extra kilos. 3 (not /...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: leggi e completa le frasi con want • buy • is • arrive • go.
1 If you....from Heathrow airport, there are direct flights. 2 If the hotel before 14:00, you can't check in. 3 Come to reception if...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: abbina la prima parte delle frasi(1-5) alla parte finale(a-e).
1) If you heat water, 2) If you drink a lot of water, 3) If you swim in sea water, 4) If people drink dirty water, 5) If you buy water in plastic...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese.
1 Se avessi abbastanza soldi, andrei all'estero. 2 Se studio tanto, andre all'universita. 3 Mio fratello é troppo serio, studia tutto it tempo. 4 Se...
Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(02):
1 If I (can). -- 2 I (do) it. -- 3 If I (come) earlier. -- 4 I (prepare) the dinner. -- 5 If it (rain). -- 6 Kelly (take) an umbrella with her. --...
Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(03):
1 If John (find) money, -- 2 he (not keep) it. -- 3 If he (not print) the paper, -- 4 I (not correct) the test -- 5 If it (not be) so late -- 6 , I...
Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(04):
1 If the police (not stop) me, I (reach) you in time. -- 2 If I (not turn) off the TV. -- 3 , I (know) the end of the soap. -- 4 I Freddie (not...
Partendo dalla frase I EAT CHOCOLATE EVERY DAY, trasforma il verbo EAT nei tempi indicati(ove possibile):
2. Zero Conditional. PRESENT: 3. Present Continuous, 4. Present Perfect, 5. Present Perfect Continuous, 6. Imperative Form. PAST: 7. Past Simple, 8....
Leggi il testo sulla povera vecchia Marge e poi completa le frasi al THIRD CONDITIONAL della sua giornata usando le istruzioni fornite.
TESTO: Marge is a woman of 55 who lives on her own in a small house in Scotland. She did not have a very nice day yesterday! As she was leaving the...
Leggi la frase scritta in stampatello e scegli, fra le tre proposte al THIRD CONDITIONAL, quella che indica la conseguenza più logica
1. I WASN'T THIRSTY. I DIDN'T DRINK THE LEMONADE. - If I was thirsty, I would drink the lemonade - If I had been thirsty, I would've drunk the...
Per ogni frase CONDITIONAL, leggi la situazione e scegli la frase migliore fra le tre proposte.
1. IT DIDN'T RAIN. THE FLOWERS DIED. - If it rained, the flowers wouldn't have died. - If it had rained, the flowers wouldn't have died. -...
SECOND CONDITIONAL, fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente(02):
1 If the country had a larger army, it ____ its neighbour. A=would invade B=invades C=will invade / 2 If I __ a superhero, I would call myself...
FIRST CONDITIONAL, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 If you need me, ____. A=I am in the kitchen B=I be in the kitchen C=I'll be in the kitchen / 2 If you need a hand, ____. A=I will be glad to help...
FIRST CONDITIONAL, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
1 If she __ me to help her, I will. A=ask B=will ask C=asks / 2 If I have time, I ___ a walk in the park. A=take B=will take C=takes / 3 If Johnson...
Riscrivi le frasi con il SECOND CONDITIONAL indicando che cosa potrebbero o non potrebbero fare le persone descritte. Esempio: Albert eats a lot of junk food. He shouldn't eat a lot of junk food.
1 Ellie spends the entire day on her smartphone. 2 Sally never does regular physical exercise. 3 William looks at his tablet when he goes to bed. 4...
Traduci in inglese le seguenti frasi con SHOULD e MUST.
1 Freddie dovrebbe dormire meglio stanotte, ora che la tosse gli é passata (has gone). 2 Gli studenti devono registrarsi per questo corso online. 3...
Scrivi ZC(Zero conditional), FC(First conditional) o SC(Second conditional) opportunamente accanto a ogni frase.
1 If you heat ice, it melts. 2 She will stay home if it snows. 3 If I studied more, I would get better results in my science tests. 4 If she...
Usa i suggerimenti per scrivere delle frasi usando lo Zero, First o Second CONDITIONAL + i termini dati.
1) you / heat water I it / boils (0 conditional) 2) experiment works I we I tell our science teacher (1st conditional) 3) you / do more experiments /...