Esercizi di inglese svolti per elementari e scuola media
Articoli A o AN? scegli quello giusto:
1) There is a / an cat in the yard. 2) A / an car is faster than a / an horse. 3) If there is a / an answer, I will find it. 4) I see a / an...
Articoli A o AN? scegli quello giusto da mettere prima di queste parole(02):
1)elephant 2)guitar 3)elastic 4)pony tail 5)car 6)apple 7)banana 8)orange 9)fruit 10)pencil 11)squirrel 12)ant 13)spider 14)mouse ...
Riscrivi le seguenti date mettendo le lettere maiuscole al posto giusto.
1) monday january 7 2019 / 2) tuesday february 18 2011 / 3) wednesday march 21 1997 / 4) thursday april 30 2005 / 5) friday may 15 2011 /...
Scrivi l'ARTICOLO INDETERMINATIVO appropriato prima di ogni parola:
1 ... bag -- 2 ... apple -- 3 ... car -- 4 ... beautiful city -- 5 ... honest worker -- 6 ... air steward -- 7 ... wonderful house -- 8 ... yellow...
O JOHN! O John! The sun has just set. It is not hot now. Let us run and jump. I think it is fun to run and skip and jump. See the duck on the pond! Her nest is up on the bank under the rock. We must not touch the nest, but we may look at it.
1.Why is it not hot now? / 2.What is it fun to do? / 3.What is on the pond? / 4.Where is the nest?
A o AN? scegli l'articolo indeterminativo corretto per ognuno di questi nomi(01):
Apple // Building // Microwave Oven // Egg // Brother // Umbrella // Teacher // Ice-cream // Artist // Hospital // Bookstore //...
A o AN? scegli l'articolo indeterminativo corretto per ognuno di questi nomi(02):
1.good day - 2.excellent result - 3.big desk - 4.happy boy - 5.job - 6.egg - - 8.easy question - - 10.flat
PLAYING WITH FRIENDS. John went for a bike ride. He rode around the block. Then he met some girls he knew from school. They all rode to the field to play. John had a great time playing games with his friends.
1.John went for a ( car / bike )ride. -- 2.He rode around the ( block / circle ). -- 3.Then he met some ( boys / girls )he knew from school. --...
A BIRTHDAY PARTY. Lisa went to a birthday party on Saturday. There were many girls there. They played a lot of great games at the party. Then they had dessert. All of the girls got balloons as party favors. Lisa loved her red balloon.
1.Lisa went to a (slumber / birthday) party on Saturday. -- 2.There were many (girls / boys)there. -- 3.They played a lot of great (movies /...
BASEBALL. Tim went to the park with his brother. They brought baseballs and gloves. They played catch for two hours. It started to getvery hot out, so they went home for some lemonade. They had a great day.
1.What did Tim do with his brother? a.Go to school b.Go to the park / 2.What did they take with them? a.Baseballs and gloves b.Books and pencils /...
WINTER FUN. Mary and her family went sledding. They each brought their own sled. When they got to the hill, they had a race. Mary's brother won the race, and she was happy for him. After a long, fun day of sledding, Mary and her family went home and had hot chocolate.
1.Where did Mary and her family go? a.Skiing b.Sledding / 2.What did they each bring? a.Their own sled b.Their own skis / 3.What did they do when...
SOCCER GAME. We have a soccer game this morning. We are playing against a team from another school. I get to play striker. I like scoring goals. At half-time no one has scored yet. We get to each orange slices during the break. In the second half I score a goal. We win the match.
1.What is happening this morning? a.A soccer game b.A baseball game / 2.What position does the writer get to play? a.Defence b.Striker / 3.Does the...
MAKING PIZZA. We are making a pizza. First we make the dough with flour and eggs. We flatten the dough into a round shape. Then we put tomato sauce and cheese on top. The pizza goes into the oven. In a few minutes,it is ready to eat.
1.What do you use to make pizza dough? a.Flour and eggs b.Rice and water // 2.What do we put on top of the pizza? a.Milk and butter b.Tomato sauce...
Scegli il nome di ogni mestiere fra quelli proposti sotto ogni disegno(01):
Scegli il nome di ogni mestiere fra quelli proposti sotto ogni disegno(02):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico al relativo disegno (01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese.
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese scegliendoli fra quelli proposti(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(01):
submarine, tractor, taxi, boat, plane, balloon, van, bicycle, car, convertible, ship, underground, train, engine, lorry, helicopter, caravan, digger,...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(02):
submarine, tractor, taxi, boat, plane, balloon, van, bicycle, car, convertible, ship, underground, train, engine, lorry, helicopter, caravan, digger,...
Nazione e nazionalità, uno dei due manca in ogni disegno, riscrivili entrambi(01):
Nazione e nazionalità, uno dei due manca in ogni disegno, riscrivili entrambi(02):
Nazione e nazionalità, uno dei due è stato parzialmente coperto in ogni disegno, riscrivili entrambi(01):
Nazione e nazionalità, uno dei due è stato parzialmente coperto in ogni disegno, riscrivili entrambi(02):
Le NAZIONALITA' di questi bambini sono state parzialmente coperte, riscrivile completamente(01):
Le NAZIONALITA' di questi bambini sono state parzialmente coperte, riscrivile completamente(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico scegliendolo dall'elenco(01):
snowy / foggy / lightning / sunny / windy / rainy / cloudy / thunder
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico scegliendolo dall'elenco(02):
rainbow, hot, windy, partly-cloudy, tornado, cold, snowy, thunderstorm, rainy, tsunami, lightning, sunny, icicles
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico scegliendolo dall'elenco(03):
rainy, stormy, dry, sunny, lightning, cloudy, cold, foggy, hot, windy, snowy, icy, hail, wet
I nomi dei fenomeni atmosferici di questa immagine, sono stati parzialmente coperti, riscrivili completamente:
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(03):
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(04):
Scegli per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato fra i tre proposti(01):
Scegli per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato fra i tre proposti(02):
Scegli per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato fra i tre proposti(03):
Scegli per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività rappresentata fra i tre proposti(04):
Scegli per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato fra i tre proposti(05):
Scegli per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato fra i tre proposti(06):
Scrivi i giorni della settimana nell'ordine corretto, iniziando da lunedì e copiandoli dall'elenco:
sunday / monday / friday / wednesday / saturday / thursday / tuesday
Scrivi i mesi dell'anno nell'ordine corretto, iniziando da gennaio e copiandoli dall'elenco:
december / january / july / march / august / may / june / november / april / february / september / october
I nomi dei mesi nell'immagine sono stati parzialmente cancellati, riscrivili correttamente.
I nomi dei mesi nell'immagine sono stati parzialmente cancellati e spostati, riscrivili correttamente e rimettili in ordine partendo da gennaio.
Osserva l'immagine della stanza da letto e abbina le parole dell'elenco con i numeri dell'immagine.
lamp / picture / drawer / rug / duvet / headboard / bedside cabinet / window / chest / wardrobe / wallpaper / pot plant / fishbowl /...
Osserva l'immagine della stanza da bagno e abbina le parole dell'elenco con i numeri dell'immagine.
soap holder / cistern / wash basin / bath / floor / mirror / towel / toilet / curtain rail / mat / shower curtain / tap/faucet
Osserva l'immagine della cucina e abbina le parole dell'elenco con i numeri dell'immagine.
window sill / range/cooker / coffee machine / sink / pot plant / cup / mat / shelf / drawer / faucet/tap / oven / kitchen roll / handle /...
Osserva l'immagine del giardino e abbina le parole dell'elenco con i numeri dell'immagine.
shed / shed door / lawn / swimming pool / garden light / trash can/dustbin / vegetable garden/patch / lawnmower / bush / fence / shed...
Osserva l'immagine della casa e abbina le parole dell'elenco con i numeri dell'immagine.
doorstep / sky / living room / security light / fence / wall / car / kitchen / roof / laundry / front door / tree / bathroom / lawn /...
Osserva l'immagine del soggiorno e abbina le parole dell'elenco con i numeri dell'immagine.
frame / table / lamp / light switch / carpet / dog / painting / photo frame / rug / wardrobe / toys / sofa/couch
Osserva le immagini e indica il nome di ogni luogo scegliendolo fra i tre proposti(01):
Osserva le immagini e indica il nome di ogni luogo scegliendolo fra i tre proposti(02):
Abbina i pronomi personali soggetto inglesi dell'elenco ai corrispondenti pronomi italiani:
Scrivi gli otto pronomi personali soggetto inglesi in ordine dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona plurale:
Scrivi gli otto pronomi personali soggetto inglesi in ordine INVERSO dalla terza persona plurale alla prima persona singolare:
Scrivi gli otto aggettivi POSSESSIVI inglesi in ordine dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona plurale:
Scrivi il present simple del verbo TO BE in ordine dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona plurale comprensivo dei pronomi personali:
Scrivi il present simple del verbo TO BE in ordine in ordine INVERSO dalla terza persona plurale alla prima persona singolare comprensivo dei pronomi personali:
Scrivi il present simple del verbo TO HAVE GOT in ordine dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona plurale comprensivo dei pronomi personali:
Scrivi il present simple del verbo TO HAVE GOT in ordine in ordine INVERSO dalla terza persona plurale alla prima persona singolare comprensivo dei pronomi personali:
Completa le frasi inserendo il present simple del verbo TO BE coniugato alla persona giusta(01).
He...a teacher. / She...a nurse. / I...a painter. / He...a policeman. / You...a waiter. / They...bakers. / I...a doctor. / She...a singer. / It....a...
HAVE oppure HAS? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta(01):
My dog have/has a long tail. -- The coffee have/has milk in it. -- They have/has the correct answer. -- The flag of Israel have/has a star on it. --...
Completa le frasi inserendo il present simple del verbo TO BE coniugato alla persona giusta(04).
Suzanne....very happy to live in Washington, and I....very happy to live in New York. We....both happy to be American. I have two friends who live...
Completa le frasi con il PLURALE delle parole tra parentesi.
1. Ten ... are in the bag. (apple) / 2. Your ... are great! (photo) / 3. Their ... are Megan and Anna. (name) / 4. Two ... are in the classroom....
Scrivi i seguenti verbi alla terza persona singolare.
1. tidy / 2. wash / 3. teach / 4. go / 5. mix / 6. watch / 7. study / 8. pass
Scegli la forma corretta del verbo tra le due proposte.
1. We walk/walks to school every day. -- 2. My mum drive/drives a big car. -- 3. The students sit/sits in the classroom. -- 4. The test start/starts...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi.
1. The lunch break (start) at 12:30. -- 2. My dad (finish) work at five o'clock. -- 3. Every Saturday I (go) to the cinema. -- 4. We (have) dinner at...
Scrivi le seguenti forme del verbo TO BE alla forma CONTRATTA(01):
I am not - you are not - he is not - she is not - it is not - we are not - you are not - they are not
Scrivi le seguenti forme del verbo TO BE alla forma CONTRATTA(02):
I am - you are - he is - she is - it is - we are - you are - they are
Completa le frasi con il verbo HAVE GOT:
I.... a nice room / She.... a cat. / Jack.... a pet. / The sisters.... great teachers. / He.... an old bike. / They.... a goldfish. / Emma.......
Completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo TO BE al present simple(01):
I....a girl. / My work. / Trixi and cats. / The the cage. / I....a painter. / My green pencil....on the floor....
Completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo TO BE al present simple(02):
My mother.... in the kitchen. / The pupils.... not at school today. / Maria's grandmother.... from Brazil. / I.... a football fan. / It.......
Aggiungi il suffisso -ING ai seguenti verbi all'infinito(01):
go - call - swim - meet - climb - pay - come - carry - smile - cut
Aggiungi il suffisso -ING ai seguenti verbi all'infinito(02):
hurry - dance - do - play - live - invite - see - spend - arrive - get
Aggiungi il suffisso -ING ai seguenti verbi all'infinito(03):
believe - destroy - promise - jog - worry - dye - die - agree - leave - flee
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(02).
mountain - zoo - copy - tree - country - day - sky - knife - bed - dress
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(03).
dollar - cross - tooth - sky - table - story - Japanese - store - roof - bus
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(04).
crash - chief - self - dress - mess - series - sheep - family - toy - table
Scrivi il SINGOLARE delle seguenti parole(01).
roses - boys - families - potatoes - wives - photos - children - sandwiches - fish - feet
Scrivi il SINGOLARE delle seguenti parole(02).
lamps - cities - sheep - cliffs - roofs - thieves - pence - pianos - teeth - bases
Scrivi il SINGOLARE delle seguenti parole(03).
boxes - ladies - men - days - sheriffs - shelves - heroes - oxen - diagnoses - criteria
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(05).
1.wife - 2.door - - 4.window - 5.teacher - - 7.pen - - 9.dress - 10.pencil
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(06).
1.key - 2.potato - 3.hat - 4.class - 5.student - - 7.bus - 8.boy - 9.lady -
A o AN? scegli l'articolo indeterminativo corretto per ognuno di questi nomi(03):
1.sad person - 2.good teacher - 3.expensive house - 4.bad day - car - 6.English book - 7.umbrella - 8.student - - 10.friendly cat
Completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo TO BE al present simple(03):
1.He ...from India.... /2.You ...a good friend.... /3.I ...very happy today.... /4.The cat ...brown.... /5.Annette ...tired.... /6.We ...hungry after...
Completa le frasi con il verbo TO BE al present simple in forma INTERROGATIVA: from Indonesia? / 2....this your car? / 3....we at the right place? / 4....I in the right classroom? / 5....she tall? / always...
Completa queste frasi con il PRESENT SIMPLE del verbo tra parentesi(02).
1.I...(come) to class every day. / 2.He...(clean) his car every Saturday. / 3.We...(study) English every night after class. / 4.She...(live) in...
Completa queste frasi con il PRESENT SIMPLE del verbo tra parentesi(01).
1.Bob...(go) to music class once a week. / 2.She...(speak) four languages. / 3.They...(feel) happy. / 4.We...(eat) vegetables. / 5.I...(play) tennis...
Osserva l'immagine e indica qual è il nome esatto degli oggetti NATALIZI rappresentati 01:
Osserva l'immagine e indica qual è il nome esatto degli oggetti NATALIZI rappresentati 02:
Osserva l'immagine e indica qual è il nome esatto degli oggetti NATALIZI rappresentati scegliendoli dal seguente elenco 01:
Osserva l'immagine e indica qual è il nome esatto degli oggetti NATALIZI rappresentati scegliendoli dal seguente elenco 02:
Osserva l'immagine e collega il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico al relativo disegno (02):
mouse - keyboard - coloured pencils - pen - paper - pencil - computer - exercise book - pencil sharpener - interactive whiteboard (IWB) - desk...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il nome di ogni materia scolastica alla relativa immagine:
English - maths - science - history - geography - music - foreign languages - PE(Physical Education) - D&T (Design and Technology) - RE (Religious...
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(02):
1) watch TV 2) go shopping 3) meet friends 4) do sports 5) go to the cinema 6) play an instrument 7) read a book 8) listen to music 9) volunteer 10)...
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(01):
1) eating junk food 2) running 3) doing regular exercise 4) walking 5) eating too much fat 6) swimming 7) drinking alcohol 8) drinking a lot of water...
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(05):
watching online videos • playing chess • model making • playing video games • volunteering • painting • doing martial arts • going...
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(06):
1) BMX 2) white water rafting 3) bodyboarding 4) paragliding 5) bungee jumping 6) ski jumping 7) hang gliding 8) snowboarding 9) rock climbing 10)...
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(07):
1) safari 2) tour 3) volunteering 4) skiing 5) sightseeing 6) seaside 7) scuba diving 8) cruise 9) sailing 10) camping 11) hiking 12) spa
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(08):
1) sunbathe 2) play beach games 3) go swimming 4) go hiking 5) go sightseeing 6) visit museums and art galleries 7) go snorkelling 8) go windsurfing
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco(09):
1) go camping 2) go on an organised holiday 3) go to the mountains 4) go on an activity holiday 5) visit a city 6) go touring 7) go on a study...
Abbina per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport, scegliendolo fra quelli dell'elenco:
1) go skateboarding 2) go swimming 3) go skiing 4) play rugby 5) go canoeing 6) go snowboarding 7) play volleyball 8) play ice hockey 9) do judo 10)...
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni luogo al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito (01).
square - newsagent's - road - police station - street - post office - petrol station - park - pub - shopping centre - sports centre - train station
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni luogo al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito (02).
greengrocer's - chemist's - library - hairdresser - church - butcher's - hospital - bridge - baker's - bookshop - clothes shop - mosque
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni luogo marino al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito.
ocean - gulf - bay - sea - island - beach - peninsula - cliff - coral reef - archipelago - coast - shore
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni luogo geografico al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito.
stream - glacier - forest - volcano - cave - valley - path - river - hill - lake - summit - waterfall
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni luogo della città al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito.
1 post office 2 museum 3 greengrocer's 4 hospital 5 bridge 6 square 7 newsagent's 8 library 9 petrol station 10 police station 11 baker's 12 train...
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni mezzo di trasporto al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito(01):
fire engine - glider - cab/taxi - camper van - helicopter - lorry - boat - coach - ferry - bus - car - caravan - aircraft carrier - ambulance - bike...
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni mezzo di trasporto al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito(02):
motorboat - plane - racing car - rocket - sailing boat - train - motorbike - underground - mountain bike - scooter - segway - oil tanker - pick-up...
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni mezzo di trasporto al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito(03):
1) car 2) bike 3) bus 4) train 5) plane 6) boat 7) underground/Tube 8) coach 9) motorbike 10) scooter 11) ship 12) helicopter 13) sports car 14)...
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni oggetto tecnologico al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito.
webcam • smartphone • games console • touchscreen • earbuds • display • headphones • charger • printer • keyboard • mouse •...
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni strumento musicale al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito.
1) bass guitar 2) double bass 3) accordion 4) drums 5) clarinet 6) harmonica 7) electric guitar 8) acoustic guitar 9) piano 10) violin 11) cello 12)...
Osserva l'immagine e riscrivi le 7 frasi inserendo la DAILY ROUTINE corretta in riferimento ad ogni fumetto usando i suggerimenti dati.
Osserva l'immagine e riscrivi le frasi completandole con il nome del MESTIERE corretto.
Osserva l'immagine e riscrivi le 4 frasi per ogni personaggio completandole con NAZIONALITA' e MESTIERE corretto.
Osserva l'immagine e riscrivi le 6 frasi inserendo solo l'AZIONE che si sta svolgendo corretta.
Osserva l'immagine e riscrivi le 6 frasi inserendo in ognuna il tipo di NEGOZIO corretto.
Leggi il seguente semplice testo su Martin e indica se le frasi al fondo sono vere (T), false (F) o non date (NG).
Martin is my cousin. He is tall and slim. Martin loves animals: he has got a cat, a turtle and a horse. He can also take great photos: he has got a...
Leggi il seguente semplice testo su Kevin and Lisa e indica se le frasi al fondo sono vere (T), false (F) o non date (NG).
It is a warm and sunny, spring day. Kevin and Lisa go for a walk in the park. They wear a hoodie, trousers and trainers. In the park they play...
Osserva le immagini sui MESTIERI e collega le attività illustrate con le definizioni scritte
Scegli l'aggettivo adatto per ogni immagine scegliendo fra: long, young, loud, old, big, fast, ugly, tall, pretty, comfy. Riscrivi poi le frasi complete nello spazio della soluzione
Scegli l'aggettivo adatto per ogni immagine scegliendo fra: young, white, great, orange, fast, round, black, white, good, brown, red. Riscrivi poi le frasi complete nello spazio della soluzione
Trova gli AGGETTIVI nel seguente elenco di parole:
red boy car small mouse dog mother friend coat soft hard pleasant girls books long bicycle short finish play fast poor do goes this person
EITHER o ENOUGH? scegli quello giusto(01):
1) Choose _________ (either / enough) chair, it does not matter to me. 2) Make sure there is __________ (either / enough) room for everyone. 3)...
EITHER o ENOUGH? scegli quello giusto(02):
1) There is ________ (either / enough) information to continue. 2) _________ (either / enough) restaurant is a good place to eat. 3) There...
Inserisci la preposizione giusta fra le seguenti: from, until, about, during, beyond, toward, out of.
1) The show is _________ to start. 2) Only one _________ ten will finish the race. 3) Put on the hat you received __________ your grandma. 4)...
THIS, THAT, THESE o THOSE? scegli quello corretto e completa le frasi(01):
1) __________ (this / that) train over there is big. 2) __________ (this / that) train over here is old. 3) __________ (this / that) apple is...
THIS, THAT, THESE o THOSE? scegli quello corretto e completa le frasi(02):
1) ______ (this / that) ball is my favorite. 2) I don’t like to play with _______ (this / that) ball. 3) ________ (these / those) shoes are too...
THIS, THAT, THESE o THOSE? scegli quello corretto e completa le frasi(03):
1) Do you want _____ (this / that) one here. or _____ (this / that) one there? 2) Is _________ (this / that) one yours? 3) What are _________...
Riscrivi le frasi mettendo le lettere maiuscole dove occorre:
1) mr. linton 2) pedro lopez 3) statue of liberty 4) ms. smith 5) Say hello to melanie 6) I see jason over there 1) jared kennedy 2)...
Metti le lettere maiuscole ai nomi propri nelle seguenti frasi:
1) pat the cat laps the milk. 2) mrs. brown tells her students to sit down. 3) noah asks his mom for a snack. 4) father maxwell reads the story...
Indica i nomi al plurale:
desk chairs table couches rug carpets cushion pillows lamps book shelves clock pictures frame blanket magazines toys bowl candies nuts phone curtains...
Osserva il verbo e scegli con attenzione il nome al singolare o al plurale(01):
1. The boy / boys eats an apple. 2. The girl / girls curl their hair. 3. The teacher / teachers speaks to the class. 4. The curtain / curtains are...
Osserva il verbo e scegli con attenzione il nome al singolare o al plurale(02):
1) My pillow / pillows are pink. 2) My bed / beds is small. 3) The room / rooms are clean. 4) The couch / couches is comfortable. 5) The table /...
Osserva il verbo e scegli con attenzione il nome al singolare o al plurale(03):
1. The bunny / bunnies eat carrots. 2. The horse / horses runs fast. 3. The hamster / hamsters are hungry. 4. The cat / cats plays with the...
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(01):
1) A cat, many cat __________. 2) A bird, many __________. 3) A dog, many __________. 4) A bunny, many ___________. 5) A hamster, many...
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(02):
1) A room, many __________. 2) A table, many __________. 3) A chair, many __________. 4) A bed, many ___________. 5) A couch, many...
Volgi al plurale i seguenti nomi(03):
1) A toy, many __________. 2) A doll, many __________. 3) A car, many __________. 4) A robot, many ___________. 5) A card, many ____________. 6)...
Metti l'apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(01):
1. The chair belongs to Mr. Palmer. It is Mr. Palmer _______ chair. 2. The ruler belongs to Ava. It is Ava ______ ruler. 3. The apple belongs to...
Metti l'apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(02):
1. The hat belongs to Nick. It is Nick ________ hat. 2. The coat belongs to dad. It is dad _________ coat. 3. The scarf belongs to Ms. Brown. It is...
Metti l'apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(03):
1. The car belongs to my mother. It is my mother __________ car. 2. The dog belongs to Tony. It is Tony ___________ dog. 3. The keys belong to my...
Unisci ogni soggetto dell'elenco con il pronome personale corretto(02):
SOGGETTI: Gave Louis and I - Talk to Lucy - Presented to John - Feed the cat - Reads to the kids - Sat on the chair - Showed you and your friend...
Unisci ogni soggetto dell'elenco con il pronome personale corretto(03):
SOGGETTI: My friends - The girl - A cat - You and I - You and Bill - The boys - This boy - Lisa and her friends - A car - Emma
Unisci ogni soggetto dell'elenco con il pronome personale corretto(01):
SOGGETTI: Mark - to your brother - John and I - gave the girl - finish a book - the dog - you and your friend - Mary - look at the stars -...
Sostituisci i soggetti in STAMPATELLO delle seguenti frasi con il pronome personale corretto:
1) ARDEN AND I go to the movies. a. I b. We c. He d. They 2) YOU AND I like cookies. a. We b. You c. They d. Us 3) YOU AND MICHAEL prefer cake to...
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(01):
1) John has a book. It is _________. 2) Lena has boots. They are _________. 3) Phil and I have many toys. They are ________. 4) You have a hat. It...
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(02):
1) It belongs to me. It is ________. 2) It belongs to them. It is ________. 3) It belongs to us. It is __________. 4) It belongs to her. It is...
MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, OURS, THEIRS: scegli il pronome possessivo corretto per le seguenti frasi(03):
1) I have a new book. It is ________. 2) She has a new cat. It is ________. 3) They have new pillows. It is ________. 4) We have new shoes. They...
Trova ed evidenzia i verbi presenti nelle seguenti frasi:
1) Teddy holds his plushy. 2) Mel eats a carrot. 3) The kids laugh at the joke. 4) After supper, they clean the dishes. 5) Later, take a...
Ogni frase ha due forme verbali, una al SINGOLARE ed una al PLURALE: cancella quella sbagliata(01):
1) My uncle is / are making supper. 2) Your friends is / are nice. 3) Lea and Marty eats / eat together often. 4) The teacher reads / read...
Ogni frase ha due forme verbali, una al SINGOLARE ed una al PLURALE: cancella quella sbagliata(02):
1) The actor is / are old. 2) Mark and Lennon is / are singing. 3) Your friend is / are sad. 4) The steps is / are slippery. 5) The cushion is /...
Ogni frase ha due forme verbali, una al SINGOLARE ed una al PLURALE: cancella quella sbagliata(03):
1) Lenny eats / eat cake. 2) Josie and Andrew prefers / prefer pie. 3) Mandy and I likes / like soup. 4) Eve and you enjoys / enjoy salad...
Suffisso -ED: scrivi ogni forma verbale al passato(01):
1) score _______ 2) finish _______ 3) practice _______ 4) fade _______ 5) listen ______ 6) thank ____ 7) fold _______ 8) add _______ 9) My...
Suffisso -ED: scrivi ogni forma verbale al passato(02):
1) walk ___________ 2) jump ___________ 3) talk ___________ 4) watch ___________ 5) look ___________ 6) laugh ___________ 7) like...
Suffisso -ED: scrivi ogni forma verbale al passato(03):
1) decorate ___________ 2) cook ___________ 3) work ___________ 4) mark ___________ 5) pass ___________ 6) dance ___________ 7) turn...
Aggiungi -ING ad ogni verbo e forma il present-continuous(01):
1) fold ___________ 2) finish ___________ 3) add ___________ 4) fade ___________ 5) cook ___________ 6) thank ___________ 7) score...
Aggiungi -ING ad ogni verbo e forma il present-continuous(02):
1) walk is ___________ 2) watch is ___________ 3) finish is ___________ 4) like is ___________ 5) jump is ___________ 6) laugh is...
Aggiungi -ING ad ogni verbo e forma il present-continuous(03):
1) play is ___________ 2) close is ___________ 3) work is ___________ 4) turn is ___________ 5) pass is ___________ 6) sell is ___________ 7)...
Scrivi l'ARTICOLO appropriato(04):
1. John wanted to read a / an comic book. 2. The class went on a / an field trip. 3. He likes to read an / the short stories. 4. Lisa put a / an...
Aggettivo o avverbio? Scegli quello giusto in ogni frase(01):
1. Kallista (delicate / delicately) picked up the fallen bird. 2. Bobby is (delicate / delicately) with his toys. 3. Nate (patient / patiently)...
Completa la storia utilizzando gli aggettivi e gli avverbi dati(01):
Andy's ___________ cat, Lola, had kittens. They were_______ little...
Completa la storia utilizzando gli aggettivi e gli avverbi dati(02):
The ___________ mouse was ___________ trying to get a...
Completa la storia utilizzando gli aggettivi e gli avverbi dati(03):
It was a __________ summer night and the boy scouts...
Riscrivi le frasi mettendo la lettera maiuscola dove occorre(01):
1. James collects pokémon cards. 2. The movie iron man has a lot of action. 3. They made movies and books of spongebob squarepants. 4. The lego...
Scrivi i plurali dei nomi aggiungendo S oppure ES(01):
1) station - 2) house - 3) building - 4) church - 5) mall - 6) apartment - 7) sea - 8) beach - 9) bridge - 10) waltz - 11) dance - 12)...
Scrivi i plurali dei nomi aggiungendo S oppure ES(02):
1) block - 2) pot - 3) pan - 4) plate - 5) dish - 6) spoon - 7) fork - 8) box - 9) sandwich - 10) apple - 11) orange - 12) chair - 13)...
Scrivi i plurali dei nomi aggiungendo S oppure ES(03):
1) tree - 2) ant - 3) fox - 4) dog - 5) rabbit - 6) pool - 7) deck - 8) ditch - 9) road - 10) street - 11) lake - 12) peach - 13) heart ...
Scrivi i plurali delle seguenti parole che terminano per Y(01):
1) toy - 2) ploy - 3) play - 4) blue jay - 5) birthday - 6) alley - 7) tray - 8) turkey - 9) monkey - 10) valley - 1) day - 2) chimney -...
Scrivi i plurali delle seguenti parole che terminano per Y(02):
1) enemy 2) story 3) pony 4) army 5) body 6) berry 7) baby 8) factory 9) lady 10) puppy 1) daisy 2) butterfly 3) froggy 4)...
IS oppure ARE? completa inserendo il verbo giusto:
1. Melanie ___________ happy to see us. 2. We ___________ on time for once. 3. The dog _________ in the back yard. 4. You __________ with your...
Suffisso -ED e -ING: scrivi ogni forma verbale con entrambi i suffissi:
1. dance 2. arrange 3. fake 4. type 5. close 6. organize 7. place 8. bake 9. smile 10. use 1. tan 2. wag 3. dot ...
Indica le PREPOSIZIONI presenti nelle seguenti frasi(01):
1. I would like a piece of pizza. / 2. Ryan was in Maine. / 3. We walked off the path. / 4. I got a new bike from my dad. / 5. We went out the door....
Indica le PREPOSIZIONI presenti nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1. My family went to the store. / 2. Michael came from Georgia. / 3. We were in the pool. / 4. My parents traveled out of town. / 5. The boys put...
Indica le PREPOSIZIONI presenti nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1. We played in the park. / 2. My family went to Florida. / 3. My mom works with your mom. / 4. The dogs dove in the pool. / 5. Can you go with me? /...
Inserisci la preposizione corretta nelle seguenti frasi scegliendola tra: BY FROM TO WITH IN OF FOR OUT ON OFF(01):
1. He received a package __ his best friend. / 2. The scout leader told us not to walk __ the marked path. / 3. My favorite spot is __ the park the...
Inserisci la preposizione corretta nelle seguenti frasi scegliendola tra: BY FROM TO WITH IN OF FOR OUT ON OFF(02):
1. I went the store __ my family. / 2. Can you buy me a gift __ my birthday please? / 3. We have always lived __ a lot of pets. / 4. My mom was mad...
Inserisci la preposizione corretta nelle seguenti frasi scegliendola tra: BY FROM TO WITH IN OF FOR OUT ON OFF(03):
1. My parents went __ the road their new car. / 2. The cat ran __ the door. / 3. Did you see the alligator __ the water’s edge? / 4. I am going __...
Usa un APOSTROFO e scrivi la forma contratta dei seguenti verbi(01):
1. she will / 2. is not / 3. could not / 4. let us / 5. I am / 6. could have / 7. did not / 8. he would / 9. should have / 10. we will / ...
Usa un APOSTROFO e scrivi la forma contratta dei seguenti verbi(02):
1. she is / 2. are not / 3. cannot / 4. they will / 5. I am / 6. could have / 7. did not / 8. does not / 9. could not / 10. I will / 11....
Elimina ogni APOSTROFO e scrivi la forma non contratta dei seguenti verbi:
1. isn’t / 2. aren’t / 3. can’t / 4. they’re / 5. don’t / 6. could’ve / 7. didn’t / 8. doesn’t / 9. couldn’t / 10....
Usa un APOSTROFO e scrivi la forma possessiva delle seguenti espressioni(01):
1. child – toy / 2. cat – claw / 3. Brandon – dogs / 4. children – games / 5. foxes – tails / 6. Kelly – computer / 7. men – cars...
Usa un APOSTROFO e scrivi la forma possessiva delle seguenti espressioni(02):
1. Jim – pizza / 2. dogs – bones / 3. Tracy – coat / 4. men – bikes / 5. Casey – house / 6. children – dolls / 7. restaurant –...
Usa un APOSTROFO e scrivi la forma possessiva delle seguenti espressioni(03):
1. cars – tires / 2. city – buildings / 3. hamsters – cages / 4. Tyler – house / 5. women – books / 6. Andy – jacket / 7. friends...
Usando gli elementi dati, scrivi frasi affermative con il present simple di to be. Non usare le forme contratte.
1 She/German -- 2 He/an English teacher -- 3 They/at school every morning at 8 -- 4 We/ your friends, don't worry! -- 5 They/happy/today? -- 6 I/late...
Sostituisci le espressioni tra parentesi con i corretti PRONOMI PERSONALI SOGGETTO.
1 (Nicolas) .... is a dentist / 2 (Luke) .... is my cousin. / 3 (Your cousin and his wife) .... are at the disco / 4 (Miss Janet) .... is French. / 5...
SINGOLARE, PLURALE oppure ENTRAMBI? Scegli l'opzione corretta.
1 We / 2 She / 3 I / 4 It / 5 You / 6 They / 7 He
Cambia i seguenti nomi in PRONOMI PERSONALI.
1 Leyla / 2 Justin / 3 Mike and Susan / 4 The weather / 5 Me and you / 6 You and your two brothers / 7 Your dog and its puppies / 8 A ring / 9 The...
Sostituisci il soggetto tra parentesi con il PRONOME appropriato.
1 (Michael) studies everyday. / 2 (Susan and I) are going to the pub tonight, would you come with us? / 3 (My brothers) are living abroad now. / 4...
Verbo TO BE: scegli la persona corretta.
1 I/They/We am a student. / 2 It/I/They are a beautiful couple. / 3 We/It/He is cold today. / 4 You/I/He are good at playing the guitar. / 5...
Completa le frasi con il PRONOME PERSONALE corretto.
1 This is my brother Kyle. ... is 13. / 2 Hey Mike, look at that dog and its little puppies. ... are so sweet! / 3 Listen to this music.
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del simple present del verbo TO BE(01):
1 I ... your teacher. -- 2 She ... very good at Mathematics. -- 3 This ... a difficult exercise. -- 4 We .... brothers. -- 5 He ... a receptionist....
Riscrivi le frasi con la forma contratta di TO BE. Quando non è possibile, scrivi "not possible"
1 I am your teacher. -- 2 She is very good at Mathematics. -- 3 This is a difficult exercise -- 4 We are brothers -- 5 He is a receptionist. -- 6 He...
Completa le frasi con la forma negativa contratta del verbo TO BE.
1 This book ..... mine. -- 2 Your tea .... bad. -- 3 You ..... a policeman. -- 4 Jenny and Jade .... going to work today. -- 5 I think that Mrs....
THERE IS oppure THERE ARE? Completa le frasi.
1 There ..... a cat on the table. -- 2 There ..... my pen on the desk -- 3 There ...... two couches in my living room. -- 4 There ..... some children...
IS THERE oppure ARE THERE ? Trasforma le frasi in domande.
1 .... a cat on the table? -- 2 .... my pen on the desk? -- 3 .... two couches in my living room? -- 4 .... some children in the yard? -- 5 .... many...
THERE IS oppure THERE ARE? Rispondi alle domande e fai attenzione alla forma negativa di there is\there are.
1 Is there a banana in the box? Yes, .... -- 2 Are there two hundred seats in this cinema? Yes, ... -- 3 Are there thirty minutes in an hour? No,...
Cambia le frasi da singolare a plurale e viceversa. Non dimenticate di mettere il punto interrogativo alla fine delle frasi interrogative!
1 Are there books on the table? -- 2 There is a pupil in my class. -- 3 There are chairs in the classroom. -- 4 There is a dog in the garden. -- 5...
Scrivi l'ARTICOLO appropriato(01):
1 Susan has a part-time job. She works four mornings ...week. -- 2 “Are you going away tomorrow” “No, after tomorrow.” -- 3 That house...
Scrivi l'ARTICOLO appropriato(02):
1 Hi, my name’s Peter. I have .... sister -- 2 and .... brother. -- 3 I am ... best in my class, and my parents are happy for it. -- 4 They gave me...
Scrivi l'ARTICOLO appropriato(03):
1 Is Tom Cruise ... Irish actor? -- 2 No, he is ... American actor. -- 3 What are you doing tonight? I’m reading ... book now -- 4 But I would...
Scrivi l'ARTICOLO appropriato. Scrivi X se non è necessario l'articolo(01).
1 Martha can play .... guitar. -- 2 I really liked ..... movie I saw last night. -- 3 My name’s Carl, I’m new in ..... town. -- 4 There is ......
Scrivi l'ARTICOLO appropriato. Scrivi X se non è necessario l'articolo(02).
1 I love talking about ... books with Amy. -- 2 Mary was .... only girl I really loved. -- 3 Did you that ... my girlfriend is Laura? -- 4 Did your...
Scrivi l'ARTICOLO appropriato. Scrivi X se non è necessario l'articolo(02).
1 Are Janet and Jim thinking of buying .... house? -- 2 ... boys are generally stronger -- 3 than ... girls who go to the gym, too. -- 4 We bought...
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(01).
1 Photo: .. -- 2 Roof: .. -- 3 Potato: .. -- 4 Series: .. -- 5 Bus: .. -- 6 Tomato: .. -- 7 Toe: .. -- 8 People: .. -- 9 Family: .. -- 10...
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 01.
1 Mr Grant is alone today. Where is ...wife -- 2 My friend Irene is in Scotland with ...husband. -- 3 Paul and Lara are at school: that is
Trasforma i numeri cardinali in numeri ordinali.
1) 8 -- 2) 13 -- 3) 33 -- 4) 50 -- 5) 91 -- 6) 72 -- 7) 1 -- 8) 10 -- 9) 22 -- 10) 60
Completa le seguenti frasi con i corretti nomi di giorni, mesi, stagioni:
1 Christmas is in ... It is the coldest month -- 2 .... is my favourite day of the week: there is no school then -- 3 The season after winter is ......
Coniuga i seguenti verbi al SIMPLE PRESENT in base alla persona a cui si riferiscono:
1 Susan (study) foreign languages at the university. -- 2 Sam (speak) French fluently. -- 3 The Wilsons (live) in London Road -- 4 She (know) me very...
SIMPLE PRESENT: scegli l'alternativa corretta.
1 I don’t think/thinke she bees/is good at playing volleyball. -- 2 We go/goes to the church on Sundays. -- 3 The train leave/leaves at 11 a.m.. --...
SIMPLE PRESENT: completa le frasi.
1 They (to wash) their car. -- 2 Mary (to get) the bus at 4 in the afternoon. -- 3 His wife (to wash) the dishes. -- 4 Mrs. Lloyd (to teach) English...
Trasforma i verbi seguenti nella forma –ing.
1 Swim / 2 Enjoy / 3 Annoy / 4 Write / 5 Tell / 6 Admit / 7 Get / 8 Die / 9 Live / 10 Give up
Scegli tra A oppure AN davanti alle seguenti parole:
1 boy / 2 apple / 3 yard / 4 jacket / 5 hotel / 6 university / 7 wolf / 8 hour / 9 gesture / 10 honest
Completa le frasi usando il verbo to have.
1 Lory .... a brother. -- 2 We .... a new Tv. -- 3 You .... a heavy schoolbag. -- 4 That flat .... six rooms. -- 5 they .... a two sons and four...
Completa le frasi usando il verbo to have. In alcune frasi è possibile più di una soluzione.
1 Mark ... an MP3 reader. -- 2 We ... two little dog, and we love them! -- 3 I ... go for a walk, I need fresh air. -- 4 Why don’t we ... a swim?...
A oppure AN? scrivi l'articolo indefinito corretto davanti alle seguenti parole(01):
1. chair -- 2. girl -- 3. school -- 4. egg -- 5. hour -- 6. apple -- 7. exam -- 8. hospital -- 9. year -- 10. university -- 11. address -- 12. ear --...
A oppure AN? scrivi l'articolo indefinito corretto davanti alle seguenti parole(02):
1. orange -- 2. ice cream -- 3. pencil -- 4. umbrella -- 5. shoe -- 6. number -- 7. heater -- 8. interview -- 9. application form -- 10. heir -- 11....
Completa ogni frase utilizzando WAS o WERE.
1. It __ a new ball. -- 2. These ball _ __ in the garden. -- 3. A ball _ in the garden. -- 4. There __ two ball _ in the garden. -- 5. __ that ball _...
TO, TOO oppure TWO? completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(01):
I am going ____ the library at _____ o'clock. Your shoes are ____ big for me. I'm ____ young ____ drive a car. The book is ____ hard ____ read. We...
TO, TOO oppure TWO? completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(02):
I have ____ feed my dog. At what time do you need ____ go home? I have ____ cookies ____ share. Nice ____ meet you. I am hungry ____. Will we...
TO, TOO oppure TWO? completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(03):
I ate ____ much ice cream. Please pick up ____ gallons of milk from the store. Your voices are ____ loud. Would you like ____ have pasta for...
AM, IS oppure ARE? completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(01):
Tom ____ watering the flowers in his garden. The books ____ new. There ____ hot coffee in the cup. I ____ writing a story at my desk. The bread...
AM, IS oppure ARE? completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(02):
The sisters ____ wearing matching clothes. I ____ proud of my sister. The panda bear ____ cute. The policeman ____ friendly. Who ____ we visiting...
AM, IS oppure ARE? completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(03):
Natalie ____ a smart girl. Jeff and Sam ____ playing basketball. Noah ____ going to the movies. Do you think I ____ happy? ____ my shoes in the...
I oppure ME? completa le seguenti frasi con il pronome corretto(01):
Mom made the bed for ____. The party will be fun for you and ____. Kim and ____ walked to the bakery. Ben and ____ make a great team. Will you...
I oppure ME? completa le seguenti frasi con il pronome corretto(02):
Mom and ____ are going to see auntie Sue. Sam will ask Tom or ___ for a ride to the store. Mom drove ____ to school today. ____ really want that...
I oppure ME? completa le seguenti frasi con il pronome corretto(03):
____ walked downstairs. Sam ate with ____. Please give the tickets to ____. ____ read a story to my brother. Tom and ____ played a game...
THERE IS oppure THERE ARE? completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(01):
There... four flowers in the vase. There... not one cloud in the sky. There.... a puddle on the floor. There... cookies in the jar. There... a lamp...
THERE IS oppure THERE ARE? completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(02):
There...a concert at the arts center. There...a school on our street. There...kittens hiding in the hamper. There...some cheese in the fridge....
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del simple present del verbo TO BE(02):
1. Adele ...a singer. -- 2. Barack Obama ..from Italy. -- 3. What ..your name? -- 4. Spain Europe. -- 5. from Spain? Yes, I am. -- 6....
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del simple present del verbo TO BE(03):
1. Carol's cat ..very pretty. -- 2. Rob ..ten years old. -- 3. Those paintings ..wonderful! -- 4. The two supermarkets ..very near to each other. --...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del simple present del verbo TO BE(04):
1. Russia ____one of the largest countries in the world. -- 2. French wine _____very tasty. -- 3. The children ______in the garden. -- 4. The...
Crea delle frasi complete con le seguenti parole. Avrai bisogno del verbo TO BE. Non usare le forme contratte e non dimenticare la punteggiatura!
1. your name what ? -- 2. today I not very happy. -- 3. doctor my sister a. -- 4. big not very this car. -- 5. my bag in phone my ? -- 6. short my...
Metti le parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi. Non dimenticare di utilizzare tutta la punteggiatura!
1. I'm / not / I'm / British / . / French, -- 2. my / Melanie / and / sisters / are / Margaret / . -- 3. of / Paris / is / France / capital / the / ....
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle domande.
1. mother/old/how/?/your/is -- 2. is/Canada/?/your/father/from -- 3. from/they/?/are/where -- 4. car/blue/?/it/is/a -- 5....
Utilizza queste risposte per scegliere le domande corrette fra le 3 proposte al termine di ogni esercizio.
1. My name is John. - What be your name? - What your name is? - What is your name? // 2. My mother is from India. - Where your mother is from? -...
Decidi il POSSESSIVO corretto da inserire in ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. is Neil. I am a teacher. -- 2. That is your sister! What is -- 3. ..are Monica and Paula and we are Italian. -- 4. What is...
Seleziona il PRONOME corretto scegliendolo fra i due proposti(01):
1. Please give ____ water. - I - me /// 2. I send ____ a letter every month. - him - he /// 3. George cooks fish for ____ every day. - them - they...
Scegli DO oppure DOES per completare ogni domanda(01).
1. ...Grant live with his mother? // 2. learn Japanese? // 3. ...Martin and Clive ride their bikes to school? // 4. ....they work at home or...
Scegli HAVE oppure HAS per ogni frase.
1. We _____ a new English teacher. I hope she's nice. // 2. My boss _____ such a bad temper. // 3. I never _____ breakfast in the morning because I'm...
Per ogni frase, scegli la forma corretta del verbo fra le due proposte(01):
1. She _______ three languages. - speaks - speak // 2. Gina is a language professor. She _______ French. - teach - teaches // 3. I always _______ the...
Per ogni frase, scegli la forma corretta del verbo fra le due proposte(02):
1. My phone is broken and it _______ to be fixed again. - needs - need // 2. We both ________ to the radio in the morning. - listen - listens // 3....
Per ogni frase, scegli DON'T oppure DOESN'T:
1. We are new here, so we _______ know him. // 2. William is rich so he _______ have to work. // 3. It really is a cheap restaurant, it ______ cost...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti in ogni domanda usando la forma corretta di TO BE oppure TO HAVE:
1. We ...three hours before the exam starts. --- 2. Jenny and her sister ...very pretty girls. --- 3. Wash your hands before we ...lunch. --- 4....
Completa le frasi usando il verbo TO-BE oppure il verbo TO-HAVE:
1. She ___ happy. / 2. Marion ___ three brothers. / 3. I ___ some old books to give you. / 4. They ___ lots of money. / 5. I ___ still quite young. /...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale al suo nome(01):
fish/goldfish elephant rhinoceros pig sheep bear mouse chicken giraffe zebra goat monkey leopard hippopotamus cow penguin kangaroo owl
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale al suo nome(02):
duck pig horse zebra parrot chicken bird sheep hippo cow dog cat monkey fish lion tiger snake mouse rabbit crocodile bat elephant giraffe spider
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale marino al suo nome:
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale della fattoria al suo nome:
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale della savana, del deserto o dell'artico al suo nome:
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale della giungla al suo nome(01):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale al suo nome scegliendolo fra i tre proposti(01):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale al suo nome scegliendolo fra i tre proposti(02):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni animale della giungla al suo nome(02):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni capo di abbigliamento al suo nome(01):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni capo di abbigliamento al suo nome(02):
Quiz sui vocaboli dell'abbigliamento, scegli la risposta corretta fra le due proposte:
1- What do you wear on your feet? a. a dress b. trainers 2- What do you put on your head? a. a Cap b. underwear 3- What do both boys and girls...
Osserva l'immagine e collega la lettera di ogni capo di abbigliamento al suo nome:
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni capo di abbigliamento al suo nome(03):
trainers cap trousers shirt tracksuit pullover shorts uniform bow-tie jeans coat shoes boots tie sleeve scarf tshirt dress raincoat socks collar hat...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(01):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(02):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(03):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(04):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(05):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(06):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(07):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(08):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(09):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(10):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte della casa al suo nome(11):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte del corpo al suo nome(01):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte del corpo al suo nome(02):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte del corpo al suo nome(03):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte del corpo al suo nome(04):
Usa WAS O WERE per completare ogni frase:
1. ... you at home last night? / 2. ... this hotel open last year? / 3. ... Mike and his mother at the airport to meet you? / 4. ... the weather good...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni capo di abbigliamento al suo nome(04):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni alimento al suo nome(01):
plates eggs coffee cereal sugar jam orange-juice toast butter newspaper glass cookies milk pancakes tea water saucer yogurt spoon bowl bread cheese...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni alimento al suo nome(02):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni alimento al suo nome(03):
Scegli il nome corretto di ogni alimento:
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni alimento al suo nome(04):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni alimento (frutta) al suo nome(05):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni alimento (vegetali) al suo nome(06):
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni alimento (vegetali) al suo nome(07):
A VISIT TO THE WATER PARK. There is a new water park in town. We go there on the first day of summer. It has pools and water slides. There are sprinklers too. The slides are scary at first. After the first ride, we love the water slides. The sprinklers are cool on hot days. One of the pools makes its own waves. All the kids try to surf the waves. It is really fun. The water park can be very crowded. There are many kids and adults, but they do not allow pets. We really like the ice cream at the snack bar. They also sell pop and donuts. We all love the new water park.
1.What is new in town? / 2.What is scary at first? / 3.What is cool on a hot day? / 4.What do they love at the snack bar?
THE NEW BICYCLE. Emma has a new bicycle. It is bright pink and shiny. It was a gift from her uncle. He hid it behind a bush to surprise her. When Emma looked behind the bush and saw the bicycle, she jumped for joy. It was just what she wanted. She gave her uncle a big hug. She loves her new bicycle, and she loves her uncle
1.What color is the bicycle? / 2.Who was it a gift from? / 3.Where was it hidden? / 4.What did Emma do when she saw the bicycle?
AT THE ZOO. First I saw the white bear, then I saw the black; Then I saw the camel with a hump upon his back; Then I saw the grey wolf, with mutton in his maw; Then I saw the wombat waddle in the straw; Then I saw the elephant a-waving of his trunk; Then I saw the monkeys—mercy, how unpleasantly they smelt!
1.What colors were the two bears? / 2.What did the camel have upon his back? / 3.What did the wombat do in the straw? / 4.Which is the last animal...
A COLD BEAR. Brrrr! It is getting cold. Bear needs to get ready for winter. First, he eats a lot. Next, he finds a den. Then, he fills the den with leaves, so he will stay warm. Last, he eats even more! Is Bear ready for winter? Yes, he is. Winter is here!
1.Who is the character? / 2.What does Bear need to do? / 3.How does Bear get ready for winter? / 4.What do you think a den is? How could you find out?
THE THUNDERSTORM. The kids were outside playing catch. They heard a rumble in the sky. They didn't want to stop playing, but they knew it wasn't safe to be out in a storm. Also, they did not want to get wet. They decided to go inside and play a board game. They loved listening to the thunder as they played their game. The kids went outside again after the storm had passed. They saw a rainbow!
1.What were the kids playing outside? / 2.What did they hear? / 3.Where did they go? / 4.What did they play inside?
APPLES. Do you like apples? Apples can be red, yellow, or green. Each color tastes different. They are fruit. You can make apples into treats. Apples grow on trees. They finish growing in the fall. Then you can pick them to eat. When you pick an apple, you twist it and then pull it off the tree. There are five parts of an apple. The outside is the skin. The inside is the flesh. There are seeds inside of the apple. The stem is on top. Some apples have leaves by the stem. What else do you know about apples?
When do apples finish growing? / What is this passage about? / How many parts does an apple have? / What is something you wonder about apples after...
DESSERT TIME! Yum! It is time for dessert. First, Tim gets a cookie. Next, Jan gets some cake. Then, Ben gets a donut. Last, Deb gets some pie. Oh no! There is none left for Sam. What will he do? First, Tim shares his cookie. Next, Jan shares her cake. Then, Ben shares his donut. Last, Deb shares her pie. Yum! Sam and his friends are happy. It is time for dessert!
Who are the characters? / What is the problem? / How do the kids solve the problem? / How do the kids feel at the end of the story? / What is your...
HOW TO TIE YOUR SHOES. First, make an "X" with the laces. Take the bottom lace and put it in the space between the shoe and the middle of the "X." Pull the ends of both laces tight. Next, make a loop with each lace. Make an "X" with both loops. Take the bottom loop and put it in the space between the shoe and the middle of the "X." Pull both loops tight. Last, do the steps again with the laces on your other shoe. Pat yourself on the back. You tied your shoes! It will take you a few times to get it right. Keep on practicing!
1.What materials do you need to tie your shoes? / 2.What do you do first? / 3.Why did the author put in pictures instead of just using words? /...
MULE'S THOUGHTS. A silly little mule. Sat on a milking stool. And tried to write a letter to his father. But he couldn't find the ink, So he said: "I rather think This writing letters home is too much bother."
1.Where did the mule sit? / 2.What was he trying to write? / 3.What couldn’t he find? / 4.What did he think about writing letters home?
MAKING COOKIES. Greg likes to help his mom make cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are his favorite. His mom likes them too. He adds the chocolate chips to the batter. Then he stirs them in. He forms the batter into balls and places them on a baking sheet. His mom places the baking sheet into the oven. When the cookies are in the oven, Greg licks the last bits of batter from the bowl. He can hardly wait for the cookies to be ready. In 30 minutes the cookies are finished baking. The cookies are hot and yummy.
1.What kind of cookies are Greg’s favorite? / 2.What does he do when the chocolate chips are in the batter? / 3.Where does he place the balls of...
ALL ABOUT BEARS. There are many kinds of bears. Some bears live in warm places, like sun bears. Some bears live in cold places, like polar bears. Bears are different colors, too. They can be white, brown, or black. Some bears eat plants. Some bears eat animals. Bears have long snouts, or noses. They have claws and fur, too. Baby bears are called cubs. When it gets cold, bears sleep in dens for the winter. Dens can be in trees or caves. When they are sleeping all winter, it is called hibernating. Bears do not eat when they are hibernating.
1.Do all bears live in warm places? / 2.How are sun bears and polar bears different? / 3.What does hibernating mean? Highlight the words that helped...
THE BOAT PARADE. The boats are floating along the lakeshore. It is the summer boat parade. There are motorboats, rowboats and sailboats. Jessica's favorite is the yellow motor boat with the flag. The rowboat decorated with flowers is Lisa's favorite. Tony likes the purple sailboat. The boats float by one at a time. The people on the boats waive at the crowds. The crowds cheer the boats. The boat parade is so much fun to watch. It is the best part of the summer.
1.Where are the boats floating? / 2.What kind of boats are there? / 3.What is Lisa’s favorite boat? / 4.What is the best part of summer?
PEANUTS AND POPCORN. John is going to a baseball game with his aunt. He can't wait to get there. It is the first game of the season. The stadium is almost full. He loves to watch baseball, but his favorite part of going to games is eating the snacks. There are many different snacks at baseball games. A man in a red hat walks up and down the aisles selling peanuts and popcorn. Guess which is John's favorite. John likes them both. He especially likes mixing peanuts and popcorn together. If he is really hungry he will have a hot dog.
1.Where is John going? / 2.Who is he going with? / 3.Who sells the peanuts and popcorn? / 4.What does John do with the peanuts and popcorn?
SHOVELING SNOW. I want a new toy. Mom says toys cost money. How can I get money? I look outside. There is a lot of snow! Mom says I can earn money if I shovel our driveway. I do. It is fun! I do not have enough money for my new toy. I look around. Mrs. Jen has a shovel. Can I shovel her driveway? She says yes! I almost have enough money for my new toy. Mr. Tom has a shovel. Can I shovel his driveway? He says yes! I can get my new toy!
1.Who are the characters? / 2.Where is the setting? / 3.What is the problem? / 4.How does he solve the problem? / 5.What other jobs could he do to...
SUN, STARS AND MOON. In the sky, you can see the sun, stars, and the moon. The sun is up during the day. It is very hot. The sun gives us light and heat. Plants need the sun to grow. We can see the stars at night. They give off light and heat, like the sun. That is because the sun is a star, too! There are more stars than we can count. Some people see shapes in the stars. A group of stars that make a shape is called a constellation. Have you ever seen the Big Dipper? That is a constellation! The moon is out at night. Sometimes we can still see it during the day! It does not give off light and...
What is this short story about? / How are the sun and the stars the same? / What is a constellation / How is the moon different than the sun and the...
HOMEWORK OR VIDEO GAMES. Brad loves to play video games. His favorites are Disney games. Brad got home from school one day, and his mom asked him if he had homework. He did, but he thought about saying no because he wanted to play his games. Then he changed his mind. He knew that if he lied, he would lose his games for a week. He did his homework first and still had time to play two games before dinner. He knows it is best to be honest.
1.What are Brad’s favorite video games? / 2.Did Brad have homework? / 3.What would happen if he lied? / 4.How many games did he play before dinner?
WE ARE IMPORTANT. Doctors are important. They keep us healthy. Police officers are important. They keep us safe. Firefighters are important. They help people. Teachers are important. They help us learn. Scientists are important. They learn new things to help us. Bus drivers are important. They get us places safely. Cashiers are important. They let us buy food and clothes. Families are important. They take care of us. We all are important
Why are firefighters important? / Is there anyone who is not important? / Why are families important? / Who else is important that is not on this...
THE SUN HAS SET. The sun has set, and the pond is still. John, Ned, Ben, Tom and Nell stand on the bank and look at the duck. The dog with a black spot on his back is with Tom. See! Tom has his hat in his hand. He has left his toy car on the box. Kitty's doll is on the rock. Nell has put her pet in the cage. It will sing a sweet song. The duck has her nest under the rock. It is not hot now. Let us run and skip on the bank. Do you not think it is fun? Circle the best answer for each question.
1.What do John, Ned, Ben, Tom, and Nell look at from the bank? a.a frog b.a cat c.a bird d.a duck / 2.What color spot does the dog have? a.Black...
MY LITTLE KITTY. This is my little kitty. How soft and white its fur is! Isn't it pretty? The cat is on the box. She saw a big rat and ran to catch it. The kitty was too slow to catch the rat.
1.What color is the kitty? / 2.What is the cat sitting on? / 3.What did the cat see? / 4.Did the kitty catch the rat?
TIME FOR EVERYTHING. There's a time to run and a time to walk. There's a time for silence and a time for talk. There's a time for work and a time for play. There’s a time for sleep at the end of the day. There's a time for everything you do, For children and for grown-ups too. A time to stand up and a time to sit, But see that the time and actions fit.
1.Which word is the opposite of "a time for talk?" / 2.When is it time for sleep? / 3.Who has a time for everything they do? / 4.What should time and...
SEVEN LITTLE MICE. Little Mouse Sunday found a great, big bun. Little Mouse Monday wished that he had one. Little Mouse Tuesday was fat enough without. Little Mouse Wednesday sat down to sulk and pout. Said Little Mouse Thursday, "I'll get one for myself!" Said Little Mouse Friday, "There’s another on the shelf." Little Mouse Saturday began to beg and squeak. "Come on!" said all the seven, "we’ve enough to last a week!"
1.What did the mouse find on Sunday? / 2.Which mouse sits down to sulk and be upset? / 3.What does Little Mouse Saturday do? / 4.How long will be...
ONE OF AESOP'S FABLES. An old cat wanted to catch all the mice in the barn. One day,the mice met to talk about the great harm that cat was doing to them. Each mouse tried to think of a plan by which to keep out of the cat’s way. "Do as I say,"said an old gray mouse that was thought to be very wise. "Do as I say. Hang a bell on the cat's neck. Then, when we hear it ring, we will know that she is coming and can scamper out of her way." "Good! good!" said all the other mice as one ran to get the bell. "Now which of you will hang this bell on the cat's neck?" said the old gray mouse. "Not I!...
1.What did the old cat want to do to the mice? / 2.Where do the mice live? / 3.What was the old gray mouse’s plan to stop the cat? / 4.Who wants to...
SUSY BROWN. Susy Brown is a good girl. Some of her friends were going to the woods to pick berries, and Susy wanted to go with them. However, when Susy came home from school, she found her mother tired and worn out from her work. Susy took the baby and said she would stay at home and let her mother rest. When the girls came home with their berries, they all gave Susy some. Everybody loves Susy.
Is Susy Brown a good girl or a bad girl? / What are her friends doing? / Why does Susy help her mother? / How were the friends nice to Susy?
HERE COMES THE BAND. Here comes the band! Should we call Mommy and Fanny to see it? Let us stand still and hear the men play as they pass. I hope they will stop here and play for us. See the large man in front of the band with his big hat? What's he holding in his hand? How fine he looks! Look at the man on that fine horse too. If the men do not stop, let us follow them and see where they go.
1.Who will they call to see the band? / 2.What is the man in front wearing? / 3.What is the other man riding? / 4.What will we do if the band does...
HERE PLUTO. "Here Pluto!" Kate called to her dog. "Come, and get the dolls out of the pond."The dolls were named Rose and Bess. They were floating on the top of the water. Pluto came with a bound and jumped into the pond. He swam around and got Bess in his mouth and brought her to the shore. Pluto then found Rose and brought her out too. Kate said, "Good, old Pluto! Brave old dog!
1.Who is Kate's dog? / 2.What are the names of Kate's two dolls? / 3.Did the dolls float or sink? / 4.How did Ponto rescue the dolls?
THE BEE. "Come here, Lucy, and listen! What is in this flower?""Oh Mother! It is a bee. I wonder how it got caught inside the flower?""It went into the flower for some honey, and maybe it went to sleep. Then the flower closed it in.""The bee likes honey as we do, but it does not like to be closed in the flower.""Shall we let it out, Lucy?""Yes, then it can go to other flowers and get honey."
1.What is trapped in the flower? / 2.Why was it in the flower? / 3.What do Lucy and her mother think about honey? / 4.What will it do once it is let...
NED AND THE APPLES. Here, Ned, catch this apple in your hand. No, I will catch it in my hat. Now I have it. What a big apple it is! Let us take it to Mom. Yes! She likes it. I will get her some more. We will take them to her in my hat. Here is a very big apple! We will give her this one too.
1.How will Ned catch the apple? / 2.What is the apple like? / 3.Who did the boys give the apple to? / 4.In what do the boys carry the apples?
ON, IN oppure AT? Scegli la preposizione di luogo corretta.
1. I'm ______ the bus. // 2. I'm ______ my car. // 3. I'm ______ the bus stop. // 4. I'm ______ school. // 5. I'm ______ home. // 6. I'm ______ a...
Inserisci A, AN oppure NOTHING in ciascuno di questi spazi.
1. It's ... envelope. // 2. They are ... old tables. // 3. John has ... new haircut. // 4. It's ... amazing film. // 5. There is ... tree in my...
Per ogni frase, guarda come viene usato l'articolo indefinito e la parola ONE. Le frasi sono corrette o no?
1. Look on the table in the lounge. There's only a table, it should be easy to find. // 2. It's a very nice laptop computer. It seems very fast. //...
MY PETS. I have a dog, a cat and a hamster. I love them all. My dog's name is Snoopy; my cat's name is Whiskers, and my hamster's nameis Nibbles. Snoopy is playful, and he likes bones. Whiskers sleeps in my bed. Nibbles loves running in his wheel. They are all soft and furry.
1.How many pets are there? / 2.What is the hamster's name? / 3.Who sleeps in the bed? / 4.What does Snoopy like? / 5.Which pets are soft and...
THE OCEAN. The ocean has bright blue water filled with waves. Many types of fish live in the ocean. Seagulls love flying over the ocean to look for fish. There is soft sand along the shore, and there are pretty seashells in the sand. The ocean is a great place to visit.
1.What color is the water? / 2.What livesin the ocean? / 3.What is in the sand? / 4.Where is the soft sand? / 5.Why do seagulls fly over the...
MY FRIENDS. I have some very good friends. I ride the bus with my friends Tony and Brian. They live on my street. At school, Tony, Brian and I play with Lisa and Emma on the playground. We all eat lunch together too. I also have friends from my soccer team named Hunter and Jake. Sometimes I get to see my cousins Abby and Kevin. They are my friends too. I like all of my friends.
1.Which friends ride the bus? / 2.Which friends play soccer? / 3.Who plays with Tony and Brian on the playground? / 4.Who are the cousins? / 5.Who...
THE BOOKSHELF. The bookshelf in my house holds many books and some pictures and candles. It is a tall bookshelf. There are large booksand small book. There are also books for kids and books for adults. There is a picture of my mom and dad and a picture of my family. There are two blue candles and a yellow candle. I'm glad the books I like are on the lowest shelf.
1.Is the bookshelf short or tall? / 2.What is on the bookshelf? / 3.How many pictures are on the bookshelf? / 4.What colors are the candles? /...
THE CLASSROOM. My teacher is Mrs. Brown. We have ten desks for ten students. On the wall is our art work. We have cut out and painted turkeys for Thanksgiving. During recess we play on the monkey bars. In the afternoon,Mrs. Brown reads a story. Then it is time to go home.
1.What is the teacher's name? / 2.Howmany students are there? / 3.What is hanging on the wall? / 4.What do they do during recess? / 5.What does...
PLAYGROUND. We are going to the playground. First, I swing on the swings. Then I take two turns at the slide. We climb on the new climbing wall. My friends and I play hide and seek. We build a sand castle in the sandbox. I drink water from the water fountain. Time to go home.
1.Where are they going? / 2.What does the writer take two turns at? / 3.What do they climb? / 4.What do the friends play together? / 5.What do...
Collega il nome di ogni colore alla sua lettera(01):
beige, kaki, turquoise, pink, green, blue, brown, orange, grey, mauve, yellow, indigo, black, red, purple, white
Collega il nome di ogni mestiere al suo numero ma attenzione, nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(01):
Collega il nome di ogni mestiere al suo numero ma attenzione, nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(02):
Collega ogni definizione al suo mestiere scegliendolo dall'elenco dato(01):
DEFINIZIONI: He takes care of people’s health. - - She sings jazz in a night club. - - He goes to school and does homework. - - She sells tickets...
Collega ogni definizione al suo mestiere scegliendolo dall'elenco dato(02):
DEFINIZIONI: a) a person who cures teeth / b) a person who writes books / c) a person who dances / d) a person who sings / e) a person who drives a...
Collega ogni definizione al suo mestiere scegliendolo dall'elenco dato(03):
DEFINIZIONI: a) can’t eat fattening food / b) has to know the route of flight / c) has to be strong / d) has to wear a crash helmet / e) has to...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il nome di ogni mestiere al suo numero(03):
an electrician / a mechanic / a construction worker / a baker / a bricklayer / a pump attendant / a dustman / an architect / a gardener / a...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il nome di ogni mestiere al suo numero(04):
a salesman / an actress / a doctor / an engineer / a pastrycook / a cleaning lady / a cook / a pork butcher / a waitress / a dentist / an artist / a...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il nome di ogni mestiere al suo numero(05):
a painter / a secretary / a singer / a fireman / a housewife / a nurse / a pilot / a policeman / a cashier / a veterinary / a soldier / a carpenter
Osserva l'immagine e collega il nome di ogni mestiere al suo numero(06):
a spy / a judge / a teacher / a delivery boy / a plumber / a writer / a businessman / a detective / a surgeon / a farmer / a journalist / a lawyer
Osserva l'immagine e scegli il nome corretto di ogni oggetto scolastico fra i tre proposti(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scegli il nome corretto di ogni oggetto scolastico fra i tre proposti(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico scegliendolo fra i vari proposti(01):
globe map pencil marker paint and brush triangle stapler bookshelf calculator blackboard crayons clip eraser sharpener schoolbag copy-book scissors...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico scegliendolo fra i vari proposti(02):
globe map pencil marker paint and brush triangle stapler bookshelf calculator blackboard crayons clip eraser sharpener schoolbag copy-book scissors...
Inserisci il numero di ogni situazione scolastica prima di ogni frase che la descrive:
__ sit at the table alone // __ read books // __ meet friends at school // __ study chemistry // __ listen to the teacher attentively // __ carry...
Osserva l'immagine e scegli il nome corretto di ogni oggetto scolastico fra i tre proposti(03):
Osserva l'immagine e scegli il nome corretto di ogni oggetto scolastico fra i tre proposti(04):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico scegliendolo fra i vari proposti(03):
gluestick calculator globe ruler pen schoolbag computer highlighter rubber stapler compass desk whiteboard videoprojector dictionary scissors...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico scegliendolo fra i vari proposti(04):
blackboard eraser/rubber pencil-sharpener book dictionary box scissors calculator cd-player pen-corrector felt-pen glue-stick magnifying-glass...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico scegliendolo fra i vari proposti(05):
blackboard eraser/rubber pencil-sharpener book dictionary box scissors calculator cd-player pen-corrector felt-pen glue-stick magnifying-glass...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico scegliendolo fra i vari proposti(06):
recorder tablet highlighter whiteboard desk calculator sharpener notebook compass ruler eraser chalk pen textbook crayons pencil noticeboard glue...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico scegliendolo fra i vari proposti(07):
recorder tablet highlighter whiteboard desk calculator sharpener notebook compass ruler eraser chalk pen textbook crayons pencil noticeboard glue...
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, scegliendolo tra quelli proposti(01):
eat, have lunch / wait for the bus / miss the bus / brush the teeth / get up / make the bed / wake up / catch,take the bus / go to the...
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, scegliendolo tra quelli proposti(02):
eat, have lunch / ride the bike / miss the bus / wash the hands / play in the park / read a book / arrive home / have dinner / go to bed / watch TV...
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(03):
have dinner, get back home, go to bed, brush teeth, sleep, go to school, have breakfast, make bed, get up, have lunch, get dressed, wash hands, read...
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(04):
have dinner, get back home, go to bed, brush teeth, sleep, go to school, have breakfast, make bed, get up, have lunch, get dressed, wash hands, read...
Scegli il nome corretto di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, fra i tre proposti(01):
Scegli il nome corretto di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, fra i tre proposti(02):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(05):
drink coffee / shave / exercise / do the shopping / surf the internet / vacuum the carpet / send e-mails / read the newspaper / clean the windows /...
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(06):
go jogging / make phone calls / skateboard / meet friends / play chess / wait for the bus / feed the cat / read the newspaper / walk the baby / take...
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(07):
get up / take the school bus / study / paint / make the bed / do the ironing / do the washing / set the table / cook meals / have breakfast / start...
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine, scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(08):
do the ironing / set the table / have lunch / train football / play computer games / read a book / have a shower / go to sleep / walk the dog /...
Osserva le frasi che pronunciano i componenti di questa famiglia e indica chi sono(01):
Osserva le frasi che pronunciano i componenti di questa famiglia e indica chi sono(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese scegliendoli fra quelli proposti(02):
Aquamarine / Azure / Black / Blue / Coral / Dark Blue / Dark Gray / Dark Green / Dark Magenta / Dark Orange / Aqua / Beige / Blueviolet /...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese scegliendoli fra quelli proposti(03):
Dark Red / Dark Turquoise / Dark Violet / Fire Brick / Forest Green / Fuchsia / Gold / Green / Indian Red / Dark Salmon / Deep Pink / Gray / Hot...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese scegliendoli fra quelli proposti(04):
Lavender / Light Cyan / Light Gray / Light Pink / Light Sea Green / Light Yellow / Magenta / Brown / Navy / Olive / Orchid / Pale Turquoise / Light...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese scegliendoli fra quelli proposti(05):
Pink / Purple / Saddle Brown / Sea Green / Sienna / Silver / Slate Blue / Slate Grey / Tan / Turquoise / White / Whitesmoke / Yellow / Plum / Royal...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(03):
lifeboat ferry cruiser lorry moped ambulance articulated lorry-balloon bike boat sail-boat bulldozer hovercraft hummer jeep coach delivery van...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(04):
lifeboat ferry cruiser lorry moped ambulance articulated lorry-balloon bike boat sail-boat bulldozer hovercraft hummer jeep coach delivery van...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto scegliendolo tra i tre proposti(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto scegliendolo tra i tre proposti(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi le NAZIONALITA' di questi bambini scegliendole dall'elenco e abbinandole ai loro numeri(01):
American Australian Belgian Brazilian British Canadian Chinese Colombian Cuban Czech Danish Dutch Egyptian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi le NAZIONALITA' di questi bambini scegliendole dall'elenco e abbinandole ai loro numeri(02):
American Australian Belgian Brazilian British Canadian Chinese Colombian Cuban Czech Danish Dutch Egyptian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian...
Aggettivi di nazionalità: completa le seguenti frasi:
1. I am from Russia, so I am .... // 2. She is from the USA, so she .... // 3. He is from Scotland, so he is .... // 4. They are from Australia,...
Nomi delle nazioni: completa le seguenti frasi:
1. She is New Zealander, so she is from... // 2. You are Irish, so you are from.... // 3. Dave is Canadian, so..... // 4. Roberto is Italian, so........
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico(03):
Scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico scegliendolo fra i vari dall'elenco(04):
Partly-cloudy Dry Rainbow Flash-of-lightning Freezing Thawing Snowy Cloudy Warm Foggy Rainy Misty Cold Hot Hail Winter Spring Summer Autumn...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico(04):
Scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico scegliendolo fra i vari dall'elenco(05):
Partly-cloudy Dry Rainbow Flash-of-lightning Freezing Thawing Snowy Cloudy Warm Foggy Rainy Misty Cold Hot Hail Winter Spring Summer Autumn...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico scegliendolo fra i tre proposti(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico scegliendolo fra i tre proposti(02):
Trova la parola intrusa in ogni gruppo di parole su meteo e fenomeni atmosferici:
Indica se le seguenti affermazioni sullo scorrere del tempo e sui fenomeni atmosferici sono vere o sono false; in quelle false spiega perchè.
1. There are ten months in a year. / 2. We go to school in September. / 3. The fifth month is June. / 4. Three months begin with letter J. / 5. July,...
Per ogni paese, scrivi la relativa nazionalità.
1. Spain / 2. France / 3. Scotland / 4. Wales / 5. Germany / 6. Norway / 7. Italy / 8. Denmark / 9. Sweden / 10. Russia / 11. Canada / 12. Brazil /...
Abbina i verbi con le parole.
VERBI: 1. drive / 2. play / 3. get on / 4. eat / 5. buy / 6. watch / 7. make / 8. meet
PAROLE: A. tennis / B. phone call / C. a car / D. new...
Abbina ogni alimento con il tipo di alimento corrispondente.
ALIMENTI: 1. salmon / 2. beef / 3. yoghurt / 4. cherry / 5. ravioli / 6. cabbage / 7. cake / 8. pepper
TIPI DI ALIMENTI: A. pasta / B. meat / C....
Quale di questi verbi riguardanti la DAILY ROUTINE accade più tardi, dopo gli altri?
1. - get up - sleep - go to bed - wake up / 2. - arrive at work - get on bus - wait for bus - get off bus / 3. - eat lunch - cook lunch - eat dessert...
Dove trovi normalmente questi oggetti? a casa, in ufficio o in entrambi i luoghi?
1. table / 2. fridge / 3. photocopier / 4. desk / 5. carpet / 6. mirror / 7. sofa / 8. fax machine / 9. telephone / 10. computer / 11. oven / 12. bed
Dove lavorano queste persone, al chiuso, all'aperto o in entrambi i luoghi?
1. farmer / 2. teacher / 3. nurse / 4. chef / 5. soldier / 6. vet / 7. fisherman / 8. lawyer / 9. artist / 10. banker
Dove sono queste parti del corpo? Scegli sopra la vita o sotto la vita.
1. Knee / 2. Chin / 3. Heel / 4. Leg / 5. Ear / 6. Stomach / 7. Shin / 8. Shoulder / 9. Elbow / 10. Toe / 11. Nose / 12. Thigh / 13. Back / 14. Thumb
Guarda l'elenco dei vestiti. Scegli la risposta corretta: cold weather, hot weather o both.
1. gloves / 2. bikini / 3. scarf / 4. wooly hat / 5. blouse / 6. suit / 7. sunglasses / 8. t-shirt / 9. sweater / 10. coat
Scegli il lavoro corretto fra quelli in elenco, per completare gli spazi.
1. When I'm sick, I see a ... / 2....
Abbina i verbi del primo gruppo riguardanti la DAILY ROUTINE con le parole del secondo(01):
VERBI: 1. cook / 2. sleep / 3. catch / 4. walk / 5. speak / 6. drink / 7. play / 8. watch
A. in a bed / B. the guitar / C. French / D. to...
Abbina i verbi del primo gruppo riguardanti la DAILY ROUTINE con le parole del secondo(02):
VERBI: 1. talk / 2. play / 3. eat / 4. run / 5. drive / 6. sing / 7. read / 8. write
A. tennis / B. hot pizza / C. to a friend / D. a song /...
Osserva le immagini e scegli la descrizione corretta fra le numerose in elenco:
surfing the net / ice skating / video games / jogging / taking photos / reading books / football / dancing / watching films / swimming / ...
Completa ogni frase scegliendo il verbo giusto: PLAY, GO oppure DO.
1. Peter ..... tennis three times a week. / 2. Sarah ...... gymnastics on Saturday evenings. / 3. Kate usually ..... rollerblading in the park. / 4....
Completa le frasi scegliendo la corretta opzione fra le due proposte:
1. I don’t do/play a musical instrument. --- 2. Tom likes surfing the computer/the Net. --- 3. Jane does/plays gymnastics. --- 4. We go for a...
Leggi quanto sono appassionati allo sport questi due ragazzi e indica se le affermazioni finali sono vere o false(01):
JACK: I really love soccer. I'm a member of our school soccer team and I play four times a week. I also quite like cricket and I play it a lot in...
Leggi quanto sono appassionati allo sport questi due ragazzi e indica se le affermazioni finali sono vere o false(02):
JOE: I have one favourite sport and that's cycling. But I don't like the sports we do at school. We play football and basketball. I think they're...
Leggi quanto sono appassionati allo sport questi due ragazzi e indica se le affermazioni finali sono vere o false(03):
CATHLYN: I don't like sports at school very much, but I like going fishing with my dad. It's great fun and it's very exciting. Sometimes, in the...
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività rappresentata(01):
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività rappresentata(02):
Scrivi i giorni della settimana nell'ordine corretto, iniziando da lunedì:
Scrivi i mesi dell'anno nell'ordine corretto, iniziando da gennaio:
In quale stagione succede la situazione descritta in ogni frase(01)?
1. It is very hot. -- 2. It's snowing. -- 3. It is cold. -- 4. The leaves become colorful. -- 5. Everything turns green. -- 6. People go on vacation....
In quale stagione succede la situazione descritta in ogni frase(02)?
1)It is the coldest season of the year. -- 2)Americans celebrate their independence day in this month. -- 3)In this season we can make snowballs. ...
Completa le frasi scrivendo il nome del mese mancante:
- Christmas is in // - New Year's Day is in // - Halloween is in // - The summer holidays of a student are in and // - The second month of...
Rispondi alle domande scrivendo il nome del mese corretto:
1.What is the first month? // 2.What is the seventh month? // 3.What is the twelfth month? // 4.What is the tenth month? // 5.What is...
Rispondi alle domande scrivendo il nome del giorno corretto:
1.What day is before Saturday? / 2.What day is after Wednesday? / 3.What day is after Sunday? / 4.What day is before Tuesday? / 5.What day is...
Leggi questo breve brano riguardante la primavera e completalo inserendo i nomi dei mesi mancanti.
SPRING. Everything is going green. The first flowers are blooming. The sun is shining. The weather is mild. The spring start in .... and after there...
Leggi questo breve brano riguardante l'estate e completalo inserendo i nomi dei mesi mancanti.
SUMMER. It is very hot. People go on vacation. The children are on vacation. The first fruits are ripe. The summer start in .... and after there are...
Leggi questo breve brano riguardante l'autunno e completalo inserendo i nomi dei mesi mancanti.
AUTUMN. The leaves are colorful: red, brown, yellow, orange. The leaves then fall. It gets cold. The autumn start in .... and after there are ....,...
Leggi questo breve brano riguardante l'inverno e completalo inserendo i nomi dei mesi mancanti.
WINTER. It is very cold. The temperature is below zero. It is snowing and freezing. There is ice. The children can build a snowman. They go skiing or...
In ogni gruppo di quattro parole legate al cibo e alla cucina c'è una parola intrusa, qual è?
1. - beef - pork - apple - chicken / 2. - cheese - fish - yoghurt - milk / 3. - pizza - taco - pasta - lasagne / 4. - apple - cucumber - pear -...
In ogni gruppo di quattro parole legate alla casa e all'arredamento c'è una parola intrusa, qual è?
1. - table - chair - fridge - stool / 2. - television - fridge - food mixer - oven / 3. - toaster - cooker - microwave - bath / 4. - mirror -...
Completa ogni frase con la giusta parola dell'elenco riguardante il quantitativo e/o il contenitore di cibo.
1. 4 .... of chocolate. / 2. A cold .... of milk. / 3. 2 big .... of orange...
Completa ogni frase con la giusta parola dell'elenco riguardante il cibo.
1. I'd like some .... , please. Irish, not Scottish! / 2. My mother doesn't...
Abbina ogni verbo con la parola più giusta.
VERBI: 1. do / 2. make / 3. get / 4. go / 5. catch / 6. have / 7. take / 8. give
PAROLE: A. your homework / B. to bed / C. a shower / D. a long...
Abbina il mese (identificato da un numero) con il mese (identificato da una lettera) che viene immediatamente dopo nell'anno solare.
1. January / 2. March / 3. May / 4. July / 5. September / 6. November / 7. February / 8. April / 9. June / 10. August
A. March / B. September...
Leggi cosa dice l'insegnante in ogni classe. Scegli dall'elenco la materia che sta insegnando.
1. This river is called the Amazon. / 2. Hablas Ingles? /...
Per ogni attività sportiva in elenco, scegli SUMMER o WINTER per indicare in quale stagione si svolge.
1. skating / 2. heat wave / 3. sun cream / 4. gales / 5. skiing / 6. ice cream / 7. windsurfing / 8. blizzard / 9. sledging / 10. flowers / 11....
Riempi gli spazi in ogni frase utilizzando uno dei nomi di parti del corpo in elenco:
1. If your .... hurt, you should go to the dentist. / 2. If you open...
Scegli qual è la più grande in questo elenco di cose.
1. - house - apartment - palace - cabin / 2. - country - village - region - city / 3. - melon - watermelon - grape - apple / 4. - kitten - dog - cat...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(01):
factory, chemist's, nursery, hotel, airport, librery, bank, supermarket, gym, clothes shop, garage, petrol station, jeweller's, zoo, gift shop, toy...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(02):
factory, chemist's, nursery, hotel, airport, librery, bank, supermarket, gym, clothes shop, garage, petrol station, jeweller's, zoo, gift shop, toy...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(03):
factory, chemist's, nursery, hotel, airport, librery, bank, supermarket, gym, clothes shop, garage, petrol station, jeweller's, zoo, gift shop, toy...
Leggi le seguenti frasi e indica in quale NEGOZIO(scegliendoli dall'elenco) si possono acquistare quei prodotti:
a) you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables here. / b) you can...
Leggi le seguenti frasi e indica in quale LUOGO PUBBLICO(scegliendoli dall'elenco) si possono fare le cose descritte:
a) you can ask for help here. / b) you can stay here. / c)...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(04):
hardware store / pharmacy / petrol station / hairdresser’s / museum / police station / fire station / church / theater / circus / clothes shop /...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(05):
hardware store / pharmacy / petrol station / hairdresser’s / museum / police station / fire station / church / theater / circus / clothes shop /...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(06):
church / coffee shop / department store / avenue / bakery / bookshop / hairdresser’s / hospital / insurance company / jeweller’s / car dealer...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(07):
church / coffee shop / department store / avenue / bakery / bookshop / hairdresser’s / hospital / insurance company / jeweller’s / car dealer...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(08):
block of flats • boat house • bungalow • castle • cottage • detached house • eco-house • farm • hotel • house • but • igloo •...
Osserva l'immagine e indica il nome di ogni edificio scegliendolo dall'elenco, ma attenzione: nell'elenco ce ne sono di più(09):
block of flats • boat house • bungalow • castle • cottage • detached house • eco-house • farm • hotel • house • but • igloo •...
Completa le frasi inserendo il present simple del verbo TO BE coniugato alla persona giusta(02).
Today.... Thursday. / It....9 o'clock in the morning. / The pupils.... at school. / Their classroom....big and nice. / There....three desks and six...
Completa le frasi inserendo il present simple del verbo TO BE coniugato alla persona giusta(03).
1. My father.... a taxi driver. / 7.It.... cool in spring . / 13.Mr. Beek.... our English teacher. / 2.It.... a cute cat. / 8.We .... good friends....
HAVE oppure HAS? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta(02):
We.... beautiful flowers in our garden. -- Jane.... five new English books. -- expensive sport car. -- They....a big villa not far from the...
TO HAVE oppure TO BE? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta e coniugando il verbo scelto in modo corretto(01):
I.... a monster. -- My name.... Bimbo. -- I.... 99 years old. -- My body.... purple. -- I.... not thin. I fat. -- I.... got green hair. -- My...
TO HAVE oppure TO BE? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta e coniugando il verbo scelto in modo corretto(02):
This monster.... my best friend. -- His name.... Toro. -- He.... always happy. -- His body.... purple too. -- We.... both purple. -- He.... ...
Completa questa frasi usando IS, ISN'T, ARE, AREN'T, DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T(01):
1. . a good runner. / 2. .a good swimmer. I like to swim. / 3. He...his work everyday. / 4. often rain in India? / 5. The boys...(not) like...
Completa questa frasi usando IS, ISN'T, ARE, AREN'T, DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T(02):
12. We..(not)like to go to the movies. / 13. He..(not).always walk his dog. / 14. His dog..very big. / 15. drive to work take the bus?...
Completa questa frasi usando IS, ISN'T, ARE, AREN'T, DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T(03):
23. He..(not).earn a lot of money. / 24. He the army. / 25. He.(not)get up early. He gets up late. / 26. We..very serious about our work. /...
TO HAVE oppure TO BE? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta e coniugando il verbo scelto in modo corretto(03):
Hi, I....Chris and I....twelve years old. I live in New York, I....American. My address....402, Fifth Avenue. My phonenumber....oh, five, oh six,...
PRONOMI personali o AGGETTIVI possessivi? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta:
Suzanne friend. not very tall and slim. ....has a small oval face, ....has long blond hair and ....eyes are blue. eleven...
BUT oppure OR? scegli la congiunzione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi:
1. Mrs. Taylor is tall....slim. / 2. Learning geography is hard....interesting. / 3. I don’t like / 4. Do you pull the...
AND oppure OR? scegli la congiunzione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi e non dimenticare di aggiungere le virgole dove occorre:
1. You’ll need paper scissors glue. / 2. I don’t enjoy football swimming homework. / 3. Shall we play tennis read a book watch TV? / 4. Do you...
Riordina le seguenti parole per formare frasi all'IMPERATIVO
1) homework / do / your / . / --- 2) your / listen / teacher / to / . / --- 3) noisy / be / don't / . / --- 4) cheat / not / do / . / --- 5) be /...
Completa le frasi con un PRONOME soggetto o un AGGETTIVO possessivo.
1. ... name's Dave. / 2. Betty is English, ... is from London. / 3. We are in Class 1B, ... teacher is Me Lee. / 4. Charlie and Jack are brothers,...
Completa le frasi con il PRONOME PERSONALE corretto.
1. My teacher is Miss Danes, ... is great. / 2. John and I are best friends, ... are in Class 2A. / 3. Andy and Pete are American, ... are from...
1. She's Lady Gaga. His/Her hair's great! / 2. That's Anna. Mark is his/her brother. / 3. That's Mark. Anna is his/her sister. / 4. He's Jay-Z....
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO o il PRONOME PERSONALE soggetto corretto.
1. My teacher is cool! ... name is Miss Dalston. / 2. My name is Jim Green and ... favourite colour is green too! / 3. Jim and Tom are brothers, ......
Scrivi delle domande usando i suggerimenti dati e il verbo TO BE.
1. where / they from? -- 2. he / Spanish? -- 3. you / from Canada? -- 4. you and your friend / students? -- 5. what / their name? -- 6. Isabella / an...
Trasforma le seguenti frasi alla FORMA NEGATIVA contratta.
1. I've got a jacket. / 2. We've got a new pet. / 3. She's got a new camera. / 4. You've got a black hat. / 5. I've got a red coat. / 6. They've got...
Completa le frasi con gli AVVERBI DI FREQUENZA corretti. La percentuale tra parentesi indica la probabilità che avvenga quell'evento.
1. They (90%) .... have dinner at seven o'clock. / 2. You (0%) .... do your homework on Saturday. / 3. We (50%) .... go to school on Saturday...
Trasforma le frasi affermative in NEGATIVE, usando la froma estesa.
1. I am English. / 2. You are in my class. / 3. He is a new student. / 4. She is my French teacher. / 5. This is our classroom. / 6. We are exchange...
Completa le frasi con la forma NEGATIVA estesa del verbo TO BE.
1. Luke .... Irish. / 2. The students .... in the classroom. / 3. She .... our French teacher. / 4. You .... in my class. / 5. We .... from Poland. /...
Usa queste parole per scrivere delle domande con il verbo TO BE. Inserisci un articolo se necessario.
1. these / girls / Polish --- 2. where / that / boy / from --- 3. this / English book --- 4. who / that / man --- 5. we / in the same class --- 6....
Completa le frasi con ISN'T oppure AREN'T.
1. There ...... five exchange students in our class. / 2. There ...... a bed in the classroom. / 3. There ...... a computer in the kitchen. / 4....
Completa le seguenti frasi con il GENITIVO SASSONE riferendolo alla persona tra parentesi(01):
1. My .... (grandma) house is great! / 2. The .... (teacher) book is on the desk. / 3. Anna is .... (Mark) sister. / 4. Is this .... (Megan) bedroom?...
Aggiungi 'S o un APOSTROFO nel punto corretto.
1. It's Anna desk. / 2. It is my parents garden. / 3. I am in my brother bedroom. / 4. Where is John book? / 5. Anna and Megan bags aren't on the...
Completa le frasi con la forma negativa estesa di HAVE GOT.
1. Daniele ...... brown hair. / 2. My mum ...... a new car. / 3. The students ...... any books. / 4. Me and Paul ...... new trainers. / 5. You...
SOME oppure ANY? Scegli la risposta corretta(01).
1. Wendy has got some / any new jeans. -- 2. The students have got some / any new books. -- 3. I haven't got some / any jeans. -- 4. Have you got...
SOME oppure ANY? Scegli quello giusto per completare le frasi.
1. We have got ... new jackets. / 2. Have they got ... coats? / 3. The boys haven't got ... skirts. / 4. Jamie has got ... new trousers. / 5. You...
Scrivi delle domande per queste risposte.
1. ..... ?- No, I haven't got black hair. / 2. ..... ?- No, I haven't got any new shoes. / 3. ..... ?- Yes, my mum has got short hair. / 4. ..... ?-...
Indica la PREPOSIZIONE DI TEMPO corretta.
1. The exam starts at/in 8 o'clock. -- 2. I usually watch TV on/in the evening. -- 3. The computer course starts on/at Monday! -- 4. There is a party...
Completa le frasi con la PREPOSIZIONE DI TEMPO corretta.
1. The summer holidays are usually .... August. / 2. We usually have lunch .... the afternoon. / 3. My grandmother watches TV .... the evening. / 4....
Guarda il video di Peppa Pig e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 5'13" con 13 domande sui vocaboli. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo simpatico video su tre bambini e la festa di HALLOWEEN e poi rispondi alle domande.
1. What color are the children's clothes? Suzie? Mikey? Doug? / 2. What costume does Doug pick? -Football player -Basketball player -Baseball player...
Guarda questo simpatico video sulla PANTERA ROSA e poi rispondi alle domande.
1) Put the words in order: The the Pink in street. Panther is / 2) There is...sleeping on the bench. a dog a woman a man / 3) What time is it? It's...
Guarda questo video su vari vocaboli e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'03" con 15 domande sui vocaboli del cibo e abbigliamento. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Scrivi i verbi tra parentesi alla forma NEGATIVA.
1. My mum (buy) fruit at the supermarket. / 2. We (watch) 3D films at the cinema. / 3. I (walk) to school, I take the bus. / 4. My brothers (play)...
Scrivi i verbi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
1. I (play) football in the park. / 2. Jenny (walk) to school. / 3. The students (study). / 4. My parents (listen) to the radio. / 5. We (play)...
Completa le frasi con il PRESENT CONTINUOUS, usando le parole date.
1. The teacher...write on the board -- 2. the Internet -- 3. my sisters...listen to a pop concert -- 4. the children...send text messages --...
Volgi le frasi al singolare o al plurale.
1. This is my new desk. / 2. These books are for the students. / 3. This is my favourite classroom. / 4. Those girls are at my school. / 5. That man...
Inserisci il verbo TO BE negli spazi nella forma affermativa, interrogativa o negativa in base al senso di ogni frase. Usa la forma contratta quando possibile.
1. I ... from Italy. Where ... you from? / 2. A. ... you 13 years old? B. No, I'... I ... 12. / 3. London ... in the Republic of Ireland. / 4. A. ......
Trasforma le frasi alla froma NEGATIVA contratta.
1. Julie buys stamps at the newsagent's. / 2. My parents come from Italy. / 3. Aunt June visits every Saturday. / 4.We go to the sports centre at the...
Scegli il PRONOME PERSONALE complemento corretto:
1. English is my favourite subject, I love it/them. -- 2. Jake is my best friend, I sit next to her/him in class. -- 3. Me and my brother go to the...
Trasforma queste frasi alla forma NEGATIVA(01):
1. Jane packed her suitcase. / 2. We lost our keys. / 3. Jack broke his leg. / 4. It rained a lot. / 5. He met his friends.
Riordina le parole di queste frasi per formare delle domande:
1. where / you / go on holiday / last year / ? --- 2. when / you / first / ride a bike / ? --- 3. what / Ann / do / last weekend / ? --- 4. what...
WAS oppure WERE? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello giusto.
1 We __ hungry, so we ate. A=were B=was C=A and B / 2 He __ in the army for seven years. A=were B=was C=A and B / 3 Suzanne ___ a beauty queen when...
Completa le frasi inserendo il present simple del verbo TO BE coniugato alla persona giusta(05).
1 I _ hungry. A=are B=am C=is / 2 All of you __ invited to my house. A=is B=am C=are / 3 We __ the champions, my friend. A=are B=is C=am / 4 Jose __...
Osserva l'immagine di questo invito e rispondi alle domande:

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi ufficiale di 5a elementare dell'anno 2018. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.

Who is having a birthday party? // Who is the invitation for? // When is the party? // Where is the party? // How old will the boy be on his...
Osserva l'immagine di questi biglietti e collegali con le seguenti frasi:

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi ufficiale di 5a elementare dell'anno 2018. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.

This ticket was for a child in a group. // This ticket was for a day in June. // This ticket was for a child and cost nothing. // This ticket was...
THE HOUSE: Mr. and Mrs. Smith have one son and one daughter. The son's name is John. The daughter's name is Sarah. The Smiths live in a house. They have a living room. They watch TV in the living room. The father cooks food in the kitchen. They eat in the dining room. The house has two bedrooms. They sleep in the bedrooms. They keep their clothes in the closet. There is one bathroom. They brush their teeth in the bathroom. The house has a garden. John and Sarah play in the garden. They have a dog. John and Sarah like to play with the dog.

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova...
Rispondi alle seguenti domande scegliendo una delle risposte elencate: How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Smith have? // Who cooks in the kitchen? //...

A DAY IN THE LIFE: Amir Adel Ezzeldin is 12 and lives in Cairo. 7 a.m. My mother wakes me up. I get dressed and eat breakfast. I have a sandwich and milk or juice. 7:30 a.m. The school bus picks me up. 8:25 a.m. Classes start. We study Arabic, English, math and social studies. We also study art, music and computers. 2:45 p.m. The school day ends. It takes an hour to get home. 4 p.m. I take a shower and eat lunch. 5:15 p.m. I start my homework. Then I play field hockey. 8 p.m. Dinnertime. If I'm lucky, we have my favourite food: pizza.

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi...
Indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE, FALSE oppure se non è possibile saperlo: Amir is 13 years old // He has tea for breakfast // He goes...

AN AMERICAN GIRL TALKS ABOUT HERSELF: My name is Rachel and I am from the United States. I live in a small town in Nebraska. There are only 7000 people in my town. In my high school, a lot of the students play sports. I play American football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and baseball. We study many different subjects. We study English, math, science, history, and a foreign language. Usually we study Spanish. Sometimes we go to parties with friends. It is a lot of fun. I like living in Nebraska.

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi ufficiale di 5a elementare dell'anno...
Scegli la risposta corretta fra le 4 proposte: // She is from...Rachel, Spain, United States, Nebraska // Number of people in Rachel's home town...a...

CHESTER ZOO: Chester Zoo was the first zoo in the UK with Asian elephant babies and little Birds of Paradise. You can also find one of the world's oldest tortoises here - the Galapagos Tortoise. The tallest giraffe lived in Chester Zoo from 1959 - 1969. His name was George and he was about six metres tall. There are lots of exciting things for children to do. You can play on the adventure playground and there are boat rides and a monorail. You learn a lot about the animals when you go to watch their feeding times. The zoo is open from 1stApril - 31stOctober from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. The prices...
Scegli la risposta corretta fra le 4 proposte: // Chester Zoo had the first baby...giraffes, elephants, tigers, lions // The tallest giraffe lived...
Osserva l'immagine e indica dove si svolgono le varie attività scegliendole fra le 4 proposte:

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi di 5a elementare dell'anno 2019. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.

1) the students are growing vegetables in the...cafeteria, school garden, gym, playground // 2) Mark is doing sports in the...gym, cafeteria,...
Osserva le immagini dei cartelli e collegali ai seguenti significati:

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi di 5a elementare dell'anno 2019. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.

read and talk quietly // always walk, never run // don't eat // can ask the staff for help // don't write in the books // put the books away in their...
WELCOME TO LONDON AND WELCOME TO THE BIG BUS TOUR: The Big Bus Sightseeing Tour is a great way to discover London. Your ticket lasts for 24 hours and you can board any of the Big Bus open-top buses during this time. There are 2 types of tour and you can use both during your day. The Red Tour has a personal guide who provides an entertaining live commentary in English. The Blue Tour provides you with a recorded commentary in a choice of 8 languages. Free headsets are provided. Tours run every day except Christmas Day, with regular departures every 15 minutes from 8:30 hrs until 18:00 hrs....
Scegli la risposta corretta fra le 4 proposte: The name of the tour is the...Big Bus Tour, Big Bus Sightseeing Tour, Big Bus Big Bus Sightseeing //...
Read the text about some students:CRAIG loves to play football, basketball and baseball with kids in his neighborhood. But his favourite activity is going on the internet during computer classes. ALLISON\'s favorite subject is math. She likes to do division and multiplication problems for fun. For fun, JAHA plays musical instruments. He loves to play African music on his drums. He\'s played drums for over two years now. He also plays the violin. TEIRON has fun in his neighborhood, Harlem, where he plays basketball with his friends. Teiron...
Indica qual è lo studente (scegliendolo fra CRAIG, ALLISON, JAHA, TEIRON, MICHEDA, GAISHAMAR e RAKEISHA) con le seguenti caratteristiche: - likes to...
Completa le frasi inserendo THIS oppure THESE(01): is very boring. / ...are our bags. / Whose book is...? / Could you help me with...boxes? / Whose copies are...? / I have just bought...old...
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(01):
...sugar / ...time / ...houses / ...cheese / / / ...children / ...girls / / ...hobbies
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(02):
...electricity / ...suitcases / ...rice / ...water / ...bottles of water / ...coal / ...scarves / / ...dollars / ...sand
Trasforma i seguenti aggettivi in AVVERBI.
perfect / quiet / careful / regular / nice / terrible / heavy / good / hard / fantastic
Completa le seguenti frasi con un AGGETTIVO oppure un PRONOME POSSESSIVO facendo attenzione alla persona indicata tra parentesi.
The bus stop is near... house. (we) / How is... new school? (you) / This is my bag and that is... . (he) / Sophia's hair is longer than... . (I)...
Completa il brano scegliendo per ogni parentesi il pronome personale o il pronome possessivo.
I am Robert and (I/ME/MY) live in Bristol. This is Jack. (HE/HIM/HIS) is (I/ME/MY) friend. (HE/HIM/HIS) lives in Bristol too. Sarah likes...
Completa le frasi con THERE IS oppure THERE ARE:
...a bag on the table. / ...a calendar on the wall. / ...two posters in my room. / ...a banana in this basket. / ...six chairs in the kitchen. /...
Completa le frasi con IS THERE/THERE IS oppure ARE THERE/THERE : milk in the fridge. / ...many rooms in your house? / ...a lot of snow in the mountains. / ...any mistakes in this text? / question left....
Completa le frasi con THERE IS/THERE ARE oppure IS THERE/ARE THERE.
...many animals in this forest? / air in this tyre. / ...any trees in your garden? / dictionary missing. / paper in the printer /...
Completa le frasi con IT'S oppure THERE'S.
....very cold outside. / ....a book on the desk. / ....6 o'clock. / / ....something in your drink. / ....a film at 10:30. / ....time to go....
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (01):
...pupils / ...time / / ...dollars / ...milk / ...children / ...water / / ...dogs / ...people
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (02):
...CDs / / ...cups / ...juice / ...time / ...pencils / ...cheese / ...cornflakes / ...pizzas / ...lemonade
Inserisci HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (03):
...nonsense / / ...smoke / / ...mice / ...women / ...countries / ...teachers / ...fruit / ...cups
Scegli DO oppure DOES per completare ogni domanda(02).
...Peter live with his father? / learn Spanish? / ...Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school? / ...they play in the garden? / ...Sandy's...
Scegli DO oppure DOES per completare ogni domanda(03). write with a pencil? / ...your father often make breakfast? / ...your teachers always check your homework? / and your sister feed the...
Indica se le seguenti parole sono al PLURALE oppure sono alla 3a persona del PRESENT SIMPLE:
pens - smiles - questions - houses - trees - sees - helps - rides - wears - meets
Scrivi la forma estesa dei seguenti verbi alla forma contratta:
he's - he's got - he'd - he'll - he can't - he didn't - he doesn't - he hadn't - he won't - he wouldn't
Scrivi la forma estesa dei seguenti verbi alla forma contratta ma attenzione ai verbi che hanno due forme possibili(01):
I'm - we've - doesn't - he's(2) - it's(2) - didn't - there's(2) - wasn't - that's(2) - who's(2)
Scrivi la forma estesa dei seguenti verbi alla forma contratta ma attenzione ai verbi che hanno due forme possibili(02):
aren't - you've - isn't - hasn't - I've - she's(2) - what's(2) - they're - don't - where's(2)
Scrivi la forma estesa dei seguenti verbi alla forma contratta(03):
haven't - you're - wouldn't - I'll - can't - won't - weren't - it'll - let's - we'll
Completa le frasi usando il verbo TO BE alla forma CONTRATTA:
You... great. / He... 16 years old. / They... in the restaurant. / I... from Manchester. / It... very big. / She... a student. / We... here.
Scrivi le seguenti forme verbali alla forma CONTRATTA:
you have got - you are - it is not - I cannot - they do not - he has got - she will - he does not - what is - we will not
Completa le frasi trasformando il verbo in stampatello alla forma contratta.
You SHOULD NOT talk so much. = You.... talk so much. / THEY HAVE written the text. = ....written the text. / LET US go home. = ....go home. / He...
Completa le domande con il verbo HAVE GOT(01): a favourite singer? / ....he.... a pen in his pencil case? / ....they.... a garden? / ....she.... a yellow bike? / ....your.... parents a...
Completa le frasi con il verbo TO HAVE al PRESENT SIMPLE:
They.... write a test. / She.... clean her desk. / Ken and Liz.... learn English words. / Andy.... help his brother. / We.... do our homework. /...
Completa le frasi con il verbo TO HAVE al present simple alla forma NEGATIVA:
I.... your T-shirt. / She.... a workbook. / We.... enough money. / Steve.... a brother. / My brother.... a TV in his room. / They.... a van. / ...
Completa le domande utilizzando IS THERE oppure ARE THERE:
.... a pencil on the kitchen table? / .... pullovers in the suitcase? / .... a football match on Saturday? / .... pets on the farm? / .... computers...
Completa le domande utilizzando IS THERE oppure ARE THERE e poi completa anche le relative risposte.
....a hippo in this zoo? ? Yes,.... . / ....a whale in this zoo? ? No,.... . / ....tigers in this zoo? ? Yes,.... . / ....sharks in this zoo? ?...
Usa le parole date per formare delle DOMANDE aggiungendo il verbo TO BE coniugato al present simple:
1) you / from London --- 2) he / old --- 3) we / early --- 4) Joseph / new --- 5) she / nice --- 6) they / brothers --- 7) Patricia / here ---...
IS oppure HAS? completa le frasi scrivendo la forma estesa dei seguenti verbi alla forma contratta:
He's listened to the song. = He... listened to the song. --- She's reading a comic. = She... reading a comic. --- It's rained a little. = It......
Usa le parole date per formare delle frasi aggiungendo il verbo TO BE coniugato al present simple:
1) they / students --- 2) Ben / not / from Liverpool --- 3) I / at work --- 4) Helen / five --- 5) it / summer --- 6) you / late --- 7) it /...
Usa le parole date per formare affermazioni o domande aggiungendo il verbo TO BE coniugato al present simple:
1) she / hungry? --- 2) I / not / at home --- 3) you / not / from Sweden? --- 4) Jack / not / here --- 5) they / not / in Dublin? --- 6) they / not...
Completa le SHORT ANSWER nelle seguenti frasi, usando il verbo TO BE(01):
Are you from England? Yes,... / Is she nice? Yes,... / Are the friends at school? Yes,... / Is the dog in the garden? Yes,... / Are you 12? No,... ...
Completa le SHORT ANSWER nelle seguenti frasi, usando il verbo TO BE(02):
Are they new here? No,... / Is your classroom big? Yes,... / Are you from Scotland? Yes,... / Is your van green? No,... / Are the DVDs in this...
Completa le SHORT ANSWER nelle seguenti frasi, usando il verbo TO BE(03):
Can she fly a kite? Yes,... / Can they write these words? Yes,... / Can he sing? No,... / Can I open the window, please? Yes,... / Can Doris...
Completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo TO HAVE coniugato in base al senso della frase:
Jack.... fun at the party last Saturday. / I'm sorry, but I.... to go now. / ever been to Canada? / Dave.... passed his driving test. / ...
Completa il seguente brano usando il verbo TO BE al present simple:
Peter Baker.... from Manchester, but Paul and John.... from London. Manchester and London.... cities in England. Hamburg.... a city in Germany....
Completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo TO DO coniugato in base al senso della frase(01):
My mother likes chocolate, but biscuits. / What....the children wear at your school? / Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but...
Completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo TO DO coniugato in base al senso della frase(02):
The girls love tennis, but they.... love riding. / What.... Sandra sell? / Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he.... speak German. / Where.... your...
Completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo TO DO coniugato in base al senso della frase(03):
My mother has.... the shopping. / Walter.... fly to Rome, he flies to Venice. / always recycle inkjet cartridges? / ....drink and drive....
WAS NOT oppure WERE NOT? scegli la forma giusta e completa le frasi:
They....ill. / You....tired. / The children....quiet. / Helsinki last week. / She....home for dinner. / The water....cold. / There....a...
WAS oppure WERE? scegli la forma giusta e completa le frasi(01): Canberra last spring. / school last Saturday. / home yesterday. / He....happy. / Robert and Stan....Garry's friends. /...
Riscrivi le seguenti forma verbali al SIMPLE PAST(01):
we wash - I arrive - they destroy - you hurry - she elects - you marry - we plan - he discovers - they travel - I prefer
Riscrivi le seguenti forma verbali al SIMPLE PAST(02):
we visit - they like - she dances - I play - you carry - he stops - you change - we enjoy - she uses - you try
Cambia le seguenti forme verbali dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona singolare(01):
I sing = she... / I play = she... / I read = she... / I go = she... / I ask = she... / I carry = she... / I enjoy = she... / I wash = she... / I call...
Cambia le seguenti forme verbali dalla prima persona singolare alla terza persona singolare(02):
I help = he... / I watch = he... / I do = he... / I tidy = he... / I can = he... / I say = he... / I walk = he... / I pass = he... / I must = he... /...
Indica qual è il tempo verbale dei seguenti verbi scegliendolo tra INFINITO, PAST SIMPLE e PARTICIPIO:
gave - been - drunk - known - saw - forgot - taken - sink - swear - sprang
Scrivi il paradigma (forma base+past simple+participio) dei seguenti verbi(01):
go / say / do / come / have / stand / make / buy / sit / swim / speak / see / write / sing / run
Scrivi il paradigma (forma base+past simple+participio) dei seguenti verbi(02):
begin / feel / get / draw / bring / know / take / pay / meet / leave / wake up / read / sleep / ride / build
Indica qual è l'unico verbo REGOLARE in ogni gruppo di verbi(01):
read, feel, play, see // listen, do, go, make // know, help, say, think // like, write, forget, eat // take, bring, cut, clean // watch, be, have,...
Indica qual è l'unico verbo REGOLARE in ogni gruppo di verbi(02):
understand, drive, feed, check - fly, plan, shake, begin - hit, love, hurt, lead - happen, run, pay , wear - stick, grow, look, speak - beat , send,...
Completa le seguenti frasi con il GENITIVO SASSONE riferendolo alla persona tra parentesi(02):
Sarah is... aunt. (Emily) / These are our... cats. (friends) / Let's meet at... for lunch. (Giovanni) / Where is the... shower? (ladies) / This is...
Completa le seguenti frasi con il GENITIVO SASSONE riferendolo alla persona tra parentesi(03):
This is... book. (Peter) / Let's go to the... . (Smiths) / The... room is upstairs. (children) / ...sister is twelve years old. (John) / ...and......
Completa le seguenti espressioni di possesso con il GENITIVO SASSONE oppure con OF:
(a glass) milk // (my friend) bike // (the window) room // (Mr Smith) car // (ten minutes) walk // (the headteacher) office // (the number) house //...
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(01):
milk - room - butter - song - music - minute - tea - child - homework - key
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(02):
rice - potato - information - man - bread - poetry - mile - vegetable - weather - sheep
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(03):
confusion - roof - traffic - pain - behaviour - knife - cutlery - freedom - mouth - peace
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i seguenti nomi(04):
luck - permission - ox - work - salmon - crisis - baggage - research - aircraft - rubbish
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole(05).
tomato - tooth - aircraft - logo - mouse - crisis - passer-by - radius - grown-up - crossroads
AT, IN oppure ON? scegli la preposizione corretta da scrivere prima delle seguenti espressioni di tempo(01):
September / 12 o'clock / winter / Easter Monday / 4th July, 1776 / Christmas / Tuesday / the weekend / my birthday / the end of the week
AT, IN oppure ON? scegli la preposizione corretta da scrivere prima delle seguenti espressioni di tempo(02):
Easter / business / total / the age of 21 / the street / my birthday / the summer of 2012 / board / foot / French
Completa le frasi con la PREPOSIZIONE corretta(01).
My friend is good.... playing volleyball. / She complains.... bullying. / They are afraid.... losing the match. / She doesn't feel.... working on the...
Completa le frasi usando le seguenti PREPOSIZIONI: AT, BY, FOR, FROM, IN, ON, WITH.
Where do you come...? / My cousin lives...Norway. / They are walking...the bridge. / I don't like flying, so I went to Paris...bus. / You can...
Completa le frasi usando le seguenti PREPOSIZIONI: ACROSS, AT, FROM, IN, ON, TO.
My parents got married...2010. / The police station is...the right. / We're going...Italy for our holidays. / We borrowed the bikes...our uncle. /...
Completa le frasi usando le seguenti PREPOSIZIONI: AT, BEFORE, FOR, ON, TO, WITH.
Turn right...the traffic lights. / She is not here, she / A comes...B in the alphabet. / The cat is sitting...the wall. / Emily left...
Completa le frasi usando le seguenti PREPOSIZIONI: AT, BELOW, BY, IN, ON, TO.
Hamlet was written...Shakespeare. / John is a student...Oslo university. / The temperature / You have to write the paper...hand. / We...
Completa le frasi usando le seguenti PREPOSIZIONI: AT, BETWEEN, BELOW, BY, IN, ON.
My mum studied...a university. / There is a spider...the corner of my room. / Death Valley is 56 metres...sea level. / The train to London...
Completa le frasi con la PREPOSIZIONE corretta(02).
She was born.... 2004. / They are waiting.... the bus. / Don't forget to bring some flowers.... you. / I haven't smoked.... ages. / You can look up...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(04): dreaming. (George) / green. (the blackboard) / ...are on the wall. (the posters) / running. (the dog) / ...are watching TV. (my...
Indica quale pronome personale è possibile utilizzare per sostituire i seguenti nomi:
sister - boy - school - cars - Emily and Jack - bike - Sophia and I - dad - parents - teacher
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per creare due frasi da ogni frase iniziale, come nell'esempio:
This is Henry....comes from Scotland > This is Henry. He comes from Scotland.
Look at Jack and Susan....are walking. / What time is it? 10...
Completa le frasi con A, AN oppure SOME:
I have...good idea. / That's...interesting job! / They have in that old mine. / Do the Smiths have...yellow van? / Look! He's...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(01):
We need...bananas. / You can't buy...posters in this shop. / We haven't got...oranges at the moment. / Peter has books. / She always...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(02):
Have you got...tomatoes? / There are...exercise books on the floor. / Did you get the ketchup? No, they didn't have.... / You should eat...fresh...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(03):
Can I have...of these kiwis? / We saw...dolphins in the sea. / They went to town / Buy some apples if you see.... / Would you...
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (01):
pencils / lemonade / pounds / literature / water / dirt / snow / files / bones / trouble / CDs / music / cups / juice / time
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (02):
pupils / time / money / dollars / milk / children / water / fun / dogs / people / pencils / cheese / cornflakes / pizzas / lemonade
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(01):
I sit - Peggy washes - they go - you watch - he tries - we ask - Mel and John learn - she starts - I phone - it rains
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(01):
I...(stay)at home. / We...(wash)the family car. / Doris...(do)her homework. / They...(go)to bed at 8.30 pm. / Kevin...(open)his workbook. / Our...
Trasforma ogni frase alla QUESTION-FORM senza contrazione:
to school? (you/to walk) / a banana in the morning? (Ronda/to eat) / parrots? (your father/to like) / a room with her sister? (Wendy/to share) / a...
Completa ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione oppure in forma affermativa, in base alla richiesta tra parentesi:
They... hockey at school. (to play) / She... e-mails. (not/to write) / English? (to speak) / My parents... fish. (not/to like) / ...Anne......
Completa ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM oppure QUESTION FORM senza contrazione, in base alla richiesta tra parentesi:
Anne... my questions. (not/to answer) / ...they... tomatoes in this shop? (to sell) / This girl... trousers at school. (not/to wear) / ...Mr...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(02):
Tom... stamps. (not/to collect) / You... songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing) / Julie... in the garden. (not/to work) / I... at home. (not/to sit) /...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(03):
We... handball at school. (not/to play) / Laura... her room. (not/to clean) / Mark... his homework. (not/to do) / Susan and Jerry... TV. (not/to...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(04):
My friend... an alarm clock. (not/to have) / We... fish at home. (not/to eat) / I... to work on Saturdays. (not/to want) / She... to school by bus....
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(05):
I... shopping. (not/to like) / Lilly... at home. (not/to help) / The children... great. (not/to feel) / Frank... hockey. (not/to play) / The...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(02):
Tom... stamps. (not/to collect) / You... songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing) / Julie... in the garden. (not/to work) / I... at home. (not/to sit) /...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(03):
We... handball at school. (not/to play) / Laura... her room. (not/to clean) / Mark... his homework. (not/to do) / Susan and Jerry... TV. (not/to...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(04):
My friend... an alarm clock. (not/to have) / We... fish at home. (not/to eat) / I... to work on Saturdays. (not/to want) / She... to school by bus....
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(05):
I... shopping. (not/to like) / Lilly... at home. (not/to help) / The children... great. (not/to feel) / Frank... hockey. (not/to play) / The...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(06):
The girls are outside. / She knows the answer. / We live in a small house. / I have coffee for breakfast. / Water boils at 90°C. / My brothers...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(04).
we visit / they like / she dances / I play / you carry / he stops / you change / we enjoy / she uses / you try / we wash / I arrive / they destroy /...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(05).
They... something to drink. (to order) / Last summer I... to Stuttgart. (to go) / She... her homework in the afternoon. (to do) / He... to 10. (to...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(06).
Jane... a film. (to watch) / He... a box. (to carry) / They... their father. (to help) / John and Amy... things. (to swap) / I... to Andrew. (to...
Riscrivi le seguenti semplici frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(07).
we are - she isn't - you have - there is - you don't have - I am - he has - she doesn't have - they aren't - I am not
Ascolta la lettura delle seguenti frasi e completa le parti mancanti:
1.What's your ... ? (1) My ... (2) is Jenny. / 2.Where do you ... (3) from? I ... (4) from China. / 3.Where do you ... ? (5) I ... (6) in Parramatta....
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
HUE LE'S STORY: Hue Le ... (1) a student. She is 22 ... (2) old. Hue ... (3) English every day and her ... (4) is Bill Johnson. He is a ... (5)...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
IMA'S STORY: My name ...(1) Ima and I ...(2) from Chile. I ...(3) been in Australia for 2 years. I ...(4) in Melbourne and my ...(5) is 3/55 Adams...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
MIN'S STORY: Min ...(1) from Vietnam and he ...(2) in an apartment in Dulwich Hill. He's ...(3) with a baby daughter. He works in a ...(4) and his...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
YING JIE'S STORY: My ...(1) is Ying Jie and I come ...(2) China. I have ...(3) in Australia for three months. I live ...(4) Sydney and my address...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
MY FAMILY: My family ...(1) in Melbourne. There ...(2) six people in my family. My mother and father live in a ...(3) house. The house has four...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
ANNA'S STORY: Anna ...(1) with her parents in Marrickville. Every morning she ...(2) English at the TAFE college in Petersham. In the evening she...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
MY DAY: Every day I ...(1) at half past six. First I ...(2) to the kitchen and ...(3) a cup of tea and toast for breakfast. Then I ...(4) to the...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
TASMANIA: Tasmania is ...(1) smallest state in Australia. It is ...(2) island and it is about 300 kilometres long and 240 kilometres wide. Tasmania...
Scrivi i COMPARATIVI dei seguenti aggettivi(01):
1.warm - 2.young - 3.intelligent - 4.long - - 6.busy - 7.interesting - 8.sweet - 9.tired - 10.short
Scrivi il PLURALE delle seguenti parole irregolari. - 2.child - 3.tooth - 4.woman - - 6.foot - 7.person - 8.sheep - 9.mouse
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(06):
1.I see (they, them) every day . - 2.He sits near (I, me) in class. - 3.She goes with (we, us) to the movies a lot. - 4.I like (she, her) very much....
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(07):
1.Sue always eats icecream after lunch. ...always eats icecream after lunch. / 2.The boy goes to school every day. ...goes to school every day. /...
HAVE oppure HAS? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta(03): a bicycle. / a big dog. / pencils. / a desk. / a good book. / a computer. /...
Completa le frasi con la forma negativa contratta di HAVE GOT. a car. / any children. / your ball. / a black pen. / a big house. / good marks....
Completa le domande con il verbo HAVE GOT(02):
1....I got a motorcycle?.../2....he got a car?.../3....we got pens?.../ got a chair?.../5....she got a table?.../6....they got...
Completa le frasi con il verbo TO BE al present simple in forma NEGATIVA:
1.They ...from Sydney. / 2.You my class. / 3.It ...five o'clock yet. / 4.The dog / 5.Jim ...busy now. / 6.I ...very well today. /...
HAVE oppure HAS? completa le frasi facendo la scelta giusta(04):
1.He...five dogs. / 2.Bill and Peter...a great teacher. / 3.The car...airconditioning. / 4.We...a lovely house. / 5.Jill...a kind husband. /...
Scegli DO oppure DOES per completare ogni domanda(04). like chocolate? / 2....he go to the beach very often? / 3....we have any pens? / 4....she know you? / close at 6.30 pm? / 6....they...
Completa le SHORT ANSWER nelle seguenti frasi:
1.Do you like fruit? Yes, I ... / 2.Does he go to school every day? Yes, he ... / 3.Are you OK? No, I ... / 4.Is he going to the bank? Yes, he ... /...
Completa le frasi con THERE IS o THERE ARE.
1....five pens in the box. / 2....a car in the garage. / 3....some books on the table. / 4....a telephone in the bedroom. / 5....two tables in the...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(04):
1.We don't have ...milk. / 2.I bought ...hamburgers for dinner. / 3.They have ...videos in that shop. / 4.She doesn't want / 5.He would like...
Completa le seguenti frasi con GOOD oppure WELL:
1.He is a ...student. / 2.He works .... / 3.I like reading ...books. / 4.She speaks English .... / 5.It's a very to go for a holiday. /...
Aggettivo o avverbio? Scegli quello giusto in ogni frase(02):
1.He drives very careful/carefully. -- 2.They speak English quick/quickly. -- 3.Isabel is working hard/hardly. -- 4.Dean left sudden/suddenly. --...
Completa le frasi inserendo THIS oppure THESE(02):
1....pencil is no good. / Michelle's pen. / is expensive. / 4....girls are from my college. / 5....bikes are mountain bikes. /...
Completa le frasi inserendo THAT oppure THOSE:
1....desk is mine. / a good answer. / 3....questions are too difficult. / 4....isn't a nice thing to say. / 5....dogs bark all day. /...
IN oppure AT? Scegli la preposizione di luogo corretta(01).
1.He's ...the living room. / 2.Jenny's now. / 3.I don't have sugar / 4.The children are / 5.Bill always reads ...bed. /...
IN oppure AT? Scegli la preposizione di luogo corretta(02).
1.Please put that ...the rubbish. / 2.Danny has an appointment ...the dentist's. / 3.Harry lives ...Sydney. / 4.I go to dinner sister's every...
WAS oppure WERE? scegli la forma giusta e completa le frasi(02):
1.I at the beach yesterday. / 2.He ...very unhappy with his new car. / 3.We ...tired last night. / 4.You ...late for work. / 5.She ...a good...
WAS oppure WERE? scegli la forma giusta e completa le frasi in forma NEGATIVA:
1.They yesterday. / 2.Anna the classroom. / 3.George and Cheryl the supermarket. / 4.The room ...very big. / 5.I called you but...
WAS oppure WERE? scegli la forma giusta e completa le frasi in forma INTERROGATIVA: there last night? / 2....the movie good? / at school yesterday? / 4....the doors closed? / very windy? / 6....the weather...
Completa le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(03).
1.I...(walk) to work last week. / 2.He...(study) computers for five years. / 3.They...(arrive) late for the party. / 4.We...(marry) in a church. /...
Riordina le parole per formare delle frasi al PRESENT SIMPLE, esempio: I / every day / him / see = I see him every day. / have / I / a / big --- 2.I / am / to the beach / going --- 3.she / her friend / visits / after work every night --- 4.George / gives me /...
Riordina le parole per formare delle frasi al PAST SIMPLE, esempio: I / yesterday / saw / him = I saw him yesterday.
1.passed / Donna / the driving test --- 2.from me / borrowed / $100 / Celina --- Sydney / Frank / was born --- 4.didn't go / last week / I / to...
Ascolta il seguente brano (a radio interview) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.The guest in the studio is a teacher. / 2.Some people can sleep well with a television on. / 3.It is bad to think a lot before going to bed. / 4.It...
Ascolta il seguente brano (informations for the school library) e scegli la risposta corretta alle seguenti domande:
1.Lucy’s surname is: More / Moor / Moore. --- 2.She’s in class: 1C / 1B / 4B. --- 3.Lucy is: 13 / 14 / 15. --- 4.The librarian asks for...
Ascolta il seguente brano (a Band audition) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.The boy wants to be in the band. / 2.He doesn’t like singing. / 3.He can’t remember the song on the guitar. / 4.The boy is good at the...
Ascolta il seguente brano (Describing people) e scegli la risposta corretta alle seguenti domande:
1.Aurelia is asking about Hannah’s boyfriend / brother / friend . --- 2.Hannah’s brother, Jem, has long, brown hair / a girlfriend / a twin...
Ascolta il seguente brano (First day at school) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.Jing and Tania are in the same class. / 2.Their teacher is a man. / 3.Jing knows where the classroom is.
Ascolta il seguente brano (Getting an ID card) e scegli la risposta corretta alle seguenti domande:
1.The student’s name is Abdul Surinami / Ahmed Saeed / Ashraf Suri. --- 2.He’s 14 / 15 / 16. --- 3.His address is 14 Spring Avenue, Leicester /...
Ascolta il seguente brano (Interview with a swimmer) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.Dan gets up early. / 2.He has a small breakfast. / 3.He’s a student. / 4.Dan has lunch at home. / 5.He goes swimming after classes. / 6.Dan...
Ascolta il seguente brano (Inviting someone to the cinema) e scegli la risposta corretta alle seguenti domande:
1.Ismael is OK, but a bit ill/ OK, but has a lot of homework/ OK, but a bit bored. -- 2.‘Light and dark’is a horror film / a science fiction film...
Ascolta il seguente brano (Interview with a swimmer) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.Charlie’s mother is doing something with his computer. / 2.Charlie isn’t logged in at the moment. / 3.If you don’t change your privacy...
Indica il nome di ogni FORMA GEOMETRICA scegliendolo dall'elenco:
square, cube, heart, pyramid, triangle, circle, oval, star, cylinder, rectangle.
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni VEGETALE in base al numero che vedi:
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte del viso collegandola al suo numero:
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni parte del corpo al suo nome(04):
lower leg / toe / calf / ankle / hand / shoulder / head / neck / finger / thumb / wrist / elbow / back / belly / thigh / knee / breast / foot /...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(05):
Sue went to the cinema with ... of her friends! / Jane doesn't have ... friends. / Have you got ... brothers or sisters? / Here is ... food for the...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(06):
I need a hammer and ... nails. / He does not want ... help. / There are ... sheep in the garden. / Do you know ... famous people? / They often invite...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(07):
Danny has got ... cool computer games. / I can do this exercise without ... help. / Noreen never has ... time. / There are ... ice-creams in the...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(08):
Gerald bought ... flowers for me on the market. / He usually comes without ... flowers. / Linda has never been anywhere abroad. / There was hardly...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY(09):
Would you like ... biscuits? / No, thank you. But I'd like ... orange juice, please. / I'm sorry. I don't have any orange juice. And there is hardly...
A FEW oppure A LITTLE? scegli quale inserire prima di ogni parola dell'elenco(01):
apples - rice - bicycles - trees - boys - money - dogs - time - sugar - cups
A FEW oppure A LITTLE? scegli quale inserire prima di ogni parola dell'elenco(02):
bread - ideas - water - luck - friends - chairs - coffee - children - work - men
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (03):
cars - music - pictures - flowers - milk - numbers - money - tea - girls - pencils
Inserisci MUCH oppure MANY prima di ognuna delle parole elencate (04):
food - evenings - websites - sugar - women - cheese - children - time - mice - information
Osserva l'immagine, leggi il brano su HALLOWEEN e poi indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono TRUE o FALSE.
1. There are six witches in the picture / 2. All witches are bad. / 3. The witches are sisters. / 4. They meet up once a year. / 5. They are usually...
Leggi cosa dice ogni strega di HALLOWEEN riguardo a se stessa e poi collega ogni definizione ad ogni strega:
Hello! My name is Elvira. My dress is yellow-green and I have black hair, which I wear in a ponytail. My wish is for everybody to be kind to each...
Osserva i riquadri su HALLOWEEN ed indica la risposta giusta di ognuno(01):
Osserva i riquadri su HALLOWEEN ed indica la risposta giusta di ognuno(02):
Collega i termini inerenti ad HALLOWEEN con le definizioni sottostanti (04):
1. Name of an Irish man thought to have...
Osserva l'immagine e indica qual è il nome esatto degli oggetti NATALIZI rappresentati scegliendoli dal seguente elenco 03:
bells, candle, candy cane, card, chimney, Christmas tree, elf, gingerbread, holly, letter, lights, ornaments, presents, reindeer, Santa Claus,...
Osserva le immagini NATALIZIE e completa le frasi che le descrivono scegliendo uno dei tre termini proposti 01:
Osserva le immagini NATALIZIE e completa le frasi che le descrivono scegliendo uno dei tre termini proposti 02:
Leggi il brano su NATALE e poi completa le frasi scegliendo fra le tre risposte elencate:
December is always a very busy time for Father Christmas Senior. He does a lot of things. He opens and reads many letters. He writes long lists of...
Leggi il brano su NATALE e poi rispondi alle domande:
December is always a very busy time for Father Christmas Senior. He does a lot of things. He opens and reads many letters. He writes long lists of...
Leggi il brano su NATALE e poi riordina le frasi:
December is always a very busy time for Father Christmas Senior. He does a lot of things. He opens and reads many letters. He writes long lists of...
Leggi il brano su NATALE e poi indica se le affermazioni sottostanti sono VERE o FALSE::
On Christmas Eve Father Christmas Senior is ready to go round the world on his sleigh. The sleigh is full of parcels for all the children in the...
Osserva l'immagine NATALIZIA e indica se le frasi sottostanti sono TRUE or FALSE:
It is a beautiful, moonlit night. It is Christmas Eve and Santa Claus is visiting the house. He is carrying his sack and he has got lots of presents...
Osserva il disegno NATALIZIO e indica se le frasi sottostanti sono TRUE or FALSE 01:
Santa is wearing boots. / He isn’t holding a clock. / There’s a candle on the chimney. / The reindeer is crying. / The reindeer is wearing...
Osserva il disegno NATALIZIO e indica se le frasi sottostanti sono TRUE or FALSE 02:
There are five stars in the sky. / The snowman is holding a broom. / There is a bird his head. / The snowman is wearing a cap. / The children are...
Osserva il disegno NATALIZIO e indica se le frasi sottostanti sono TRUE or FALSE 03:
The tree is in the living room. / There’s a sock near the tree. / There are presents in the tree. / There isn’t a vase in the room. / There’s a...
Osserva il disegno NATALIZIO e indica se le frasi sottostanti sono TRUE or FALSE 04:
Santa is laughing. / It’s early afternoon. / There is smoke coming out of the window. / There aren’t any trees. / Santa isn’t wearing mittens....
Osserva l'immagine e indica qual è il nome esatto degli oggetti NATALIZI rappresentati 01:
Osserva l'immagine e indica qual è il nome esatto degli oggetti NATALIZI rappresentati 02:
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 02.
1 That's a famous bridge. ... name's Tower Bridge. 2 They're my cousins. ... names are Daisy and Tom. 3 She's a famous actress. ... name's Emma...
Completa le frasi con l'AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO adatto 03.
1 I've got two sisters. ... names are Emma and Jessica. 2 Hi, I'm Michael. What's ... name? 3 Isabelle is twelve and ... brother is sixteen. 4...
Scegli l'AVVERBIO corretto fra i due suggeriti:
1 Can you repeat that slow/slowly, please? 2 Please be quietly/quiet! I can't concentrate. 3 Gran hasn't got a well/good memory. 4 Can you please...
Completa le frasi utilizzando uno dei seguenti verbi all'IMPERATIVO: Don't run • Switch off • Don't take • Hang • Put • Look at • Don't copy • Look.
1 ...take photographs in the museum. 2 ...your rucksacks under your desks. 3 ...during the exam. 4 ...your mobile phone in class. 5 the...
Completa le domande utilizzando MUCH o MANY e interpretando le risposte per capire cosa scrivere negli spazi con i puntini 01.
1 How .... in your class? There are 33 students in my class. 2 How .... in the fridge? There is a lot of ice cream in the fridge. 3 How .... in your...
Completa le domande utilizzando MUCH o MANY e interpretando le risposte per capire cosa scrivere negli spazi con i puntini 02.
1 your wallet? No, I haven't. Only 5 pounds. 2 ....? Yes, they have got 5 children: two sons and three daughters. 3 ....biscuits in that tin?...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per ogni frase(01).
1 There's MUCH/A LOT OF fruit in the kitchen. 2 Are there MANY/MUCH eggs in the fridge? 3 We haven't got MUCH/MANY time. 4 There's A LOT OF/MUCH milk...
AT, ON, IN, scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 We often go away...the weekend. 2 I'm sometimes tired...the afternoon after school. 3 My birthday is...10th October. 4 My swimming lessons...
Sostituisci le parole in stampatello con dei PRONOMI PERSONALI.
1 Dad's car is always clean. He washes HIS CAR every Saturday morning. 2 We've got two Labradors. We walk THE TWO LABRADORS in the local park. 3 Our...
Scrivi in lettere i seguenti NUMERI scritti con le cifre:
495 - 876 - 567 - 782 - 209 - 538
Scrivi i COMPARATIVI dei seguenti aggettivi(02):
1 cheap 2 healthy 3 popular 4 safe 5 expensive 6 fast 7 dangerous 8 friendly 9 comfortable 10 difficult 11 old
Scegli il PRONOME POSSESSIVO corretto fra i due proposti.
1 It isn't YOUR/YOURS car. It's our I ours. 2 Is that your I yours smartphone? No, MINE/MY is white. 3 Our I Ours car is big, but THEIRS/THEIR is...
Sostituisci le parole in maiuscolo con un PRONOME POSSESSIVO.
1 It's HIS BIKE. 2 They're EMMA'S FRIENDS. 3 It's OUR HOUSE. 4 They're KEVIN'S BOOKS. 5 It's HER WATCH. 6 They're YOUR PHOTOS. 7 It's THEIR CAMPER...
Scrivi il SUPERLATIVO dei seguenti aggettivi.
1 expensive 2 good 3 dry 4 intelligent 5 cold 6 famous 7 big 8 young 9 nice 10 relaxing 11 clean 12 wet
Scegli il SUPERLATIVO corretto fra quelli proposti.
1 New York is BEST/THE BEST city in the world. 2 Karen is the OLDER/THE OLDEST student in the class. 3 This is the MOST INTERESTING/THE MORE...
Osserva l'immagine dei lavori domestici, completa le frasi utilizzando i verbi dell'elenco e abbinale con i numeri dell'immagine.
VERBI: vacuum / take out / wash / lay / walk / clear / help / tidy / make
FRASI: ....the bed / bedroom / ....the living room / the...
Osserva l'immagine e collega il numero di ogni alimento al suo nome(08):
cheese • rice • flour • biscuits • fish • meat • eggs • bread • sugar • jam • toast • cereal • ham • chicken • milk •...
Osserva le 12 immagini che rappresentano i vari momenti della giornata di Alberto, mettile in ordine (dal mattino alla sera) abbinando ad ogni lettera un numero progressivo da 1 a 12.
Osserva l'immagine e collega il nome di ogni mestiere alla lettera dell'immagine corrispondente:
1) shop assistant 2) office worker 3) factory worker 4) nurse 5) housewife 6) bus driver 7) actor-actress 8) police officer 9) waiter-waitress ...
Osserva le immagini e abbina ogni capo di abbigliamento o tessuto al relativo nome usando l'elenco fornito.
1) blouse 2) skirt 3) coat 4) dress 5) jacket 6) jumper 7) scarf 8) tie 9) trousers 10) shirt 11) top 12) shoes 13) socks 14) hoodie 15) jeans 16)...
Osserva l'immagine e completa le frasi con i nomi geografici corretti.
1 A .... is an area of fresh water (acqua dolce) completely surrounded by land. 2 A .... is a natural walking way for trekkers in the mountains. 3 A...
Osserva l'immagine e scegli la preposizione di LUOGO corretta fra le due proposte 01.
1 There's a desk in front of/opposite the window. 2 There's a teddy bear near/under the bed. 3 The shelves are above/next to the door. 4 There's a...
Osserva l'immagine e indica, usando SOME, ANY, THERE IS-ISN'T, THERE ARE-AREN'T, se i seguenti alimenti sono presenti oppure no.
1 cheese. 2 jam. 3 potatoes. 4 bread. 5 eggs. 6 biscuits. 7 meat. 8 butter. 9 lemons. 10 oranges. 11 sugar.
Osserva l'immagine e scegli la preposizione di LUOGO corretta fra le due proposte 02.
1 The butcher's is between/behind the cinema and the greengrocer's. 2 The bank is opposite/in front of the post office. 3 The park is above/at the...
Osserva l'immagine e completa le frasi con i termini corretti sulle DIREZIONI da prendere.
1) - Excuse me, where's the park entrance, please? - Go......... the school. Go straight on and ............left in front of the bus stop. - Thank...
Osserva le immagini ed abbina ognuna al progetto umanitario corretto.
1. helping to save endangered species. 2. helping to clean up polluted natural areas. 3. providing children in poor countries with an educaton. 4....
Leggi il seguente semplice testo su Leo e rispondi alle domande.
My name’s Leo. I’m 10 and I’m a student at the St. Andrew’s Primary School in Glasgow. Mum is a doctor, she works at the Glasgow Central...
Leggi il seguente semplice testo scritto da Simona e indica se le frasi al fondo sono vere (T), false (F) o non date (NG).
Hi Sandy, we’re having a fantastic holiday! We’re in Barcelona, a very beautiful city in Spain. At the moment we’re eating “paella” in a...
Leggi il seguente semplice testo su Julia e indica se le frasi al fondo sono vere (T), false (F) o non date (NG).
Hello everybody! I’m Julia Sleep. I’m twelve years old and I live in Chicago, in the USA. I go to the Junior High School, from Monday to Friday....
Usando i MESTIERI e i verbi suggeriti, collegali tra loro e forma delle frasi corrette.
MESTIERI: 1 plumber, 2 bricklayer, 3 gardener, 4 electrician, 5 mechanic, 6 painter. VERBI: a. mow the lawn, b. repair the car, c change a light...
Osserva le immagini sui RISCHI che si possono correre in casa e collegale con le definizioni scritte
1. Do not stick metal objects into a socket, you could get an electric shock, 2. Do not use electrical appliances near water. 3. Do not touch...
Completa le seguenti frasi sulla DAILY ROUTINE utilizzando play - have - get up - have lunch
Hi! I’m Andy. I’m ten years old. In summer I go on holiday at the seaside. I .......... at 9:00 and I ................ breakfast. Then I go to...
Osserva l'immagine e completa le frasi con: BETWEEN, OPPOSITE, NEXT TO, BEHIND.
1- Where’s the church? It’s ...... the market and the museum. 2- Where’s the school? It’s ...... the theatre. 3- Where’s the supermarket?...
Leggi il seguente brano sulle fonti energetiche, abbina ad ogni immagine il nome corretto e suddividile in rinnovabili e non rinnovabili.
Energy is the ability to do work. We use energy every day in many different ways. Energy is essential for our lives. The gas we use to make a cup of...
Usa gli aggettivi dati per completare le seguenti frasi:
AGGETTIVI: nice, difficult, red, warm, old, gray, best, long, delicious, fast
1) Mason has a ______ cat. 2) Your hair is _______. 3) My dad is...
Indica gli aggettivi nelle seguenti frasi:
Dad parked the red car in the garage. The dog is digging a deep hole in the garden. My brother broke a big glass. The identical twins like to...
Scegli il grado di aggettivo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi:
1. Selena was the ____girl in the room. (happier / happiest) 2. Riley is _____ than Max in class. (more focused / most focused) 3. The mouse is...
Scegli MORE o MOST per completare le seguenti frasi:
1. Football is ___ dangerous than golf. 2. Spaghetti is the ___ wonderful meal there is. 3. You ask the _____ interesting questions. 4. Jenny...
Trova gli AGGETTIVI e i nomi nel seguente elenco di parole:
bird happy walk yellow big egg eat shiny blue rock lamp salty water chair jog dark dirty arm girl fluffy large donkey furry smile warm apple
Aggiungi un aggettivo adeguato in ogni frase al posto dei trattini.
1) Mark has a _______________ bicycle. 2) There are two ____________ pillows on the couch. 3) The __________ girl stands at the end of the...
Scegli ER o EST da inserire dopo ogni aggettivo per completare le seguenti frasi:
1. Milo is the cute___ dog on the street. 2. Fred is loud___ than Maria in the classroom. 3. I wear my hair short__ than you. 4. Your chair is...
ER o EST? scegli l'aggettivo corretto fra quelli indicati:
1. Bernadette is the ___girl in her class. (tall, taller, tallest) 2. Nathan is _____ than Erik. (short, shorter, shortest) 3. Your dog is the...
ER o EST? scegli l'aggettivo corretto fra quelli indicati(02):
1. This light is much __brighter_ than that one. (bright, brighter, brightest) 2. Rex is the _____ dog I know.(hungry, hungrier, hungriest) 3....
ER o EST? scegli l'aggettivo corretto fra quelli indicati(03):
1. My brother Jeff is the ___person in the house. (lazy, lazier, laziest) 2. Lucy is _____ than Elizabeth.(smart, smarter, smartest) 3. Apples...
FEWER o LESS? scegli la forma adeguata per completare le frasi:
1. Paul has ____ cards than Joel. 2. Dad has ____ time to play than me. 3. This recipe takes ____ flour than the other. 4. I will have _____...
GOOD o BETTER? scegli la forma adeguata per completare le frasi:
1. The apple pie is so __good__. 2. The cake is ____ than the pudding. 3. With all this rain, it is a ____thing you came in when you did. 4....
MORE o MANY? scegli la forma adeguata per completare le frasi:
1. There were ____ questions on the quiz. 2. The quiz takes _____ time to complete when you are careful. 3. Louis sold _____ lemonade than Jessy....
Completa le frasi utilizzando i seguenti avverbi: when, where, why, how, whatever, whenever, wherever.
My friends and I were trying to decide what to do after school. ___ we try to make plans, we can’t decide ______ to go. _________ I asked Sophia...
Leggi il brano su HALLOWEEN e poi rispondi alle seguenti domande:
On October 31, Americans celebrate Halloween. Halloween means "holy" (hallow) "evening" (een). This is the evening before the Christian holy day of...
EITHER o ENOUGH? scegli quello giusto(03):
1) Martin made _________ (either / enough) soup for the whole class. 2) Mrs. Taylor will like ________ (either / enough) card. 3) Papa can choose...
Trasforma le frasi in interrogative:
The cat is on the step. / Turn the lamp on. / You are looking for a new hat! / Sit on a chair. / Mom has a new computer. / We walk together to the...
Unisci le due frasi usando AND:
1) You have a grey sweater. You have blue jeans. 2) Mary likes spaghetti. Mary likes chocolate cake. 3) The children play hockey. The children...
Ordina le parole nelle seguenti frasi:
1) dog catches stick the The. 2) cat to park the walked The. 3) a student chair sat The on. 4) The reads story teacher students the to a. 5)...
AND, BUT, OR, o SO? Inserisci la congiunzione giusta nelle seguenti frasi:
1) It is cold,_____ I wear my hat and my mitts. 2) I want cake, _____ I’m not allowed. 3) I would go, _____ it is too far. 4) I will finish...
AND, BUT, OR, o SO? Inserisci la congiunzione giusta nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1) I chose this one, ____ my sister chose that one. 2) Brush your teeth, ________ put your pyjamas on. 3) Nina likes hockey, ______ Tina likes...
AND, BUT, OR, o SO? Inserisci la congiunzione giusta nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1) This is good, ______ it could be better. 2) I take the bus, _____ I got home at 5 pm. 3) Anny was hot, ___ she took her sweater off. 4) I...
Indica i nomi nelle seguenti frasi(01):
The cat is purring. The boy kicked the ball. Sam plays with his friend Ben. The bus stops at the red light. We saw tigers at the zoo. These...
Indica i nomi nelle seguenti frasi(02):
Parker is eating an apple. Canada is a beautiful country. The jar is broken. My sister painted a pretty picture. The girls are dancing. Tom is...
Indica i nomi nelle seguenti frasi(03):
Who likes bananas? Luke brought cake to the party. The rabbit skipped across the road. Ice floats on water. All kids love ice cream. We’re...
ANYONE, EVERYONE, SOMEONE, NO ONE: scegli il pronome indefinito corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1) Can _____________ pass the salt? 2) _________________ can pass this test. 3) This movie is for _________________. 4) It is too difficult,...
ANYONE, EVERYONE, SOMEONE, NO ONE: scegli il pronome indefinito corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
1) There is ____ for you in the fridge. 2) I am so hungry, I could eat ____. 3) Oh no, there is ____ left! 4) _________ you make is delicious. 5)...
ANYONE, EVERYONE, SOMEONE, NO ONE: scegli il pronome indefinito corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(03):
1) There is a dance.______ is invited. 2) I am certain ______ will come. 3) If you don’t invite them, ______ will show up. 4) There is no...
Sostituisci tutti i nomi in STAMPATELLO con il corretto pronome personale nelle seguenti frasi:
1) PAT AND RITA climb up the stairs. 2) THE DOG barks loudly. 3) FRANNY gave THE CAT its toy. 4) GRANDMA reads THE CHILDREN a story. 5) MARK...
Passato, presente o futuro? trova i verbi e indica di che tipo è ognuno(01):
1) Max eats his vegetables every day. 2) The students listened to the lesson. 3) Dad will clean the kitchen tonight. 4) Emily looks happy. 5)...
Passato, presente o futuro? trova i verbi e indica di che tipo è ognuno(02):
1) More people like winter. 2) You will like the pie. 3) Dad liked last night’s meal. 4) We live in the country. 5) My friend lived in the...
Passato, presente o futuro? trova i verbi e indica di che tipo è ognuno(03):
1) The teacher reads a story every day. 2) Manny listens to the teacher. 3) Emma finished her sheet before me. 4) Look at the blue sky. 5)...
Aggettivi o avverbi? indicalo di fianco ad ogni parola di questo elenco ma attenzione... ci sono anche degli intrusi.
baseball swiftly hungry yellow almost today table sing happily warmly clearly bright rocket loudly teach madly yearly buffalo giant sister sandwich...
Riscrivi le frasi mettendo la lettera maiuscola dove occorre(02):
jake’s family moved to a new neighborhood. they bought a house in henderson place on lincoln avenue. as soon as he moved in, jake hopped on his...
Riscrivi le frasi mettendo la lettera maiuscola dove occorre(03):
yesterday, my mom and i went to the theatre to see the movie a wrinkle in time. i did not know that so many people went to the movies on a saturday....
Riscrivi le frasi mettendo maiuscole e minuscole al posto giusto(01):
1. On hanukkah, we see my grandma in north carolina. 2. My sister loves the summer Olympics. 3. Catherine dislikes Halloween. She dreads it in the...
Riscrivi le frasi mettendo maiuscole e minuscole al posto giusto(02):
1. my grandpa visits mexico in may. 2. stephanie purchased a pepsi when she was in new york city. 3. we read “green eggs and ham” by dr. seuss...
Indica i nomi nelle seguenti frasi(04):
Amy threw the ball for her dog to fetch. Children are playing in the park. How many candies do you have? Sue likes to write in my journal. My...
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei segenti nomi(01):
person - fungus - tuna - basis - criterion - shelf - calf - series - woman - foot - knife - goose
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei segenti nomi(02):
sheep - moose - cactus - ox - man - child - deer - leaf - wolf - mouse - fish - tooth
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei nomi fra parentesi e completa le frasi(01):
1) The _____________ run to the park. (child) 2) Your _____________ have grown; you need new boots. (foot) 3) Many _____________ will attend the...
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei nomi fra parentesi e completa le frasi(02):
1) The ____________ go beside the spoons. (knife) 2) There are so many __________ in this pond. (fish) 3) The _____________ flew south for winter....
Scrivi i plurali irregolari dei nomi fra parentesi e completa le frasi(03):
1) Place all your ____________ in a jar. (penny) 2) There are so many ____________. (box) 3) I like the pattern of the ___________. (series) 4)...
Trova i nomi nelle seguenti frasi ed indica se sono al singolare o al plurale:
1) These pencils are sharp. 2) Melanie has the eraser. 3) Write three sentences. 4) Let’s read this book. 5) Play with the blocks. 6) Put...
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i nomi evidenziati in STAMPATELLO(01):
1. Would you like some MILK with your cereal? 2. You will need EGGS and sugar for this recipe. 3. Devon asked for more TIME to finish his test. ...
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i nomi evidenziati in STAMPATELLO(02):
1. Would you like me to add some more MILK to your hot chocolate? 2. Malcolm poured syrup on his PANCAKES. 3. I would like another PLATE of...
COUNTABLE O UNCOUNTABLE? indica di che tipo sono i nomi evidenziati in STAMPATELLO(03):
1. She folded the clean TOWEL and put it in the closet. 2. A lot of research goes into these ASSIGNMENTS. 3. Mom thinks there is enough TIME to...
ME oppure I? scegli il pronome corretto e completa le frasi (01):
1. ________ went to the store with mom. 2. She bought ________ some new clothes. 3. ________ tried them on first. 4. Mom made sure they fit...
ME oppure I? scegli il pronome corretto e completa le frasi (02):
1. Frank and ______ went to football practice. 2. He passed ______ the ball. 3. ______ passed it back. 4. As we played, _____ said: “Pass it to...
ME oppure I? scegli il pronome corretto e completa le frasi (03):
1. The teacher told Marissa and ____ that it was our turn. 2. She and ____ went to the front of the class. 3. ____ placed our poster on the...
Sostituisci la parola in STAMPATELLO con il corretto PRONOME PERSONALE(01):
THE FIREMEN rescued the cat from the tree. / MY FRIENDS AND I are going to the movies. / TOM likes to read books about fairies. / MOM AND DAD are...
Sostituisci la parola in STAMPATELLO con il corretto PRONOME PERSONALE(02):
Did DAD wash the car? / The pile of clothes on the floor belong to BEN. / DAD parked THE CAR in the garage. / MAX is digging a hole in the garden. /...
Sostituisci la parola in STAMPATELLO con il corretto PRONOME PERSONALE(03):
KITTENS like to drink milk. / This is SOFIA’s hat. / THE KITE flies in the sky. / Amy threw THE BALL for her dog to fetch. / CHILDREN are playing...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM usando opportunamente l'apostrofo(01):
1. They are sitting in the front row. 2. He is a good piano player. 3. She will be here for dinner. 4. You should look at that. 5. They have seen...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM usando opportunamente l'apostrofo(02):
1. We are first in line. 2. They have paid for the movies. 3. I could work later tonight. 4. You can finish this book today. 5. He has taken the...
Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM usando opportunamente l'apostrofo(03):
1. She has described the main character. 2. It is the end of the movie. 3. We could help them. 4. You are finished with your plate. 5. They have...
YOU'RE oppure YOUR?: scegli quello giusto e completa le seguenti frasi:
1. __ shirt is inside out. 2. _________ the next one on the list. 3. _________ hands are dirty. 4. _________ supposed to answer the phone. 5....
IT'S oppure ITS?: scegli quello giusto e completa le seguenti frasi:
1. ___ It’s ___ eight thirty, you better go to bed. 2. The cat licked ______ paws thoroughly. 3. Do you know ______ time to turn off the TV? 4....
Genitivo sassone e apostrofo: riscrivi le seguenti frasi utilizzando entrambi per significare il possesso:
1. The car that belongs to dad 2. The dog that belongs to Julie 3. The glasses that belong to mom 4. The table that belongs to Mrs. Smith 5. The...
Usa l'apostrofo per contrarre le coppie di parole:
1. you would you’d 2. we will 3. I am 4. he had 5. they would 6. would not 7. cannot 8. did not 9. had not 10. could not 1. they will 2....
Rimuovi l'apostrofo e separa le coppie di parole:
1. you’ve / 2. he’d / 3. aren’t / 4. would’ve / 5. could’ve / 6. should’ve / 7. mustn’t / 8. they’ve / 9. we’re / 10....
Passato, presente o futuro? trova i verbi e indica di che tipo è ognuno(04):
1. We love this song. 2. He heard his dad on the phone. 3. You will wear your coat. 4. The lamp is on the table. 5. The movie was scary. 6....
Passato, presente o futuro? trova i verbi e indica di che tipo è ognuno(05):
1. Lila blew her nose. 2. Phoebe likes movies. 3. We will watch a movie. 4. You will be late. 5. Jean enjoyed this book. 6. Matt walks...
Passato, presente o futuro? trova i verbi e indica di che tipo è ognuno(06):
1. The children finished their homework. 2. They enter the room with confidence. 3. We will buy a new couch. 4. Max rocks in his chair. 5....
Suffisso -ED: riscrivi le frasi cambiando ogni forma verbale al passato(04):
1. The student reads a book. / 2. We watch a movie Friday. / 3. They walk to the park. / 4. The children sleep in bunk beds. / 5. The cat chases the...
SAW oppure SEEN? completa inserendo il verbo giusto:
1. We ______________ Matthew yesterday. 2. Have you ____________ your aunt and uncle lately? 3. Carl had not ______________ the car coming his...
Completa la storia utilizzando AND, BUT oppure SO(01):
It was Mark’s birthday __and__ his dad came home with a special gift. Mark was excited to know what was in it, __________ he quickly opened the...
Completa la storia utilizzando AND, BUT oppure SO(02):
Today was the day! Mary’s family were going on a picnic. Mother prepared sandwiches __and__ drinks that father placed in a basket. Everyone was...
Completa la storia utilizzando AND, BUT oppure SO(03):
We were visiting my grandma when she told my dad that her rocking chair was broken. Dad looked at it __but__ could not fix it there, __________ we...
Completa la storia utilizzando gli avverbi dati(01):
On a peaceful Sunday afternoon, Noah’s family headed for the...
Completa la storia utilizzando gli avverbi dati(02):
It was the last game of the season and the players were...
Completa la storia utilizzando gli avverbi dati(03):
Loretta was sitting _quietly_ on the bench, waiting for her piano...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1. Laura told her friend Julie that ____ could not go to her hous tonight. 2. Phil was happy...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
1. It is getting dark outside; __ ___ should go back home. 2. Lori looks sad. I wonder if...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(03):
1. The book I am reading is interesting; _____ is about dinosaurs. 2. The cashier told my mom...
Sostituisci tutti i nomi in STAMPATELLO con il corretto pronome personale nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1. ELIZABETH came downstairs to answer the door. 2. FRANK gave a hand to his brother, and they fixed the bike together. 3. YOUR GOLDFISH looks...
Sostituisci tutti i nomi in STAMPATELLO con il corretto pronome personale nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1. ROSALIE gave her sister a blanket. 2. The children told THEIR MOTHER why they were late. 3. MY FATHER replaced the broken light bulb. 4. The...
Sostituisci tutti i nomi in STAMPATELLO con il corretto pronome personale nelle seguenti frasi(04):
1. THE HELICOPTER flew low over our heads. 2. The man parked HIS CAR in the garage. 3. LINDA AND SOPHIE ordered a milkshake for dessert. 4....
Metti l' apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(04):
1. My __________ (cousin) bicycle is larger than mine. 2. The __________ (doll) hair is blond. 3. The __________ (chair) cushion is loose. 4. The...
Metti l' apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(05):
1. My __________ (friend) pool is huge. 2. This __________ (month) newsletter is about spring. 3. The __________ (party) start time was written on...
Metti l' apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(06):
1. The __________ (cat) scratch post has tipped over. 2. The __________ (book) conclusion is interesting. 3. __________ (Dad) new shirt is...
Inserisci l' apostrofo per completare le frasi e chiarire il possesso(01):
1. The teachers desk is full of papers. 2. Joe car is parked behind the school. 3. The students chairs were piled against the wall. 4. Today...
Inserisci l' apostrofo per completare le frasi e chiarire il possesso(02):
5. The dogs coats were dirty because they had been playing. 6. The knights ____ swords were sharp. 7. The singers ____ voices were in harmony. 8....
Completa le frasi scrivendo il verbo tra parentesi al PASSATO(01):
1. The dog (dig) a hole in the ground. 2. My friend (keep) her promise. 3. She (think) about her answer before speaking. 4. The leaves (fall) ...
Completa le frasi scrivendo il verbo tra parentesi al PASSATO(02):
1. The boy (forget) his helmet in the garage. 2. She (break) her leg when skiing. 3. The students (fight) over the ball at recess. 4. My mom...
Completa le frasi scrivendo il verbo tra parentesi al PASSATO(03):
1. The boys (eat) their supper without a complaint. 2. The girls (hear) a weird noise outside their house. 3. Fanny (throw) the ball over the...
Riscrivi le frasi scrivendo il verbo al PASSATO se lo trovi al presente e viceversa(01):
1. Lucy plays the piano. 2. They covered their ears. 3. The players passed the ball around. 4. We want to visit Chicago. 5. You watch the cat...
Riscrivi le frasi scrivendo il verbo al PASSATO se lo trovi al presente e viceversa(02):
1. They water their garden. 2. Jackie finishes her homework. 3. You complete several puzzles this year. 4. I compose poems for my friends. 5. We...
Completa le frasi scrivendo il verbo che trovi tra parentesi alla persona corretta in base al soggetto(01):
1. The lights ______ on automatically. (to turn) 2. The phone __________ three times before the answering machine picks up. (to ring) 3. James...
Completa le frasi scrivendo il verbo che trovi tra parentesi alla persona corretta in base al soggetto(02):
1. The children _____ Pokémon cards. (to collect) 2. Angela __________ ketchup on her eggs. (to put) 3. He __________ that I am a nice friend. (to...
Completa le frasi scrivendo il verbo che trovi tra parentesi alla persona corretta in base al soggetto(03):
1. He _____ in a hotel during his vacation. (to stay) 2. Your friend __________ to the pool every week. (to go) 3. He __________ the door to get...
Completa le frasi scrivendo CAN oppure MAY:
1. I ______ write with both hands. 2. You __________ go to the bathroom. 3. Your parents __________ visit Mexico next winter. 4. Melody __________...
Indica in ogni frase il PHRASAL verb(01):
1. Tim was brought up by his grandmother. 2. The contestant called on his friend for support. 3. Give her a call; she needs some cheering up. 4....
Indica in ogni frase il PHRASAL verb(02):
1. Can someone pick up the phone? 2. You dad hung up the picture last night. 3. The children got off the playground climber and ran home. 4. His...
Indica in ogni frase il PHRASAL verb(03):
1. They called off the search. They found the cat. 2. We should cut back on sugar; we eat too much of it. 3. The man gave away his fortune. 4....
Indica se il verbo di ogni frase è al PASSATO, al PRESENTE oppure al FUTURO:
1. Elephants have long trunks. 2. Our family visited Africa last year. 3. Some say insects will rule the world one day. 4. Melissa finished her...
Completa ogni frase con WILL oppure WOULD:
1. Tomorrow we _____ go to the movies. 2. You __________ finish your homework if you knew what to do. 3. __________ you pass me the salt? 4. Frank...
Inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi scegliendolo tra quelli indicati(01):
1. Doug thought that __ was going to win the race. / 2. Doug lost because __ shoe...
Inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi scegliendolo tra quelli indicati(02):
1. Sally was sure __ would have to go to school on Friday. / 2. My parents thought...
Inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi scegliendolo tra quelli indicati(03):
1. Mark and Sue said __ have to go to school on Friday. / 2. Bob thought that __...
THAT oppure WHICH? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(01):
1. Who is __ girl on the swing? / 2. We saw the cat __ loves to eat the grass in our yard. / 3. The cafeteria, __ opens at noon, serves hamburgers on...
THAT oppure WHICH? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1. My favorite movie,__ is very popular, is about a girl in India. / 2. You ate the pizza __ I love for breakfast. / 3. The book __ I read was...
THAT oppure WHICH? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1. The hand __ hurts the most is my left hand. / 2. When he saw the house, __ had six huge windows, he started to cry. / 3. I like to buy cheeses __...
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(01):
1. You are traveling with __ to Chicago? / 2. Did you find out __ house we are visiting? / 3. The man __ came with us is my uncle. / 4. __ is that...
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(02):
1. The girl with __ I worked was very quiet. / 2. You are talking to __? / 3. Does anyone know __ backpack this is? / 4. She talked to a woman __...
WHO, WHOM oppure WHOSE? inserisci il pronome corretto nelle seguenti frasi(03):
1. Do you know __ is coming to the party? / 2. The student to __ I spoke was very kind. / 3. You are eating dinner with __? / 4. I have no idea __...
ITS oppure IT'S? elimina la forma errata da ogni frase(01):
1. I love this school! ( Its / It’s ) an amazing place. / 2. The hamster enjoys running on ( its / it’s ) wheel. / 3. The store? ( Its / It’s )...
ITS oppure IT'S? elimina la forma errata da ogni frase(02):
1. ( Its / It’s ) time to go to bed now. / 2. I love your house. ( Its / It’s ) very beautiful. / 3. The dog lost ( its / it’s ) toy at the...
ITS oppure IT'S? elimina la forma errata da ogni frase(03):
1. ( Its / It’s ) so fun to watch a dog chase its tail. / 2. The monkey at the zoo had ( its / it’s ) cage cleaned while we were there. / 3. When...
Scegli la corretta forma del verbo AUSILIARE per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1. Our principal working hard.( is / am / does / are ) / 2. My house have three bedrooms. ( is / am / does / are ) / 3. My parents going to a...
Scegli la corretta forma del verbo AUSILIARE per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1. The teachers planning a field trip. ( is / am / does / are ) / 2. Our car make a strange sound. ( is / am / does / are ) / 3. My friend having...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT:
1. Mark (study) biology since high school. / 2. Sophie (read) novels after school. / 3. He (love) to watch television since he was a kid. / 4. Many...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS:
1. We (read)a book in my class. / 2. The entire team (works) hard to improve their skills. / 3. That horse (runs) really fast in all of the races....
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al PRESENT-PERFECT(01):
1. Nora flies to Spain. / 2. Ted reads books and magazines. / 3. My friends visit Los Angeles. / 4. The actress plays many roles. / 5. My restaurant...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al PRESENT-PERFECT(02):
1. He goes to the party. / 2. She eats dinner. / 3. Oscar likes to play soccer. / 4. Four of us play the drums. / 5. Melanie sleeps for eight hours....
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi due volte: prima cambiando il verbo al PRESENTE e poi anche al PRESENT-CONTINUOUS(01):
1. My mom (make) tacos on Tuesdays. / 2. Stanley (work) at the library. / 3. At school, the teachers (instruct) the students. / 4. Kevin and Kelly...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi due volte: prima cambiando il verbo al PRESENTE e poi anche al PRESENT-CONTINUOUS(02):
1. The coach (want) to improve his team. / 2. Beth and Missy (go) to dinner together. / 3. At the park, the dogs (run) around in the grass. / 4....
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi due volte: prima cambiando il verbo al PRESENTE e poi anche al PRESENT-CONTINUOUS(03):
1. My dad (work) in an office building. / 2. Drew (play) video games with his brother. / 3. In California, the voters (choose) to go to the...
Inserisci il corretto PRONOME POSSESSIVO nelle seguenti frasi:
1. The boy was looking for __ parents. / 2. Did you go to __ house after school? / 3. I bought a giant candy bar because I wanted it to be all __ ....
Trova il pronome presente nelle seguenti frasi ed indica che tipo di pronome è(02):
1. My dog had puppies yesterday. / 2. All students have to read the book. / 3. Several parents disagree with the rule. / 4. The trees are...
Trova il pronome presente nelle seguenti frasi ed indica che tipo di pronome è(03):
1. The movie that Katie saw was fantastic. / 2. Are these sunglasses yours? / 3. Something seems wrong with this picture. / 4. Did you do any...
Coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al SINGOLARE o al PLURALE in base al nome a cui si riferisce(01):
1. My little sister (have) a lot of stuffed animals. / 2. For my birthday, my mom always (make) me a cake. / 3. The entire class (had want) to go /...
Coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al SINGOLARE o al PLURALE in base al nome a cui si riferisce(02):
1. My bedroom (have) a desk and a chair. / 2. After school, he (will goes) to the library to study. / 3. The basketball player (lift) weights to...
Coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al SINGOLARE o al PLURALE in base al nome a cui si riferisce(03):
1. Nathalie and Sally play (plays) plays volleyball for the school. / 2. The entire class (will wanting) to go outside this afternoon. / 3. This...
PRESENTE, PASSATO O FUTURO? scegli la forma giusta fra quelle proposte per ogni frase (01):
1. The teacher __ it was her birthday yesterday, but no one was listening. / a. has said b. had said c. will have said / 2. My cat __ her paws for...
PRESENTE, PASSATO O FUTURO? scegli la forma giusta fra quelle proposte per ogni frase (02):
1. He __ twelve cookies if he eats the entire box. / a. has eaten b. had eaten c. will have eaten / 2. She __ the same television show earlier with...
PRESENTE, PASSATO O FUTURO? scegli la forma giusta fra quelle proposte per ogni frase (03):
1. She ___ three dogs since she was three years old. / a. has had b. had had c. will have had / 2. My team ___ every single game this season. / a....
Scrivi delle frasi con gli elementi dati utilizzando il present simple di to be.
1 Beth/rich/poor - 2 David and Janet /at the cinema/at home. - 3 My Pc/old/new - 4 You/thin/fat - 5 My name / not Bill. It / Billy - 6...
Scrivi l'infinito di questi verbi.
1 Lost / 2 made / 3 come / 4 been / 5 had / 6 cut / 7 found / 8 brought / 9 bought / 10 known
INFINITO o GERUNDIO? Scegli l'alternativa corretta
1 I like to go/going to the cinema on Sundays. / 2 I am always obliged to take/taking off my shoes... / 3 ...before to enter/entering home. / 4 I...
Componi delle frasi utilizzando e riordinando queste parole.
1 ’s / at home /your mother -- 2 Your parents / are / well / ? -- 3 Interesting/ not / your job / is -- 4 The shops / are / open today -- 5 From /...
Componi delle frasi negative utilizzando e riordinando queste parole.
1 iPad / not / my / is / this. -- 2 Adele / old / not / twenty-two / is / years. -- 3 are / today / not / children / school / the / at. -- 4 Mrs. /...
Completa i dialoghi con la forma appropriata del verbo TO BE. Usa la sua forma contratta quando è possibile(01):
1 Hi John! How .... you today? -- 2 I ..... fine. I have a cold -- 3 Oh, I ..... sorry -- 4 ..... the Statue of Liberty in Washington? -- 5 No, it...
Completa i dialoghi con la forma appropriata del verbo TO BE. Usa la sua forma contratta quando è possibile(02):
1 ... you the new student? -- 2 Yes, I ... -- 3 My name ... Carl, -- 4 what ... your name? -- 5 I ... Juan. -- 6 It ... nice to meet you -- 7 We......
Riempi gli spazi vuoti usando THERE IS/THERE ARE, THERE ISN'T /THERE AREN'T e IS THERE?/ARE THERE? Quando è possibile usa there is con la sua forma contratta.
1 .... Michael in the bathroom? -- 2 .... some people in the pub who are talking and laughing too loud. -- 3 I think ... an apple in the fridge, if...
Riscrivi le frasi unendo ogni coppia in modo corretto utilizzando l'AGGETTIVO proposto.
1 Bob is a dentist. he is young -- 2 Sarah is a teacher. she is English -- 3 She is an teacher. she is a clever -- 4 There is a book on the table. it...
Riempi gli spazi nelle seguenti frasi scegliendo un aggettivo tra: GREAT, LARGEST, LATEST, WEAK, THIN, LAST, NATURAL, LARGE.
1 There were some .... cliffs beside the sea. -- 2 The road was coverei with a ..... Layer of ice. -- 3 Who was the .... person to see the girl...
Completa le frasi con le parole seguenti: CLUBS - BARS - DICTIONARIES - BEDS - BATHS - BATHROOMS - CITY
1 Dear Mum, Miami is a beautiful .... There are interesting buildings, and wonderful beaches. -- 2 The Hotel is big and comfortable. There is a...
Il PLURALE: scrivi la soluzione corretta scegliendo tra le due alternative proposte.
1 There are thirty days/dais in a month. -- 2 Those neighborhoods/neighbors are very kind -- 3 I'm always so kind with my parentes/parents. -- 4...
COUNTABLE oppure UNCOUNTABLE? Scrivi C or U vicino ad ogni parola.
1 Man: -- 2 Snow: -- 3 Luggage: -- 4 Meal: -- 5 Bread: -- 6 Ear of wheat: -- 7 Bunch of flowers: -- 8 Shoe: -- 9 Air: -- 10 Hair: -- 1 Advice -- 2...
Rispondi alle domande costruendo la risposta con la parola fra parentesi:
1 What animal is that? (bull) -- 2 What animal are these? (cats) -- 3 What animal is that? (elephant) -- 4 What animals are those? (frogs) -- 5 What...
Completa le frasi inserendo THIS, THESE, THAT oppure THOSE(01):
1 ... is Jane. Jane ……. is Eric. -- 2 ...’s Mark over there. -- 3 ... is my address in New York. -- 4 ...’s my bank. -- 5 ... is your...
Completa le frasi inserendo THIS, THESE, THAT oppure THOSE(02):
1 In ... days people only had radios, whereas ... days everybody watches television. -- 2 What do you think of ... new led TV? -- 3 I hate mobile...
Scrivi il PLURALE dei seguenti aggettivi dimostrativi e viceversa.
1 This apple -- 2 Those shoes -- 3 That computer -- 4 These papers -- 5 This disc and this cover -- 6 Those actors and these singers -- 7 These dogs...
Cambia le parole in stampatello con l'AGGETTIVO DIMOSTRATIVO adatto(01).
1 MY dog is next to me. -- 2 When I look at THE pictures I am very happy -- 3 The picture on THE wall in front of me, I always have memories. -- 4...
Completa le frasi seguenti con l'AGGETTIVO DIMOSTRATIVO adatto.
1 Look at ... painting over here, isn’t it a Picasso? -- 2 My grandpa fought during the Second World War, and he told that in ... days there...
1 This is .. bag, and that is .., too. -- 2 What a nice car that one! Is that car .., John? -- 3 Is this pen .., Judy? No, it’s not .. -- 4 - Are...
Sostituisci i soggetti tra parentesi con un AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO.
1 (I) parents are from London. -- 2 (You) house is very big! -- 3 Have you bought it with (you) own money? -- 4 (They) children are at school now....
Riscrivi le frasi sostituendo la parte in stampatello con il PRONOME corretto.
1 That t-shirt is MY T-SHIRT. -- 2 This dog is JACK'S. -- 3 Is this my dictionary or YOUR DICTIONARY? -- 4 Are those shoes MARY'S ONES? -- 5 This car...
Completa le frasi usando una delle due scelte di PRONOMI:
1 John is coming to school on his own, he/his sister is staying at home. -- 2 Did your/yours father call? -- 3 Would you like to meet Jane? She is a...
Completa le frasi usando una delle due scelte riguardanti i PRONOMI:
1 The possessive pronouns / possessive adjectives always stand before the substantive. -- 2 The possessive pronouns / possessive adjectives stand...
Inserire la parola WHOSE se necessario, quando non è necessario scrivi NULL:
1 Marsupial are animals .... young are carried in a pounch. -- 2 David Attenborough is a naturalist ... films have been seen all over the world. -- 3...
WHOSE oppure WHO'S? Scrivi la soluzione corretta
1 ... book is on the table? -- 2 ... gone to the cinema with Mary? -- 3 ... left the sunglasses here? -- 4 I can’t tell ... were those weapons. --...
Completa le frasi inserendo la PREPOSIZIONE corretta.
1 This mail is ... Susan -- 2 Jennifer, where is John ? He is here ... me. -- 3 Mosca is the capital ... Russia -- 4 This documentary is ... wildlife...
Sostituisci le parole tra parentesi con i pronomi personali complemento adeguati:
1 This is a gift for (Sonny) -- 2 I love (Jimmy) -- 3 These presents are for (Keith and me) -- 4 We are on the balcony with (our friends) -- 5 The...
1 The tourists are at the Colosseo and their guide is with .. -- 2 Where is Alex? There is a visit for .. -- 3 Are these cakes for ...? Yes, they are...
Riscrivi le frasi cambiando le parole in maiuscolo con un PRONOME PERSONALE COMPLEMENTO.
1 I have just seen THOSE PEOPLE running that way. -- 2 Jack is next to JIM. -- 3 Let’s drink A BEER! -- 4 I can’t manage to see GRACE. -- 5 We...
SOGGETTO o PRONOME personale complemento? scegli l'alternativa corretta.
1 Mick and me/I are going out. -- 2 would you like to come with we/us? -- 3 Mark and Jason have been in London for a year, didn’t them/they? -- 4...
Riempi gli spazi con il corretto PRONOME PERSONALE COMPLEMENTO.
1 Mary is hungry. Give .. a piece of cake. -- 2 Is that Michael’s new girlfriend?- -Don’t ask me, ask .. -- 3 My kids are lost, I will go and...
Scrivi i numeri in lettere o in cifre a seconda della richiesta:
1) 1601 -- 2) 74 -- 3) 765 -- 4) 112 -- 5) thirty-nine -- 6) two thousand nine hundred and forty -- 7) one million three hundred and thirtythree...
1 There are ... eggs in this basket. -- 2 My email is full: there are exactly ten ... mails in it. -- 3 Five ... miles is the distance between my...
Scrivi le seguenti date in lettere o viceversa:
1) 25/10 -- 2) 16/04 -- 3) 02/02 -- 4) 10/11 -- 5) 08/12 -- 6) 04/10 -- 7) 9/05 -- 8) the seventh of May -- 9) the twenty-third of July -- 10) the...
Riscrivi le seguenti date usando il giusto standard inglese.
1) 18/03/1972 -- 2) 01/004/2000 -- 3) 22/12/1987 -- 4) 31/06/2012 -- 5) 11/07/2001 -- 6) 03/10/1978 -- 7) 10/01/1800 -- 8) 29/02/2006 -- 9)...
Completa le segenti frasi con date, in modo appropriato usando ON, IN, AT o AGO:
1 Ok, we will see each other ...May 6th. -- 2 You can usually see owls ...night. -- 3 I came to London about one year and a half ... -- 4 ... what...
Completa le segenti frasi con date, in modo appropriato usando ON, IN, AT o AGO:
1 This castle is ancient, it was build ……… the XIII century. -- 2 Shall we meet ……… the afternoon >> -- 3 >> the afternoon ………. 5?...
ON, IN oppure AT? scegli la giusta preposizione(01).
1 My family has got a house near the seaside. We live there on/in summer. -- 2 I have a visit to the dentist on/at Wednesday. -- 3 The park is open...
ON, IN oppure AT? scegli la giusta preposizione(02).
1 My family and I always go to my grandparents’ house on/in summer days. -- 2 Unfortunately we are plucking the grape in/on the next season this...
Trasforma le seguenti frasi in negative. Usa la forma contratta quando è possibile.
1 I read a book. -- 2 We go to the church on Sundays. -- 3 The train leaves at 11 a.m. -- 4 George and she go to the disco. -- 5 The dog plays with...
Completa il dialogo usando i seguenti verbi scitti in forma corretta: TO LOOK, TO HAVE, TO LOVE, TO BE, TO TRAVEL, TO COME, TO BEG, TO LIKE, TO TALK.
1 Hi everybody! My name .... Jeremy. -- 2 I .... 25 years old and .. -- 3 I .... from Bombay. -- 4 In my country we .... only with bicycles -- 5...
Riempi gli spazi con gli avverbi di frequenza ALWAYS, EVER, OFTEN, HARDLY EVER, SOMETIMES, USUALLY, SELDOM:
1 I ... watch television in the evening. -- 2 They ... play football at weekends. -- 3 We ... have dinner in the garden. -- 4 She ... walks to the...
Inserisci l'avverbio di frequenza indicato nella posizione corretta(01).
1 I have tea and a slice of cake for breakfast. (usually) -- 2 Do you go swimming in winter? (ever) -- 3 Gorge and Mary go to the cinema on Sundays....
Inserisci l'avverbio di frequenza indicato nella posizione corretta(02).
1 He listens to the radio. (sometimes) -- 2 My relatives send me letters. (often) -- 3 I go out with my dog. (always) -- 4 I have done this before....
Metti i seguenti avverbi di frequenza in ordine dal meno frequante al più frequente, inizia con never
Formula delle domande con le seguenti frasi affermative:
1 He sometimes listens to the radio -- 2 My relatives often send me letters -- 3 I always go out with my dog -- 4 I have never done this before -- 5...
Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
1 The phone (ring) -- 2 He (wash) the pots. -- 3 Mum (make) a baked chicken. -- 4 The teacher (explain) the big bang theory. -- 5 They (have) a...
Utilizza e coniuga i seguenti verbi al presente continuous per completare ogni frasr: TALK - PLAY - ASK - COME - GO - WAIT FOR - FRY - GET - DECIDE - MAKE.
1 It is time to go home. It ... late. -- 2 I ... to bed. -- 3 Shhh! Daddy ... with my teacher. -- 4 Come on, Bill! Hurry up. The bus ... -- 5 Listen....
Traduci le seguenti frasi con il present continuous. Non usare la forma contratta.
1 Dov è David? È in giardino. Cosa fa? Gioca con il gatto. / 2 Cosa dice tua sorella? Dice che la cena è pronta, che è ora di andare a tavola / 3...
Scegli tra il present simple e il present continuous.
1 Please don’t talk, I watch / I’m watching TV. -- 2 I don’t think she’s going out / she goes out tonight. -- 3 If you go / you’re going...
Leggi le frasi e decidi se i verbi in stampatello si riferiscono a un presente o a un momento futuro.
1 Please don’t talk, I’M WATCHING TV. -- 2 I don’t think she’S GOING out tonight. -- 3 If you go that way for 300 meters you WILL FIND the...
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRESENT SIMPLE oppure IL PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
1 Cats (to hunt) mice. -- 2 The sky (to get) darker. -- 3 Listen! Somebody (to listen) to the opera. -- 4 I always (to read) my book before I go to...
Costruisci delle frasi riordinando le parole ed aggiungendo un ARTICOLO in modo appropriato
1 British Queen / is / head / Church of England -- 2 Good people/ always / respect / others -- 3 Kensington Palace / is / near Green Park -- 4 London...
Scegli la forma più adatta di ARTICOLO per ogni frase.
1 Prime Minister/The Prime Minister is about to be interviewed. -- 2 That is the guy/a guy who stole my handbag. -- 3 Why don’t we go on an...
Completa le frasi usando A/AN nel modo corretto
1 I am so nervous during my wedding that I ... loss for words and I can t speak. -- 2 Where are you going next week?Don' t you know? I ..... business...
Scrivi delle domande utilizzando WHO, WHAT E WHERE in modo che le frasi qui di seguito servano come risposte:
1 I am in Paris -- 2 There is a bed, a table, a lamp and wardrobe. -- 3 She is my girlfriend -- 4 It's a lamp -- 5 They are Jim and Sue -- 6 It's...
Scrivi delle domande in modo che le frasi qui di seguito servano come risposte:
1 I am from New York City -- 2 My name is Eleanor -- 3 She is 18 years old -- 4 Yes i am; I study at the University. -- 5 My surname is Bass. --...
Preposizione e avverbi di stato in luogo, riempi gli spazi con AT oppure IN:
1 I don t know where dad is, I think he is still ... work. -- 2 There is a lot of traffic ... the city today. -- 3 Few people book ... the Hilton...
Preposizione e avverbi di stato in luogo, riempi gli spazi in modo adeguato:
1 Messina is ... the south of Italy, -- 2 ... the Tyrrhenian Sea; -- 3 Reggio Calabria is ... the same Sea -- 4 but ... Calabria. -- 5 This is our...
Preposizione e avverbi di tempo, inserisci AT, ON oppure IN prima di ogni termine ma se non sono necessari, scrivi X.
1 tea-time -- 2 one morning -- 3 September 21 st -- 4 the afternoon -- 5 Saturday -- 6 midnight -- 7 the day before yesterday -- 8 tonight -- 9 the...
Preposizione di tempo, completa le frasi con una preposizone adatta(01).
1 Thanksgiving Day is .... 23rd November -- 2 Monday comes .... Friday -- 3 Halloween is .... 31st October -- 4 Thursday comes .... Wednesday -- 5...
Preposizione di tempo, completa le frasi con una preposizone adatta(02).
1 I go .... work -- 2 .... every morning except -- 3 .... Saturday and Sunday. -- 4 .... those days, if the weather is bad, -- 5 I stay .... home --...
Il simple present di to have, traduci le seguenti frasi e ricordati di usare "got".
1 Robert non ha una casa in centro? -- 2 Hai un rasoio da prestarmi? -- 3 Genny non ha un fratello, ha due sorelle. -- 4 Quanto hai nel portamonete?...
Il simple present di to have: trasforma queste frasi affermative in frasi negative e viceversa
1 I have got a pen. -- 2 She has got a beautiful house -- 3 We have decided to buy a new house outside the city -- 4 She doesn’t have toothache --...
Il simple present di to have: crea delle domande a cui le seguenti frasi servano come risposta.
1 I have got a pen. -- 2 She has got a beautiful house. -- 3 We have decided to buy a new house outside the city. -- 4 She doesn’t have toothache....
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO (01:
1 Would you like .... pizza? -- 2 There are .... pens on the desk. can you lend me yours? -- 3 Are there .... oranges in the fridge? -- 4 I haven’t...
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO(02):
1 Would you like .... sweets? -- 2 I had .... ideas about your thesis. -- 3 I’d like .... chocolate, and you? -- 4 Have you got .... cakes for me?...
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti: riempi gli spazi con A/AN/SOME/ANY/NO(03):
1 There’s .... cake in the fridge. -- 2 she has got .... posters. -- 3 She hasn’t got .... friends. -- 4 I have got .... time to speak with you....
Gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti, inserisci quello adatto al tempo indeterminato(01):
1 Do you know any/some Americans? -- 2 Yes, I know any/some. -- 3 I need to taste a some/few types of wine .... -- 4 ... to choose the best one/any....
Aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti, inserisci quello adatto al tempo indeterminato(02):
1 There isn’t many/much coffee. -- 2 Go to buy a few/some, please. -- 3 In a few/any case, this house will remain my property. -- 4 I haven’t...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(01):
1 I need .... for my homework -- 2 I didn't go .... last Summer -- 3 Does .... want to go to the cinema? -- 4 He left from his office without saying...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(02):
1 I asked if .... wanted an ice cream -- 2 .... told me about your family -- 3 Is there .... wrong? -- 4 I didn't eat .... because I wasn't hungry --...
Gli indefiniti composti, inserisci il pronome indefinito corretto(03):
1 There is ... behind the door. -- 2 Can you hear ...? -- 3 No, I can’t hear ... -- 4 The smell of fried onion is ... -- 5 What are you thinking? -...
Completa le frasi con MANY, VERY, A LOT, ALOT OF, LOTS OF, HOW MUCH.
1 Is there .... traffic in the center of the city? -- 2 Have you got .... brothers? -- 3 They haven’t got .... fruit for lunch. -- 4 Your cake is...
Completa le frasi con MUCH, MANY, HOW MUCH, HOW MANY:
1 I don’t like .... ketchup on my chips. -- 2 She always buys .... sweets. -- 3 There are .... tins of coke. -- 4 Are there .... teachers in that...
Completa le frasi con MANY, A LOT OF, VERY, MUCH, A LOT:
1 There aren't .... people leaving around our house -- 2 We haven't got .... chairs for the wedding -- 3 I like to put .... sugar in my coffee -- 4...
Completa le frasi con MANY, A LOT OF, VERY, MUCH, A LOT(02):
1 There is .... to do for my party. -- 2 It’s .... late. -- 3 He usually reads .... -- 4 Are there .... messages for Mr Charlie? -- 5 He hasn’t...
Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma positiva o negativa dell'IMPERATIVO(01):
1 .... your books. (to open) -- 2 .... upstairs. (to go) -- 3 .... in this swimming pool. (not/to swim) -- 4 .... your homework now. (to do) -- 5...
Scrivi le parole di ogni gruppo nell'ordine corretto per creare una frase(02):
1. need I for a stamp letter. my -- 2. me tell the please? time you Can -- 3. spaghetti like like but pizza. I don’t I -- 4. My is Oliver book...
Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma positiva o negativa dell'IMPERATIVO(02):
1 .... your brother to come here, I need help. (to ask) -- 2 .... quiet, please! I’m speaking. (to be) -- 3 .... up it’s late. The shops are...
Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma positiva o negativa dell'IMPERATIVO(03):
1 ... (to read) the instruction, please. -- 2 ... (to turn) to page 54. -- 3 ... (to give) me a break, I’m exhausted. -- 4 ...(not to go) there,...
Ecco una ricetta per una semplice torta di mele. Riempi gli spazi correttamente usando i verbi sottostanti all'IMPERATIVO: stir, serve, let, combine(x2), blend, bake, mix, pour.
1 ... apples and sugar in a mixing bowl -- 2 and ... stand 10 minutes. -- 3 ... oil, vanilla and egg with the apples. -- 4 Then ... the dry...
Scrivi correttamente le frasi usando il genitivo sassone(01):
1 Bob / grandparents are in France -- 2 Steve / schoolmates are friendly -- 3 Zoe, Martin and Ann / drama teachers / great / are -- 4 Janet / Zoe /...
Scrivi correttamente le frasi usando il genitivo sassone(02):
1 best/Luck’s/’s/Peter/friend -- 2 cds/these/Eleanor/are -- 3 parents/car/not/very/my/is/they/to change/but/it/want/old -- 4...
Riscrivi le frasi usando il genitivo sassone al posto di OF(01):
1 The daughter of Mr and Mrs Smith and her husband live in Rome -- 2 The car of my parents is in the garage of Paul. -- 3 The birthday of my sons is...
Completa le frasi con ‘ o ‘s.
1 I love Johnny Depp.. movies. -- 2 Mr. Smith.. secretary hasn’t arrived yet. -- 3 My wife.. parents are from England. -- 4 Give me the baby.....
Riscrivi le frasi usando il genitivo sassone al posto di OF(02):
1 This is the book of John. -- 2 Bring with you the CD player of Freddy. -- 3 The car of my parents is not so expensive. -- 4 The room of the...
Riempi gli spazi con la forma corretta del SIMPLE PAST del verbo TO BE.
1 Robert (not) .... at home yesterday afternoon. -- 2 He .... at the University. -- 3 Where .... Luca and Joe last Sunday? -- 4 I don’t know. They...
Completa il dialogo con il SIMPLE PAST dei verbi tra parentesi:
1 My friend Loren (go) to London last spring. -- 2 (He /enjoy) it? -- 3 Yes,he (do). -- 4 I (be) very sad there -- 5 They (do) a lot of nice travels....
Completa con il SIMPLE PAST dei verbi tra parentesi:
1 I (come ) with my family early in the morning -- 2 We (go) at school last Sunday -- 3 I (buy) a lot of nice presents -- 4 I (send) a nice letter to...
Riempi gli spazi con la forma corretta del SIMPLE PAST del verbo TO BE(02).
1 John ... in town last week. -- 2 Yesterday I ... with your cousin. -- 3 We ... at school when that happened. -- 4 He ... a very friendly person...
Trasforma le frasi in forma negativa.
1 John was in town last week. -- 2 Yesterday I was with your cousin. -- 3 We were at school when that happened. -- 4 He was a very friendly person...
Riempi gli spazi con i verbi dati utilizzando il FUTURE SIMPLE(01):
1 We (buy) .. some fresh fruit at the market. -- 2 Bob ( eat) .. another apple now? -- 3 Ann and her cousin (drink) .. still water at lunch. -- 4 Mrs...
Riempi gli spazi con i verbi dati utilizzando il FUTURE SIMPLE(02):
1 What (they / do) .. this afternoon? -- 2 It is late. I must go now. I (call) .. you later. -- 3 Barbara has promised she (help) .. Dad in the...
Short answer futuro: rispondi alle domande usando le indicazioni date.
1 Are you going to the stadio tonight? (yes) [singolare] -- 2 Will she be eighteen next monday? (yes) -- 3 Will you buy that motorbike? (no)...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande usando il verbo ESSERE nel PRESENT SIMPLE(01):
1 what brother’s is name your -- 2 is what address your -- 3 favourite is your food what -- 4 is your what name -- 5 date the what today is -- 6...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande usando il verbo ESSERE nel PRESENT SIMPLE(02):
1 are toilets where the -- 2 you where from are -- 3 phone is what your number -- 4 the answer what is -- 5 your what nationality is -- 6 is it old...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande usando il verbo ESSERE nel PRESENT SIMPLE(03):
1 is your what name first -- 2 capital Australia the what is of -- 3 is that car friend’s your -- 4 outside it is cold -- 5 when the concert is --...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche scrivendo il risultato in inglese(01):
1 four plus ten equals -- 2 twenty five plus three plus fourteen equals -- 3 nine minus seven equals -- 4 thirty two minus seventeen equals -- 5...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche scrivendo il risultato in inglese(02):
1 five plus eleven equals -- 2 sixteen plus nineteen plus eight equals -- 3 forty five minus seven equals -- 4 twenty two minus thirty one equals --...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche scrivendo il risultato in inglese(03):
a) ten plus two equals, add fifteen, add forty one, subtract five, multiply by three -- b) nineteen minus seven equals, subtract four, multiply by...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche scrivendo il risultato in inglese(04):
a) fifteen minus three equals, add eight, subtract one, multiply by nine, add seven -- b) fifty one plus four equals, subtract thirty, multiply by...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche scrivendo il risultato in inglese(05):
a) one plus fifteen equals, add twenty one, add thirty five, subtract eight, multiply by ten -- b) seventy two minus one equals, subtract six,...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche con le sterline, scrivendo il risultato in inglese usando solo le lettere(01):
1. £3.50 + £2.99 = -- 2. £10.20 + £4.99 = -- 3. £4.68 + £9.99 = -- 4. £20.50 + 17.35 = -- 5. £1.99 + £6.89 = -- 6. £103.01 + £243.50...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche con le sterline, scrivendo il risultato in inglese usando solo le lettere(02):
1. £2.85 + £3.95 = -- 2. £17.69 + £4.80 = -- 3. £2.99 x 3 = -- 4. £4.50 x 4 = -- 5. £35 + £2.99 + £4.99 = -- 6. 80p - 55p = -- 7....
Completa le frasi usando uno degli NUMERI ORDINALI proposti:
1. October is the ____ month of the year. -- 2. January is the...
Abbina l'aggettivo con il suo aggettivo opposto:
AGGETTIVI: clever, poor, sunny, wet, long, fat, big, good, hard, low
OPPOSTI: high, soft, stupid, rich, rainy, dry, short, small, thin, bad
Abbina l'aggettivo con il suo aggettivo opposto(02):
AGGETTIVI: light, warm, old, odd, fast, expensive, hungry, uneven, wide, tall
OPPOSTI: narrow, short, cool, young, flat, normal, cheap, full,...
Scrivi la forma comparativa e superlativa appropriata di questi aggettivi(01):
1. light -- 2. clever -- 3. sunny -- 4. hard -- 5. thin -- 6. good -- 7. poor -- 8. short -- 9. late -- 10. happy
Scrivi la forma comparativa e superlativa appropriata di questi aggettivi(02):
1. shady -- 2. stupid -- 3. rainy -- 4. soft -- 5. fat -- 6. bad -- 7. rich -- 8. long -- 9. early -- 10. sad
Scrivi la forma comparativa e superlativa appropriata di questi aggettivi(03):
1. nice -- 2. cold -- 3. clean -- 4. young -- 5. fast -- 6. large -- 7. hungry -- 8. narrow -- 9. red -- 10. near
Scrivi la forma comparativa e superlativa appropriata di questi aggettivi(04):
1. nasty -- 2. hot -- 3. dirty -- 4. old -- 5. slow -- 6. small -- 7. full -- 8. wide -- 9. green -- 10. far
A oppure SOME? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello corretto(01):
There is ____ sand in my shoe. -- There is ____ five pound note in my wallet. -- There is ____ wine in the cupboard. -- There is ____ butter in the...
A oppure SOME? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello corretto(02):
There is ____ rice in the cupboard. -- There is ____ dog in the garden. -- There is ____ postman coming to the door. -- There is ____ alcohol in the...
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale I oppure ME:
1. Give that book to ____ . -- 2. ____ don’t like working in shops. -- 3. Does your friend know ____ ? -- 4. ____ and Ted are going out for lunch....
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale HE oppure HIM:
1. ____ always goes home early on Tuesdays. -- 2. I asked ____ for some help. -- 3. ____ asked, “What’s her problem?” -- 4. ____ was always a...
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale SHE oppure HER:
1. ____ thought he was joking. -- 2. ____ has got long hair. -- 3. I see ____ on the bus every day. -- 4. John called ____ at half past nine. -- 5....
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale WE oppure US:
1. ____ aren’t interested. -- 2. Nobody told ____ . -- 3. They don’t believe ____ . -- 4. Will ____ be able to meet up? -- 5. This is what ____...
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PRONOME personale THEY oppure THEM:
1. I don’t know ____ at all. -- 2. ____ can’t hear you. -- 3. Ask ____ yourself. -- 4. Who is that man with ____ ? -- 5. ____ went to the cinema...
Completa le frasi con un pronome soggetto o un pronome oggetto(01):
1. Have you seen my dad? ___ ’s wearing a red shirt. -- 2. Are ___ going to finish your dinner? -- 3. I don’t like Christopher. ___ really annoys...
Completa le frasi con un pronome soggetto o un pronome oggetto(02):
11. I don’t think the shop is open. ___ usually closes at five thirty. -- 12. I showed ___ my photos. He thought ___ were boring. -- 13. “How...
WH- questions, completa ogni frase, usando WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO O WHY(01):
1. _____ ’s the time please? -- 2. _____ did I just say? -- 3. _____ do you think you are? -- 4. _____ is my coat? -- 5. _____ do you want to...
WH- questions, completa ogni frase, usando WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO O WHY(02):
1. _____ do you work? -- 2. _____ were you talking to yesterday? -- 3. _____ ’s going on? -- 4. _____ are you still in bed at four in the...
Abbina le parole del primo gruppo con le parole del secondo gruppo per formare quattordici nomi composti(01):
PRIMO GRUPPO: after, birth, book, table, air, tea, pan, paper, cave, horse, parent, home, car, cup - SECONDO GRUPPO: day, work, time, port, hood,...
Abbina le parole del primo gruppo con le parole del secondo gruppo per formare quattordici nomi composti(02):
PRIMO GRUPPO: time, bath, in, out, no, cliff, police, some, bread, ant, water, wheel, fall, day - SECONDO GRUPPO: side, house, out, hanger, table,...
Abbina le parole del primo gruppo con le parole del secondo gruppo per formare quattordici nomi composti(03):
PRIMO GRUPPO: lamp, wheel, foot, in, human, shop, fire, foot, motor, butter, rail, mini, name, track - SECONDO GRUPPO: valid, shade, chair, ball,...
Scrivi le parole di ogni gruppo nell'ordine corretto per creare una frase(01):
1. dog My to go on diet. needs a -- 2. went house I night. friend’s my to last -- 3. to seashore. live the I would near like -- 4. had some I buy...
Riordina le parole in ogni frase e scrivi una domanda al present simple.
1. capital is India the what of -- 2. this right the is bus -- 3. do want leave when to you -- 4. want why you married do to get -- 5. you like...
Seleziona le parole che dovrebbero iniziare con una lettera maiuscola, poi scrivile correttamente(01):
fresh edinburgh thursday television better norwegian night desert sahara desert tommy’s bakery bakery normal friendly june jamie grapes wash forget...
Seleziona le parole che dovrebbero iniziare con una lettera maiuscola, poi scrivile correttamente(02):
arrival robin hood manor surgery tasty united boxing day jacket manchester united mexico surgery great news antarctica mount kilimanjaro hood...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche scrivendo il risultato in inglese(06):
a) five plus seven equals, plus twelve, minus four, plus fifteen, multiplied by two -- b) twenty nine minus nine equals, divided by two, plus...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche scrivendo il risultato in inglese(07):
a) seven minus two equals, plus ten, minus eight, multiplied by four, plus thirty seven -- b) nine multiplied by four equals, minus seven, plus...
Completa gli spazi in ogni domanda con A, AN, THE, AND(01):
1. Do you like a)____ Copenhagen? - Yes, I do. b)____ first time I came here I stayed in c)____ tiny guest house. The owner had d)____ enormous dog! ...
Completa gli spazi in ogni domanda con A, AN, THE, AND(02):
1. I went to a)____ swimming pool yesterday. b)____ little boy fell over and had to have c)____ treatment on his leg. d)____ assistant said that he...
Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto, utilizzando le parole proposte(01):
Could you please __________ the table? I'd like a __________ of...
Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto, utilizzando le parole proposte(02):
I laughed so much my _____ hurts. I took the ______...
Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto, utilizzando le parole proposte(03):
Please _____ the flowers gently. He was sitting on a ______...
Apostrofo: in ogni frase manca almeno un apostrofo, riscrivile inserendoli tutti:
I cant go with you to grandmothers house. Im heading to Joes store later. I put our two dogs food in the cupboard. Avas choice of clothes isnt...
ITS o IT's? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(01):
____ beginning to snow. -- ____ very nice to see you this morning. -- The frog holds the fly on ____ tongue. -- ____ hard to balance on a high beam....
ITS o IT's? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(02):
____ really fun when my friends come to play. -- I watched the spider weave ____ web. -- I know ____ late, but ____ New Year’s Eve. -- It was ____...
ITS o IT's? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(03):
The cat licked ____ paw. -- The hamster is so cute. What’s ____ name? -- ____ going to rain tomorrow. -- My toy is not in ____ box. Where could it...
THERE, THEY'RE o THEIR? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (01):
My parents called to say that _____ going to be late. -- Are _____ any more cookies left? -- Please take the clothes off the washing line when _____...
THERE, THEY'RE o THEIR? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (02):
Amy and Ben took _____ puppy to the park. -- The kids will love these tickets because _____ big basketball fans. -- The kids cannot watch TV until...
THERE, THEY'RE o THEIR? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (03):
_____ going to win the soccer match. -- The girls put _____ soccer balls away after the game. -- They studied hard and did well on _____ test. -- The...
YOUR o YOU'RE? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (01):
Which one is _____ brother? -- What is _____ name? -- _____ parked in the wrong spot. -- If _____ still working on your project, raise _____ hand. --...
YOUR o YOU'RE? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (02):
Did _____ ball roll under the bed? -- Sam said _____ a fast runner. -- Tell mom _____ too sick to go outside. -- Where is _____ homework? -- Where...
THAN o THEN? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (01):
By _____, the dog had eaten all the cookies. -- If that’s the case, _____ you need to find a better way to study. -- If you go first _____ I will...
THAN o THEN? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (02):
She’s been at this school longer _____ I have. -- I’ll drop by later; see you _____! -- Make your bed, _____ you can go out to play. -- Skating...
THAN o THEN? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (03):
We’re stopping in New York for the day, _____ flying home to Chicago. -- Sam ate more cookies ______ Sarah. -- When is it better to give _____ to...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del simple present del verbo TO BE(05):
1. My teacher's name ..Melanie. She is English. -- 2. I ..married. My wife is called Jeanette. -- 3. My favourite colour It's red. -- 4. My...
Le seguenti frasi sono scritte correttamente... Vero o Falso? se sono sbagliate indica l'errore(01):
1. Boston and New York are North American cities. -- 2. We are very sorry about the accident. -- 3. How old is he? -- 4. You are happy? -- 5. They...
Le seguenti frasi sono scritte correttamente... Vero o Falso? se sono sbagliate indica l'errore(02):
1. She is 29 years old. -- 2. We isn't students, but we work at the university. -- 3. John's brother is from London. -- 4. I is your friend, Martha!...
Abbinare le risposte con le domande.
RISPOSTE: 1 Yes, there are two! -- 2 No, she isn't. -- 3 No, it's Mike. -- 4 It's here. -- 5 I'm here. -- 6 Yes, they are. -- 7 That's my mother! --...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare frasi con pronomi soggetto e oggetto. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura indicata!
1. vase / gave / . / him / blue / I / the --- 2. to / rudely / us / spoke / . / they / very --- 3. tell / never / us / the / time / . / they --- 4....
Queste frasi con il genitivo sassone sono corrette... Vero o Falso? se sono sbagliate indica l'errore:
1. Johns mother works at the local hospital. -- 2. It's getting late, so I must leave. -- 3. The boys are so happy to be on vacation. -- 4. Its time...
In ognuna di queste frasi, c'è un esempio del genitivo sassone. È stato usato correttamente o no? Scrivi Y (yes) o N (no).
1 John's mother is the head of the local computer company. -- 2 All her sons go to the local boy's school. -- 3 She has two daughter's and they are...
In ciascuna di queste frasi guarda la parola con l'apostrofo. Indica se è utilizzato per possession oppure come verbo essere o come verbo avere.
1 There's a calculator in my bag. -- 2 She's Swiss. -- 3 John's car isn't blue. -- 4 He's fifty-four in August. -- 5 He's got black hair and a...
Per ogni frase, decidi se l'APOSTROFO è usato per significare essere o possesso.
1. It's not safe for you to go into the house. -- 2. Jenny's calling the doctor for her husband. -- 3. This is Peter's bike. -- 4. Doctor Grant's...
Le seguenti frasi sono scritte correttamente?
1. Me father is a farmer. -- 2. Marge likes me and I like her. -- 3. Our dog is big and brown and he name is Jake. -- 4. I speak to they on the...
Completa le frasi scrivendo THERE, THEY'RE oppure THEIR.
1 Where is Jonathan? Over ... -- 2 ...are still 20 days until Christmas. -- 3 I don't want them. ...too expensive. -- 4 How many bedrooms are
Scrivi il corretto aggettivo POSSESSIVO negli spazi vuoti(01).
1 is Marco. What's yours? -- 2 Hannah is very angry that is broken again. -- 3 ...vacation was ruined by the weather and we had...
Seleziona il POSSESSIVO corretto scegliendolo fra i tre proposti:
1. The bike belongs to me. It is _____ bike. - his - her - my /// 2. The bike belongs to him. It is _____ bike. - he - her - his /// 3. The bike...
Seleziona il PRONOME corretto scegliendolo fra i due proposti(01):
1. _____ have one sister and one brother. - She - I /// 2. Thomas is my brother. _____ is twenty. - He - She /// 3. Betty is my sister. _____is...
Ognuna di queste frasi ha un verbo tra parentesi che dovrai coniugare al present simple: decidi se è positivo o negativo in base al senso della frase.
1 I (drink) wine very much I prefer beer /// 2 People (use) public transport often in this city because it is good and cheap /// 3 People in the...
Usa la forma corretta del verbo ausiliare TO DO per formare frasi negative o interrogative.
1. The brothers like football, but the sisters football. They like tennis. /// 2. What ...Lara like to do at weekends? /// 3. ....Mr. Douglas...
Guarda queste frasi dove è stato usato il present simple. Ogni frase è corretta o c'è un errore(in questo caso correggilo)(01)?
1. John gets up at 7 o'clock every day because he catch the train at 8 o'clock. // 2. The number 17 bus doesn't stop here, it stops in Wilson Avenue....
Guarda queste frasi dove è stato usato il present simple. Ogni frase è corretta o c'è un errore(in questo caso correggilo)(02)?
1. How often do you go to college, Fran? Do you go every day? // 2. What time the bus does come? I'm late! // 3. When I have a headache, I sit in my...
Scegli la risposta corretta per ogni domanda fra le 3 proposte.
1. What time does Karen get up on Saturday mornings? - Yes, she does. - At 8.30am. - She get up at 8.30am. /// 2. Does Dylan speak French? - Yes, he...
Riempi ogni spazio con uno dei seguenti verbi opportunamente coniugato:
Betty (1) ....twenty-two years old. She (2) a house in the state of...
Il present simple viene spesso utilizzato per esprimere le azioni future relative al "calendario". Scrivi questi verbi nella forma corretta.
1. The train (arrive) London at 3:45pm. -- 2. The lesson (start) ten minutes. -- 3. The show (begin) 6 o'clock. -- 4. My sister's...
Guarda queste frasi dove è stato usato il present simple. Ogni frase è corretta o c'è un errore(in questo caso correggilo)(03)?
1. If you want, we go to the restaurant next Thursday. -- 2. We leave Berlin on the 8th so maybe we'll see you in Paris. -- 3. After leaving...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con Present Simple per il futuro. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. station / morning / leaves / at / main / bus / six / from / tomorrow / . / the / the / bus / o'clock --- 2. time / the / ? / Glasgow / departs /...
Ecco una descrizione di una mattinata tipica per Sarah. Scrivi i verbi che trovi tra parentesi nelle forme corrette.
Sarah (get up) (1) at six o'clock. She (have) (2) her breakfast and then she (go) (3) to the bathroom. She (take) (4) a shower and (brush) (5) her...
Per ogni frase, scrivi il negativo. Usa le contrazioni quando possibile. Ricorda la punteggiatura!
1. I smoke cigarettes. // 2. He sings in a rock band. // 3. I eat dinner at 8pm. // 4. We watch TV in the evening. // 5. Emanuela does the ironing...
Scegli la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi per completare ogni frase. Fai attenzione alla terza persona.
1. Madrid (be) the capital of Spain. // 2. Othello (be) a play by Shakespeare. // 3. The River Thames (flow) through London. // 4. The World Cup...
Per ogni frase, scegli la forma corretta del verbo fra le tre proposte(03):
1. She ____ in Florida but prefers California. - lives - goes - arrives /// 2. When we ____ on vacation, we never fly. - are - go - went /// 3. I...
Per ogni frase, scegli la forma corretta del verbo fra le tre proposte(04):
1. Jane ____ in the factory until 6pm. - works - plays - play /// 2. We don't ____ food from the supermarket every day. - grow - buy - buys /// 3. He...
Scegli uno di questi verbi per completare ogni frase. Fai attenzione a utilizzare la forma corretta.
1. My dog sleep in the corner near the...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY:
1. Are there ...cinemas in your town? --- 2. Can I have ...sugar in my coffee, please? --- 3. He doesn't have ...brothers or sisters in his family....
Leggi questo dialogo tra Peter, Jane e il cameriere in un ristorante. In ogni casella scegli tra SOME oppure ANY:
WAITER: Are you ready to order now? PETER: Yes, we are. MARY: Do you have (1) ...Russian salad today? WAITER: No, we don't have (2) .... I'm sorry....
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY. Scegli nothing se pensi che non sia necessaria alcuna parola.
1. Do you like _____ milk? // 2. Do you have _____ milk I can borrow? // 3. There isn't _____ cheese in the fridge. // 4. _____ dogs are usually...
Le seguenti frasi sono corrette? Guarda come sono state usate le lettere maiuscole. Se ritieni che la frase sia corretta, scegli True. Se pensi che ci sia un errore, scegli False.
1. We traveled North until we reached New York. That was on Saturday. // 2. We stayed in a hotel across from the National Museum. // 3. Last Spring,...
C'è una parola con la maiuscola sbagliata in ogni frase. Trovala e scrivila.
1 We can go and visit you in the Autumn, possibly September but definitely before Christmas. // 2 Go and see dr. Cyril Rogers. He's our doctor and...
Seleziona la congiunzione corretta BUT oppure AND per completare ogni frase.
1. She wants to buy a car, ___ she doesn't have enough money. --- 2. Alice plays the piano, ___ she plays the guitar. --- 3. Doris doesn't like...
Gli AGGETTIVI in queste frasi sono nell'ordine corretto o no? Scrivi Y (yes) o N (no).
1. My father has a big black cat. --- 2. Your uncle is a mean silly old fool. --- 3. The Highlands of Scotland is a mountainous beautiful area. ---...
Guarda ogni frase e vedi se è corretta o no. Scrivi Y (yes) o N (no).
1. There is a new cinema in the town. Did you know? --- 2. Are there any bananas in the fridge? --- 3. Because of the airport near my house, it is...
Scegli THERE IS oppure THERE ARE per completare ogni frase.
1. ____ a big cow in that field. /// 2. ____ large houses all along the street. /// 3. ____ big white clouds in the sky. /// 4. ____ not many people...
Scegli THERE IS, IT IS oppure THERE ARE per completare ogni frase.
1. ____ a bus at 7.30. We can wait for that. /// 2. ____ very late, Ben. We must go. /// 3. Wilcox is a big town and ____ more than 50,000 people...
Quali dei seguenti verbi possono terminare in -ED nel PAST TENSE?
touch, put, set, like, jog, take, phone, make, smell, learn, hold, say, break, print, enhance, bring
Quali di queste parole sono UNCOUNTABLE?
methane / advice / smoke / wool / meat / shoe / target / chocolate / mustard / mouse / finger / battery / kid / pasta / cellphone /
Correggi grammaticalmente le seguenti frasi (01):
1. Can you pass a salt? / 2. Could you pass the salt? / 3. This sugar is lovely. / 4. Can you pass me a meat? / 5. I have so many homeworks to do. /...
Correggi grammaticalmente le seguenti frasi (02):
9. These jam looks tasty. / 10. This pasta taste great! / 11. Can I borrow a little wool from you? / 12. We’re having some great weather at the...
Indica le frasi che hanno il verbo al PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE(01):
1 Sherry rides a bike. / 2 Jerry will work in a shop. / 3 Elaine looked beautiful. / 4 I shop at the mall. / 5 The King lives in a palace. / 6 ...
Indica le frasi che hanno il verbo al PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE(02):
1 Zack goes fishing whenever he has the chance. / 2 Apart from the security guard, nobody noticed the intruder. / 3 According to the new rules,...
Correggi le frasi con errori nel verbo alla terza persona(01):
1 Julia buy most of her clothes at Top Shop. / / 2 Pete run really fast. / / 3 I sometimes drink cappuccino. / / 4 That doctor earn a lot of...
Correggi le frasi con errori nel verbo alla terza persona(02):
1 The birds in the garden sing. / / 2 George and Jack like Emma. / / 3 Someone feed our cat when we are not around. / / 4 Everyone become nervous...
Scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase(01):
1. Pete is run really fast. Pete runs really fast / 2. I often drink water. I am often drink water. / 3. You speak Korean well. You are speak Korean...
Scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase(02):
1. He doesn’t works. He doesn’t work. / 2. I don’t know that guy. I don’t knows that guy. / 3. You don’t look hungry. You doesn’t look...
Scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase(03):
1. Do I know you? Does I know you? / 2. Do you ride a motorbike? Does you ride a motorbike? / 3. Do Bob play soccer? Does Bob play soccer? / 4. Do...
Scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase(04):
10. Does Alan drive a Toyota? Do Alan drive a Toyota? / 11. Does Vicky use Instagram? Do Vicky use Instagram? / 12. Does your cat like eating fish?...
Completa le frasi scegliendo la forma NEGATIVA corretta fra le due proposte:
1. We __ late yet. A) don’t B) aren’t / 2. I __ very brave. A) am not B) don’t / 3. I __ have a wallet. A) am not B) don’t / 4. She __ know...
Completa le frasi scegliendo la forma INTERROGATIVA corretta fra le due proposte:
1. __ these flowers still fresh? A) Are B) Do / 2. __ you own a pair of boots? A) Are B) Do / 3. __ I fast enough to qualify? A) Am B) Do / 4. __ the...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni animale collegandolo al suo numero(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni animale collegandolo al suo numero(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni animale collegandolo al suo numero(03):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni animale collegandolo al suo numero(04):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni animale collegandolo al suo numero(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni animale collegandolo al suo numero(06):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni animale collegandolo al suo numero(07):
Collega il numero di ogni animale al nome del suo cucciolo (alcuni devono essere ripetuti):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni animale e del luogo dove vive(scegliendolo tra i seguenti) e collega entrambi al relativo numero:
Collega il numero di ogni animale al nome del suo cucciolo:
Collega il numero di ogni animale del bosco al suo nome:
bat bear skunk weasel hedgehog mole wolf raccoon fox porcupine moose beaver armadillo chipmunk deer mountain-lion badger wild-boar
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni capo di abbigliamento collegandolo al suo numero(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni capo di abbigliamento collegandolo al suo numero(02):
Quiz sui vocaboli dell'abbigliamento, abbina correttamente descrizioni di capi di abbigliamento e risposte(01):
1. Name 2 pieces of clothing starting with the letter P. / 2. Which item of clothing has fingers? / 3. Name a popular hat that is also used in a ball...
Quiz sui vocaboli dell'abbigliamento, abbina correttamente descrizioni di capi di abbigliamento e risposte(02):
11. What is worn by women and is very short? / 12. Name something made of rubber worn on your feet. / 13. What do you wrap around your neck when...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni capo di abbigliamento collegandolo alla sua lettera:
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni capo di abbigliamento collegandolo al suo numero(03):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte della casa collegandola al suo numero(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte della casa collegandola al suo numero(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte della casa collegandola al suo numero(03):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte della casa collegandola al suo numero(04):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte della casa collegandola al suo numero(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte della casa collegandola al suo numero(06):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte della casa collegandola al suo numero(07):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte del corpo collegandola al suo numero(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte del corpo collegandola al suo numero(02):
Completa le seguenti frasi inserendo la parte del corpo corretta presa dal seguente elenco: FACE TOOTH ELBOW FINGER STOMACH HAND EAR LEG EYE SOLE
1 The part at the end of your arm: ___ / 2 The part in the middle of your arm where it bends: __ / 3 One of the two parts in your head that you see...
Quante di queste parti del corpo hai? Una, due o di più?
PARTI DEL CORPO: head / foot / arm / face / toe / back / mouth / tooth / eyelash / nose / hand / finger / eyebrow / nail / knee
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte del corpo collegandola al suo numero(03):
Seleziona il verbo TO BE corretto fra quelli proposti per completare le frasi.
1. They ______ thirsty this morning.- were - are / 2. We ______ thirsty now. - were - are / 3. I ______ hungry and want a hamburger. - am - was / 4....
Utilizza il tempo corretto del verbo TO BE per completare le frasi.
1. Laura .... 23 now, but she ... about 15 in that photo. / 2. There ... a big storm last night. Thankfully, the weather ... great today. / 3. You...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo TO BE al passato. Utilizza le forme contratte per le forme negative.
1. I .... happy with that restaurant last night. The food .... cold and the waiter ... very friendly. / 2. ".... you with Helen on Saturday?" "No, I...
Scrivi delle frasi complete aggiungendo la forma passata del verbo TO BE:
1. John / at school yesterday? -- 2. the weather / Paris hot? -- 3. how much / tickets / concert? -- 4. why / plane so late? -- 5. how long / you at...
Decidi se il verbo TO BE in queste frasi è coniugato in modo corretto o errato.
1. You were the only person in the restaurant? -- 2. I was very tired yesterday after the Spanish exam. -- 3. Jessica, your grandmother, was be a...
Per ogni frase, metti la forma negativa o interrogativa a seconda di ciò che viene chiesto. Utilizza le forme contratte per le forme negative come didn't e wasn't.
1. Jason went to Paris last weekend. (question - where?) -- 2. I played tennis last week. (negative) -- 3. She drove a BMW to the party last night?...
Scegli tra il verbo presente o passato per formare delle frasi corrette.
1. I ______ my car every week. - washed - wash // 2. Marian ______ her car last week. - washes - washed // 3. Alberto always ______ to work. - walks...
Utilizza la forma del PAST SIMPLE dei verbi tra parentesi per completare ogni frase.
1. She (go) to the disco alone. // 2. The storm (start) at about ten o'clock. // 3. An apple (drop) on Newton's head. // 4. Mike's ball (roll)...
In questa lista di verbi, tre sono irregolari e uno è regolare oppure tre sono regolari e uno è irregolare. Per ogni domanda qual è quello diverso? Scrivi la forma infinita del verbo diverso.
1. go - buy - speak - play // 2. read - watch - be - write // 3. clean - get - look - appear // 4. throw - take - sing - dance // 5. put - wish - dry...
Le seguenti forme del PAST SIMPLE sono corrette?
1. watched // 2. inventid // 3. happenned // 4. pushed // 5. walked // 6. shoutd // 7. openned // 8. liveed // 9. jumped // 10. ripped // 11. cryed...
Guarda i seguenti verbi. Molti di loro sono irregolari. Scegli la forma corretta del PAST SIMPLE per ogni verbo.
1. hit - hit - hited - hitted // 2. make - maked - make - made // 3. buy - buy - bought - buyed // 4. lose - losed - lost - losen // 5. sleep -...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1. Last night the game ______ 10 minutes late. - beginned - begin - began // 2. The dog ______ his finger. - bit - bite - bited // 3. The teacher...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
1. Last week was busy. My husband _______ the laundry. - do - did // 2. He also ______ the floor. - sweeped - swept // 3. I ______ the dishwasher. -...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(03):
1. We ______ groceries this morning. - buyed - bought - buy // 2. Daniel and Maria ______ six fish. - catched - catch - caught // 3. I _____ Ron for...
Completa queste frasi con il PRESENT SIMPLE o il PRESENT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi. Usa le forme contratte negative ove possibile(01).
1. Can you stop talking? I (study) and it's hard to concentrate. // 2. Mike (play) the guitar in a local rock band. // 3. Jackie (not play) very...
Completa queste frasi con il PRESENT SIMPLE o il PRESENT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi. Usa le forme contratte negative ove possibile(02).
1. (speak) French? Go and ask directions from that man. // 2. My uncle (work) at the zoo, but I (not know) exactly what he (do). // 3. Hello, Cindy....
Completa queste frasi con il PRESENT SIMPLE o il PRESENT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi. Usa le forme contratte negative ove possibile(03).
1. There's a man who (stand) on the street corner at the same time every day. // 2. The regional manager (attend) a meeting at the moment. // 3....
Present Simple e Present Continuous: le seguenti frasi sono corrette o no?
1. Water is boiling at one hundred degrees. // 2. We don't understand German very well. // 3. My sister speak French very well. // 4. Every day, I am...
Scrivi il PARTICIPIO presente di questi verbi:
1. fly // 2. run // 3. go // 4. fall // 5. drop // 6. write // 7. jog // 8. stop // 9. drive // 10. smile
Present Simple e Present Continuous: abbina le domande con le risposte.
DOMANDE: a) No, I'm wearing my old brown ones. --- b) Because we are having a party in the office! --- c) Usually for an hour before I sleep. --- d)...
Comparatives o Superlatives? Scegli l'aggettivo corretto fra quelli proposti per completare le frasi.
1. Carnivals are ______. - more fun - most fun - fun //2. The carnival in New Orleans is the ______ carnival in the United States. - more exciting -...
Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi suggeriti al COMPARATIVO o al SUPERLATIVO(01).
1. We stayed at the .... hotel in the town. (cheap) //2. Our hotel was .... than all the others in the town. (cheap) //3. The United States of...
Completa ogni frase con: AS - MORE - THAN
1. My telephone isn't as modern your one. //2. This watch looks nice but it's more expensive the other. //3. Your car is the same make mine. //4....
Completa le frasi con l'aggettivo SUPERLATIVO corretto scegliendolo fra quelli proposti.
1. I have three apples. This yellow apple is the ______. - littlest - smallest - most little //2. This book is the ______ book I have ever read. -...
Indica se le seguenti parole esprimono il presente, il futuro o il passato.
1. Right now ///2. Next week ///3. Last month ///4. Yesterday ///5. This week ///6. The day after tomorrow ///7. At this moment ///8. Three months...
Ogni frase presenta almeno un errore durante l'utilizzo delle PREPOSIZIONI. Trova gli errori e riscrivi la frase corretta.
1. On Saturdays, I go at the cinema to watch films and then get on a bus to visit my uncle. --- 2. I want go to the beach tomorrow. Come with me! ---...
Completa ogni frase usando una PREPOSIZIONE TEMPORALE.
1. This Christmas, we can't come to London, but ..... Christmas, we certainly will. --- 2. I saw Dave two hours ..... . He came in to get his books....
Scegli la preposizione corretta fra AT, IN oppure ON:
1. Class starts ______ 7:00 p.m. today. // 2. They go to class ______ Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. // 3. There are no classes ______ summer. //...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi con le preposizioni temporali. La prima parola in ogni frase è I. Non dimenticare la punteggiatura!
1. at / quarter / past / a / arrived / school / eight / at / . / I --- 2. hour / home / I'm / . / an / in / going --- 3. meeting / am / afternoon /...
Riempi ogni spazio con la forma contratta negativa di BE, DOES O HAVE.
1. I have a dog, but my sister .... . // 2. We .... happy because the pizza guy is late! // 3. He thinks I have his watch, but I .... . // 4. .... it...
Usa le forme negative contratte e uno dei verbi proposti per completare ogni frase.
1. Don't shout at Mario. He ..... English very well. // 2. An unemployed person is somebody...
Le seguenti frasi con una contrazione, sono corrette o no(01)?
1. She is'nt very happy today. // 2. They aren't fat! // 3. I amn't at school today because I'm sick. // 4. We are'nt cold. It is hot today. // 5....
Le seguenti frasi con una contrazione, sono corrette o no(02)?
1. Are you Hungarian, Lazlo? "Yes, I'm." // 2. We're both very tired after the football. Let's go home! // 3. It is nearly ten o'clock. Your'e late...
Usa le forme contratte del verbo TO BE per completare queste frasi. Utilizzare le istruzioni tra parentesi per aiutarti. In una risposta, hai bisogno di DUE parole.
1. The train is late and .... (we/be) very unhappy. // 2. I'm tired and .... (it/be) late. I'm going to bed. // 3. Jack is my boss and he .......
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi che usano le forme contratte. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. . / got / we've / parrots / yellow / two / large --- 2. secretaries / large / in / both / bank / they're / the / . --- 3. we / don't / . / we /...
Per ogni nome, scegli come si forma il plurale: -S, -ES, -IES, o IRREGULAR.
1. bed / 2. watch / 3. pig / 4. tomato / 5. beach / 6. city / 7. dress / 8. dog / 9. family / 10. house / 11. man / 12. potato / 13. child / 14....
Quali di questi nomi plurali sono corretti? Molti di questi sono irregolari.
1. Which is correct? - lawyer - lawyee - lawyees - lawyers // 2. Which is correct? - tooth - tooths - teeth - teeths // 3. Which is correct? -...
Completa le frasi con una di queste parole. Dovrai anche rendere le parole plurale.
1. There are four ..... here, but none of them are sharp! // 2. In many cultures, the men take...
Trova il plurale scritto male in ogni frase e correggilo.
1. The two bags contained two umbrellas, six watchs and four large telephones. // 2. There were two Stephens at the party and three Harries! // 3....
Indica il plurale corretto(01).
1. My grandmother has four ______. - childrens - children - childs // 2. Tigers have sharp ______. - teeths - tooths - teeth // 3. My ______ hurt. -...
Indica il plurale corretto(02).
1. The store sells ______. - knife - knives - knifes // 2. Please buy three ______ of bread. - loaves - loaf - loafs // 3. The ______ on the tree are...
Leggi questo dialogo tra Jim e Carol. In ogni riga c'è un errore di ortografia. Trovalo e scrivi la parola CORRETTA nello spazio.
Jim: Are we making the birhtday cake today? // Carol: Yes, we have everythink we need. // Jim: Do you have any flower? // Carol: Yes, there are...
Guarda queste frasi al present continuous. In alcune frasi, il participio presente è scritto in modo errato. In altre frasi, un'altra parola è scritta male. Trova le parole errate e scrivi la parola CORRETTA.
1. Are you still reading the computer magazzine, Jeremy? // 2. I can't speak to you now. Martha is cooking spagetti in the kitchen and dinner is...
In ogni frase, c'è UNA parola scritta male. Scrivi l'ortografia corretta.
1. Come quikly and look at our new bathroom. Isn't it beautiful? // 2. The library? Turn left here and go strait for 200 metres. // 3. I am truely...
Per ogni elenco di parole, trova quello scritto in modo errato e scrivi la parola CORRETTA.
1. hospital - computer - delicous - tasty - breakfast // 2. library - complicated - volcano - thunderstorm - baeuty // 3. lovely - universety -...
Quiz: utilizza la prima lettera e le definizioni fornite per scrivere la parola a cui si riferisce ogni frase.
1. Bird that can't fly, black and white, lives in the South Pole. (P) // 2. Place you go when you are sick or hurt in an accident. (H) // 3....
Scegli l'AVVERBIO corretto(01):
1. He usually cuts my hair ______. - quick - quickly - more quickly // 2. He cut my hair ______ today than last time. - more quickly - more quick -...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni alimento(01):
Scegli il nome corretto di ogni modo di misurare gli alimenti(01):
Scegli il nome corretto di ogni modo di misurare gli alimenti(02):
Scrivi il nome di ogni alimento che vedi nell'immagine(02):
Scrivi il nome di ogni alimento che vedi nell'immagine(03):
Scrivi il nome di ogni alimento che vedi nell'immagine(04):
Scrivi il nome di ogni tipo di frutta che vedi nell'immagine:
Scrivi il nome di ogni tipo di vegetale che vedi nell'immagine:
Scrivi il nome di ogni tipo di vegetale che vedi nell'immagine(02):
Che cibo sono? Leggi le domande e rispondi con il nome del cibo richiesto(01):
1. You need me to make a sandwich or toast. / 2. I’m yellow and people like me on their pizza. / 3. We are a small round red fruit. We grow on...
Che cibo sono? Leggi le domande e rispondi con il nome del cibo richiesto(02):
10. I’m a black hot drink. / 11. I’m a delicious fried, grilled or roasted meat. / 12. Rabbits just love this vegetable. / 13. I’m a long...
Scegli il verbo giusto dall'elenco, per iniziare le frasi riguardanti l'alimentazione che vedi nell'immagine(01)
Scegli il verbo giusto dall'elenco, per iniziare le frasi riguardanti l'alimentazione che vedi nell'immagine(02)
KITTEN'S CHOICE. Kitten plays with her new toy. She loves her new toy. Her brother likes her new toy, too. When Kitten isn't playing with it, her brother takes it to play. Kitten is having fun. Then, she sees a mouse! She wants to chase the mouse. If she chases the mouse, her brother will take her toy. Kitten thinks. She can only choose one thing to play with. If she picks the mouse, her toy will go away with her brother. If she picks the toy, the mouse will run away. Which one should Kitten pick? Kitten runs after the mouse. She does not see a lot of mice, so that is more fun. She does not...
Who are the characters? / What is the problem? / How does she solve the problem? / Why does Kitten pick the mouse? Highlight the sentence that told...
MONSTER LEARNS RULES. One day, a monster came to our classroom. He didn't know any of the rules! We had to show him how to sit on the carpet. We had to show him how to use a quiet voice. We had to show him how to use supplies. We went to P.E. class. Monster tried to sit on the carpet. No, Monster! We don't have to sit on a carpet in the gym! Monster tried to use a quiet voice. No, Monster! We don't have to be quiet in the gym. Monster didn't know what to do with the supplies. We showed him how to throw a ball. We went to the lunchroom. Monster sat at a table. Good job, Monster! Monster used a...
Who is the main character? / Where is the monster sitting? / What is the problem? / How do they solve the problem? / What rules would you teach...
SUMMER NIGHTS. It is nighttime in the summer. Luke, Jake and Connor look up at the sky. Jake sees the Milky Way. Luke points to the moon. It is a half moon. Connor looks at all of the bright stars. After they study the sky, they collect fireflies in a jar. They hear an owl hoot loudly from a nearby tree. The boys love being outside on summer nights. They sleep in a tent so they can stay out all night. When they are ready to go bed, they climb into the tent and use the fireflies as a nightlight. They let the fireflies go in the morning so they can catch them again the next time they sleep...
1.What do Luke, Jake and Connor look at? a.The night b.The sky c. a bird d. The sun / 2.What does Luke point to in the sky? a.The clouds b.The stars...
THE PUPPY AND THE KITTEN. My family just adopted a puppy and a kitten from the animal shelter. They were so young, they did not even have names yet. We had to think of good names for them. The puppy likes to jump up. The kitten likes to curl up in our laps. "What do you want to name them?" asked Mom. My sister said, "Pounce for the puppy and Cuddles for the kitten." We all thought those names were perfect.
1.What animals did they adopt? / 2.What does the kitten like to do? / 3.What is the puppy’s name going to be? / 4.Who thought the names were...
ALIEN MONEY. Zander was hard at work growing food for himself and his neighbors. The food was floating, and as he walked by he looked at each plant, pointed his laser at it, and the laser gave the plant what it needed. That was the easy part. The hard part was how much walking he had to do! He heard a knock at his door. It was his neighbor Jules. She was holding some cleaning products. "Hi, Zander. I just finished making some cleaning products. Do you need any?" she asked. "Hi, Jules. I do. Can I get some cleaning spray? I can give you 4 breakfast plants for a bottle." Jules said, "I have...
1.Who are the characters in the story? / 2.What happens in the middle of the story? / 3.Why might Jules not want to leave her cleaning spray before...
Scegli il PRESENT PERFECT o il PAST SIMPLE per completare ogni frase(01):
1. This is my house. How long have you lived here? I(live) here since 1997.' // 2. He lived in London for two years and then he (go) to Edinburgh. //...
Scegli il PRESENT PERFECT o il PAST SIMPLE per completare ogni frase(02):
1. How many times .. to the cinema this month? (you/be) // 2. How many times .. to the cinema last month? (she/go) // 3. I . my first school. (like)...
Per ogni domanda, scegli True se pensi che sia corretto e False se pensi che ci sia un errore.
1. I have never been to England. // 2. When you went to Rome last week, have you seen the Vatican? // 3. I read something very interesting in the...
PRESENT PERFECT o PAST SIMPLE? Per ogni frasi, scegli True se pensi che sia corretto e False se pensi che ci sia un errore.
1. The Beatles have made ten albums and were very successful. // 2. The Rolling Stones have made thirty two albums and are very successful. // 3. The...
Guarda queste frasi al present perfect. FOR e SINCE vengono utilizzati correttamente o no?
1. They have been going out together for last February. // 2. According to this label, the document hasn't been updated since two years. // 3. Since...
Guarda le seguenti espressioni temporali. Per ognuno, scegli FOR o SINCE.
1. the 24th of May // 2. yesterday // 3. 2 weeks ago // 4. I was at university // 5. my friend's party // 6. a year // 7. the whole of my adult life...
Per ogni periodo di tempo indicato, decidi se è FINISHED(e quindi servirebbe il Past Simple) o UNFINISHED(e quindi servirebbe il Present Perfect):
1. this week // 2. since Saturday // 3. last May // 4. 2 weeks ago // 5. this weekend // 6. when I was younger // 7. when Neil lived in London // 8....
Queste frasi usano JUST, YET o ALREADY. Sono corrette o no?
1. I haven't been to the new shopping mall yet, but I want to go soon. // 2. I've just been to Moscow, in 1998. I don't want to go again. Let's go to...
Abbina ogni risposta breve a una domanda qui sotto.
RISPOSTE BREVI: A. Yes, he has. // B. No, they haven't. // C. No, it hasn't. // D. Yes, we have. // E. No, she hasn't. // F. Yes, they have. // G....
Riempi gli spazi sottostanti usando JUST, YET oppure ALREADY.
1. Don't come in here with those muddy shoes! I have .... cleaned this floor! // 2. Have you finished that composition for History class .... ? You...
Completa il testo. Usa il PRESENT PERFECT o il PAST SIMPLE.
Film maker George Richards .... ( 1 - be) interested in the cinema since he ... ( 2 - be) a small child. He .... ( 3 - make) his first film when he...
C'è una parola in più in ognuna di queste frasi al PRESENT PERFECT, trovala.
1. I've have never been to Russia. What's it like? // 2. Have you ever been bought a sportscar? // 3. I haven't met to any famous person in my...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT e il PAST SIMPLE. L'espressione di tempo viene prima in ogni frase.
1. times / to / been / 1998 / I've / since / . / Russia / four / , --- 2. I / had / . / , / in / Russia / on / to / to / business / go / 1998 ---...
TO CAN può essere usato per parlare di molte cose in inglese. In questo esercizio, decidi se CAN viene utilizzato per parlare di permission, ability o per fare una richiesta.
1. I can't sleep with all that noise! // 2. Can you come and look at my TV, Marcus? It's broken and my favorite show starts at 9pm. // 3. I don't...
Verbi MODALI: per ogni domanda, scegli True se pensi che sia corretta e False se pensi che ci sia un errore.
1. I can't go to the cinema with you tonight. // 2. You mustn't wear that suit now. // 3. In England, you don't have to play radios in churches. //...
Completa le frasi usando MUST o HAVE TO.
1. Professor Watkins told me today that I ..... give in that assignment by Friday at the latest. // 2. John! This is a one way street. You ..... turn...
Completa le frasi usando MUSTN'T oppure DON'T/DOESN'T HAVE TO.
1. You .... pay for a plastic bag at many supermarkets. // 2. During an exam, you ..... copy from the other students. // 3. You ..... drive over...
Per completare ogni frase scegli SHOULD oppure SHOULDN'T(02):
1. You .... leave your shoes here or people will trip over them. // 2. You .... turn the TV down. Your aunt is trying to work in the kitchen. // 3....
Verbi MODALI: quale di queste frasi ha una parola in più o mancante?
1. "I can't to see you tonight, Brad," she said, tears in her eyes. // 2. If you must play your music so loud, close the door! // 3. The mayor told...
Verbi MODALI: metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare frasi. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. see / because / you / can't / I'm / I / tomorrow / busy / . --- 2. that / speak / . / mother / your / to / you / shouldn't / like --- 3. party /...
BE GOING TO: abbina le frasi identificate dai numeri a quelle identificate con le lettere.
1. I was going to sell my car well. // 2. I was going to ring you yesterday evening // 3. I was going to withdraw some money // 4. I was going to...
Per ogni frase riferita al futuro, coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al PRESENT SIMPLE o al PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
1. This is a terrible film Tony! When (finish)? // 2. She (not see) Tim tonight or ever again. They broke up last week. // 3. The library (close)...
Scegli WILL oppure GOING TO per coniugare il verbo tra parentesi.
1. A: Why are you wearing your coat? B: Because I (go) to the shops. // 2. A: I think we are lost! B: OK, I (find) a policeman to ask directions. //...
BE GOING TO: metti le parole nell'ordine corretto. Ricorda la punteggiatura!
1. vacation / go / . / to / on / isn't / going / Victoria --- 2. I / it / rain / think / . / going / don't / is / to --- 3. tell / name / you / . /...
BE GOING TO si usa per parlare di previsioni future basate su prove attuali. Leggi queste frasi e indica se "going to" viene utilizzato in questo modo(Present Evidence) o meno(No Present Evidence).
1. Hannah's not paying any attention to what she's doing. She's going to knock your laptop onto the floor. --- 2. Clara told me she's going to spend...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al FIRST CONDITIONAL:
1. If you (not/hurry), we will be late! --- 2. If Enrico (pass) his exam, he will be very happy. --- 3. However, if Enrico fails, he (not be ) very...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi al FIRST CONDITIONAL. La prima parola in ogni frase è IF:
1. , / tell / I'll / tomorrow / him / you / him / Brian / call / see / if / . --- 2. if / , / dry / very / too / you / it / long / this / . / meat /...
Abbina le frasi del primo gruppo a quelle del secondo per formare delle frasi CONDITIONAL:
PRIMO GRUPPO: 1. It will start to rain heavily // 2. If a bus finally arrives, // 3. If you are looking for your new blue sweater, // 4. You will...
Scrivi la parola EXTRA o mancante in ciascuna di queste frasi CONDIZIONALI.
1. I tell John you asked about him if I see him. // 2. Please call one of the managers this phone starts ringing. // 3. Metal does expands if you...
Usa il PRESENT SIMPLE o WILL per completare queste frasi coniugando i verbi tra parentesi.
1. You don't have a ticket, do you? If I see one for sale, I (buy) it for you. // 2. We(catch) the early train if we get to the station at 6am. // 3....
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi al FIRST CONDITIONAL:
1. animals / . / wild / they / bite / are / if / scared --- 2. finger / touch / hot / , / your / . / stove / burn / if / a / you / you --- 3. get /...
PAST CONTINUOUS: completa le frasi usando i finali corretti.
FRASI INIZIALI: 1. When the accident happened. / 2. I was driving near my house when. / 3. She was singing her last song when. / 4. The ceiling fell...
PAST CONTINUOUS: riempi gli spazi nelle frasi con le frasi tappabuchi che trovi dopo.
1. Tim was driving his car too quickly .... // 2. ....... as I was preparing her dinner for her. // 3. I was riding my bicycle on the pavement ........
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi al PAST CONTINUOUS. La prima parola in ogni frase è AT.
1. still / working / I / , / was / office / 4.30pm / . / at / my / in --- 2. my / , / something / to / was / I / 4.45pm / important / chatting / at...
PAST CONTINUOUS: abbina le domande alle risposte.
DOMANDE: 1. What were you doing when the TV exploded? // 2. Where was he going when his tire got a puncture? // 3. Where was he when he found the...
Leggi queste frasi con il PAST SIMPLE e il PAST CONTINUOUS. Sono corrette?
1. When the phone rang during Bill's dinner, he was anwering the phone. // 2. All the students were listening to the professor's lecture very...
Per ogni spazio, scrivi una PREPOSIZIONE. A volte, non è richiesta la preposizione: in questi casi scrivi una X (01):
1. I work ... a company that makes ice cream machines and sells them in Europe. // 2. Your aunt is always complaining that you never write to her....
Per ogni spazio, scrivi una PREPOSIZIONE. A volte, non è richiesta la preposizione: in questi casi scrivi una X (02):
1. This weekend was a disaster ..... Tom. // 2. On Saturday, he met .... a friend in the city centre to have a coffee. // 3. Tom ordered an espresso...
Per ogni spazio, scrivi una PREPOSIZIONE. A volte, non è richiesta la preposizione: in questi casi scrivi una X (03):
1. I'll see you .... next week. // 2. He was born .... 1991. // 3. Did you see her .... today. // 4. It starts .... tomorrow. // 5. It was sunny .......
Decidi se queste frasi usando le PREPOSIZIONI TEMPORALI sono corrette o sbagliate.
1. I'll see you on Monday near the library. // 2. At the summer, it's always very hot here. // 3. The movie starts in two minutes. Hurry! // 4. I...
Metti le parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi. Presta attenzione a come vengono utilizzate le PREPOSIZIONI. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. August / in / to / went / the / . / we / Caribbean --- 2. I / old / was / in / years / eight / 1975, / . --- 3. train / . / London / to / the /...
Per ogni domanda, scegli la posizione corretta per l'AVVERBIO tra le diverse frasi possibili.
1. Quickly - I quickly opened and read the letter before they returned. - I opened and read quickly the letter before they returned. - I opened and...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con gli AVVERBI di FREQUENZA. Pensa attentamente alla posizione corretta per ogni avverbio. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. so / your / sister / beautiful / looks / always / . --- 2. . / almost / we / anymore / out / never / go --- 3. . / a / Saturday / bank / the / on...
Per ogni spazio, scegli tra LIKE(S), WOULD LIKE, DO YOU LIKE O WOULD YOU LIKE.
1. I ... swimming in summer. // 2. My sister ... to go to America next year. // 3. ... English? // 4. ... to learn Japanese? // 5. ... fish? // 6....
Per completare gli spazi nelle frasi scegli AS oppure LIKE:
1. My mother said we couldn't have a snake .... a pet. // 2. Don't take everything I say .... an insult. You're so sensitive! // 3. The whole evening...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con LIKE come verbo e preposizione. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. to / go / out / often / how / to / ? / like / do / eat / you --- 2. looks / like / a / sister / Marilyn / your / lot / Monroe / ! --- 3. seems / ,...
Per ogni domanda, scegli la migliore risposta possibile.
1. What do you like doing on Saturdays? - pizza - going to the cinema - walk in the countryside /// 2. What is your teacher like? - football and...
Inserisci i QUESTION TAG corretti per ogni frase(01):
1. John smokes a lot, ...... ? /// 2. My mother has lovely hair, ...... ? /// 3. You do like this film we're watching, ...... ? /// 4. He can't speak...
I QUESTION TAG sono usati correttamente in queste frasi?
1. Their names are Bill and Bob, aren't they? // 2. You should be able to understand the lesson, wouldn't you? // 3. We were at the Jubilee Hotel...
Per ogni spazio, scrivi un ARTICOLO. A volte, non è richiesto: in questi casi scrivi una X(01):
1. ... lions are dangerous animals for people. // 2. They said on the radio this morning that .... lions at the zoo have all got flu! // 3. I went to...
Guarda le seguenti frasi che hanno esempi di articoli definiti e indefiniti. Queste frasi sono possibili? Scrivi T (per corretto=true) o F (per errato=false).
1. Children in Italy go to school when they are 6. // 2. I want to go to the university in California. // 3. Sheila works in the same factory as...
Per ogni spazio, scrivi un ARTICOLO indeterminativo. A volte, non è richiesto: in questi casi scrivi una X:
1. Give me ... onion from the fridge. I need it for this recipe. // 2. Doug went to ... university in Canada; I can't remember the name. // 3. I...
Per ogni spazio, scrivi un ARTICOLO. A volte, non è richiesto: in questi casi scrivi una X(02):
1. ... man I spoke to was ... manager of ... bank in Boston. // 2. My ... son says he wants ... dog for ... Christmas and we said we might buy him...
Per ogni domanda, scegli True se pensi che sia corretta o False se pensi che ci sia un errore.
1. How many news do you have of the accident? // 2. I want only a few milk for this recipe. // 3. There aren't much apples in the cupboard. // 4....
QUANTIFIERS: scegli una parola tra quelle qui di seguito per riempire ogni spazio. A - A FEW - ANY- A LITTLE - MUCH - A LOT OF - SOME - MANY - AN - A LOT
1. How ..... children do you and Tony have? // 2. I don't have ..... patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring. // 3. We only have .... carrots. We...
QUANTIFIERS: abbina le risposte alle domande.
RISPOSTE: A. There aren't any. // B. Yes, we have a lot. // C. I don't have much, but it's enough. // D. Yes, a few. // E. No, none. // F. There...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi. La prima parola in ogni frase è "I".
1. I / for / was / too / much / me / slices / and / . / seven / it / ate / pizza / of --- 2. a / . / like / of / I / pieces / few / cake / would ...
Scegli un aggettivo fra quelli proposti per descrivere la situazione in ogni frase. SURPRISING, TIRED, BORING, DISGUSTING, TERRIFIED, INTERESTING.
1. Carol thought she saw a ghost. Her hands were shaking. // 2. The documentary last night was great. I learned so much about African animals! // 3....
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi usando gli AGGETTIVI. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. bored / TV / . / because / am / show / I / the / is / boring --- 2. I / . / terrifying / turned / was / so / movie / a / it / it / off --- 3. . /...
Guarda queste frasi con AGGETTIVI e decidi se sono corrette o sbagliate.
1. I was very disappointing by the news of my exam results. // 2. Are you worried by global warming? // 3. Did you hear Jasper's amusing story that...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con i nomi composti. In questo esercizio, i nomi composti sono divisi in due parole separate. Queste parole sono normalmente UNA parola. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. was / the / Shergar / . / 1980s / race / a / horse / famous / in --- 2. Costner / a / Kevin / . / Whitney / with / movie / body / played / guard...
I nomi composti vengono usati correttamente in queste frasi?
1. My uncle bought a horserace, but he broke his leg after two races. // 2. There was a blackbird on the window this morning. It was a crow, I...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare frasi con ENOUGH. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. enough / to / the / . / pay / bill / I / money / hotel / have --- 2. party / wine / for / enough / everyone / . / the / there's / at --- 3....
Riempi gli spazi in ciascuna delle domande usando le parole indicate qui sotto. Ogni parola viene utilizzata una sola volta.
1. ...... do you live? // 2. For ...... do you want to stay in...
CARDBOARD TOWN. Fine, I'll just do it all myself! I thought as I stomped away. My friends and I were trying to make the best cardboard town to play in. We had boxes that we were turning into stores and playgrounds and all sorts of other fun things! We weren't getting along very well, though. I could hear them talking as I was walking away. "Wow, I didn't think he'd get so mad," Katie said. "This was supposed to be fun," said Max. "Johnny can't do it all by himself. Maybe if we give him some space he'll want us to help again." Yeah, right. Since it was my idea, I would just do it without ...
1.Who are the characters in the story? // 2.What happens in the middle of the story? // 3.Why do you think Johnny got mad at the beginning of the...
PLAYING CATCH. Kate and her brother Jake like to play catch. They play with softballs, footballs and tennis balls. They toss the balls back and forth in the yard all the time. Sometimes they go to the park to have more space for throwing the balls farther. When it is raining out, they play catch in the basement. They use a tennis ball because it bounces off of the basement walls. Jake is going to soccer camp for a week this summer. Kate is sad because she won't have anyone to play catch with while he is gone. The week before Jake leaves, they go to the park together. There is a girl tossing...
1.What do Kate and Jake play catch with? frisbees balls sticks beanbags // 2.What type do they use to play catch on rainy days? pillows soccer balls...
GOING TO THE MOVIES. My class is going to the movies on a field trip next week. We have to get permission slips signed before we go. We also need to ask our parents if they will drive to the movie theater. We are going to see a movie that tells the story from a book we read. We love it when movies are made from books. It is fun to compare the movie to the book. I usually like the book better. We get to the movie early so we can buy popcorn. Some of us buy candy and slushes too. We all enjoy watching the movie. When we return to school, we talk about things that were in the movie and the...
1.What do the students need to do before going to the movie? // 2.What is fun to compare? // 3.What do the students like better, the movie or the...
DAVE AND GRANT LOVE KAYAKING. Dave and his friend Grant love to go kayaking in the summer. They each have their own kayak. Dave's kayak is yellow, and Grant's kayak is red. Whenever it is not raining, they kayak on the small lake in town. They look for fish, turtles and muskrats when they are kayaking. They also like to see ducks and loons. Sometimes they bring fishing poles with them so they can try to catch fish. Sometimes they just paddle around. They have the most fun when they race each other in their kayaks. They always pack a lunch. They have a favorite spot on the lake to stop...
1.What color is Grant's kayak? // 2.What do Dave and Grant look for when they are kayaking? // 3.When do they have the most fun? // 4.What do Dave...
CHANGES. Did you know that heating and cooling can change objects? Some changes can be reversed, which means the object can go back to the way it was before it was heated up or cooled down. Other changes cannot be reversed, which means the object cannot go back to how it was before it was heated up or cooled down. Water can go through reversible changes when it is heated or cooled. When water is heated up, it will start to boil, and then turn into water vapor. If you collect the water vapor and cool it down, it will turn back into water. When water is cooled down a lot, it will turn into...
1.What does it mean if a change can be reversed? Color the sentence that told you. // 2.Are there changes that cannot be reversed? Give an example....
THE CLEAN PARK. Tyler asked his mom if he could ride his bike to the park. "As long as you wear your helmet when you are riding," she said. When Tyler got to the park it was filled with people holding garbage bags. A lot of his friends were there and so were some of his teachers. His friend Bella said, "Everyone is pitching in and cleaning the park today." She asked Tyler if he would help. Tyler said, "Sure," and asked for a garbage bag. There was garbage everywhere. Tyler picked up candy wrappers, juice pouches, newspapers and apple cores. It was really gross. After an hour, he had filled...
1.What were people holding when Tyler got to the park? // 2.What were Tyler's friends and teachers doing at the park? // 3.Where was Tyler's teacher...
DON'T GIVE UP. If you've tried and have not won, Never stop for crying; All that's great and good is done Just by patient trying. Though young birds, in flying, fall, Still their wings grow stronger; And the next time they can keep Up a little longer. Though the sturdy oak has known Many a blast that bowed her, She has risen again, and grown Loftier and prouder. If by easy work you beat, Who the more will prize you? Gaining victory from defeat
1.What is 'done by patient trying'? // 2.What happens to young birds when they fly? // 3.What does the sturdy oak do after being bowed? // 4.What is...
THE CAMPING TRIP. Lily and her brother Ryan went camping with their mom and dad. Ryan and Dad set up the tent while Lily and Mom collected sticks to start a bonfire. Once the tent was set up, they started a fire in the bonfire pit. Lily and Ryan looked for long pointy sticks to use for cooking hot dogs over the fire while the fire was heating up. They found four perfect sticks, one for each of them. Lily and Ryan, and their mom and dad, each placed two hot dogs on their sticks. They held the hot dogs over the fire and turned the sticks slowly so every side of each hot dog was cooked. Then...
1.What did Lily and Mom do while Ryan and Dad set up the tent? // 2.What did they all cook over the bon fire to eat for dinner? // 3.What did Lily...
FIRE ALARM. Beep! Beep! Beep! Do you know what to do if the fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night? First, crawl to your bedroom door. Crawling is safer, since smoke rises. Feel the door with the back of your hand. If it feels cold, open the door. Look around. Find the closest door to outside, and crawl outside. Go to the meeting place your family picked, and wait for them to meet you. What happens if the door feels hot? Do not open the door! Crawl to get a blanket, then crawl to your bedroom window. Open the window and let most of the blanket hang outside. Close the window to...
1.What is the main topic of the 4th paragraph? // 2.Where should you stay if the door of your bedroom feels hot? // 3.Why should you hang a blanket...
GIVING. Shari was so excited for her birthday. She thought about the fun party she was going to have and the presents she would get. But, her mom told her that she had to make room for new toys by choosing some old toys to give away. Shari was not happy. She loved all of her toys! Her mom sat down with her in front of her toy chest. They looked through the toys one at a time. Most of the toys Shari wanted to keep. Her mom put them in the "keep" pile. When they got about halfway through the toy box, Shari saw one stuffed animal that she had forgotten about. "Oh, look at how cute he is! Keep...
1.Who are the characters in the story? // 2.What happens in the middle of the story? // 3.What changes about Shari during the story? // 4.Where did...
GUITAR OR BALLET. Emma loves to listen to her brother Jake play his guitar. He is 15 years old and has been playing since he was 5 years old. He practices every day, and he is really good. He plays country music and rock and roll. Emma likes the country songs best. She really likes watching Jake strum the chords and hearing the country sounds that he creates. Emma wants to take lessons so she can play as well as Jake does. "Mom, can I take guitar lessons?" Emma asks. Her mom replies, "It takes a lot of hard work to play the songs that Jake plays; are you sure you have enough time to put into...
1.How long has Jake been playing the guitar? // 2.What type of music does Emma like best? // 3.What does Emma ask her mom? // 4.What activities is...
GOING TO THE LIBRARY. The library is a great place to visit for help with school work, and for fun. You can go to your library, and there will always be someone there to help you find what you want. That someone is a librarian. You can ask your librarian to help you find books about any subject that interests you. Libraries have books about everything from airplanes to zebras. If you like to read fiction, your librarian can suggest adventure books, fantasy books and much more. If you are having a hard time finding an answer to a question, ask your librarian to help you find the answer....
1.Who helps you find what you want at a library? // 2.What types of fictional books do libraries have? // 3.Where will your librarian help you...
HOW TO DRAW A SHARK. Are you interested in sharks? Let's learn how to draw one! You need a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and an eraser. Even the best artists make mistakes, so use the eraser whenever you make a mistake or want to fix a part of your drawing. First, start on the left side of the paper, towards the middle. Draw a sideways "V" pointing towards the left side of the paper. In the middle of the sideways "V" draw a dot for an eye. Draw a line above the eye if you want your shark to look mean. Next, draw a smaller sideways "V" under the first one. That will be the bottom jaw. Draw...
1.What is the main topic of the 2nd paragraph? // 2.What does the word jaw mean in the 3rd paragraph? How do you know? // 3.Why do you need an eraser...
PEN PALS. We are learning how to write friendly letters at school. I don't mind writing practice letters, but it would be more fun to write a real letter to someone Just as I was thinking about it, our teacher, Mrs. Snow said that we really are going to write a letter to someone! We all started talking at once. Mrs. Snow asked us to quiet down again so that she could finish. She said we are going to write to second graders in England to see what life is like in England. That sounds so cool! I couldn't wait to get started. Mrs. Snow handed out the names of our pen pals, and asked us to use...
1.Who are the characters in the story? // 2.What were the two questions the students had to include in their letters? // 3.Why do you think it is...
PLAYGROUND. Molly and her friend Bella were playing at the playground. They were supposed to be taking turns on the swing. Molly counted to 100 while Bella was on the swing. Bella didn't get off the swing."Bella! I counted to 100, it's my turn!" said Molly. "You counted too fast, it's still my turn," Bella said. Molly was upset. She wanted a turn on the swing, too! What could she do? Molly could tell the teacher, but her teacher always wanted them to try to solve the problem first. What could she try? She decided to try using an "I message". That means to tell the other person how you're...
1.Who are the characters in the story? // 2.What is the problem? // 3.Where does the story take place? // 4.How does Molly solve the problem? //...
SHARKS. What has fins, sharp teeth, and swims in the ocean? A shark! Sharks have been around for a very long time. Sharks have lived in the oceans even before dinosaurs roamed the earth! Sharks are fish, and there are over 400 types of sharks. When they have babies, the babies are called pups. Sharks lose their teeth, like humans, but they don't just lose their baby teeth. They lose teeth throughout their lives. When a shark loses a tooth, a tooth from another row of teeth will move into its place. New teeth are always growing. Most sharks are carnivores, so they feed on ot her animals, like...
1.What is the main topic of the 3rd paragraph? // 2.What does the word carnivore mean? How do you know? // 3.Why are people dangerous to sharks? //...
SPRINGTIME TADPOLES. Every spring Max and his brother Will go to the pond at the end of their street to look for tadpoles. They love to catch them so they can watch them turn into frogs. This spring when Max and Will go to the pond to catch tadpoles, they see a painted turtle sitting on a log enjoying the sun. "Look at the cool turtle," says Will. "Should we try to catch it?" Max asks. Will responds, "I like catching tadpoles better." Max agrees with Will. They fill their bucket with tadpoles and head home. When they get there, they empty the bucket into a big, wide tub. They cover the...
1.Why do Max and Will love to catch tadpoles? // 2.What do they see sitting on a log? // 3.Where do they keep the tub of tadpoles? // 4.What do they...
GRANDPA'S COOKING. Ella loves her grandpa. He lives in Texas and comes to visit once a month. She wishes he came to visit every week because he tells great stories and makes her favorite dinner. Ella asks her mom to make the barbeque chicken that Grandpa makes. Ella's mom says, "I will try, but no one make it as well as Grandpa does. Ella watches her mom prepare the sauce for the chicken. It looks tasty. When the chicken is finished cooking, Ella's family sits down to eat. Her mom was right; no one make the barbeque chicken as well as Grandpa. The next time her grandpa comes to visit, Ella...
1.Where does Ella's grandpa live? // 2.What is Ella's favorite dinner? // 3.What story did Ella tell her grandpa? // 4.What does Grandpa teach Ella...
RACE CARS. Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! The race cars were all practicing for the big race tomorrow. Around and around and around the track they went. They practiced weaving in and out of cones, going around the curves, and starting right when the green light went on. Blue Race car and Red Race car were best friends, so they practiced together all day. That night, they were in the garage resting up for the big race tomorrow. Red Race car couldn't sleep, though. "Blue Race car? Are you asleep?" Red Race car asked. "No. I'm feeling nervous for the race tomorrow. How are you feeling?" Blue Race car...
1.Who are the characters in the story? // 2.What is the problem? // 3.Where does the story take place? // 4.How do the race cars solve the problem?...
THE WASHING MACHINE BOX. Sarah's family's washing machine stopped working, so her dad ordered a new one. It was going to be delivered on Saturday. When Saturday came, Sarah and her friend Emily sat in the front yard waiting for the delivery. They were excited because they knew that they would get to play with the box. "Big boxes are so much fun," said Sarah. Emily agreed and said, "We can make the box into whatever we want." "Here comes the delivery truck," yelled Emily. As soon as the washing machine was out of the box, Sarah and Emily took out some crayons and colored all over it. They...
1.What did Sarah's dad order? // 2.What would Sarah and Emily get to do with the box? // 3.What colors did they use for the clubhouse? // 4.What is...
A BIG WHITE HEN. There was once a big, white hen that had twelve little chickens. They were very small, and the old hen took good care of them. She found food for them in the daytime and at night kept them under her wings. One day, the old hen took her chickens down to a small brook. She thought some fresh air and the water would do them good. When they got to the brook, they walked on the bank a little while. It was very pretty on the other side of the brook, and the old hen thought she would take her chickens over there. There was a large stone in the brook; she thought it would be easy for...
1.How many chickens does the hen have? // 2.What did the hen find in the brook? // 3.How should the chickens try to jump? // 4.Why don't the chickens...
TEN LITTLE COOKIES. Ten little cookies, brown and crisp and fine—Grandma gave Baby one; then there were nine.Nine little cookies on a china plate—Betty took a small one; then there were eight. Eight little cookies, nice and round and even—The butcher boy ate one; then there were seven. Seven little cookies, much liked by chicks—The old hen ate one, then there were six. Six little cookies, when grandma went to drive—Betty had another one; then there were five. Five little cookies, placed too near the door—The little doggie ate one; then there were four. Four little cookies, brown...
1.How many cookies were left after the butcher boy ate one? // 2.Who ate the cookie placed near the door? // 3.What kind of cookie did Grandpa eat?...
LITTLE BY LITTLE. When Charley awoke one morning, he looked from the window and saw the ground deeply covered with snow. On the side of the house nearest the kitchen, the snow was piled higher than Charley's head."We need a path through this snow," said his father. "I would make one if I had time, but I must be at the office early this morning. Do you think you could make the path, son?" he asked little Charley."Me? The snow is higher than my head! How could I ever make a path through that snow?" "How? By doing it little by little. How about you try?" requested his father as he left for his...
1.Why does father ask Charley to make the path? // 2.What does mother tell Charley to help him feel better? // 3.What does father give Charley for...
MOVING ON. Several years went by, and the father of the Boone family called them together. "Pack your things," he told them. "We are leaving here. Boones never stay long in one place. Besides, our farm land is worn out. We can buy rich land cheap to the Southwestof here. We will settle there."Sixteen-year-old Daniel was happy. "I'm glad we are going," he said. "I feel crowded here. There are too many houses and too many people."Father prepared for the journey. He took out the big wagon and hitched two horses to it. Mother packed clothes, quilts, dishes, pots, pans and kettles. She would fix...
1.How old was Daniel Boone when they moved? // 2.Why did the family need to move? // 3.Why didn't they always ride the horses? // 4.In which state...
THE COAT. "Do not go outside without your warm coat, Tom. It is very cold, and the snow lies thick on the ground. If you do, then you will catch cold, and you will be sick.""I feel quite warm. I don't need to wear a warm coat.""Yes, you do. In here we have a large fire. Outside there is no fire to keep you warm, and the cold wind blows. If you have no warm coat on, you will feel cold."However, Tom thought he knew best, so he went outside with no coat on. Tom caught a bad cold and cough. He was in bed quite sick. Jack, Will and Tom were supposed to play on the frozen pond the next day, but...
1.What was the weather like outside? // 2.Why doesn't Tom think he needs a coat? // 3.What happened when Tom went out without a coat? // 4.Why did...
IN SEARCH OF FLOWERS. A little girl went in search of flowers for her mother. It was early in the day, and the grass was wet. Sweet little birds were singing all around her. What do you think she found besides flowers? She found a nest with young birds in it.While she was looking at them, she heard the mother bird chirp as if to say, "Do not touch my children, little girl, for I love them dearly."The little girl thought how dearly her own mother loved her. So she left the birds. Then picking some flowers, she went home, and she told her mother what she had seen and heard.
1.What time of day is the girl looking for flowers? // 2.What does she find? // 3.What does the mother bird say to the girl? // 4.Why does the girl...
HERE IS A NEST. "Look, Ned, here is a nest! It is made from hay, and the old hen is in it." "Put your hand into the nest, Mary." "Oh no, the hen will not let me! The hen is protecting something.""Mary, I will hold onto her.""Well, Ned, if you can hold her, I will put my hand into the nest," said Mary as she moved her hand towards the nest. "Oh Ned, there are some little chicks under the hen!""Are there?" asked Ned. "Take her out of the nest so we can see them." Ned lifted the hen out of the nest. The children could see the chicks. There were six of them. "Oh, the dear little chicks! How...
1.What is the nest made of? // 2.How many chicks are in the nest? // 3.What will the children do for the little chicks? // 4.Why won't the hen let...
HIDE AND SEEK. "Come boys, what shall we do? Let's play hide and seek," suggested Fred."Oh yes! That will be fun for all of us. Who will shut his eyes? Fred, will you shut your eyes?" asked Roy. "Yes, I‘ll shut my eyes while you all go and hide," replied Fred. Then Fred stood by the tree and shut his eyes, and the other boys ran off to hide. Pretty soon Fred shouted, "Boys, are you all hidden? Well, here I go. One, two, three, here I come!" Fred started to look for the hidden boys. He spotted Andrew hiding in a box. "Ha! I found you, Andrew. You are in that box!" shouted Fred. Then Fred...
1.Who is the first person to close his eyes and seek? // 2.Where was Roy hiding? // 3.What is Frank wearing that others can see? // 4.How many boys...
PRETTY FISH. "Look, mom! See what a pretty fish! It is a little trout," said John to his mother. John's mother asked, "Where did you get it, John?" "Frank caught it in the brook. I went to the brook to splash in the water and I saw this little fish. Then I told Frank about the fish, and he ran to get his fishing rod. He put the rod into the water and caught the fish, and I put it into this bucket.""Well, what will you do with it?" asked John's mother."I will keep it, mom," replied John."But, my boy, it will not live in that bucket. You should put it back into the brook," replied his mother....
1.What kind of fish did John find? // 2.How did Frank catch the fish? // 3.Why can't the fish live in the pond? // 4.What do you think will happen...
THE BEE. Bees live in a house that is called a hive. There are three kinds of bees: workers, drones, and queens. Only one queen bee can live in each hive. If she is lost or dead, the other bees will stop their work. Bees are very wise and busy little creatures. They all join together to build cells of wax for their honey. Each bee takes its proper place and does its own work. Some go out and gather honey from the flowers; others stay at home and work inside the hive. The cells which they build are all of one shape and size, and no room is left between them. The cells are not round. They...
1.How many sides does a cell in the hive have? a.Three b.Four c.Six d.Seven // 2.What happens to the drones in the winter? a.They sleep. b.They find...
THE STORY OF WISE WOMAN. You may have read how Thomas Smith first farmed rice in South Carolina. After his death, a wise young woman lived in South Carolina. She showed the people how to farm another plant. Her name was Eliza Lucas. The father of Miss Lucas did not live in South Carolina. He was governor of one of the islands of the West Indies. Miss Lucas was fond of trying new things. She often got seeds from her father which she planted in South Carolina. Her father sent her some seeds of the indigo plant. She planted some of these in March, but a frost came. The indigo plant cannot...
1.Why did the indigo plants die the first time? // 2.How did Miss Lucas help the people of South Carolina? // 3.How would you describe Miss Lucas? //...
THE SHOEMAKER AND THE ELVES. A shoemaker and his wife lived in a little house on the edge of the woods. They were very, very poor, and each day they grew poorer and poorer. At last there was nothing left in the house but leather for one pair of shoes. "I will cut out this last pair of shoes,"the shoemaker said to his wife." Tomorrow I will sew them and peg them." So he cut out the leather and left it on his bench. The next morning he went into his shop to make the shoes. What did he see? A pair of shoes all nicely made and ready to be sold. The stitches were so neat, and the shoes so well...
1.Who helps the shoemaker make the nice shoes? // 2.What does the shoemaker buy with the money he makes selling shoes? // 3.Which word best describes...
THE SWIFT RUNNER. In the olden times, the animals were fond of sports. They often held contests with prizes for those that won. One time a prize was offered for the animal who could prove himself the swiftest runner. The reward was to be a pair of great antlers. Each animal was to carry the antlers on his head while running the race. The animal who won would receive the antlers. A path through the woods was chosen for the race course. There were many bushes and brambles along the way. All the animals gathered at the meeting place. They chose Black Bear to be judge of the race. It was...
1.What could slow the runners down on the path? // 2.Why is White Rabbit not allowed to run? // 3.Why do you think the other animals did not want to...
ANN AND FRANK. One day Ann and Frank went to the lake with their dog Rover. Rover can swim well, so Frank threw a stick into the water for him to fetch. "Jump, Rover! Jump in and get the stick," said Frank, and into the water Rover went with a big splash. Pretty soon he came out with the stick in his mouth. Rover did not like the game as much as Frank because the water was a little cold. They had fun for a while with Rover, and then set out for home because it was late in the day, and they could not stay long. On the way home, Rover saw a rabbit and away he went after it as fast as he...
1.What did Rover fetch in the water? // 2.Why couldn't Rover catch the rabbit? // 3.What might have happened if Ann and Frank stayed later? // 4.How...
FORTUNE AND THE POOR MAN. One day a ragged man was creeping along from house to house. He carried an old wallet in his hand and was asking at every door for a few cents to buy something to eat. As he was grumbling at his misfortune, he kept wondering why it was that folks who had so much money were never satisfied and were always wanting more. "Here," said he, "is the master of this house—I know him well. He is a good business man, and he made himself wondrously rich a long time ago. Had he been wise, he would have stopped then. He would have turned over his business to someone else, and...
1.Why did the master of the house lose all of his money? a.A robber stole it from him b.His ships sank at sea. c.His treasure turned to dust. d.He...
THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT. Six blind men who stood by the roadside every day and asked for money from the people who passed. They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one. How could they? They were blind. It so happened one morning that an elephant was driven down the road where they stood. When they were told that the great beast was before them, they asked the driver to let him stop so that they might see him. Of course they could not see him with their eyes, but they thought that by touching him they could learn just what kind of animal he was. The first one...
1.Why were the blind men on the roadside? // 2.What does the elephant's ear feel like to one of the men? // 3.How do the blind men treat one another?...
THE EAGLE AND THE FOX. One morning the fox said to his children, "I will find some eggs for breakfast."Then he went to the woods. The fox saw an eagle's nest in the top branch of a tree. "How can I reach those eggs?" he thought. "Ha, ha! Now I have a plan."He put some grass stalks into his ears and knocked on the tree with them."Throw an egg to me,"cried the fox to the eagle in the nest. "If you do not throw an egg to me, I will knock this great tree over with these grass stalks."The eagle was terribly frightened, and she threw an egg down to the fox." Throw another egg down to me at...
1.Why did the eagle throw down eggs to the fox? // 2.How does the fox get off of the island? // 3.Which word best describes the fox? // 4.What do you...
NED AND ROVER AND JACK. A boy named Ned had a little puppy dog named Rover. One day, Ned's papa gave him a nice new toy wagon. Ned was pulling it around the yard when he saw Rover. "Come, Rover,"he said, "I will give you a fun ride." So he took Rover and put him in the wagon and gave him a ride. But just then Ned saw his friend Tom. Tom was running down the street. Ned called to him, but he did not hear. Ned wanted to show Tom his new wagon, so he ran after Tom as fast as he could go, calling for him: "Tom! Tom!"He did not think of poor little Rover he was pulling at great speed. Rover was...
1.Why did Ned call to Tom? // 2.Why didn't Rover stop when Jack asked him to? // 3.How are the two part of the story about Rover alike?
Leggi questo testo su Praga e inserisci il comparativo o superlativo corretto in ogni spazio. Esistono tre possibilità per ognuna.
Prague is one of the (1) popular tourist destinations in Europe. After all the political changes of the early 1990's, the capital of the Czech...
Scegli la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi osservando se il nome è singolare o plurale.
1. This pair of sunglasses(be) really expensive. I'm not paying that much! // 2. These scissors(be) blunt. Get me another pair. // 3. That jacket...
Riempi ogni spazio con SOME oppure ANY.
1. Before we leave, I have to get... money and my cigarettes. Wait a moment. // 2. ... people think they have the right to a job without having to...
In ogni spazio inserisci una delle seguenti parole: FEW - A FEW - LITTLE - A LITTLE
1. If you have... time, could you come and have a look at my computer. It's not working very well. // 2. She is quite poor... Ever since she lost her...
Ognuno di questi nomi è COUNTABLE, UNCOUNTABLE o entrambi?
1. sheep -- 2. wealth -- 3. knowledge -- 4. news -- 5. glass -- 6. crime -- 7. equipment -- 8. pollution -- 9. fish -- 10. time
Le seguenti frasi sono corrette o no? Guarda attentamente la posizione degli AVVERBI. A volte è possibile più di una risposta.
1. I often go swimming on Fridays. -- 2. Have you been ever to Moscow? -- 3. Peter doesn't usually go to bed before midnight. -- 4. My sister...
Quale di queste frasi contiene AVVERBI posizionati in modo innaturale?
1. Your children even can't read. -- 2. I cleaned the apartment and made also the dinner. -- 3. "The robbers were probably looking for jewelry," the...
Indica se la parola tra parentesi va usata come AVVERBIO o AGGETTIVO in ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. Think... about whether you want to quit this job. (calm) -- 2. I'm... he didn't mean to frighten you. It was an accident. (sure) -- 3. Her hair...
Usa il suffisso corretto per completare gli AGGETTIVI in queste frasi.
1. Your brother was very coward... He ran away immediately. // 2. That snake looks dangerous, but it's totally...
Quale dei due PRONOMI proposti occorre inserire in ogni frase?
1. He's a much better dancer than _____. - I - me // 2. It was Alice and _____ who told the police about the robbery. - he - him // 3. (FORMAL) Max...
Guarda questo elenco di PRONOMI RIFLESSIVI. Scegline uno per riempire ogni spazio sottostante.
1. They found a last minute flight to Florida for almost...
Completa ogni frase mettendo un PRONOME RIFLESSIVO per ogni spazio.
1. My dog managed to bite....on the leg and we were laughing so much. // 2. I held the map upside down, confused....completely and got lost for an...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con i PRONOMI RIFLESSIVI. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. so / yourself / tough / be /. / don't / on --- 2. / you / late / to / very / took / time / bed / it's / yourselves / because / it's --- 3. too /...
Scegli un PRONOME riflessivo oppure EACH OTHER per ogni frase.
1. There was an angry argument as the two sisters blamed ______ for the accident. - each other - themselves // 2. We took the wrong path and got...
Scegli uno di questi verbi per completare le frasi. Un verbo è usato DUE VOLTE.
1. We so wanted to go on that vacation but weren't able to... enough to afford it. // 2. They...
Guarda le seguenti frasi e scegli IF oppure IN CASE per riempire gli spazi.
1. You should bring your umbrella... it rains. // 2. I asked Bill for his e-mail address. ... I needed to contact him. // 3. ... you get a headache,...
Guarda queste frasi che includono o non includono trattini. Ogni frase è corretta o no?
1. As it was such a hot day, we all bought ice-creams. // 2. It hurt a lot. I thought I'd been hit by a ten ton truck. // 3. There were thirty-six...
Usa le istruzioni per scegliere le frasi migliori usando IT'S TIME.
1. I am getting a little overweight. ---> // 2. I have had toothache all week. ---> // 3. I haven't heard off my best friend in over a week....
Scegli la parola migliore fra quelle proposte, per completare queste frasi.
1. The new law was introduced ________ conditions in prisons would be improved. - when - then - so that // 2. ________ he was so keen on cooking, he...
SO e SUCH sono usati correttamente in queste frasi?
1. Billy found $50 one day, but then lost $100 the next. "So is life!" he said. // 2. I've never been to so bad a restaurant. // 3. I was so sad when...
Inserisci nello spazio vuoto di ogni frase una PREPOSIZIONE.
1. When I was younger, I was always so afraid... going to the dentist's. // 2. Your mother is looking forward... going on that trip to Australia,...
Scegli una delle espressioni seguenti da inserire in ogni spazio.
1. My mother worked for 42 years as a nurse....she retired. // 2. Don't talk....the...
In ogni spazio vuoto inserisci NO oppure NOT.
1. He said he has... time to help me so it looks as if I'm on my own! // 2. You have... only endangered your own safety but also that of the...
Per ogni affermazione o domanda, scegli la risposta breve corretta. Ricorda di includere i punti interrogativi o i punti di domanda.
1. Has everyone understood this exercise? // 2. You've got mustard on your shirt? // 3. I was with Tony yesterday afternoon. // 4. He'd like to...
Inserisci la parola tra parentesi in ciascuna di queste frasi come AVVERBIO o AGGETTIVO(01):
1. There was a ___ noise last night. Did you hear it? (loud) // 2. Sara speaks so __ that I can ___ understand her. (fast, hard) // 3. Why are you so...
Inserisci la parola tra parentesi in ciascuna di queste frasi come AVVERBIO o AGGETTIVO(02):
14. ___ the car changed directions.(sudden) // 15. The ship was ___ ___.(incredible, huge) // 16. They shouted ___ at each other.(angry) // 17. He...
Inserisci la parola tra parentesi in ciascuna di queste frasi come AVVERBIO o AGGETTIVO(03):
27. John writes so ___. Look at these mistakes.(careless) // 28. You’d better have a ___ reason for your __ behavior.(good, strange) // 29. Hank...
Utilizza le seguenti espressioni con la preposizione ON per completare le frasi(01):
on television - on a diet - on the whole - on an expedition - on the phone - on sale - on the outskirts - on your way - on purpose - on...
Utilizza le seguenti espressioni con la preposizione ON per completare le frasi(02):
on television - on a diet - on the whole - on an expedition - on the phone - on sale - on the outskirts - on your way - on purpose - on...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present simple oppure continuous(01):
1. They normally ___ lunch at two. (have) // 2. Are ___ in Paris this week? (you work) // 3. You ___ new clothes every Saturday! (buy) // 4. I played...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present simple oppure continuous(02):
11. They ___ lunch at the moment. – You shouldn’t disturb them. (have) // 12. The watch ___ to my grandmother. (belong) // 13. I ___ what you ___...
Scrivi il nome di ogni colore collegandolo alla sua lettera(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base al suo numero(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base al suo numero(02):
Collega ogni serie di caratteristiche al mestiere corrispondente scegliendolo dall'elenco dato:
CARATTERISTICHE: 1. helpful, kind, hard-working / 2. hard-working, helpful, attentive / 3. courageous, clever, careful / 4. confident, slim,...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base al suo numero(03):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base al suo numero(04):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base al suo numero(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base al suo numero(06):
Scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base alla definizione data e imposta correttamente la frase, I am...(01):
1.I design houses / 2.I know maths / 3.I can use a knife when I'm shaving / 4.I create nice bouquets / 5.I decorate the walls / 6.I make clothes /...
Scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base alla definizione data e imposta correttamente la frase, I am...(02):
19.I can carry heavy furniture / 20.I bring you letters / 21.I'm a doctor for animals / 22.I help in the house / 23.I pull out fire / 24.I serve food...
Scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base alla definizione data e imposta correttamente la frase, I am...(03):
37.People think I'm Sherlock Holmes / 38.I catch thieves / 39.I work on a ship / 40.I fly an aircraft / 41.I know about the law / 42.I know about...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico:
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico(03):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico(04):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico(06):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico(07):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine(01):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine(02):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine(03):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine(04):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine(05):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine(06):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine(07):
Scrivi il nome di ogni daily routine rappresentata nell'immagine(08):
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia e completa le frasi con i termini corretti(01):
1.I am Jimmy’s sister. He is my ... // 2.Jane is my mother. I am her ... // 3.John and Jane are my ... // 4.John is Jane’s ... // 5.Jane is...
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia, immagina di essere MARK e completa le frasi con i termini corretti:
1)Sarah is my.... / 2)Bobby is my.... / 3)Graham is my.... / 4)Sylvie is my.... / 5)Anne is my.... / 6)David is my.... / 7)Oliver is my.... / 8)Daisy...
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia e completa le frasi con i termini corretti(02):
1. Amy is Anna's... 2. Sam is Susan's... . 3. Harry and Doris are Susan's... 4. Richard is dorm's... . 5. Tom is Luke's... . 6. Richard and Anna...
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia e completa le frasi con i termini corretti(03):
10. Susan is Anna's... 11. Alison is Laura's... 12. John is Richard and Anna's.... . 13 Luke is Sam's.... 14. John is Tom's.... 15. Anna is...
Suddividi i seguenti vocaboli sulla FAMIGLIA in tre categorie: uomini, donne e plurali.
aunt • brother • children • cousins • daughter • father • grandchildren • granddaughter • grandfather • grandmother •...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese(01):.
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese(03):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome dei colori in italiano e i corrispondenti in inglese(04):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto(02):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto(03):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto(04):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto su terra:
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto su mare, ferrovia, aria:
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni mezzo di trasporto(06):
Metti le parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. . / of / guests / left / o'clock / had / eleven / nearly / Jane's / by / all --- 2. of / your / dog / ? / does / keep / the / all / why / time /...
Leggi questo breve brano e per ogni spazio, decidi quale articolo, deve essere utilizzato. Scrivi X se non pensi che dovrebbe esserci un articolo.
The moment you arrive in Most you're hit by ... smog. You can feel it in ...back of your throat and taste ... sulphur in the air. On the edge of town...
Quale di queste frasi è corretta?
1. Despite that Harold wasn't the fastest runner, he won the race. --- 2. There were not many people at the party, but it was really enjoyable. ---...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto. La prima parola in ogni frase è JOHN. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. a / was / meat / vegetarian / John / he / but / is / . / eating --- 2. she's / . / so / actually / wife / John's / young / 58 / even / looks /...
Riempi ogni spazio vuoto con una forma verbale al singolare o plurale.
1. Everyone (want) to know the name of the newborn baby. // 2. People(like) it when you listen to them and not only talk about yourself. // 3. The...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi le NAZIONALITA' di questi bambini abbinandole ai loro numeri(01):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi le NAZIONALITA' di questi bambini abbinandole ai loro numeri(02):
Nazionalità e nazioni, osserva l'immagine e scrivi le frasi mancanti, HE/SHE IS...(01)
Nazionalità e nazioni, osserva l'immagine e scrivi le frasi mancanti, HE/SHE IS...(02)
Nazionalità e nazioni, osserva l'immagine e scrivi le frasi mancanti, HE/SHE IS FROM...(01)
Nazionalità e nazioni, osserva l'immagine e scrivi le frasi mancanti, HE/SHE IS FROM...(02)
Completa le seguenti frasi ricordando che gli aggettivi riguardanti la lingua parlata sono gli stessi della nazionalità.
They are from England. They are.... // She is from..... She is German. // He is Canadian. He is from.... // We are Irish. We are from.... // I'm...
Scrivi il nome corretto di ogni fenomeno atmosferico(06):
Completa queste frasi sui fenomeni atmosferici con parole a tua scelta ma in base al senso di ogni frase:
1. Put on your sweater. It is very ___ today. / 2. It is ___ today. Take the umbrella. / 3. Let’s go to the beach. It’s very ___. / 4. Look at...
Questo dialogo con termini sui fenomeni atmosferici ha le frasi in ordine errato, riscrivile nell'ordine giusto.
-I’m sorry to hear that. // -No, it isn’t. It’s cloudy. // -From Miami? What are you doing in Miami? // -Are you having a good time? // -I’m...
GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HIS HATCHET. When George Washington was quite a little boy, his father gave him a red hatchet. It was bright and new, and George took great delight in going around and chopping things with it.He ran into the garden, and there he saw a tree which seemed to say to him: "Come and cut me down!"George had often seen his father's men chop down the great trees in the forest, and he thought that it would be fun to see a tree fall with a crash to the ground. So he set to work with his little hatchet, and, as the tree was a very small one, it did not take long to come down. Soon...
1.What kind of hatchet did George's dad give him? a.Red b.New c.Rusty d.Pretend // 2.Why didn't it take long for George to cut down the tree? a....
THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF. A boy named John was once taking care of some sheep not far from a forest. Nearby was a village, and he was told to call for help if there was any danger. One day, he thought he would have some fun, and he cried out with all his might, "The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming!"The men came running with clubs and axes to save the boy from the wolf. As they saw nothing, they went home again and left John laughing in his sleeve. The day before he had had so much fun, Johncried out again the next day, "The wolf! The wolf!"The men came again. This time not as many as the...
1.Why does the boy shout, "The wolf is coming" the first time? // 2.Why will no one help the boy when the wolf actually comes? // 3.What do you...
THE OSPREY. The osprey is not as large as the eagle, but he has a hooked bill and sharp claws like the eagle.His coloring is dark brown with black and white spots, and he is from twenty to twenty-two inches long. His breast is mostly white. His tail and wings are long.The osprey is often found sitting in a tree over a pond, lake or river. He is also found by the seaside.He watches the fish as they swim in the water beneath him, and then he darts down suddenly and catches one of them.When he catches a fish in his sharp, rough claws, he carries it off to eat. As he flies away with it for his...
1.Where do ospreys live? // 2.Why does the osprey let the eagle take its fish? // 3.How are ospreys and eagles alike? // 4.Why do you think ospreys...
Per ogni parola in elenco scrivi il suo opposto(01):
1. dry / 2. heavy / 3. interesting / 4. fast / 5. slim / 6. small / 7. cold / 8. young / 9. intelligent / 10. cheap / 11. long / 12. beautiful / 13....
In ogni gruppo di parole c'è un termine intruso, indica qual è(01).
1. restaurant - bar - bank - cafe // 2. small - big - fat - large // 3. potato - apple - cabbage - carrot // 4. snow - fog - rain - sunshine // 5....
In ogni gruppo di parole c'è un termine intruso, indica qual è(02).
1. - eggs - bread - water - pasta // 2. - toothpaste - fridge - oven - microwave oven // 3. - college - supermarket - university - school // 4. - car...
Scegli per ogni mestiere in elenco la definizione corrispondente.
1. He works on the TV and needs a good voice. / 2. She makes decisions...
Scegli il lavoro corretto fra i tre proposti per ogni descrizione.
1. This person flies planes. - driver - pilot - plane man / 2. This person works in a school. - professor - teacher - researcher / 3. This person...
Leggi queste descrizioni e scegli il nome del relativo shop/store/place.
1. Where do you buy dogs? - pet store - animal house - dog store / 2. Where do you watch a film? - cinema - film store - video store / 3. Where do...
In ogni gruppo di verbi riguardanti la DAILY ROUTINE indica quale è diverso dagli altri e spiega perchè.
1. go - do - eat - watch / 2. shave - sleep - wash - have a shower / 3. catch a bus - drive - watch TV - ride a bike / 4. read - eat - see a movie -...
Guarda questo elenco di parenti. Indica per ciascuno se è MASCHIO, FEMMINA oppure ENTRAMBI.
1. Brother / 2. Nephew / 3. Mother / 4. Parent / 5. Uncle / 6. Son / 7. Wife / 8. Grandparent / 9. Baby / 10. Cousin / 11. Aunt / 12. Sister / 13....
Per ogni aggettivo, decidi se si tratta di un aggettivo positivo o negativo.
1. generous / 2. miserable / 3. unhappy / 4. intelligent / 5. sociable / 6. mean / 7. stupid / 8. clever / 9. selfish / 10. jealous / 11....
Per ogni sport o attività del tempo libero scegli il verbo giusto: PLAY, GO oppure DO(01):
1. gymnastics / 2. hockey / 3. sailing / 4. football / 5. surfing / 6. horse riding / 7. parachuting / 8. rugby / 9. athletics / 10. canoeing / 11....
Indica per ogni alimento nell'elenco a quale categoria appartiene.
CATEGORIE: a. Main Dishes / b. Vegetables / c. Desserts / d. People / e. Starters
ALIMENTI: 1. apple pie / 2. red and green peppers / 3. roast...
Riordina le seguenti parole per creare delle frasi complete con gli aggettivi nel corretto ordine(01):
1. expensive / I / . / have / Paris / house / large / a / in --- 2. has / long / sister / black / . / my / hair --- 3. red / drive / I / Italian /...
Riordina le seguenti parole per creare delle frasi complete con gli aggettivi nel corretto ordine(02):
1. have / kitchen / new / a / we / . / the / washing / machine / in --- 2. an / blue / on / . / skirt / bed / there / ugly / my / is --- 3. cute /...
Osserva le immagini e scegli, fra i tre proposti, il nome corretto dell'oggetto sportivo descritto(01):
Osserva le immagini e scegli, fra i tre proposti, il nome corretto dell'oggetto sportivo descritto(02):
Completa le domande di cultura sportiva generale con la corretta risposta:
19.How long is one lap of an athletics track?:... / 20.What’s the name of the object, shaped like a bottle, which players try to knock down in...
Completa le frasi scegliendo la corretta attività fra quelle in elenco:
Per ogni sport o attività del tempo libero scegli il verbo giusto: PLAY, GO oppure DO(02):
golf - volleyball - skiing - karate - gymnastics - cricket - soccer - athletics - swimming - badminton - tennis - cycling - skating - tennis -...
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato(01):
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato(02):
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato(03):
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato(04):
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato(05):
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dello sport rappresentato(06):
Leggi le frasi e poi scegli l'aggettivo dall'elenco che significa l'opposto.
FRASI: 1. Leo is such a cowardly dog. He's scared of everything! / 2. This is a very fast car. It goes nearly 200mph. / 3. Susan is a mean girl. She...
Leggi con attenzione ogni frase e completala scrivendo il nome del giorno corretto:
1.If today is Monday, tomorrow will be.... / 2.If today is Thursday, yesterday was.... / 3.If today is Sunday, tomorrow will be .... / 4.If today is...
Scegli il nome corretto fra i due proposti e completa queste frasi riguardanti, mesi, giorni e stagioni. Attenzione alle trappole!
The first month of the year is Monday/January. -- I usually get up at 7 in the morning/evening. -- Black Saturday/Friday is a special day to buy...
Scrivi il nome del mese corretto in base al significato di ogni frase:
1.I have 31 days. I am a winter month. I am the 1st month of the year. I have seven letters in my name! / 2.I have 31 days. I am a summer month...
Rispondi alle seguenti domande sui mesi e i giorni:
1.What day comes before Friday ? / 2.What day comes after Saturday ? / 3.What day is between Monday and Wednesday? / 4.It's Sunday today. What day...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con uno dei seguenti aggettivi descrittivi:
1. The river is too .... here, we can't cross. / 2. The bridge crosses the river...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con uno dei seguenti aggettivi di personalità:
1. He always wants to know where his girlfriend is going. He's a bit ..... I...
Guarda questo elenco di verbi di movimento. Scegli quelli corretti da inserire negli spazi per ogni frase. Potrebbe essere necessario modificare la forma del verbo.
1. The disco was very full and it was hard to .... . / 2. I .... off the chair and broke my...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con uno dei seguenti verbi(01):
1. We need to .... at Pat's house before 4pm. Let's go! / 2. Marge is .... a cake today...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con uno dei seguenti verbi(02):
1. As the train left the station, we all .... goodbye to Charlie, who looked...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con uno dei seguenti verbi(03):
1. I don't like .... for a bus in the rain. Call a taxi! / 2. You .... Sally's watch,...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con una delle seguenti parole(01):
1. My dog becomes very .... when I am with our cat, Jeremy. / 2. I like all .......
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con una delle seguenti parole(02):
1. If you want to come in, knock ..... on the door. / 2. Every year we...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con una delle seguenti parole(03):
1. It was a very .... movie, we laughed for the whole thing. / 2. After two hours...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con una delle seguenti parole(04):
1. I really don't like Mexican food and I don't like Italian food .... . /...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con una delle seguenti parole(05):
1. Tanya had an injection and the nurse used a very big .... . / 2. If you...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con una delle seguenti parole(06):
1. That suggestion you gave me last night was very .... . I passed the exam...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con una delle seguenti parole(07):
1. I .... in the school play last year. I played the owner of the hotel. / 2....
Riempi gli spazi vuoti con una delle seguenti parole(08):
1. The dictionary is on the table, ..... the book about photography. / 2. On...
Indica a quale attività sportiva dell'elenco si riferisce ogni frase.
Indica a quale professione dell'elenco si riferisce ogni affermazione(01):
Indica a quale professione dell'elenco si riferisce ogni affermazione(02):
Scegli la parola corretta fra le quattro proposte, per completare queste frasi inerenti ai viaggi
TRAIN: 1. The Chicago train leaves from ______ 4. - line - bank - quay - platform / 2. Before getting on the train, make sure you get a...
Leggi le seguenti frasi e indica in quale NEGOZIO si possono acquistare quei prodotti:
a) you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables here. / b) you can put money in your account here. / c) you can buy things outside in the street here. /...
Leggi le seguenti frasi e indica in quale LUOGO PUBBLICO si possono fare le cose descritte:
a) you can ask for help here. / b) you can stay here. / c) you can borrow books from here. / d) you can watch a film here. / e) you can catch a...
Osserva l'immagine di una cittadina e completa le frasi con THERE is/isn't, are/aren't e i corretti articoli(01): grocer next to the bakery. / at the street. / 3....waste container in front of the school. / near the school. /...
Osserva l'immagine di una cittadina e completa le frasi con THERE is/isn't, are/aren't e i corretti articoli(02):
1.There is to the bakery. / 2.There is a.....behind the green grocer. / 3.There are the street. / 4.There is a.....behind the...
Completa le frasi, riguardanti i luoghi della città, con il termine corretto.
1. All the people go there to see the films. It is a _______. / 2. Foreigners often stay there when they come to our city. It is a ______. / 3. If...
SAY oppure TELL? Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(01):
1. They.... us not to wait for a long time. 2. They.... to us not to wait for a long time. 3. They.... not to wait for a long time. 4. Peter.... Jane...
SAY oppure TELL? Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(03):
1. Please don’t.... me that you have already done everything. 2. The teacher.... her students to be quiet. 3. The teacher.... her students were...
SO,BUT oppure BECAUSE? scegli la congiunzione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi:
1-In summer we wear light clothes....the weather is hot. / 2-I have a tooth ache....I must see a dentist as early as I can. / 3-It is rainy....windy...
HOWEVER oppure THEREFORE? scegli la congiunzione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi:
1. I don't like salads. ..., I like vegetables. / 2. It was raining. ..., she took her umbrella. / 3. He went to London. ..., she didn't see the Big...
SO oppure NEITHER? scegli la congiunzione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1.I did it on purpose. (he) / 2.They will not have bought the set. (Samantha) / 3.I am reading an interesting book. (Mark) / 4.I go to school on...
Scegli la congiunzione corretta fra quelle in elenco per completare le seguenti frasi:
1. Leafy vegetables,...., cabbage and lettuce, are good sources of many vitamins. / 2. ...
Trasforma l'aggettivo tra parentesi al SUPERLATIVO e inseriscilo al posto giusto nella frase:
1. It is the shop in town. (large) / 2. Monday is the day of the week. (bad) / 3. Ben was the person in his family. (noisy) / 4. Sam is the in the...
Trasforma l'aggettivo tra parentesi al COMPARATIVO oppure al SUPERLATIVO e inseriscilo al posto giusto nella frase:
1. This armchair is than the old one. (comfortable) / 2. Trains are than aeroplanes. (slow) / 3. I bought the souvenir I could afford. (expensive) /...
Trasforma l'aggettivo tra parentesi al SUPERLATIVO e inseriscilo nella frase insieme al present simple del verbo TO BE:
Peter....the.... teacher in the school. (GOOD) / I....the.... boy in the class. (TALL) / You....the.... girl in the class. (FUNNY) /...
Trasforma l'aggettivo tra parentesi al COMPARATIVO oppure al SUPERLATIVO(01):
1. A car is (expensive)than a bicycle. / 2. Tokyo is(large) city in the world. / 3. An elephant is than (heavy)a horse. / 4. Spain is than (big)...
Trasforma l'aggettivo tra parentesi al COMPARATIVO oppure al SUPERLATIVO(02):
11. The(hot) dessert of all is the Shara and it's in Africa. / 12. Germany is (far) from home than France. / 13. My health is(good) now than 5 years...
Trasforma l'aggettivo tra parentesi al COMPARATIVO oppure al SUPERLATIVO(03):
21. You look much(good) than yesterday / 22. The (bad) thing you can do near a fierce dog is to be afraid. / 23. She's the (careful) girl in the...
Completa il brano con i verbi all'IMPERATIVO in elenco:
hello, Anna, I have to go now. Here are the keys for the house. ....the door to...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
I have been living in New York ... 1 year / I haven't seen you ... a week / I have been waiting ... 12:30. / I've lived here ... 5 years. / I've...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
This house is here.... 1899. / Have you visited your friend.... he moved to Sweden? / I lived in America.... a half year. / I didn't see you.... a...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare il seguente brano:
I decided to leave the country six months.... I had been living in UK... five years, it was time for me to embrace a new life... all my friends had...
TOO oppure ENOUGH? scegli l'avverbio corretto per completare le seguenti frasi:
1.My sister isn’t old ... to go to the park on her own. / 2.I’m ... curious. I’m always asking questions. / 3.There are ... many people in...
Guarda il video su Harry Potter e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'58" con 17 domande di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Madagascar e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 3'55" con 10 domande sui vocaboli. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video di Mr.Bean e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'14" con 7 domande sul present continuous. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Rapunzel e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'06" con 12 domande sul present simple. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Ratatouille e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'40" con 11 domande di comprensione e vocaboli della cucina. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal bellissimo corto di animazione Snack Attack e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'42" con 9 domande varie di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal corto di animazione The Present e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'19" con 10 domande varie di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal corto di animazione Spellbound e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'54" con 16 domande varie di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Ascolta il video di una famosa canzone della saga di TWILIGHT e sostituisci nel testo le XXXX con la parola corretta.
I was a quick XXXX boy / XXXX too deep for coins / All of your straight blind XXXX Wide on my plastic toys / And when the cops XXXX the fair / I cut...
Guarda il video tratto dal film Cattivissimo Me (Minions...) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 1'18" con 15 domande sui vocaboli della daily routine di Gru. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Toy Story e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'28" con 11 domande sui pronomi possessivi. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Snack Attack e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'42" con 10 domande su have got/has got. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Zootopia e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 58" con 8 domande sugli action verbs. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo fantastico video fatto con Google Earth e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'40" con 16 domande su nazioni e continenti. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo bellissimo corto di animazione Partly Cloudy e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 5'20" con 14 domande di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo video sui Minions e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 1'47" con 10 domande su there is/there are. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Hotel Transylvania e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 3'08" con 7 domande su Halloween e present simple. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo video interattivo su Halloween e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'50" con 11 domande su Halloween. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con uno dei PHRASAL VERBS suggeriti(01).
VERBI: break down = stop working / close down = go out of business / drop out = stop taking part in something / show up = appear/arrive / clear up =...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con uno dei PHRASAL VERBS suggeriti(02).
It's so hot in here! Could you XXXX the heater down, please? / XXXX down, we don't have to run that fast! / Be...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con uno dei PHRASAL VERBS suggeriti(03).
It's so hot today. Why don't you XXXX off your coat? / Due to a lack of interest, we had to...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS sostituendo le XXXX con F0R, AT, FORWARD TO, AFTER, UP.
I am looking XXXX my mobile. Have you seen it? / Look XXXX these kittens, aren't they cute? / There are so many words in this text that I had to look...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS mettendo negli spazi uno dei tre verbi suggeriti(01).
1 You may want to ______ up a new hobby. A| look B| take C| make / 2 To ________ up means to quit. A| give B| put C| look / 3 You can _______ up a...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS mettendo negli spazi una delle tre preposizioni suggerite.
1 Let's hurry. The plane is about to take ______. A| up B| off C| in / 2 He loves to show ______, especially when everyone is watching. A| out B| off...
Rispondi alle seguenti domande sui verbi IRREGOLARI scegliendo fra le tre risposte indicate(01):
1 Which verb is irregular? A| rake B| like C| make / 2 What is the past form of make? A| made B| making C| maked / 3 Which verb is irregular? A| look...
Rispondi alle seguenti domande sui verbi IRREGOLARI scegliendo fra le tre risposte indicate(02):
1 Which verb is irregular? A| kill B| like C| feel / 2 What is the past tense of feel? A| felled B| fell C| felt / 3 Which verb is irregular? A|...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al passato e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(06):
1.John XXXX this car from Peter last week. (buy) / 2.He was greedy, so he XXXX the largest apple in the basket. (choose) / 3.When Paul was younger he...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al passato e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(07):
11.I XXXX angry with him yesterday. (feel) / 12.Mr Henderson XXXX us History at school. (teach) / 13.Somebody XXXX my bag last week. (steal) / 14.The...
Osserva l'immagine e indica per ogni frase qual è il verbo al SIMPLE PAST corretto per completarla(01):
Osserva l'immagine e indica per ogni frase qual è il verbo al SIMPLE PAST corretto per completarla(02):
Osserva l'immagine e completa le semplici frasi con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al SIMPLE PAST(01):
Osserva l'immagine e completa le semplici frasi con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al SIMPLE PAST(02):
Completa le semplici frasi coniugando al SIMPLE PAST il verbo tra parentesi(01):
A: Where __ (do) you go Yesterday? / B: I __ (go) to the park. I __ (take) my dog for a walk. What __ (do)you do last night? / A: I __ (take) the...
Riordina le parole e componi delle frasi con il verbo al SIMPLE PAST, esempio: I/buy/book/yesterday – I bought a book yesterday.
1.he/get up/8:00 this morning --- 2.they/leave/work / 6:00 PM/ today --- 3.who/do/you/speak /party/last night? --- 4.she/wear/blue...
Completa le semplici frasi coniugando al SIMPLE PAST il verbo tra parentesi(02):
1.Have you __ all the money your father __ you yesterday? (spend, give) / 2.Who __ the coffee on a new tablecloth I __ last weekend? (spill, buy) /...
Scrivi il PAST PARTICIPLE di ognuno di questi verbi IRREGOLARI:
1.Drive / 2.Eat / 3.Fly / 4.Throw / 5.Bring / 6.Cut / 7.Cost / 8.Wear / 9.Forbid
In ogni gruppo di verbi IRREGOLARI, indica quello che non c'entra con gli altri(01):
1.cut, put, eat, cost / 2.froze, bear, send, forget / 3.hurt, sit, hear, hold / 4.worn, shot, caught, chose / 5.keep, forgive, feel, feed / 6.beat,...
Scegli il verbo IRREGOLARE corretto per ogni frase:
1.Peter has got / shooken / saw the parcel from Portugal. --- 2.Did Kate sing / drew / meet for her friends from France? --- 3.The tree break / bent...
Completa le seguenti frasi che riguardano Garfield coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(01).
1.Garfield(give) a present to his friend Odie last Christmas. / 2.He(be) a good student in 2002. / 3.Garfield(write) a long letter yesterday night. /...
Completa le seguenti frasi che riguardano Garfield coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(02).
11.Garfield(eat) too much and now he is sick. / 12.Garfield(draw) a picture on the wall two days ago. / 13.He (sleep) like a king last night. /...
In questo brano su Mozart, evidenzia i verbi IRREGOLARI coniugati al passato.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer and pianist. He was born in Salzburg in 1756. From a very early age, his family knew that Wolfgang...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(03).
1. Daniel Craig (make) his first Bond film in 2006. / 2. Europeans (see) potatoes for the first time about five hundred years ago. / 3. In April I...
Completa le seguenti frasi su Salvador Dali con il PAST SIMPLE dei verbi elencati:
1. When Dali was a boy he ___ great artistic talent. / 2. He ___ his drawing...
Salvador Dali was a very famous Surrealist painter. Dali didn't paint pictures of real life. He painted pictures of his ideas and dreams. Dali was born in Figueres, Spain in 1904. From an early age, he showed great artistic talent. He began drawing classes when he was ten and had the first public exhibition of his paintings when he was just fifteen. In 1922, Dali went to the Academia de San Fernando in Madrid to study art. While he was at the academy, Dali painted in the Cubist style. He grew his hair long and began to wear unusual clothes. Three years later he was tired of his teachers and...
1. Dali painted pictures of a) all the people that he knew b) real life c) his ideas and dreams / 2. He started drawing lessons when he was a) ten...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(04).
1.Has he __ a fine specialist as his mother __ us yesterday? (become, tell) / 2.Who __ about space travelling when I __ a speech last month? (dream,...
In ogni gruppo di verbi IRREGOLARI, indica quello che non c'entra con gli altri(02):
1.Shut, know, left, stole / 2.Lit, lent, lain, sang / 3.Tear, held, teach, win / 4.Spoilt, caught, made, lost / 5.Got, could, bought, fought /...
Scegli la forma verbale corretta per ogni frase(01):
1.Peter has never reads/written/spoilt a poem to his wife. --- 2.Did Kate sing/drew/meet her friends from Brazil? --- 3.Michele meant/dreamt/said no...
Completa le frasi utilizzando il verbo tra parentesi al PARTICIPIO come un aggettivo:
1.By a mistake he bought a (break) chair on that fair. / 2.This (forget) village was a vivid settlement 50 years ago. / 3.Mitch has several (cut)...
In ogni gruppo di verbi IRREGOLARI, indica quello che non c'entra con gli altri(03):
1.Spent, sent, seen, bring / 2.Bore, dreamt, caught, lend / 3.Held, spoilt, hug, become / 4.Lost, had, bent, cost / 5.Forbade, began, see, threw /...
Scegli la forma verbale corretta per ogni frase(02):
1.Mark never built/fought/spoil anything in his life. --- 2.Did Harry feel/draw/find out the truth about his idol? --- 3.Richard left/driven/hung for...
In ogni gruppo di verbi IRREGOLARI, indica quello che non c'entra con gli altri e spiega perchè
1. split spread drink burst / 2. cost create come cast / 3. hide hold kneel hang / 4. tear draw wear bear / 5. awake strike break speak
In ogni gruppo di verbi, indica quello REGOLARE(01).
read, feel, play, see / listen, do, go, make / know, help, say, think / like, write, forget, eat / take, bring, cut, clean / watch, be, have, meet /...
In ogni gruppo di verbi, indica quello REGOLARE(02).
understand, drive, feed, check / fly, plan, shake, begin / hit, love, hurt, lead / happen, run, pay , wear / stick, grow, look, speak / beat , send,...
Countable o uncountable? fai la scelta giusta fra le tre opzioni e completa le frasi(01):
1 This water _____ too cold to drink. A=are B=must C=is / 2 Please help me to move _____ furniture. A=this B=these C=those / 3 Please help me to move...
Countable o uncountable? fai la scelta giusta fra le tre opzioni e completa le frasi(02):
1 I got wet in ______. A=a rain B=the rains C=the rain / 2 I'd like a glass of ________. A=water B=the water C=waters / 3 _______ of the world's...
In ogni frase c'è una parola inutile e quindi sbagliata, da cancellare, qual è?
1 Her plane will be arrive around eight o' clock. A='around' is the extra word. B='be' is the extra word. C='her' is the extra word. / 2 I will be...
In ogni frase c'è una parola inutile e quindi sbagliata, da cancellare, qual è(02)?
1 Her plane will be arrive around eight o' clock. A='around' is the extra word. B='be' is the extra word. C='her' is the extra word. / 2 I will be...
Completa le frasi utilizzando uno dei tre vocaboli metereologici proposti:
1 It's a __ day today. A=sunday B=sun C=sunny / 2 I can't see anything because of the __. A=sunshine B=fog C=raining / 3 If there are many clouds, it...
Scegli il SINONIMO corretto per ogni parola proposta(02):
1 country? A=national B=nationality C=nation / 2 cooking? A=cuisine B=cousin C=cussing / 3 family? A=kind B=kin C=human / 4 kind? A=naughty B=humane...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito TECNOLOGICO per completare le frasi:
1 Using images, audio, video and print together is called ____. A=multimedia B=supermedia C=megamedia / 2 Someone who works with technology may be...
ARE o IS? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi con THERE:
1 There ___ an owl in the tree! A=are B=is / 2 There ___ many fish in the ocean. A=is B=are / 3 There ___ too many people on the street. A=is B=are /...
THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE, scegli il dimostrativo giusto per completare queste frasi(01):
1 I don't want that one. I want __ one. A=those B=this C=these / 2 I don't want those ones. I want __ ones. A=that B=these C=this / 3 I have been...
THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE, scegli il dimostrativo giusto per completare queste frasi(02):
13 Hey, come and look at __ ad on TV! A=these B=this C=that / 14 __ kind of cheese can be quite expensive. A=This B=Those C=These / 15 Is __ the hat...
Scegli il verbo alla persona giusta per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1 Sometimes I ___ too hard. A=trying B=try C=tries / 2 Sometimes he ___ too hard. A=try B=trying C=tries / 3 Sometimes Michael ___ too hard. A=tries...
Scegli il verbo alla persona giusta per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
13 Most people __ to be good. A=tries B=try / 14 This information __ unreliable. A=are B=is / 15 Frank and Beth __ in a nearby town. A=lives B=live /...
SUFFISSI in ER: scegli quello giusto in base ad ogni definizione.
1 A man who cuts mens' hair is a ___. A=barber B=hairer C=cutter / 2 Which word is NOT derived from a verb? A=baker B=finger C=runner / 3 Which word...
Plurali particolari: scegli il plurale corretto per nome proposto.
1 What is the plural of ant? A=ant B=ants C=antes / 2 What is the plural of finger? A=fingers B=fingeres C=finger / 3 What is the plural of princess?...
Indica il PLURALE delle seguenti parole, scegliendolo fra i tre proposti(01):
apple? A=Appls B=Apple C=Apples / child? A=Children B=Childs C=Child / book? A=Bookes B=Books C=Book / sheep? A=Sheeps B=Sheepes C=Sheep / potato?...
Indica il PLURALE delle seguenti parole, scegliendolo fra i tre proposti(02):
1 What is the plural form of 'puppy'? A=puppies B=puppys C=puppy / 2 What is the plural form of 'agreement'? A=agreementes B=agreements C=agreement /...
Indica il POSSESSIVO corretto fra i tre proposti per completare ogni frase:
1 That car is __. A=mine B=my C=me's / 2 But the other car is __. A=you B=yours C=your / 3 He claims that the jeep is __. A=his B=him C=he's / 4...
PAST SIMPLE: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 What is the past tense of 'let'? A=letted B=let C=leted / 2 What is the past tense of 'shake'? A=shook B=shaken C=shaked / 3 What is the past tense...
NOMI oppure VERBI? scegli la risposta giusta ad ogni domanda.
1 Which word is a noun? A=communicative B=communicate C=communication / 2 Which word can be a noun? A=love B=lovely C=loveless / 3 'Hope' can be a...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito numeri per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 If you are very happy, you are in ___ heaven. A=seventh B=sixth C=fifth / 2 If you are very happy, you are on cloud __. A=ten B=eleven C=nine / 3...
Scegli l'INTERIEZIONE corretta fra le tre proposte per rispondere alle richieste di ogni frase(01):
1 '___' shows surprise or that we are impressed. A=Ho! B=Way! C=Whoa! / 2 We say '__' when we feel disgusted. A=pa! B=ugh! C=whee! / 3 We say '__'...
Scegli la forma corretta del verbo TO HAVE fra le tre proposte per completare ogni frase(01):
1 I __ six brothers and one sister. A=had B=have C=has / 2 He __ a wart on the end of his nose. A=has B=have C=had / 3 When I was little, I __ a red...
Scegli la forma corretta del verbo TO HAVE fra le tre proposte per completare ogni frase(02):
1 Hey, pal, do you __ a light? A=has B=had C=have / 2 Have you ever __ a surprise birthday party? A=have B=had C=has / 3 That guy over there looks...
Scegli la forma corretta del verbo TO HAVE fra le tre proposte per completare ogni frase(03):
1 Do I look nice? I just __ my hair dyed. A=has B=had C=have / 2 If you __ a heart, you'll donate money to the earthquake victims. A=had B=have C=has...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito nazioni-nazionalità per completare correttamente le frasi:
1. People from Canada are called a. Canuks b. Canadians c. Canadites / 2. People from India are a. Indies b. Hindus c. Indians / 3. He's from...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito ANIMALI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 A very large African animal that loves water is a ___. A=beetle B=gazelle C=hippo / 2 An elephant's nose is called a __. A=honker B=trunk C=snout /...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito ANIMALI-CUCCIOLI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 A baby cat is a ___. A=catty B=kitty C=kitten / 2 A baby dog is a ___. A=puppy B=puppi C=pupsy / 3 A baby bear is a ___. A=kitten B=cub C=club / 4...
APOSTROFO, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 This is __ car. A=Johns' B=John's C=John / 2 Have you met ___ wife? A=Franks' B=Frank's C=Franks / 3 Is this calculator __? A=your's B=yours'...
Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per completare ogni frase (07):
1 She is __ most awful woman that I have ever met. A=the B=an C=a / 2 __ first time is always the hardest. A=An B=A C=The / 3 __ man's gotta do what...
Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per completare ogni frase (08):
1 I have __ headache. I think I'd better rest. A=the B=a C=an / 2 __ President of the United States is Barack Obama. A=An B=A C=The / 3 I found __...
Completa le frasi con una forma CONTRATTA del verbo, scegliendola fra le tre proposte:
1 What is the contraction of 'cannot'? A=cant B=cannat C=can't / 2 What is the contraction of 'will not'? A=wouldn't B=willn't C=won't / 3 What is...
FUN FACTS FOR KIDS ABOUT HIPPOS: Where are hippos born? A hippo baby (called a "calf") is born on land or in water. It is protected by the mother, not only from crocodiles and lions but from hippo bulls that may try to attack them in the water. What do hippos love? Hippos love water and they spend most of the day in it to stay cool. The hippo can even breathe, see, and hear while its body is under water because its nose, ears, and eyes are on the top of its head. Do hippos swim better than people? Yes, they are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for five minutes. Hippos can walk...
Rispondi alle seguenti domande scegliendo una delle risposte elencate:
A calf is... never born on land OR always born in water OR always born on...
Osserva l'immagine e rispondi alle seguenti domande scegliendo una fra le quattro opzioni:

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi ufficiale di 3a media dell'anno 2018. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.

Where does this boat trip take place? Oregon OR June 15 thru September 30 OR Rogue River Canyon OR JULY 1 to Labor day // How far can you go on the...
HI, I AM A ZOE! My name is Zoe, I am a ten year old American girl and I live in San Francisco. San Francisco is a very big city with a lot of yellow taxis, colourful trams and very tall skyscrapers. In San Francisco there are many places to visit: the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf and Golden Gate Park. My favourite place is Golden Gate Park where I go skateboarding with my classmates, especially on Saturdays. I usually watch TV cooking shows because I like sweets very much and when I grow up (crescere) I want to be a famous chef. I love spending my freetime with my best friend...
Rispondi alle seguenti domande scegliendo una delle risposte elencate: Where does Zoe live? In a town / In a very big city / In a Park / In South...
A SUMMER'S TALE. Hello. I'm Luca. I'm eleven years old. I live in Milan but every summer I go to Sicily. My grandparents live in Mondello. I love the sea and I do a lot of water sports. Every morning I get up at 8.30 a.m. and I ride my bike to the bakery. There is a wonderful bakery in the centre of the town and I usually buy a slice (fetta) of pizza for 1,99 € At 9.30 a.m. I meet my friend Tommaso and we go to the beach together. We usually play beach volleyball with our friends and then we have a break. Tommaso's uncle has got a coffee bar on the beach and it sells ice cream,...
Rispondi alle seguenti domande scegliendo una delle risposte elencate: Where does Luca live? In Mondello / In Milan / In Sicily / In a small city --...
HUGO, THE PINK FLAMINGO. Hello, my name is Hugo and I am a young flamingo. I come from Africa and my feathers (piuma) were grey when I was a little baby. Now I am pink because I eat a lot of shrimps but my favourite food is strawberry ice cream. My daddy is Mr Paul, a wise (saggio) and strong flamingo. My mommy is Mrs Amy, she is very kind and beautiful. I have got one brother and one sister: Mark and Candy. All flamingos sleep on one paw (zampa) but I don't like it, so I usually sleep on two paws. I fly with a flock (stormo) when summer ends and we go where summer comes again. Sometimes I...
Hugo is: an old flamingo / a young flamingo / a young boy / a snowman -- Hugo comes from: Europe / a cold place / Africa / America -- When he was a...
Dear Paul, How are you ? I hope you are good after your summer holiday in Ireland. Now that I'm living in London I'm very excited because it is a big city and there are a lot of things to do in your free time. You can visit the city if you take a "double decker", a traditional red bus or if you take a "cab",a traditional black taxi. In the city center there is a lot of traffic and you must be careful (fare attenzione) when you cross the road because they drive on the left. During the weekends you can have fun going to museums and you don't have to pay for the ticket. My favourite museum...
Where does Micheal live? Ireland / Sidney / London / In a small town -- A double decker is... a traditional orange bus / a traditional red bus / a...
MY GREEN FAMILY! My name is Stefano, I live with my dad, my mum, my sister Rebecca, our dog Kiro and our hamsters Tilly and Hook. We are a green family. What does this mean (significare) ? Easy, that we love nature and animals. There are a lot of things that you can do to help our planet. For example, every morning I turn off the tap (rubinetto) when I brush my teeth to save water. We don't have a car, I always go to school by bike with my sister. My mum and dad walk to work. My dad is an optician and my mum is a teacher. Every year we organize a Green Day in our neighbourhood (quartiere),we...
Stefano has... one pet / no pets / three pets / two pets -- What's a green family? A poor family / A family that loves nature and animals / A family...
SINGING IN THE SHOWER. Mr. Ben is a 30 year-old English man who lives in Manchester because he works there. He was born in London, he's very tall and he's got red hair and green eyes. Ben works as a manager in a big company but he doesn't really like his job. Since(da quando) he was a little child he loved listening to rock music and singing famous rock songs, but he was too shy to sing in front of a crowd(alla folla). Ben has got a wonderful voice but he stops singing when people are around him. He prefers to sing quietly in the shower and he also makes important decisions about his life....
Ben was born / in Manchester / in the park / in London / in the shower -- Ben is / very big / very confident / very tall / very important -- He...
Completa le frasi inserendo THIS, THESE, THAT oppure THOSE(03):
Look at...newspaper here. / ...are my grandparents, and...people over there are my friend's grandparents. / ...building over there is the Chrysler...
Trasforma le frasi dal SINGOLARE al PLURALE o viceversa facendo attenzione a trasformare anche THIS e THESE.
This phone looks old. / This car is very fast. / These children study at our school. / I like these old books. / This burger tastes good. / These...
Completa le seguenti frasi inserendo al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(01):
He speaks...Spanish, so we were able to find a nice room in Madrid. / There are only...bananas left in the box. / We need...butter for this cake. /...
Completa le seguenti frasi inserendo al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(02):
This president had...power. / She spoke...English. It was nearly impossible to understand her. / They got...complaints. / I'm sorry, but I...
Scegli il corretto PRONOME RIFLESSIVO per completare le seguenti frasi(01).
Robert made this T-shirt... / Lisa did her homework... / We some Coke at the party. / Emma, did you take the photo by...? / I wrote this...
Indica se la parola in stampatello è un SOGGETTO, un COMPLEMENTO OGGETTO oppure un PRONOME POSSESSIVO
SHE likes playing football. / MY name is Greg. / Tim can see HER in the supermarket. / What's YOUR favourite food? / HE can see Emily in the shop. /...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH oppure WHOSE(01):
I talked to the had broken down in front of the shop. / Mr Richards, a taxi driver, lives on the corner. / I live in a house in...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH oppure WHOSE(ma con una X se non ne serve alcuno):
This is the boy.... had an accident. / Yesterday I saw a car.... was really old. / Mandy is the girl.... I met on Friday. / I haven't seen...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando BE GOING TO al futuro e il verbo tra parentesi(01):
He his... friend. (to phone) / We... a new computer game. (to play) / My sister... TV. (to watch) / You... a picnic next Tuesday. (to have) / ...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando BE GOING TO al futuro e il verbo tra parentesi(02):
They... the lunch basket. (not/to pack) / I... somebody the way. (not/to ask) / Rita... Jim's book. (not/to borrow) / We... a T-shirt. (not/to...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando BE GOING TO al futuro e il verbo tra parentesi(03):
...she... photos? (to take) / ...they... a DVD? (to watch) / ...Patrick... the phone? (to answer) / this tub of ice cream? (to eat) /...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando BE GOING TO al futuro e il verbo tra parentesi(04): on Friday? (she/to play) / ....their bikes at the weekend? (the boys/to ride) / ....the kitchen today? (Paul/to clean) / ....a new...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando BE GOING TO al futuro e il verbo tra parentesi(05):
She... to the stadium. (not/to walk) / to London? (to fly) / John... anything. (not/to eat) / ...she... at a campsite? (to stay) / ...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando BE GOING TO al futuro e il verbo tra parentesi(06):
Tom... the books from the library. (to collect) / ...our plane? (we/to miss) / I... in this dirty bed. (not/to sleep) / When... the table in the...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando BE GOING TO al futuro, il verbo e il soggetto tra parentesi:
...a kite. (Henry/to fly) / ...sweets. (we/not/to buy) / ...a joke? (she/to tell) / ...the computer? (the boys/not/to check) / ...a pencil. (the...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi all'IMPERATIVO(01):
...upstairs. (to go) / this lake. (not/to swim) / ...your homework. (to do) / in the yard. (not/to play) / ...your teeth. (to...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi all'IMPERATIVO(02):
...your brother. (to ask) / ...a pencil. (not/to use) / ...up. (to hurry) / ...quiet. (to be) / ...the police. (not/to call) / ...your beds. (to...
Completa le frasi con HOW MUCH oppure HOW MANY(01):
...stars are there in the sky? / ...people live on islands? / ...birds are there? / ...water is in the ocean? / is in a bank? / ...countries...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(01):
How...players are in a handball team? / How...pocket money do you get per week? / How...time is left? / How...sisters does Ella have? / How...coins...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(02):
There isn't...milk left in the fridge. / You shouldn't eat so...sweets. / My friend doesn't eat...fruit. / They don't know...about the history of...
Trasforma queste frasi interrogative alla forma NEGATIVA(02):
Do they live in a house? / Why did Jim buy the old guitar? / Have you been to Canada? / Whose brother can sing? / Does Alex like garlic? / Are...
Trasforma queste frasi alla forma NEGATIVA(03):
Karin played volleyball yesterday. / There will be rain in the South tomorrow. / Mel speaks German. / We are writing a test. / Listen to Thomas. /...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PRESENT(01):
They are playing volleyball. / She is washing the shirts. / Walter is flying to Miami. / I am buying sweets. / We are cleaning our room. / Dad is...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PRESENT(02):
We're looking at pictures. / She's writing down numbers. / The girls are running home. / They're making breakfast. / The cat is sitting on the table....
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi NEGATIVE trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PRESENT(03):
He isn't riding a skateboard. / We aren't cooking. / She isn't dreaming. / They aren't making a mess. / My dad isn't painting the door. / I'm not...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PRESENT(04):
Are you making the beds? / Is he brushing his teeth? / Are they printing the essays? / Is she having a bath? / Are you doing judo? / Is the cat...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PRESENT(05):
We played volleyball. / She went home. / James wrote articles. / They learned English words. / He opened the window. / Ella and Alexis had fun. / It...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PRESENT(06):
We didn't sell T-shirts. / He didn't ride a horse. / I didn't borrow books. / They didn't fly to other countries / Noah didn't clean the football...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PRESENT(07):
Did we stay at home? / Did she eat ice cream? / Did Dylan send invitations? / How often did they sing at the party? / Did you write tests? / ...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(01).
We had a cup of tea. / He read comics. / Alan invited his friends. / She got the first prize. / They joined the party. / Our teacher forgot the keys....
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al PRESENT CONTINUOUS(01):
The boys play outside. / He listens to music. / We open the windows. / She stays at home. / They record a song. / Dad prepares breakfast. / ...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al PRESENT CONTINUOUS(02):
He eats muffins. / We download files. / The boys sail on the lake. / Tim helps his mum. / I get ready for the party. / She jogs in the forest. / They...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi NEGATIVE trasformando ogni verbo al PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
I don't smoke. / He doesn't talk to Harry. / We don't pay for the test. / Mum doesn't tidy Larry's room. / You don't pack the baskets. / ...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi INTERROGATIVE trasformando ogni verbo al PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
Do the girls cycle to school? / Does she close the door? / Do they start the game? / Do we write with a pencil? / Does Emily send...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(02).
The children read books. / Alan writes poems. / The dogs bark. / Gerry plays basketball. / Tim flies his kite. / Vanessa works on her essay. /...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(03).
My parents are in the kitchen. / Jenny helps her friends. / Pat has my book. / The children often do their homework. / He builds an expensive...
Riscrivi le seguenti domande trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(01).
Do you phone your friends? / Does he live with his father? / Do the children ask questions? / Do you get good marks? / Does Isabella keep...
Riscrivi le seguenti domande trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(02).
Does Luke share a room with his brother? / Do you clean your room yourself? / Do their parents book flights on the Internet? / How does she...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniungando il verbo TO BE al PRESENTE, al PASSATO oppure al FUTURO in base al senso della frase:
I...from Canada. / home two weeks ago. / Victoria...late this morning. / Lisa and Jeff...really happy now. / London last year. / His...
Completa le seguenti frasi con il verbo TO CAN in forma affermativa o negativa in base al simbolo + oppure - che trovi nella parentesi:
I... swim. (+/can) / You... draw. (-/can) / He... cook. (+/can) / She... walk. (-/can) / It... jump. (+/can) / We... ski. (-/can) / You......
Completa le seguenti frasi coniungando il verbo tra parentesi in base al senso della frase:
Last week we.... swimming, this week we can't. (can/to go) / Maybe the Smiths.... a new house next year. (can/to build) / If you try hard, you.......
Trasforma le seguenti frasi alla forma affermativa, interrogativa o negativa in base alla richiesta:
Olivia can play the guitar -> negative sentence / Can the girls play hockey? -> affirmative sentence / Richard can play the trumpet -> question...
Scrivi la forma estesa dei seguenti verbi alla forma contratta ma attenzione ai verbi che hanno due forme possibili(04):
hadn't - you'd(2) - couldn't - mustn't - we'd(2) - shouldn't - what're - needn't - how's(2) - daren't
Completa le frasi utilizzando MUST oppure MUSTN'T ma scegli quale usare in base alle regole che ti hanno dato i tuoi genitori.
You...tidy up your room. / You...smoke. / your homework. / with fire. / home on time. / You...cheat in a test. /...
Usa le parole date per formare delle DOMANDE aggiungendo il verbo TO BE coniugato al futuro:
1) when / dinner / ready --- 2) you / at the party --- 3) there / a meeting next Friday --- 4) when / we / home today --- 5) it / cold...
Completa le frasi con il verbo TO BE al futuro in forma NEGATIVA o AFFERMATIVA in base alla richiesta:
It.... cold tonight. (affirmative sentence) / I.... careful. (affirmative sentence) / Jack.... at work today. (negative sentence) / They.... home...
Completa le frasi con il verbo TO BE al passato in forma NEGATIVA o AFFERMATIVA in base alla richiesta:
Our trip to Spain.... (+) great. / I.... (-) in London last summer. / My sister and her friend.... (+) at a nice restaurant. / I went to Olivia,...
Trasforma i verbi tra parentesi al PARTICIPIO per completare le seguenti frasi:
a... boy (wait) / an... story (interest) / a... car (break) / the... pizza (forget) / the... father (work) / I saw him... . (go) / the... computer...
Trasforma i verbi tra parentesi al PARTICIPIO passato(01):
watches (repair) / computers (steal) / fans (fascinate) / students (bore) / boys (confuse) / umbrellas (forget) / girls (disappoint) / comics (swap)...
Trasforma i verbi tra parentesi al PARTICIPIO passato(02):
dogs (bark) / children (play) / girls (scream) / cowboys (dance) / ducks (swim) / babies (cry) / water (run) / teachers (sing) / leaves (fall) /...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(05): sitting on the sofa. / ...are watching TV. / Are...from England? / going home. / ...are playing football. / a wonderful day today....
Completa le frasi con il PRONOME PERSONALE corretto facendo attenzione se è usato come soggetto o come complemento oggetto.
... lives in Liverpool.(he) / I met... in the office.(he) / They sing with... in the choir.(I) / Lisa likes...(it) / Excuse..., is this the way to...
Completa le frasi con un AGGETTIVO o PRONOME POSSESSIVO.
The bus stop is near... house. (we) / How is... new school? (you) / This is my bag and that is... . (he) / Sophia's hair is longer than... . (I) /...
I've got... in my eye. / There is... at the door. / We haven't heard... about Peter. Is he ill? / Do you live... near Mandy? / ...wants to see you. /...
EACH OR EVERY? usa il distributivo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi (01):
....of the students has three books. / There is a bus....2 hours. / There are four worksheets - please take one of..... / We enjoyed....minute of our...
EACH OR EVERY? usa il distributivo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi (02):
.... child received a present. / I gave .... plant some water. / I gave .... plant some water. / She was carrying bags in .... hand / In .... box...
EACH OR EVERY? usa il distributivo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi (03):
.... Monday, he buys a kilo of apples. / .... of the children received a present for Christmas / The teacher gave .... of them a sticker for good...
QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta(04).
She is collecting stickers, ? / We often watch TV in the afternoon, ? / You have cleaned your bike, ? / John and Max don't like maths, ? / Peter...
Completa le seguenti domande inserendo WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, HOW(01): you like best? / ...does Bill get up in the morning? / ...don't you go by bus, Max? / ...hobbies does Andrew have? / they go to every...
Completa le seguenti domande inserendo WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, HOW(02): the weather like today? / ...don't you like apple juice? / ...about a walk through the forest? / you play volleyball? / my red...
Completa le seguenti domande con il verbo al SIMPLE PAST(01). the door? (to close) / ...Claire... the housework? (to finish) / ...he... a bath yesterday? (to have) / ...the boy... into the lake? (to...
Completa le seguenti domande con il verbo al SIMPLE PAST(02).
...after the cat? (the dog/to run) / when you were on holiday? (you/to take) / music yesterday evening? (Steven/to listen) / ...a cup...
Completa le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(01).
I... my maths homework yesterday. (to do) / ...Susan... to England by plane? (to go) / They... a farm two weeks ago. (to visit) / Jenny and Peggy......
Completa le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(02).
When... you in London? (to be) / We... in a flat when we were in Paris. (not/to live) / What... you... yesterday? (to lose) / He... magic tricks at...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST nella sua forma NEGATIVA(01):
He played handball. / Susan waited in the kitchen. / I made the beds. / They cleaned the classroom. / She asked a lot of questions. / The friends...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST nella sua forma NEGATIVA(02):
Andy bought a new shirt. / They went shopping last Friday. / She had a bath in the morning. / We felt like a big ice cream. / The students sat...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST nella sua forma NEGATIVA(03):
Peter woke up at seven. / The children ran home. / I forgot to take the book with me. / We turned off the computer. / My friend looked after the...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
A LETTER TO A FRIEND: Dear Harry, Hi! It's now 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm ...(1) in the living room writing this letter. It's a lovely day...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
MY WEEKEND: Every Saturday I ...(1) late. At eleven o'clock I go ...(2) at the supermarket and the fruit and vegetable market. Then I go ...(3) at...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
MY FAVOURITE RESTAURANT: I like to eat out and I go to a ...(1) for dinner twice a week. I ...(2) with my husband, Bill. Our ...(3) restaurant is an...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
A BUSY DAY: Today will be a very ...(1) day for me. At nine o'clock I ...(2) a doctor's appointment. Then I need to go to the ...(3) to get some...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
A DAY AT THE OFFICE: Yesterday wasn't a good day. The ...(1) wasn't very nice. It was cold and raining. The ...(2) wasn't on time. It was late. My...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
A LOVELY DAY: Yesterday ...(1) a lovely day. I ...(2) on a picnic with my family. We ...(3) to Oatly Park. The weather was warm and ...(4). We ...(5)...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
A TERRIBLE DAY: Yesterday ...(1) a terrible day. I ...(2) to a barbeque at a friend's place. I ...(3) the bus to Fairfield but the bus was an hour...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
YESTERDAY: Yesterday I ...(1) at half past six. First I ...(2) to the kitchen and ...(3) a cup of tea and toast for breakfast. Then I ...(4) to the...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
LAST WEEKEND: On Saturday I ...(1) late. At eleven o'clock I ...(2) shopping at the supermarket and the fruit and vegetable market. Then I ...(3)...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
NEXT WEEKEND 01: Next weekend I'm going to have a ...(1) time. On Saturday morning, I'm going to ...(2) some new jeans and a ...(3) of shoes. In the...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
NEXT WEEKEND 02: Next weekend I'm going to have a ...(1) time. On Saturday afternoon, I'm going to ...(2) shopping to buy some fish and some ...(3)....
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
AT HOME: It's Sunday and the Johnson family is at ...(1). The weather isn't very good. The sky is black and it is ...(2). Mr Johnson is ...(3) the...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
AT THE BEACH: It's Sunday and the Wilson family is at the ...(1). It's a beautiful day. The sun is ...(2) brightly and the birds are ...(3). Mr...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
A HOLIDAY TO SINGAPORE: Last year Mr and Mrs Bentley took a trip to Singapore. They went to ...(1) some friends and to do some shopping. The flight...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
MY LIBRARY: My library is near my local shopping centre. I use it every week. There are book ...(1) all around the library and there are ...(2) books...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
SHOPPING: Every Saturday I go shopping with my family. We buy many different things. First, we go to the ...(1) . We buy milk, eggs, ...(2), bread...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
MY HUSBAND: My husband, Jeff, is a lovely man and I'm proud ...(1) him. He is kind ...(2) everyone even if he doesn't think much ...(3) them. We...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURO(01):
Tomorrow it... on the south coast. (to rain) / My friend... 12 next Monday. (to be) / Hey John! Wait a minute. I... with you. (to walk) / She... her...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURO nella forma NEGATIVA:
Tim... the teacher. (not/to tell) / I hope I... the train to Manchester. (not/to miss) / She... her hair green. (not/to dye) / He... breakfast...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURO nella forma INTERROGATIVA(01):
...our... team the match? (to win) / When... you... in Scotland? (to arrive) / tomorrow? (to rain) / for a moment? (to come in) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURO nella forma INTERROGATIVA(02): £50? (you/to lend) / When... to the country? (they/to move) / ...the exam in French? (Laura/to do) / When... us the file? (Kim/to send) / ...a...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURO(02):
They... back by 6:30 pm. (to be) / me? (to help) / When... I... you again? (to see) / His parents... him for being late. (not/to punish) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURO(03):
The meeting... at 4:30 pm. (to close) / Prices... . (to increase) / Phillip... to come. (not/to forget) / Why... me this book? (he/not/to lend) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo TO BE in modo da trasformare il verbo al PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
John and the kitchen. / I...reading a book at the moment. / It...raining. / We...singing a new song. / The children...watching TV. /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS(01):
The teacher... the door. (not/to close) / the washing-up? (to do) / They... the printers. (to check) / ...your grandmother... at birds? (to...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS(02):
He... her name. (not/to shout) / We... nice photos. (to take) / ...Phil... the exercise? (to explain) / What... you... here? (to do) / I... on the...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
The children... questions. (not/to ask) / Nick... to the gym. (not/to go) / I... the door. (not/to open) / He... jokes. (not/to tell) / The baby......
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
Anne and Ron... in a helicopter. (not/to fly) / Olivia... her eyes. (not/to close) / They... through the park. (not/to jog) / The girls... fun at...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(03):
They... questions. (not/to ask) / Nick... to the gym. (not/to go) / I... the door. (not/to open) / He... jokes. (not/to tell) / The baby... now....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(04):
They... in a helicopter. (not/to fly) / Olivia... her eyes. (not/to close) / They... through the park. (not/to jog) / She... the books to the...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS(03):
We... a text. (to read) / He... on the phone. (to talk) / The cat... on the sofa. (to sleep) / They... the table. (to clean) / My dad... for the bus....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS(04):
They... to the park. (to run) / His mum... photos. (to take) / We... frisbee. (to play) / She... breakfast. (to make) / My brother... on the floor....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS(05):
He... a film. (to watch) / We... a computer game. (to play) / Look at that dog. It... at the cat. (to bark) / He... his rabbits. (to feed) / They......
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS(06):
Alexander... a film. (to watch) / We... a computer game. (to play) / The dog... at the cat. (to bark) / Peter... his rabbits. (to feed) / Philipp and...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma INTERROGATIVA(01):
...Richard... in the garden? (to work) / ...she... a cup of tea? (to have / ...the children... their homework? (to do) / the kitchen, Tom?...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma INTERROGATIVA(02): the lake? (Lisa/to swim) / ...your brother? (you/to help) / ...a museum? (he/to visit) / ...her T-shirt? (Doris/to wash) / ...home? (they/to...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS(01):
She... hockey. (to play) / They... in the pool. (to swim) / It... . (to rain) / We... to music. (to listen) / The mobile... . (to ring) / The...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS(02):
She... the lunch basket. (to pack) / I... . (not/to whisper) / ...he... to help? (to try) / The men... at the street corner. (not/to fight) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS(03):
She... a heavy bag. (to carry) / ...they... hands? (to shake) / I... a screwdriver. (not/to use) / ...the teacher... the exercises? (to explain) /...
Trasforma l'avverbio tra parentesi al COMPARATIVO e completa così le seguenti frasi:
1. He arrived .... than expected. (early) / 2. We walked more .... than the rest of the people. (slowly) / 3. They called us .... in the afternoon....
SAY oppure TELL? Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(04):
1.What did he ... you? / 2.Can you ... me where the post office is, please? / 3.What did he... to you? / 4.Harry always... me about his day at work....
SAID oppure TOLD? Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto:
1.The teacher ... us to finish page 7 for homework. / 2.Craig ... (that) he didn't want to go to work. / 3.Penny ... me all about her holiday. /...
Completa le seguenti frasi con l' aggettivo dal significato opposto a quello presente nella prima frase(01):
1.My house isn't big. It's... / 2.He doesn't have short hair. He / 3.We like good movies. We don't like...movies. / 4.You're beautiful....
Completa le seguenti frasi con l' aggettivo dal significato opposto a quello presente nella prima frase(02):
1.This lesson isn't easy. It's.... / 2.This dress is cheap. It isn't.... / 3.That man is old . He isn't.... / 4.Your sister is quiet. She isn't.... /...
Scrivi il corretto aggettivo POSSESSIVO negli spazi vuoti(02).
1.The boy / 2.Mary sees...mother every day. / 3.My friends bring...children to our place on Saturdays. / 4.The cat
Scrivi il PRONOME POSSESSIVO corretto per indicare a chi appartiene il soggetto di ogni frase, esempio: This pen is her pen > hers.
1.These pens are Bill's and Sue's pens. / 2.This office is her office. / 3.That book is our book. / 4.This coat is your coat. / 5.That dog is my dog....
Completa le seguenti domande inserendo WHERE WHEN WHO WHAT HOW WHICH:
1....cooks dinner every day? / 2....much does it cost? / you feel now? Well, thanks. / 4....time does class begin? / 5....does the shop open...
Riordina le parole e aggiungi il verbo TO BE per creare delle frasi usando il PRESENTE CONTINUOUS.
1.I / sit / on a chair -- 2.He / smoke / a cigar -- 3.They / play / football -- 4.It / rain -- 5.Anne / write / a letter -- 6.Bob / read / a book --...
PRESENT CONTINUOUS forma negativa: usa il verbo tra parentesi per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1.Anthony ...(drive) home. He's had too much to drink. / 2.The bus ...(stop). It's passing us. / 3.We ...(speak) Spanish. / 4.You ...(listen) to pop...
Present Simple oppure Present Continuous? scegli quello giusto e completa le seguenti frasi usando il verbo tra parentesi:
1.I can't help you now. I ...(have) a shower. / 2.It always ...(rain) here in summer. / 3.I ...(think) I should go now. / 4.It ...(rain). Take your...
Trasforma l'aggettivo tra parentesi al SUPERLATIVO e completa le frasi(01):
1.This is the ...(high) mountain in Australia. / 2.That's the ...(poor) country in the world. / 3.They're the ...(beautiful) flowers I've ever seen....
Trasforma l'aggettivo tra parentesi al SUPERLATIVO e completa le frasi(01):
1.This is the ...(long) river in Australia. / 2.He's the ...(tall) man in the room. / 3.They're the ...(expensive) clothes I've bought. / 4.This road...
Scegli il corretto PRONOME RIFLESSIVO per completare le seguenti frasi(02).
1.The cat nearly killed ...when it ran across the road. / 2.I enjoyed the party. / 3.He always looks at the mirror. / 4.We helped
Scegli il corretto PRONOME RIFLESSIVO per completare le seguenti frasi(03).
1.I went to the supermarket by .... / 2.Harry lives by .... / 3.Anna had dinner at the restaurant by .... / 4.You shouldn't go there by .... / 5.We...
QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta(05).
1.He's rich, ...he? / 2.These are your glasses, ...they? / 3.You live in Fairfield, / 4.It's a lovely day, / 5.I'm late, ...I? / 6.You...
QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta(06).
1.This isn't your pen, / 2.You don't want this book, / 3.This food isn't very nice, / 4.He doesn't work, ...he? / 5.They aren't...
Trasforma le frasi dal SINGOLARE al PLURALE o viceversa facendo attenzione a trasformare anche THIS e THAT.
1.This orange is very nice. / 2.That student writes well. / 3.That house is near the beach. / 4.This book belongs to George. / 5.That dog barks all...
ON, IN oppure AT? scegli la giusta preposizione(03).
1....1978 / 2....October / 3....5 o'clock / 4....Monday / 5....10 July / 6....the afternoon / 7....Tuesday afternoon / 8....summer / 9....Christmas /...
TO oppure FOR? Scegli la preposizione di corretta da accompagnare al verbo TO GO ma se non serve metti un trattino.
1.I go every day. / 2.She went ...home. / 3.They like going ...a walk in the mornings. / 4.We go every Thursday night. / 5.He...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando lo stesso verbo che c'è ad inizio frase ma trasformato nella sua forma NEGATIVA, esempio: I spoke to Alice but I didn't speak to Robert.
1.They swam on Saturday but they ...on Sunday. / 2.I went to work on Monday but I work on Tuesday. / 3.He bought a new car. He ...a second-hand...
Scrivi il PAST SIMPLE di ognuno di questi verbi IRREGOLARI:
1.find / 2.stand / 3.catch / 4.write / 5.bring / / 7.tell / 8.leave / 9.see / 10.speak / 11.fall / 12.sell / 13.lose / 14.hear / /...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando lo stesso verbo che c'è ad inizio frase ma trasformato nella sua forma INTERROGATIVA, esempio: He went to the market yesterday.Did he go to the market yesterday?
1.They saw the movie last week....the movie last week? / 2.Anna wrote him a letter....him a letter? / 3.George and Ilsa had dinner at the Maya...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando WHEN HOW WHO WHAT WHY in base al senso della frase, esempio: I saw someone.Who did you see?
1.They wanted to see Fiona....did they want to see? / 2.I got up at 7 o'clock....time did you get up? / 3.She paid $10....much did she pay? / 4.He...
Completa le seguenti frasi che hanno BE GOING TO, utilizzando i verbi indicati:
1.John doesn't like driving so he's going to ...his bike to work. / 2.Helen sold her house and...
Completa le frasi coniugando i verbi suggeriti al PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
1.I can't talk now. I ...the dishes. / 2.Listen to Jim. He ...the...
Ascolta il seguente brano (conversation in a restaurant) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.The customers want two tables. / 2.There are two customers eating together. / 3.The two customers order the same starter. / 4.Both customers order...
Ascolta il seguente brano (conversation about how to study better) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.Tom doesn't know how to start studying. / 2.Tom's mum thinks that music helps people study. / 3.Tom puts the dog outside. / 4.Tom's mum recommends...
Ascolta il seguente brano (conversation about taking notes) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.Clare is good at history. / 2.Clare’s notes are too long. / 3.Mark thinks you need to write everything. / 4.Mark draws a crown and an ‘H’...
Ascolta il seguente brano (tour of London) e scegli la risposta corretta alle seguenti domande:
1.The tour takes 2 / 3 / 4 hours. --- 2.At Madame Tussaud’s you can see maps of London / models of famous people / famous shops. --- 3.Oxford...
Ascolta il seguente brano (five different conversations at a train station) e rispondi alle seguenti domande:
1.Which platform does the 10.15 train to Cambridge leave from? / 2.How much is a single ticket to Manchester? / 3.Which platform does the 12.30 train...
Ascolta il seguente brano (five airport announcements) e completa le seguenti frasi:
1.The 9.25 flight to Rome is delayed by...hours. / 2.Passengers going to Tokyo should go to boarding gate.... / 3.Passengers going to Athens should...
Ascolta il seguente brano (using colours to organise homework) e indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE o FALSE:
1.You need to buy some stationery to organise your homework like this. / 2.The things you need are not cheap. / 3.The colour you choose should mean...
Ascolta il seguente brano (weather forecast) e completa le seguenti frasi:
1.Welcome to the weather forecast. Now, let’s see what the weather is / 2.In the north of the country it’s very windy and cold. There...
Ascolta il seguente brano (five different people talking about their jobs) e scegli la risposta corretta alle seguenti domande:
1.Does speaker A enjoy his job? Yes.Sometimes.No. / 2.When does speaker A work? When he is at university.Weekends.Summer holidays. / 3.When does...
Leggi il seguente brano su HALLOWEEN e poi indica se le affermazioni che ci sono al termine sono VERE o FALSE (01):
HALLOWEEN: On October 31, Americans celebrate Halloween. Halloween means "holy" (hallow) "evening" (een). This is the evening before the Christian...
Per ogni parola in elenco scrivi il suo opposto(02): / 2.beautiful / 3.happy / 4.tall / 5.difficult / 6.soft / 7.first / 8.early / 9.expensive / 10.wrong / 11.full / 12.quiet / 13.dark / 14.left...
Per ogni parola in elenco scrivi il suo opposto(03):
1.woman / 2.married / 3.sell / 4.wet / 5.slow / 6.hello / 7.fat / 8.good / 9.big / 10.night / 11.on / 12.yes / / 14.stop / 15.present / 16.old
Scrivi il nome di ogni FORMA GEOMETRICA:
SAY oppure TELL? Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(05):
Can the way to the station, please? / He didn't...a word. / She...her name was Sue. / Let something about my hobbies. / Forget...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta da inserire prima delle seguenti parole(01):
...Easter/...two weeks/ birthday/...last summer/...1999/...ten days/...a few minutes/...1st April/...a long time/...6 o'clock
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta da inserire prima delle seguenti parole(02): long as I can remember/...three days/ childhood/...ten years/...I was young/...New Year's Eve/...Wednesday/...five...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta da inserire prima delle seguenti parole(03):
...6 o'clock/...I was young/...a long time/...he was a child/...four hours/ childhood/...years/...breakfast/...three days/...10 o'clock
Scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre proposte, per rispondere alle seguenti domande sulla festività di HALLOWEEN:
When is Halloween celebrated? 13 October - 31 October - 1 November // What are the special colours of Halloween? purple and orange - white and orange...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(06):
I have been waiting .... 4 o'clock. / Sue has only been waiting .... 20 minutes. / Tim and Tina have been learning English .... six years. / Fred and...
Per ogni parola in elenco scrivi il suo opposto(04):
mum - brother - son - uncle - grandmother - granddaughter - nephew - wife - boyfriend - cousin
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia e completa le frasi con i termini corretti(04):
My... is 64 years old. His name is... / My... is 62. Her name is... / I have got a... , she is 37. / My... is 40. He is married with two... / I have...
Osserva l'immagine e completa le frasi indicando qual è la strada migliore per raggiungere il POST OFFICE.
Excuse me, where is the post office, please? / ... at the next corner. / Then... until you come to the traffic lights. / ... there. / The post...
Osserva l'immagine e completa le frasi, utilizzando le parole suggerite, indicando il percorso da fare per arrivare al cinema.
... me, how do I... to the cinema? /...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni parte del corpo:
Osserva l'immagine e utilizzando le parole suggerite, completa le seguenti frasi riguardanti le previsioni del tempo in Inghilterra.
.... in Scotland will be around .... degrees. /...
ANYONE oppure SOMEONE: scegli il pronome indefinito corretto per completare le seguenti frasi:
I know ... who is 100 years old. / There is ... at the door. / Did ... call? / There wasn't anyonein negat4e clauses, we use 'any…' at home. / I...
Completa le frasi con SOMETHING o ANYTHING.
Is there ... I could do for you? / There is ... in your hair. / He said ... stupid. / Did you buy ... ? / There isn't ... in the fridge. / Do you...
Completa le frasi con SOMEWHERE o ANYWHERE.
Have you seen my necklace ... ? / The restaurant must be ... around here. / My friend lives ... in Spain. / I cannot find my glasses ... . / Did you...
Phil is watching ... on TV. / Can you see Simon ... ? / My little sister doesn't eat ... with carrots. / My grandfather is someone who doesn't go ......
I didn't know anyone at the party and they weren't playing ... good songs either. / Let's go somewhere and eat ... . / I bought ... cheese in the...
I would not go ... without you. / There is ... I want to tell you. / The plates are ... in the cupboard. / Let's buy ... postcards here, they are so...
When I am on holiday, I always buy ... for my relatives. / When my brother is on holiday, he never sends a postcard to .... / Do you know ... punk...
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(03):
Could I have ... sugar for my tea, please? / If you want to make pancakes, you need a few eggs and ... flour. / Have you got ... minutes? I need to...
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(04):
There will be ... rain this week. / ...friends are coming over tonight. / I need ... sleep. / Could you buy ... bottles of water for me? / My parents...
Inserisci al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(05):
We had ... snow last winter. / ... people were interested in the exhibition. / I speak ... French. / There are ... gentlemen nowadays. / She has ......
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(03):
Jane hasn't got ... time. / Do you know ... words in English? / He didn't eat ... meat. / There isn't ... butter in the fridge. / How ... eggs did...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(04):
There is too ... water in the bath tub. / How ... brothers and sisters has Anne got? / I don't receive ... letters nowadays. / How ... rice do you...
Completa le frasi con MUCH oppure MANY(05):
She has so ... friends! / Too ... cooks spoil the broth. / Hurry up. I don't have so ... time. / We went to a dairy yesterday. I had never seen so...
Leggi il brano su HALLOWEEN e poi indica se le affermazioni alla fine sono TRUE o FALSE.
On October 31, Americans celebrate Halloween. Halloween means "holy" (hallow) "evening" (een). This is the evening before the Christian holy day of...
Collega i termini inerenti ad HALLOWEEN con le definizioni sottostanti(01):
Completa le seguenti frasi su HALLOWEEN utilizzando uno dei tre termini indicati:
1. Orange and black are Halloween colours because orange is associated with the _________ and black is associated with darkness and death.a. oranges ...
Collega i termini inerenti ad HALLOWEEN con le definizioni sottostanti (02):
Osserva l'immagine, leggi le descrizioni e indica a quale strega di HALLOWEEN si riferiscono:
AA. I'm young. I have a big mouth, a big tooth in the front. I have big blue eyes, but my nose is small. I have got short, green hair. I wear a big...
Osserva l'immagine riguardante HALLOWEEN e poi collega ogni numero con il nome del relativo oggetto.
___ A purple witch's hat. / ___ A spider, sitting on a picture. / ___ A green candle. / ___ A fish skeleton on a plate. / ___ A trick or treat bag. /...
Collega i termini inerenti ad HALLOWEEN con le definizioni sottostanti (03):
Leggi il brano su NATALE e poi indica se le affermazioni seguenti sono TRUE oppure FALSE:
CHRISTMAS. Hi! My name is Joana. I’m twelve years old and I live in Washington with my parents. We are very friendly. December is my favourite...
Leggi il brano su NATALE e poi completa le frasi:
CHRISTMAS. Hi! My name is Joana. I’m twelve years old and I live in Washington with my parents. We are very friendly. December is my favourite...
Completa le seguenti frasi di argomento NATALIZIO con il termine corretto scegliendolo fra quelli proposti 01:
1. An imaginary creature that looks like a small person and has magical powers is... / 2. A fat man with a white beard and a red suit who gives toys...
Completa le seguenti frasi di argomento NATALIZIO con il termine corretto scegliendolo fra quelli proposti 02:
10. A building that is used for Christian religious services is called a... / 11. The birth of Jesus is celebrated on... / 12. A turkey is a large...
Osserva l'immagine e indica qual è il nome esatto degli oggetti NATALIZI rappresentati 03:
Leggi il brano su NATALE e poi collega e unisci le frasi:
On Christmas Eve Father Christmas Senior is ready to go round the world on his sleigh. The sleigh is full of parcels for all the children in the...
Osserva l'immagine NATALIZIA e rispondi alle domande:
It is a beautiful, moonlit night. It is Christmas Eve and Santa Claus is visiting the house. He is carrying his sack and he has got lots of presents...
Collega gli AVVERBI con la loro traduzione in italiano e poi utilizzali per completare le seguenti frasi.
1 slowly 2 well 3 quietly 4 badly 5 carefully 6 fast 7 easily 8 hard - a) male b) duramente c) prudentemente d) bene e) silenziosamente f) lentamente...
Riscrivi le frasi inserendo al posto giusto l'AVVERBIO DI FREQUENZA che trovi fra parentesi.
1 She reads a book after dinner. (usually) 2 My mother goes to the supermarket on Saturdays. (never) 3 My parents go to bed before midnight (seldom)...
Riscrivi le frasi alla forma interrogativa usando CAN I. Esempio: You want to stay up late tonight. Can I stay up late tonight?
1 You want to go to the cinema with your friends on Sunday afternoon. 2 You want to ride your bike on the main road. 3 You want to go skateboarding...
Collega ogni domanda fatta con il verbo CAN con la risposta corretta
DOMANDE: 1 Can you close the window, please? 2 Can you help me with my homework? 3 Can I go out tonight, Dad? 4 Excuse me, can you tell me the time,...
Scrivi delle richieste con CAN YOU utilizzando le affermazioni dell'esercizio e i verbi del seguente elenco: wash them • get them • cut it • open it • turn down the volume • change it • take them out • translate this article.
Esempio: This homework is really difficult. Can you help me? 1 The dogs want to go out. 2 There's a person at the door. 3 Excuse me, this knife is...
Completa le frasi utilizzando uno dei verbi all'IMPERATIVO suggeriti ma in forma affermativa o negativa in base al suggerimento tra parentesi: worry • eat • run • do • close • open.
1 ....We aren't late for school.(-) 2 ...The exam isn't very difficult.(-) 3 ...your books at page 25.(+) 4 ...exercises 3, 4 and 5 for homework.(+)...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per ogni frase(02).
1 There are....apples in the kitchen. 2 Have we got....milk in that carton? 3 You haven't got....potatoes on your plate. 4 Are there....tomatoes in...
MUCH, MANY oppure A LOT OF? scegli quello giusto per il seguente brano.
It's dad's birthday on Saturday and there's a special birthday dinner at my house. I've got a recipe for apple pie. It's dad's favourite dessert. So,...
Traduci in inglese le seguenti frasi con il PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
1 Emily sta prendendo it sole. 2 Sta nevicando. 3 Luke sta facendo windsurf. 4 Stanno facendo colazione. 5 Sta piovendo. 6 Stanno dormendo. 7 (Lui)...
Completa le seguenti frasi con i PRONOMI COMPLEMENTO corretti:
1 Do you like tea and coffee? No, I never drink..... 2 Charlie is my best friend. I sit next class. 3 My little sister always takes her...
Scegli il pronome personale corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(06):
1 Layla is my best friend. She sits next to .... in class. 2 Do you often see your grandparents? Yes, I often see .... 3 Have you got my email...
WHEN O WHAT TIME? scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 the concert? It's at half past seven. 2 ....are your guitar lessons? They're on Thursday afternoons. 3 your lunch break? It's at half...
Scrivi delle frasi utilizzando le parole fornite e i verbi CAN COULD (se in parentesi c'è OK) CAN'T COULDN'T (se in parentesi c'è X).
1) Angela / walk/ ten months old.(ok) 2) Mark / swim/ six.(X) 3) Claire/ use a computer/ ten.(X) 4) Daniel / ride a horse/ nine.(ok)5) Sophie /cook/...
Scegli la soluzione corretta nell'uso dei COMPARATIVI:
1 Rome is more HOT / HOTTER than Moscow. 2 Is the Pacific Ocean bigger THAN / AS the Mediterranean Sea? 3 I am a BETTER / MORE good student than my...
Completa le frasi usando i seguenti COMPARATIVI dati: happier • taller • more convenient • bigger • more expensive • colder • wetter quicker • better more complicated.
1 The train is ....than the bus but the bus is slower because there is a lot of traffic. 2 Jack is 1.80 m tall but his sister Suzie..... She's 1.83...
Completa le frasi usando i COMPARATIVI degli aggettivi tra parentesi.
1 The United States is .... than Great Britain. (big) 2 British English is ....than American English in Europe. (popular) 3 Sheila says Americans are...
Leggi il brano e scegli fra MUST e HAVE TO quello corretto.
Hi, I'm Dylan. I'm 16 and I play the guitar in a band. My dad taught me some basic chords on his acoustic guitar when I was 10. When you play a...
Completa le frasi con WOULD YOU LIKE o WOULD YOU LIKE TO.
1 ....a coke? 2 ....sit on the sofa? 3 a DVD? 4 ....a pizza? 5 ....stay for dinner?
Alberto invita gli amici a casa sua per vedere dei film. Scrivi le domande che può rivolgere ai suoi amici, utilizzando le parole fornite e WOULD.
1) You / would like / see / film 2) You / would like / watch / thriller 3) You / would like / popcorn 4) You / would like / drink 5) You / would...
Completa le frasi con WHO oppure WHICH.
1 That's the girl ... is the victim of cyberbullies. 2 What's the name of the gadget ... moves the cursor on a computer screen? 3 My sister has got a...
Completa le seguenti frasi con CAN/CAN'T oppure COULD/COULDN'T.
1 Luke is a good skier; when he was 8. 2 Noemi.....cook, but she wants to learn. 3 We.....take photos inside the museum it was prohibited....
Completa le frasi con in verbo HAVE TO coniugato opportunamente 01.
1 home before 11:00 p.m. on Saturday evenings. 2 Their fridge was empty so they.....go to the supermarket 3 In Italy on the...
Completa le frasi con in verbo HAVE TO coniugato opportunamente 02.
1 My mother.....on Saturdays. 2 British children......a school uniform. 3 Chris.....make his bed every day. 4 exams at the end of the...
Componi delle frasi con il verbo MUST usando le parole suggerite e il contenuto delle parentesi per costruire una frase affermativa(+) o negativa(-).
1 Nathaly/tidy her room/once a week(+). 2 You/ride a bike on a motorway(-). 3 Dogs/wait outside the shop(+). 4 You/take this medicine/twice a day(+)....
Completa le frasi con il verbo MUST e utilizzando le seguenti parole: drive on the / buy a ticket before you / stay at school / ride their bikes on / stop when the traffic lights / run in the classrooms / wear a.
1 People in a car......seatbelt. 2 Children in Britain......until they are 16. 3 You........ or corridors. 4 Cyclist......the pavement. 5 In Britain...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS(04):
1 I.....home when I saw a big dog.(walk) 2 We.....our American accent.(practise) 3 Dave.....a red jumper.(wear) 4 They.....burgers and fries.(eat) 5...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS(05):
1 Michael was walking home from school when he.....his friend.(meet) 2 Simon and games when James arrived.(play) 3 While she.....her...
Abbina l'inizio delle frasi con il PAST CONTINUOUS(numeri 1-6) alla parte finale (lettere a-f).
1 I was eating candies 2 My sister made some cookies 3 I was shopping for some new pants 4 We weren't talking 5 Alex and Tina were doing their...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del PAST SIMPLE dei verbi TO BE e TO HAVE.
Hi Sophie, Last Saturday evening I ..... my birthday party at my house. As you know I ... born on 21 May, but this year the twenty-first of...
Riscrivi le frasi at PAST SIMPLE.
1 Mum doesn't tidy my room. 2 I don't play volleyball. 3 It doesn't work very well. 4 They don't enjoy that film. 5 Michael doesn't take the dog out....
Scegli il verbo corretto per ogni frase.
1 In the fifth century, people in Britain SPEAK/SPOKE a Celtic language. 2 Germanic invaders ARRIVE/ARRIVED in Britain. 3 The Normans BROUGHT/BRING...
Trasforma in forma NEGATIVA le seguenti frasi utilizzando GOING TO e le parole suggerimento.
1 Listen carefully. I/repeat it. 2 It's very windy. They/sit on the beach today 3 Linda is a vegetarian. She/eat that hamburger 4 It's very late....
Completa le frasi con TO BE GOING TO e le seguenti espressioni date (01).
have a great time • miss the plane • rain • pass • win the competition • fall
1 There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. I think...
Completa le frasi con TO BE GOING TO e le seguenti espressioni date (02).
1 It's not...
Scrivi le frasi dal DISCORSO indiretto a quello diretto e viceversa.
1 Jackie says her dog is friendly. 2 I like this car. 3 Our house is here. 4 My parents say my teacher is kind. 5 My sister works in a bookshop. 6...
Riscrivi le frasi al DISCORSO indiretto.
1 "I want to to be the Queen". 2 "I'm in love with Julie". 3 "You are very kind". 4 "They have got a football match today". 5 "We live here". 6 "I...
Completa le frasi con SAID o TOLD(01).
1 My I had to control my anger more. 2 My sister....mum she was sick but it wasn't true! 3 teacher that I couldn't find my...
Completa le seguenti frasi con ALREADY oppure YET.
1 Have you washed the dishes.... 2 She's .... her bed. 3 They haven't arrived.... 4 Have you .... read this book? 5 Has he finished his...
Completa le frasi con EVER oppure NEVER.
1 Have you....had a pet? 2 Kevin has....been rock climbing. 3 Has your sister....baked a cake? 4 We've....watched an online video. 5 Have you....gone...
Completa i seguenti minidialoghi con EVER oppure NEVER.
1 A: Have you....been to Australia? B: No, I haven't. I've....been on holiday outside the UK. 2 A: Have you ....tried hang gliding? B: No,...
Completa le seguenti frasi inserendo al posto dei puntini A FEW oppure A LITTLE(03):
1 I have read....of his books. 2 We have....time left to visit the contemporary section. 3 That tour was....long. It's lunchtime now. 4 My...
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli proposti al CONDITIONAL(01).
1 If we leave now, WE'LL/WE'D catch the 8:25 train. 2 If I HAVE/HAD my own tablet, I wouldn't have to use dad's computer. 3 If you MIX/MIXED blue and...
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli proposti al CONDITIONAL(02).
1 If it WON'T/DOESN'T rain this year, there will be a drought. 2 I'll watch the match on TV if I GET HOME/WILL GET home in time. 3 If all the ice in...
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli proposti al CONDITIONAL(03).
1 When you WILL BE/ARE in New York, you WILL SEE/SEE the Empire State Building. 2 When I WILL BE/AM eighteen, I WILL TAKE/TAKE the driving licence. 3...
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli proposti al CONDITIONAL(04).
1 If we don't protect endangered species, they WILL/WON'T disappear. 2 If people continue to exploit the planet, it WILL/WON'T survive. 3 There...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(07):
1 I have lived in London....two years. 2 Daniela has been at this school....2015. 3 We have been best friends ....we were six. 4 They have played in...
JUST, ALREADY, YET: indica se in queste frasi significano appena, già o ancora.
1 I don't want another coffee, thanks. I've had one. 2 Have you chosen a book yet? 3 I haven't finished this biography yet. 4 We've already read two...
JUST, ALREADY, YET: scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi(01).
1 Has Sam finished the research project....? 2 We've....studied ten pages. Let's take a break. 3 Lucy has....stopped reading to go to the bathroom....
JUST, ALREADY, YET: scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi(02).
1 I haven't had my dinner....I'm starving! 2 My dad has....made pizza. Come in and have a slice. 3 I've....spent all my pocket money for this month...
Verbo MAY MIGHT: scegli l'alternativa corretta.
1 Albert MIGHT/MIGHT NOT come to the concert. He's sick. 2 They MIGHT/MIGHT NOT go to the beach if the weather is good. 3 Heather MAY/MAY NOT invite...
Verbo MAY MIGHT: abbina la prima parte delle frasi(1-6) alla parte finale(a-f).
1 I may book a trip to swim with the dolphins 2 I might travel around 3 She may not meet us at the museum later. 4 They might not win that holiday to...
Completa le frasi con SAID o TOLD(02).
1 My friends....that the match was fantastic. 2 Lola....she hated tidying her room. 3 mother I had a stomach ache. 4 My I had...
Scrivi delle frasi al FUTURO con WHEN in base ai suggerimenti.
Esempio: the film I start/the lights/go off > When the film starts, the lights will go off.
1 whistle/blow/train/leave 2 alarm/ring/dog/bark 3...
Scrivi delle frasi al FUTURO in base ai suggerimenti.
Esempio: we/meet/you/arrive/at the airport > We'll meet you when you arrive at the airport.
1 Mum / be / very tired / she / get home / from work. ...
Completa le frasi riguardanti le regole per andare ad un concerto, usando MUST, MUSTN'T, HAVE TO, DON'T HAVE TO.
1 You.....arrive at the stadium early. The gates close ten minutes before the concert starts. 2 You....print your ticket. An electronic ticket is...
Complete le frasi con MUST oppure HAD TO.
1 I didn't go out last night because I.....wash my hair. 2 I.....visit my grandma this weekend. 3 I.....make a playlist for the journey to France. 4...
Complete le frasi con HAVE, HAS TO oppure HAD TO.
1 Sarah.....practise the piano every day. perform every night last 2 Mike.....week. 3 You.....come and meet the band on Saturday. 4 Jack and his...
WHO oppure WHICH? scegli quello giusto.
1 That is the boy WHO/WHICH loves baseball. 2 This is the book WHO/WHICH I read. 3 There are a group of teachers WHO/WHICH are really good. 4 I love...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando TO BE o TO HAVE alla forma affermativa(+), interrogativa(?) o negativa(-) in base al simbolo indicato tra le parentesi.
1 We....dinner in a sushi restaurant last night.(+) 2 school yesterday.(-) 3 Last year we....a school trip to Vienna.(+) on holiday...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando al PAST SIMPLE i verbi nelle parentesi.
1 Diana....French when France last year.(speak/go) 2 Harry....a fantastic book about inventors.(read) 3 Maisie....her homework after dinner...
Completa le seguenti frasi usando al PAST SIMPLE i verbi write • be • come • do • eat • find • go • have • put • see.
1 Last weekend, my friends and the cinema. We....a really good film about UFOs! 2 Yesterday.....Ali's birthday. He.....a big party with all...
Scegli il verbo corretto al PAST SIMPLE per completare questo brano.
Last Saturday I GO/WENT shopping with my mum. I WANTED/WENT a top to wear with my new blue and white spotted skirt. First we went to In Girl. I...
Scrivi delle domande usando le parole date e dai risposte brevi e personali.
Esempio: you / at home / yesterday morning? Were you at home yesterday morning? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't. 1 you / at school / yesterday? 2 you /...
Scrivi frasi con la forma COMPARATIVA o SUPERLATIVA utilizzando le parole suggerite.
1 New York / busy / London. 2 London / small / New York. 3 New York accent / difficult / to understand. 4 London accent / easy / to understand. 5 New...
Completa le frasi scrivendo nella forma corretta gli aggettivi tra parentesi.
1 Last night I went to bed earlier...than usual (early). 2 I can swim...than my brother (well). 3 George and Dylan both run fast, but Dylan...
Completa le frasi con WHILE oppure WHEN.
1 I was reading a book...I got your message. 2 The police arrived...the boys were writing graffiti on the wall. 3 We were walking in the park...we...
Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese (01).
1 Penso che domani pioverà. 2 Vado a trovare i miei cugini domani. 3 Sono sicura che Ben rispondera al tuo messaggio. 4 Quando hai intenzione di...
Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese (02).
1 L'amore é la cosa più importante del mondo. 2 Mio papà dice sempre che il nonno era un grande atleta. 3 Mia nonna è davvero gentile e allegra....
Completa le frasi con il PAST CONTINUOUS o il PAST SIMPLE dei verbi tra parentesi.
1 When I (finish) my homework, I (meet) my friends. 2 Mum (cut) my (meet) her finger while she (cut) some vegetables. 3 My party (begin) when all my...
Usando le parole date, componi delle frasi usando il PRESENT PERFECT e JUST.
1) I/start a new book/have 2) We/finish/dinner 3) He/speak/to his friend 4) She/get/home from school. 5) Our friends/leave. 6) He/read a fantastic...
Usando le parole date, componi delle frasi usando il PRESENT PERFECT e NEVER.
1 Lisa/do/bungee jumping. 2 I/bake a cake. 3 Jack/make a model. 4 Sam and Tina/go dancing. 5 My grandparents/send a text message. 6 We/play a board...
Leggi le frasi e indica se sono al PAST SIMPLE o al PRESENT PERFECT.
1 I went to America last year. 2 I've been to America twice. 3 I took my grandma some books on Sunday. She's not very well. 4 I have taken my grandma...
Quali di queste espressioni di tempo passato si usano con il PAST SIMPLE e quali con il PRESENT PERFECT?
in August • this week • at 4 o'clock • since this morning • in winter • last night • since January • last month • on Monday • since...
Completa il brano con il PRESENT SIMPLE oppure CONTINUOUS dei verbi tra parentesi (01).
Roberto (attend) a language course in Bath at the moment. His life in Bath is very different. At home he usually (get up) at seven because school...
Completa il brano con il PRESENT SIMPLE oppure CONTINUOUS dei verbi tra parentesi (02).
How are you? I(stay) in London with my family now and every day we(do) something different At the moment we(visit) the Tower of London: it's very old...
Completa il brano con il PRESENT SIMPLE oppure CONTINUOUS dei verbi: drink • go • have • meet • play • spend • wash • wear
1 John isn't here at the moment. He....lunch with Pat. 2 Caroline and Sean always....their holidays in France. 3 Look. Alison....a new pair of...
Completa il dialogo fra due amiche che si incontrano a scuola; usa il PRESENT SIMPLE oppure CONTINUOUS dei verbi tra parentesi.
LETIZIA: Hi Lia! How are you? LIA: I'm great. And you? LETIZIA: Good......(you / study) here? LIA: Yes, I.....(learn) Spanish. What about you?...
Traduci le seguenti frasi con il PRESENT SIMPLE in inglese.
1 Perchè stai facendo i compiti adesso? Perchè voglio finirli prima di cena. 2 Di solito andiamo a trovare i nonni il fine settimana. 3 La mamma è...
Scrivi le frasi alla FORMA PASSIVA.
1 Jack paints beautiful portraits. 2 Mrs Jones cleans this museum. 3 Sam and Luke teach art at the local school. 4 They make bronze sculptures.
Completa i dialoghi con i seguenti verbi: wear • stop • wash • stay • phone • smoke.
1) bed? Yes, you.....You've got a temperature. 2) ......I......Grandma? Yes, you.......She's waiting for your phone call. 3)...
Che professione possono svolgere queste persone? Completa le previsioni con WILL BE + una delle seguenti professioni: a teacher • a mechanic • an interpreter • a writer • a P.E. teacher • a chef
1 Letizia likes reading and writes good essays: she...... 2 Phil is good at sports: he....... 3 John loves cars and motorcycles: he....... 4 Mary is...
Completa le frasi con WILL e il verbo tra parentesi.
1 We (not be) hungry. We've got a lot of sandwiches in our bags. 2 Letizia is ill. I think she (not go) to school. She(stay) in bed all day. 3 My dad...
Completa le frasi con ii FUTURO del verbo tra parentesi poi riscrivile anche nella forma NEGATIVA
1) I(give) money to this Save the Whales campaign. 2) We(meet) our friends tomorrow. 3) They (see) tigers on safari. 4) The airport will (be)...
Scegli l'alternativa corretta per queste forme verbali al FUTURO.
1 Mary is late. I AM GOING TO/I'LL call her. 2 My sister wants to learn French and next year she is GOING TO/WILL stay in Paris for a month. 3 They...
Completa le frasi con TOO oppure ENOUGH
1 These results are not reliable..... 2 This experiment is.....difficult. 3 This hypothesis isn't strong ..... 4 The data is too complex. 5 The...
WHO, WHICH, THAT: scegli il pronome RELATIVO corretto:
1. This is the tablet WHICH/WHO belongs to my sister. 2 Who's the boy WHICH/WHO broke the window, 3 Did you take the keys WHO/THAT were on the table,...
Osserva l'immagine dei lavori domestici e abbina i verbi dell'elenco con i numeri dell'immagine.
vacuum / take out / wash / lay / walk / clear / help / tidy / make
Scrivi il nome di ogni alimento che vedi nell'immagine(05):
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto scolastico(08):
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia e inserisci le parole date negli 8 spazi vuoti.
father - brother - grandfather - cousin - cousin - mother - grandmother - uncle
Scrivi per ogni immagine il nome corretto dell'attività rappresentata(01):
Completa le frasi utilizzando il PAST CONTINUOUS e raccontando cosa stanno facendo durante il pomeriggio le persone raffigurate nelle immagini.
Esempio immagine 0: Mr Smith was cutting the grass. 1) Ben and William.... 2) Jack's grandfather.... 3) Elizabeth.... 4) Sonia and Chris.... 5)...
Osserva le immagini e, usando le parole date, componi delle frasi con il PRONOME RELATIVO.
Esempio immagine 0: bakery / sell great bread = This is the bakery which/that sells great bread. 1) teacher / teaches us science. 2) dog / live next...
Completa le seguenti frasi con WHO oppure WHICH.
1 The car .... hit the tree was travelling very fast. 2 A mouse is a gadget .... moves the cursor on a computer screen. 3 The people .... live in the...
Osserva le immagini e rispondi alle domande. Esempio immagine 0: Did Polly go swimming on Saturday? No, she didn't. She played football.
1) Did Sam walk the dog this morning? 2) Did Samira make her bed before school today? 3) Did Alex make pasta for lunch? 4) Did the students have an...
Completa le frasi con il termine geografico corretto.
1 The .... is the highest point in a mountain. 2 A .... is an area of low, flat land between two hills or mountain ranges. 3 A .... is a large inland...
Leggi le seguenti definizioni geografiche e scegli il termine corretto fra i due proposti.
1 The part of the land that meets the sea or lake. shore/archipelago - 2 A piece of land completely surrounded by water. island/peninsula - 3 The...
Abbina i luoghi geografici alle definizioni corrispondenti.
LUOGHI: 1) castle 2) market 3) art gallery 4) city walls 5) archaeological site 6) museum
DEFINIZIONI: a) This painting is amazing. It's so sa...
Osserva le immagini e correggi le frasi che le descrivono usando il PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
0) He's studying. 1) They're playing beach tennis. 2) She's calling a friend. 3) He's helping his mother. 4) They're watching TV. 5) She's scuba...
Osserva l'immagine e scegli la preposizione di LUOGO corretta per completare le frasi.
1 The cinema is....the butcher's. 2 The clothes shop is....the cinema. 3 The greengrocer's is....the post office and the butcher's. 4 The baker's...
Osserva l'immagine e scrivi il nome esatto del luogo indicato dalle frasi seguenti.
1 It's opposite the bus stop. 2 It's between the chemist's and the clothes shop. 3 From the bus stop walk down the road and it's on the right after...
Osserva l'immagine, leggi il dialogo fra James e Lucy che si incontrano davanti a scuola ed esegui gli esercizi di comprensione al fondo:
JAMES: Have you got PE today? LUCY: No, I haven't. I've got a dance lesson after school. I dance in a group and we always have lessons on Thursdays....
Osserva l'immagine e abbina le seguenti domande alle situazioni raffigurate.
Leggi il seguente brano e indica se le affermazioni al termine sono vere o false.
British festivals celebrate historical events or they come from ancient customs or traditions. Some festivals are popular all over the UK, like...
Leggi il seguente brano sulla stanza di Letizia e indica se le affermazioni al termine sono vere, false o non è possibile rispondere.
Letizia's bedroom is a place where she is relaxed. In her room she has got her own space. Letizia's bedroom is tidy and clean. Her clothes are in...
Leggi il seguente brano sul Festival di Glastonbury e rispondi alle domande al termine.
Glastonbury is one of the largest music and performing arts festivals in the world. The festival takes place every June in a quiet village in...
Leggi il seguente brano sulla Gioconda e completa le frasi utilizzando i termini suggeriti al termine.
The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. Leonardo da Vinci in the early 16th century. In Italian, Monna Lisa...
Leggi il racconto di Amy e indica se le affermazioni al fondo sono vere (T), false (F) o not given (NG).
I did a lot of extreme sports when I was younger. My favourite hobby was bungee jumping. I travelled all over England to find the best places to jump...
Leggi il brano sul British Museum e scgli l'alternativa corretta per le parole in stampatello.
The British Museum is one of London's MOST/MORE visited attractions, and it was the first public museum IN/OF the world. The main gate is in Great...
Leggi il seguente brano sul problema dell'ACQUA ed inserisci in modo corretto nelle parentesi i numeri suggeriti.
Water is essential to life. We should drink at least ( ) litres of water a day. ( ) of the human body is made up of water. Two thirds of our planet...
Leggi il seguente brano sulle specialità gastronomiche inglesi e poi indica ogni immagine a quale piatto si riferisce.
WALES is a land of mountains and rivers. Traditional Welsh food is simple and delicious. Wales is famous for the variety and quality of its cheese...
Leggi il seguente brano sulla diffusione della lingua inglese e poi completa in modo corretto le affermazioni alla fine.
Everywhere around the world people speak or study English. There are 375 milion people who speak English as their first language. There are 400...
Leggi il seguente brano sulla vita di Charles Dickens e poi rispondi alle domande che trovi alla fine.
AN INTRODUCTION TO DICKENS: Dickens' novels describe the society of his time and in particular the enormous dfferences that existed between the lives...
Leggi il seguente brano sulla Unione Europea e poi rispondi alle domande che trovi alla fine.
The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership among European countries, 27 at the moment. It aims to create a fair society and...
Leggi il seguente brano sui nativi americani e poi collega i 4 titoli ai 4 paragrafi presenti in base all'argomento e scrivi che cosa rappresentano le 6 immagini.
ONE: The original inhabitants of America are known as the Native Americans, or American Indians, who lived on the Great Plains of the North American...
Osserva le immagini sui MESTIERI e riscrivi le 5 frasi completandole con l'aiuto del seguente brano:
DIY stands for "Do It Yourself" and is very popular in Great Britain. It refers to a series of activities related to home improvement and maintenance...
Leggi il seguente brano sul ciclo dell'acqua e poi completa le frasi in modo corretto aiutandoti con l'immagine.
Matter can change states by adding or subtracting heat. For example, if you heat ice (solid), it changes to water (liquid). This change is...
Leggi il seguente brano sulla piramide alimentare e poi completa le frasi in modo corretto aiutandoti con l'immagine ed inserendo: BALANCED, EAT, HEALTY, MIXTURE, NUTRIENTS, PHYSICAL.
If you want to stay...... it is important for you to eat well and do........ exercise. "Eat well" means having a......... diet. A diet is the food we...
Osserva l'immagine della piramide alimentare e indica, per ogni tipo di cibo in elenco, a quale FOOD GROUP appartengono, quali NUTRIENTS hanno e la FUNCTION di ognuno.
Esempio: apple and spinach, FOOD GROUP= fruit and vegetables, NUTRIENTS= vitamins, FUNCTION= they are necessary for growt and health. Cibi da...
Leggi il seguente brano sui tipici sport britannici ed indica ogni paragrafo a quale sport si riferisce.
1) It is England's nation sport. It is commonly played on a field on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from April to August. It is a team sport. There...
Completa l'esercizio inserendo i verbi opportuni coniugati al CONDIZIONALE:
1) I ______ even ___ (be) trying to get with her if I _____ (not think) she was right for me. 2) If the exam _______ (not be) so difficult, I ______...
Traduci le seguenti frasi e scegli l'avverbio di frequenza giusto tra always, often, usually, rarely, sometimes, never.
Io dico sempre - Di solito lei va - A volte Io canto - Lei viene spesso - Io non dico mai - Raramente noi parliamo - Io sono sempre - Raramente loro...
Completa le seguenti frasi con SOME oppure ANY:
I would like... Chocolate - I need... Air - Is there... Milk? - Are there... Apples? - Can I have... Tea? - Would you like... Coffee? - Does she...
Traduci le frasi e inserisci MANY, A LOT OF, MUCH:
C'è molto caffè - Ci sono molte persone - Ci sono molti panini - Ci sono molte macchine - C'è molto zucchero - Non ci sono molti panini - Non ci...
Completa le frasi utilizzando i seguenti avverbi(02): when, where, why, how, whatever, whenever, wherever.
I asked my mom where we were going on vacation. She told me we could go _______ I’d like. _____________ we go, I’m not sure what we will do. My...
Completa le frasi utilizzando i seguenti avverbi(03): when, where, why, how, whatever, whenever, wherever.
Johnny wondered how he would survive the first day of school. He was nervous ____ the bus pulled up at his house. He wasn’t sure ______ his...
Completa le frasi utilizzando i seguenti avverbi(01): where, why, or when.
1. Do you know ___ the pencils are in the classroom? 2. _______ are we learning chemistry in the fourth grade? 3. She will go to the store _____...
Completa le frasi utilizzando i seguenti avverbi(02): where, why, or when.
1. __ did you make this delicious cake? 2. My family drinks hot cocoa _______ it snows. 3. I didn’t see _____ my dog went. 4. _______ did your...
Completa le frasi utilizzando i seguenti avverbi(03): where, why, or when.
1. Did you see __ the truck went? 2. ____ is Toby going on vacation? 3. Meredith wonders ______ she will need to get a haircut. 4. He has no idea...
Indica a quale nome della prima frase si riferisce il pronome personale della seconda frase(01):
1. Take off your boots. They are wet. 2. Call Mark after supper. He seemed worried. 3. Adam and Carol were playing with the kittens. Then, Carol...
Indica a quale nome della prima frase si riferisce il pronome personale della seconda frase(02):
1. Taylor is picking up flowers. They smell so good! 2. Andrew just finished his homework. Now he is reading a book. 3. The bus driver stopped to...
Indica a quale nomi della prima frase si riferiscono i pronomi personali della seconda frase:
1. Julie chose a new book from the library. She opened it to look at the pictures. 2. Patrick writes his homework in his notebook. Then, he puts it...
Scegli il pronome RIFLESSIVO corretto e completa le frasi (01):
1. Anthony is old enough to walk home by __________________. 2. The dog dug this hole by __________________. 3. Come on kids, the dishes won’t...
Scegli il pronome RIFLESSIVO corretto e completa le frasi (02):
1. The book is all by ________________ on the shelf. 2. Maddie and Jeremy count the money_________. 3. Franny pours ________________ a glass of...
Scegli il pronome RIFLESSIVO corretto e completa le frasi (03):
1. I folded my clothes all by _____________. 2. We treated _____________ to supper at a restaurant. 3. That cat let _____________ into our...
PHRASAL VERBS, completa le frasi usando i verbi e le preposizioni suggerite:
Quick!.... the bus. It's ready to leave. / I...
Indica il nome nella prima frase a cui si riferisce il pronome in STAMPATELLO presente nella seconda frase(02):
1. Martin, this is your mess. Clean it YOURSELF! 2. I need a new pair of shoes. MINE are too small. 3. Paula made a card for her father. She...
Indica il nome nella prima frase a cui si riferisce il pronome in STAMPATELLO presente nella seconda frase(03):
1. Grandma picked carrots from her garden. She grows them HERSELF. 2. Look at the colorful leaves. THOSE are beautiful! 3. Is something wrong with...
Indica il nome nella prima frase a cui si riferisce il pronome in STAMPATELLO presente nella seconda frase(04):
1. Joe finished his test. He did it all by HIMSELF. 2. Listen to Erin play the piano. She learned it by HERSELF. 3. The girls are playing their new...
Riscrivi le frasi utilizzando il genitivo sassone:
1. The pants belong to Jonathan. 2. The piano belongs to the Smiths. 3. The dress belongs to the doll. 4. The tail belongs to the cat. 5. The...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al FUTURE PERFECT:
1. Haley will visit her grandpa. / 2. John will go to school on Friday. / 3. My brother will eat tacos for dinner. / 4. Our team will win the game...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al FUTURE PERFECT(02):
1. Harry (study) for 12 years when he graduates. / 2. Our team (finish) our season by September. / 3. Her sister (do) research before writing her...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi due volte: prima cambiando il verbo al FUTURO e poi anche al FUTURE PROGRESSIVE(01):
1. The coaches (want) to win the game. / 2. Nick and Ed (go) to work in the same car. / 3. At the school, the students (run) around during recess....
CAN oppure COULD? scegli la forma corretta e completa le seguenti frasi:
1. She __ do a cartwheel. / 2. __ you clean the kitchen for me please? / 3.__ I spend the night at Oscar’s house on Friday? / 4. For lunch, we __...
MAY, MIGHT oppure MUST? scegli la forma corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(01):
1. My mom said I __ do my homework before I play with my friends. / 2. There’s a 90% chance my grandparents __ visit us for Christmas. / 3. The...
MAY, MIGHT oppure MUST? scegli la forma corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(02):
1. Our teacher says we __ study for the test if we want to do well. / 2. There’s a good chance my mom __ make us pancakes for breakfast tomorrow. /...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al PAST PERFECT TENSE(01):
1. Jeff drove to the park. / 2. The writer wrote a lot of novels. / 3. Jennifer loved to go to school. / 4. The teacher taught the students about...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al PAST PERFECT TENSE(02):
1. I saw the movie. / 2. Martha ate her dinner. / 3. The computer worked well. / 4. The driver went to the garage. / 5. My parents said they were...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi cambiando il verbo al PAST PERFECT TENSE(03):
1. Jaden lost the basketball game. / 2. The store closed. / 3. I walked my dog. / 4. We saw the best movie ever. / 5. The necklace broke. / 6. The...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST PERFECT:
1. My family had finished (finish)their salad when the steaks arrived. / 2. We (practice) math before I started school. / 3. The cat (go) into my...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS:
1. We had been eating (ate) all the pizza that was on the table. / 2. My dog (ran) around the pool before jumping in. / 3. The singer (sang) all of...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi due volte: prima cambiando il verbo al PASSATO e poi anche al PAST CONTINUOUS(01):
1. My cousins (enjoy) the new film. / 2. Mary (play) softball and soccer. / 3. In Florida, the senator (want) to pass the new law. / 4. Riley and...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi due volte: prima cambiando il verbo al PASSATO e poi anche al PAST CONTINUOUS(02):
1. My grandpa (eat) chicken with my grandma. / 2. Ian (work) at the carnival. / 3. At the office, the workers (type) long letters. / 4. Lance and...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi due volte: prima cambiando il verbo al PASSATO e poi anche al PAST CONTINUOUS(03):
1. The boss (want) to make a lot of money. / 2. Jim and Steve (go) to Canada to visit family. / 3. At the supermarket, the customers (buy) food...
Usa una delle congiunzioni FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO per unire ogni coppia di frasi attualmente separate da un punto(01):
1. People love to cook. They don’t like to do the dishes after. / 2. My mom loves flowers. We are going to get her some for her birthday. / 3. My...
Usa una delle congiunzioni FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO per unire ogni coppia di frasi attualmente separate da un punto(02):
1. I have to stay here. I really don’t want to. / 2. We bought the bread. We forgot to buy any drinks for the picnic. / 3. Pam is always laughing....
Usa una delle congiunzioni FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO per unire ogni coppia di frasi attualmente separate da un punto(03):
1. We are going to the store now. You won’t have to go later. / 2. I thought I had won the race. I really came in second place. / 3. My family is...
In ogni frase vi è una PREPOSIZIONE errata, cambiala scrivendo quella giusta in base al significato della frase(01):
1. My brother loves to talk into baseball. / 2. The sound is coming without the woods. / 3. The bird sits into the branch. / 4. This show airs of the...
In ogni frase vi è una PREPOSIZIONE errata, cambiala scrivendo quella giusta in base al significato della frase(02):
1. I cannot do my homework after my textbook. / 2. My mom wants to go at the restaurant to eat. / 3. Our family has to walk through the stairs every...
In ogni frase vi è una PREPOSIZIONE errata, cambiala scrivendo quella giusta in base al significato della frase(03):
1. My mom and I walked after the pond. / 2. The coach yelled across his team. / 3. We spoke into my favorite book. / 4. The dog ran during the park....
Completa il seguente brano inserendo le PREPOSIZIONI corrette al posto dei trattini(01):
For my birthday, I decided to throw a huge party _________ my favorite restaurant. _________ the party, I told everyone to meet _________ my house....
Completa il seguente brano inserendo le PREPOSIZIONI corrette al posto dei trattini(02):
One day, we decided to go to the park _________ my dog. We never go _________ the park _________ my dog. He would be upset if we left him _________...
Completa il seguente brano inserendo le PREPOSIZIONI corrette al posto dei trattini(03):
One day, when I was at school, I started to get a headache. I wanted to put my head _________ my desk and close my eyes. I asked my teacher if I...
In ogni frase c'è un PRONOME ma è sbagliato! trovalo sostituiscilo con quello corretto (01):
1. I haven’t been able to find his shoes. / 2. When my grandpa visits, she likes to go to the museum. / 3. The mayor and their wife live in a big...
In ogni frase c'è un PRONOME ma è sbagliato! trovalo sostituiscilo con quello corretto (02):
1. If we eat too much, we will ruin their dinner. / 2. Suzy is spending a lot of time on its homework. / 3. Mr. Jones called and she asked me if I...
In ogni frase c'è un PRONOME ma è sbagliato! trovalo sostituiscilo con quello corretto (03):
1. When my grandma visits, he always stays in the basement. / 2. If my Uncle Sam calls, tell them I am not here. / 3. I saw the little girl who...
Inserisci il corretto PRONOME RELATIVO nelle seguenti frasi:
1. __ lives in this house needs to mow the grass. / 2. I don’t know __ restaurant is the most delicious. / 3. The teacher __ teaches science loves...
Inserisci il corretto PRONOME INDEFINITO nelle seguenti frasi:
1. __ likes being sick. / 2. __ of my family members live in California. / 3. She saw __ who looked just liked her mom. / 4. I was wondering if you...
Completa le frasi scegliendo il verbo alla forma giusta fra quelle proposte per ogni frase (01):
1. This sweatshirt __ by so many people in my family. / a. worn b. is being worn c. has been worn / 2. My mom __ three different countries before she...
Completa le frasi scegliendo il verbo alla forma giusta fra quelle proposte per ogni frase (02):
1. We __ the answers to the test, but we had forgotten them. / a. have known b. are knowing c. had known / 2. The family __ in the same neighborhood...
Leggi la storia e completa il brano coniugando i verbi proprosti fra parentesi al tempo corretto(01):
It was a beautiful day in Paris. Ian and Kelly had been walking all day, and now they were (to be) both very tired. They __________ (decide) to stop...
Leggi la storia e completa il brano coniugando i verbi proprosti fra parentesi al tempo corretto(02):
Alison had always wanted to play basketball on the high school team ever since she was (to be) a little girl. She __________ (practice) for years to...
Leggi la storia e completa il brano coniugando i verbi proprosti fra parentesi al tempo corretto(03):
My family and I decided to go to the new amusement park for my birthday. I had been planning our day for months, and now it was (to be) time to go. I...
Scrivi delle frasi corrette riordinando le parole date.
1 done ex-prisoner filled for has is remorse she The what with -- 2 feel free if need phone Please the to to use you -- 3 any completely devoid...
Costruisci delle domande cambiando il verbo infinito in present simple e riordinando le parole.
1 Days/a/to/gym/the/how/to go/how/you/many/in? -- 2 You/tv/how/to watch/often? -- 3 Me/to remember/ they? -- 4 The/bathroom/Billy/to wash/usually? --...
Scrivi delle frasi riordinando queste parole. Utilizza la posizione corretta dell'avverbio negativo di frequenza
1 Ever / hardly/ he / a suit/ did/ wear. -- 2 Aback / never / have / so / I / taken / been. -- 3 Is / seldom / pop / that / news / out / group / of /...
Preposizione e avverbi di moto, traduci le frasi in modo appropriato:
1 Andrew sta andando in camera sua perché vuole dormire. -- 2 Quando non ho fretta vado a scuola a piedi e cammino fino in via Trento, prendo...
Il simple present di to have, traduci le seguenti frasi(02):
1 Faccio la doccia ogni mattina -- 2 Non pranzo alle 12. Di solito pranzo con i miei amici verso le 14 . -- 3 Fa colazione da sola? posso bere un...
Past simple o past continuos? Scrivi i verbi nella forma corretta in base al contesto della frase:
1 Yesterday I (make) a cake. -- 2 She (play) in the garden when suddenly it started raining. -- 3 Mark and Keith (study) at 4 o’ clock. -- 4 He ...
I verbi Modali: completa le frasi seguenti usando MUST O MUST HAVE e modifica il verbo tra parentesi.
1 When I got home the bottle in the fridge was empty. Somebody (drink) .... all the beer. -- 2 Bob didn’t find his car when he returned to the car...
I verbi Modali: completa le frasi seguenti usando SHOULD/SHOULDN'T - SHOULD HAVE/ SHOULDN'T HAVE/ MUSTN'T O DON'T HAVE TO.
1 If you’re ill, you .... go out. -- 2 You .... worry about Joan. She’ll come back safely as usual. -- 3 David, you .... play near the river. It...
I verbi Modali: completa le frasi seguenti usando MAY/MIGHT, MAY HAVE/MIGHT HAVE.
1 Don’t park here. That policewoman .... give you a fine -- 2 I .... not be here when he comes, please tell him to wait -- 3 Sheila didn’t come...
I verbi Modali: completa le frasi con un verbo appropriato.
1 I’m hungry. You should ... something. -- 2 I have a cold. You should ... an aspirin. -- 3 It’s raining. You shouldn’t ... out with your...
Completa le frasi utilizzando le parole date, il verbo modale CAN, e l'aggiunta di tutti gli elementi necessari.
1 He .... not play volleytball since she broke her arm. -- 2 Kate / swim / but / skate / well. + … but she .... to play in a few weeks time. -- 4...
Le frasi sottostanti descrivono la situazione in cui ti trovi. Scrivi una domanda usando un verbo MODALE che rappresenti la tua richiesta (descritta in ogni frase):
1 You are at a friend’s flat. You want to make a phone call. . -- 2 You need a rubber. The child sitting next to you has got one. -- 3 You are in...
Completa le frasi con CAN, CAN'T, COULD, COULDN'T:
1 When Bob was 10, he was a fast runner. He .... run 100 metres in 11 seconds. -- 2 afraid I .... come to your birthday party next Sunday. -- 3 I'm...
Riempi gli spazi con CAN/COULD/MAY/MIGHT nella forma negativa e positiva.
1 Mark the guitar very well. -- 2 If you wish, we ... go sightseeing. -- 3 I ... tell you that thing because your cell phone was unreachable...
Completa le frasi con MUST o MUSTN'T.
1 You ... brush your teeth before going to bed. -- 2 You ... let your dog out every day. -- 3 You ... play football at home. -- 4 You ... be rude to...
Completa le frasi con TO BE GOING TO.
1 This is a boring film. I .... watch it again. -- 2 That skirt is too expensive. She .... buy it. -- 3 Look at Luke! He .... fall off the roof. -- 4...
Completa le frasi con TO BE GOING TO dei verbi seguenti.
1 We’re late. We .... (miss) the bus again. -- 2 Litz .... (not/become) a teacher, he wants to be a doctor. -- 3 I .... (not-study) German next...
Riempi gli spazi con i verbi dati utilizzando il FUTURE SIMPLE(03):
1 Don’t ring me up after dinner. I (not/be) .. at school until 8 o’clock. -- 2 I don’t think she .. (buy) that house. It’s too expensive. --...
Futuro o futuro semplice progressivo? scegli la soluzione corretta(01):
1 Why are you going to take/will you take a week off? -- 2 You know, the circus will come/is coming to town! -- 3 According to the website, the train...
Futuro o futuro semplice progressivo? scegli la soluzione corretta(02):
1 Our son (be) 18 next week. -- 2 What (you buy) with money you won? -- 3 I’m sure my mother (like) this present. -- 4 The train (arrive) at 5 o’...
Completa le frasi usando il correttamente FUTURO.
1 We (meet) Karen at the coach station next Saturday [Azione concordata] -- 2 Next Sunday it (be) snow in Ireland [Previsione] -- 3 I (study) more...
Riscrivi il seguente dialogo coniugando i verbi tra parentesi e usando correttamente il FUTURO(01):
1 What (you/do) tonight? -- 2 (I/meet) John at nine. -- 3 Why don’t you go to the park? You must be joking! The sky is so cloudy that...
Riscrivi il seguente dialogo coniugando i verbi tra parentesi e usando correttamente il FUTURO(02):
1 (we/move) into our new flat next August. -- 2 Oh, are you? (you/invite) me to dinner when you settle down? -- 3 Next month your daughter (be)...
Riscrivi il seguente dialogo coniugando i verbi tra parentesi e usando correttamente il FUTURO(03):
1 Rob: And who (invite)? -- 2 Phil: Let’s invite John, Sheila, Joan and their new friends Paul and Susy. But what kind of food (buy)? -- 3 Rob:...
L'uso del futuro: traduci le seguenti frasi.
1 Chiedi se Bob andrà in Cina l’anno prossimo. -- 2 Dimmi che hai intenzione di comprare uno scooter. -- 3 Chiedi a Bob come festeggerà il suo...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH, WHOSE. Scrivi una X se non c'è bisogno di scrivere niente. In alcune frasi c'è più di una soluzione possibile.
1 This is the student ... didn’t pass the exam. -- 2 There is nobody ... cares about me. -- 3 I haven’t seen Linda, ... sister is ten years old,...
Unisci le frasi l'una con l'altra usando un pronome relativo.
1 The boy is here. The boy likes wrestling matches. -- 2 Don’t eat the apple. The apple is poisonous. -- 3 I’m challenging the boy to a bowling...
Completa le frasi con WHO, WHICH, THAT, WHERE, WHOSE, WHOM.
1 Look at the children ... are playing in the garden. -- 2 The teacher, ... all children are afraid of, is very nice. -- 3 That lady, ... pet is...
Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(01):
1 If I (study), -- 2 I (pass) the exam. -- 3 If you (wait) a minute, -- 4 I (ask) my parents. -- 5 If she …(win) the lottery, -- 6 then she...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande(01):
1 free do in time do you your what -- 2 where you do live -- 3 do you how do -- 4 how you there get do -- 5 do what you living for do a -- 6 you what...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande(02):
1 you do to have ask -- 2 want lunch when to do you have -- 3 do you stamps have any -- 4 do have you brothers any and sisters -- 5 do work you where...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande(03):
1 where come do you from -- 2 English do think boring you is -- 3 one best do which like you -- 4 what want do they know to -- 5 you do OK feel -- 6...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande(04):
1 where you have been -- 2 what been have doing you -- 3 have you why come class this to -- 4 when to got have arrive I -- 5 money have you any got...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande(05):
1 you here have before been -- 2 which you films seen have -- 3 any oranges got have you -- 4 have had you your tea -- 5 finished have you magazine...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni frase per formulare delle domande(06):
1 when you got to have go -- 2 he why hasn’t painting finished bathroom the -- 3 finished have your meal you -- 4 heard you the new CD Bon Jovi...
Completare le frasi utilizzando il numero ordinale corretto:
1. A is the ____ letter of the alphabet. -- 2. P is the ____ letter of the alphabet. -- 3. E is the ____ letter of the alphabet. -- 4. X is the ____...
Aggiungi i punti mancanti per completare correttamente questo testo(01):
My name is Tim I live in Nottingham, which is a city in the UK I live in a small detached house with my wife Jenny, and our two children, Lisa and...
Completa le frasi qui sotto usando uno dei verbi dati al passato(01):
1. I missed the bus so I ___ home. -- 2. I ___ some cereal and toast for my...
Completa le frasi qui sotto usando uno dei verbi dati al passato(02):
1. I ___ a really nice meal for my mum’s birthday. -- 2. My brother ___ to come...
Completa il brano seguente sulla vita di James Cook (ma suddiviso in frasi numerate) inserendo al posto giusto i verbi assegnati:
Writing Comparisons: scrivi una frase facendo dei confronti in base alle richieste delle frasi(01):
1. Compare two people in your class: -- 2. Compare two films that you have seen: -- 3. Compare two Asian countries: -- 4. Compare two types of...
Writing Comparisons: scrivi una frase facendo dei confronti in base alle richieste delle frasi(02):
1. Compare two teachers that you have had: -- 2. Compare two television programmes: -- 3. Compare two members of your family: -- 4. Compare two...
Good Advice: abbina le domande (identificate dai numeri) ai consigli (identificati dalle lettere)(01):
DOMANDE: 1. Are you hungry? 2. Are you unhappy? 3. Are you bored? 4. Are you tired? 5. Are you in a hurry? 6. Are you feeling ill? 7. Are...
Good Advice: abbina le domande (identificate dai numeri) ai consigli (identificati dalle lettere)(02):
DOMANDE: 1. Do you like meeting people? 2. Do you like cars? 3. Are you very shy? 4. Are you looking for romance? 5. Are you lucky in love? 6. Do you...
Good Advice: abbina le domande (identificate dai numeri) ai consigli (identificati dalle lettere)(03):
DOMANDE: 1. Do you like looking good? 2. Do you like jam? 3. Are you dirty? 4. Have you got long hair? 5. Do you always wake up late? 6. Do you hate...
Riordina le parole in ogni frase e scrivi una domanda al present continuous.
1. going tomorrow are to you the night concert -- 2. cup using which you are -- 3. he is his when meeting friend -- 4. for staying how you are long...
Riordina le parole in ogni frase e scrivi una domanda al past simple.
1. company you which did recommend taxi -- 2. last watch did film you night that -- 3. did you learning when English start -- 4. results your about...
Riordina le parole in ogni frase e scrivi una domanda al present perfect.
1. Have you finished cutting the grass? 2. Where has my friend gone? 3. Have you arranged when to meet Steve? 4. Who’s got the most conkers? 5. How...
Abbina le domande e le risposte:
DOMANDE: 1. Do these films have subtitles?. 2. Does it often rain here? 3. Did you win the competition? 4. Have they got back from the dentist’s?...
Scrivi una risposta breve positiva e una breve negativa a ogni domanda(01):
1. Did you watch the film last night? +____ -____ -- 2. Do whales have lungs? +____ -____ -- 3. Have they gone? +____ -____ -- 4. Can I have a lift...
Scrivi una risposta breve positiva e una breve negativa a ogni domanda(02):
11.Will you wait for me? +____ -____ -- 12. Is it cold outside? +____ -____ -- 13.Would it be better to get a loan? +____ -____ -- 14. Are we going...
Completa ogni frase con WHAT WHERE WHEN WHO WHY(01):
1. ____ are you doing here? -- 2. ____ lives next door to you? -- 3. ____ will my pizza get here? -- 4. ____ is my newspaper? -- 5. ____ didn’t you...
Completa ogni frase con WHAT WHERE WHEN WHO WHY(02):
1. ____ are we going to the park? -- 2. ____ time did they get home? -- 3. ____ is the nearest post office? -- 4. ____ is fourteen minus eight? -- 5....
Riorganizza le parole in ogni riga per creare una frase con ordine Subject Verb Object Place Time(02):
1. raised in class Lenny on Monday his hand -- 2. in the living room my book I every day read -- 3. now ’m watching on my computer I a good film --...
Riorganizza le parole in ogni riga per creare una frase con ordine Subject Verb Object Place Time(01):
1. to Florida we our flights have booked this morning -- 2. two coffees every day at 8.30am he at his desk has -- 3. to the station took on Saturday...
Scrivi le frasi e aggiungi lettere maiuscole, punti fermi e punti interrogativi, ove necessario(02):
1. we always go to preston market on mondays, because it’s closed on tuesdays -- 2. are dr pepper and coca-cola made by the same us drinks company...
Scrivi le frasi e aggiungi lettere maiuscole, punti fermi e punti interrogativi, ove necessario(01):
1. i went to the dentist on 4th june i met mr brown in the waiting room -- 2. our book group meets at the corner coffee shop every monday -- 3....
Aggiungi i punti fermi ove necessario nel seguente brano(01):
My name is Daniel I went to Glasgow University between 1992 and 1995, where I studied British History I lived in a basement flat in Cherry Tree Road...
Aggiungi i punti fermi ove necessario nel seguente brano(02):
Hi, I’m Anthony, Daniel’s son I’m studying Modern Languages at Exeter University I’m in the second year of my course and finding it hard...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche con le sterline, scrivendo il risultato in inglese usando solo le lettere(03):
1. £1.40 + £2 = -- 2. £3.99 - 50p = -- 3. £350 x 4 = -- 4. £2.20 ÷ 5 = -- 5. 17p + 83p = -- 6. £150 - 50% = -- 7. ...
Risolvi le seguenti operazioni matematiche con le sterline, scrivendo il risultato in inglese usando solo le lettere(04):
1. £29.50 + 46p = -- 2. 80p - 20% = -- 3. 4p x 80 = -- 4. £45.80 ÷ 4 = -- 5. £1 + £2 = -- 6. £17 - £2 = -- 7. £6,999 x 50...
Scrivi nelle categorie corrette le seguenti parole:
nouns: -- main verbs: --...
Scrivi per ogni aggettivo dato, il suo comparativo e superlativo(01):
angry -- bad -- beautiful -- big -- bitter -- clean -- clever -- common -- complete -- dangerous -- early -- easy -- excellent -- exciting -- famous...
Scrivi per ogni aggettivo dato, il suo comparativo e superlativo(02):
happy -- honest -- hot -- long -- modern -- nice -- patient -- peaceful -- perfect -- rich -- rough -- slim -- strange -- strict -- sure --...
Scrivi un aggettivo -ING o un aggettivo -ED in ogni frase(01):
1. Paula had a _____ swim after work. (RELAX) -- 2. My parents were _____ when I offered to wash the car. (SURPRISE) -- 3. The video game was really...
Scrivi un aggettivo -ING o un aggettivo -ED in ogni frase(02):
1. My English lessons are rarely _____. (BORE) -- 2. Our teacher was not _____ when Darren played a practical joke on him. (AMUSE) -- 3. My uncle was...
L'ordine degli AGGETTIVI è sbagliato in ogni frase, riscrivile in ordine(01):
1. We enjoyed a train long lovely journey. -- 2. There was a cooking aluminium huge pot. -- 3. Paul lost a round leather small black wallet. -- 4....
L'ordine degli AGGETTIVI è sbagliato in ogni frase, riscrivile in ordine(02):
11. We had a tuna large gorgeous pizza. -- 12. Ian wears work white baggy old cotton shirts. -- 13. Do you want a pink new-born tiny puppy? -- 14....
Correggi l'errore in ogni domanda e scrivi i sostantivi plurali irregolari correttamente(01):
1. Which Mediterranean beachs are the cleanest? -- 2. Do you like tomatos? -- 3. How much do child’s shoes cost? -- 4. How many lifes does a cat...
Correggi l'errore in ogni domanda e scrivi i sostantivi plurali irregolari correttamente(02):
11. How many churchs are there in your town? -- 12. What do most mans think about all day? -- 13. How many wifes did King Henry VIII have? -- 14....
Scrivi A, SOME o ANY nel primo spazio, poi scrivi un LUOGO a tua scelta nel secondo spazio in cui si potrebbe trovare l'oggetto di cui si parla nella prima parte della frase(01):
1. Did you buy __ newspaper at the ___? -- 2. There is __ tea in the ___. -- 3. We posted __ letter at the ___. -- 4. I put __ Coca-Cola in my ___....
Scrivi A, SOME o ANY nel primo spazio, poi scrivi un LUOGO a tua scelta nel secondo spazio in cui si potrebbe trovare l'oggetto di cui si parla nella prima parte della frase(02):
11. I asked Clara for __ advice at the ___. -- 12. There is __ fly on the ___. -- 13. There is __ meat in the ___. -- 14. I saw __ elephant at the...
Scrivi A, SOME o ANY nel primo spazio, poi scrivi un LUOGO a tua scelta nel secondo spazio in cui si potrebbe trovare l'oggetto di cui si parla nella prima parte della frase(03):
1. I put __ paper in the ___. -- 2. Please put __ salad on your ___. -- 3. I put __ knife and fork on the ___. -- 4. Did we have __ homework in Mr....
Scrivi A, SOME o ANY nel primo spazio, poi scrivi un LUOGO a tua scelta nel secondo spazio in cui si potrebbe trovare l'oggetto di cui si parla nella prima parte della frase(04):
11. __ good weather was forecast on the ___. -- 12. There was __ cup in the ___. -- 13. There was __ snow on the ___. -- 14. Dan found __ pound coin...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi I, ME, MY, MINE, MYSELF:
1. My colleague forgot to leave the documents for __. -- 2. Tommy told me to book the plane tickets __. -- 3. Can you tell __ what happened, please?...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi YOU (SP), YOU (OP), YOUR, YOURS, YOURSELF:
1. Is that red car ____? -- 2. I’m pleased for ____. -- 3. Take good care of ____. -- 4. I put ____ sandwiches in my bag. -- 5. Your teacher was...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi HE, HIM, HIS (PA), HIS (PP), OR HIMSELF:
1. ____ has just told me what you said. -- 2. I don’t trust ____. -- 3. ____ loves Mozart. -- 4. The zookeeper took ____ uniform out of the locker....
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi SHE, HER (OP), HER (PA), HERS, OR HERSELF:
1. ____ likes reading and rock climbing, but not at the same time! -- 2. The problem was with Laura ____, not anybody else. -- 3. She won’t say why...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi WE, US, OUR, OURS, OURSELVES:
1. That’s ____ in the photo – behind the gate. -- 2. The science experiment that went wrong had to be ____, didn’t it? -- 3. ____ ’ve been...
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi THEY, THEM, THEIR, THEIRS, THEMSELVES:
1. ____ will discuss the problem with you tomorrow. -- 2. I didn’t hire these DVDs – the twins borrowed them ____. -- 3. Please pop ____ in the...
Completa le frasi qui sotto con uno di questi verbi nella forma più adatta(01):
Completa le frasi qui sotto con uno di questi verbi nella forma più adatta(02):
Completa le frasi qui sotto con uno di questi verbi nella forma più adatta(03):
Completa le frasi qui sotto con uno di questi verbi nella forma più adatta(04):
Completa le frasi qui sotto con una delle tre opzioni proposte(01):
We live in a pleasant... a) houses. b) book. c) town. d) restaurant. -- 2. It’s half past... a) second. b) twenty. c) five. d) half. -- 3. The...
Completa le frasi qui sotto con una delle tre opzioni proposte(02):
1. Did you have to bring... a) butter? b) Joan’s. c) Joe’s brother? d) a pilot? -- 2. Have you seen my... a) patience? b) phone? c) phone call?...
Completa le frasi qui sotto con una delle tre opzioni proposte(03):
1. This question is... a) easiest. b) try. c) unusual. d) easy. -- 2. The paper is published... a) yesterday. b) every day. c) usually. d) on time....
Completa le frasi qui sotto con una delle tre opzioni proposte(04):
1. My favourite books are by... a) they. b) Dostoyevsky. c) Rob. d) Dostoyevsky’s nan. -- 2. Can you change the... a) stars? b) light? c) cupboard?...
Completa il seguente brano nel modo corretto, utilizzando le parole proposte(01):
PAROLE DA USARE: opinion, shin, rust, accomplish, respond, introduce, demonstrate, silent, stroll, assist
Some of my friends and I decided to...
Completa il seguente brano nel modo corretto, utilizzando le parole proposte(02):
PAROLE DA USARE: malfunction, embarrass, plastic, headache, agriculture, error, fertilizer, ruined, exhaust, drench
We took a field trip to a farm...
Completa il seguente brano nel modo corretto, utilizzando le parole proposte(03):
PAROLE DA USARE: catalog, silverware, decorations, enjoyable, application, purchase, total, contribute, composition, knowledge
My sister loves to...
Completa il seguente brano nel modo corretto, utilizzando le parole proposte(04):
PAROLE DA USARE: foundation, structure, cavern, boulder, horizon, meadow, gravel, ashore, pebble, particle
We were following a ______ pathway, and...
Completa il seguente brano nel modo corretto, utilizzando le parole proposte(05):
PAROLE DA USARE: coarse, smoothness, severe, accelerate, bumpy, firm, jagged, rate, gorgeous, spiral
The spaceship began to ______. “Hold on,...
Leggi questo breve paragrafo su Charlie. Poi completa le domande e le risposte di seguito. Ricorda, questo è il PRESENT SIMPLE. Potrebbero essere necessarie fino a 3 parole per riempire alcuni spazi!
Every day for Charlie Parker is wonderful. He is a very happy :-) man. He lives in a big house in Scotland and works for the post office. He gets up...
Mary è un'insegnante che vive a Melbourne, in Australia. Ha 32 anni, ha i capelli biondi e un fratello di nome David. David ha 34 anni ed è anche insegnante. David vive in Scozia in un piccolo appartamento. Il suo compleanno è ad agosto. È sposato con Jane, 31 anni e attrice. Hanno un'auto BMW rossa. Usa le seguenti informazioni per scegliere le domande corrette sul fratello di Mary fra le tre proposte.
1. David. - What is she brother's name? - What is the brother's name? - What is her brother's name? // 2. 34. - How old is David? - How many years...
Usa i verbi qui sotto, opportunamente coniugati, per riempire gli spazi nella lettera che Sara scrive a Jackie.
Hi Jackie, How are you? I'm very well. I (1.) tell you something...
Leggi ogni frase e scegli CAN oppure CAN'T per completare ogni frase(01):
1. The baby is ill, so we ____ come to the dinner tomorrow night. Sorry. // 2. I ____ speak French, but I know how to ask for someone's name and age....
Leggi ogni frase e scegli CAN oppure CAN'T per completare ogni frase(02):
1 You're very lucky if you the piano. // 2 My brother ...speak any foreign language, but he wants to learn Swedish. // 3 swim well or...
Guarda queste frasi dove c'è TO CAN. Quali sono corrette?
1. This window is very dirty. I can't see through it! // 2. Martha can speaks English very well. She's a good student. // 3. Can you to open this...
Guarda queste richieste di autorizzazione. Riempi ogni spazio con CAN YOU oppure CAN I:
1. ________ borrow $20 from you until the weekend? // 2. ________ give me John's number? I don't have it. // 3. ________ look at my notes for another...
Metti le seguenti parole nell'ordine corretto per creare frasi corrette che usano TO CAN. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. very / play / well / brother / violin / the / can / . / my --- 2. busy / I'm / very / can't / I / because / tomorrow / see / . / you --- 3. help /...
Abbina la parola maiuscola con il motivo per cui è giusto che sia maiuscola.
ELENCO PAROLE: 1. July // 2. Helsinki // 3. Spanish // 4. Paraguay // 5. Kevin Jones // 6. Lake Superior // 7. Microsoft // 8. King Henry...
Leggi queste frasi e guarda come vengono utilizzati i verbi. Sono corretti o sbagliati? (in quelli sbagliati indica gli errori)
1. I came to see if you are tired. // 2. She wants you to go and pay for it. // 3. I hope seeing you next time you visit. // 4. It stopped to rain an...
Riempi gli spazi in ogni frase con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi.
1 If you don't enjoy (study), why are you doing it? // 2 I'm learning (cook) Japanese, but it's very difficult // 3 We can't leave until Jeremy...
Abbina le frasi in modo da costruire frasi con senso logico:
PRIME PARTI: 1. I like walking on the beach... // 2. We enjoy making bread... // 3. We need to borrow some money... // 4. I'm keen to see... // 5....
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. both / at / we / . / galleries / art / to / enjoy / see / going / exhibitions --- 2. unless / . / like / really / necessary / don't / going / to /...
Usa le parole tra parentesi per aiutarti a scrivere l'avverbio o l'aggettivo negli spazi vuoti.
1. She (quick) reads the book. --- 2. Jennifer is a very (pretty) girl. --- 3 The class is (terrible) loud today. --- 4. Maxine is a .(good) singer....
Inserisci questi AGGETTIVI nelle frasi e trasformali in avverbi. Fai attenzione ad alcuni aggettivi e avverbi irregolari!
1. It was 2am when I got home so I opened the door as possible. --- 2. He walked...
Queste frasi sono corrette o no? Guarda come vengono usati gli AGGETTIVI e scegli.
1. We have six yellows apples and a big banana. --- 2. There is a large stone bridge in the town. --- 3. My uncle's name is Peter. He is a fat. ---...
Scegli la corretta QUESTION WORD per completare ogni frase(01):
1. you live? In London. --- 2. ....does Dick play football? Twice a week. --- 3. your house from school? Two kilometres. --- 4.
Scegli la corretta QUESTION WORD per completare ogni frase(02):
1. the bus stop? --- 2. ....don't you like Peter? --- 3. you go to school? By bus? --- 4. that tall woman over there? --- 5....
Scegli la corretta QUESTION WORD per completare ogni frase(03):
1. _____ do you go swimming? - how often - how many // 2. _____ does your uncle live? - when - where // 3. _____ brothers and sisters do you have? -...
Scrivi una parola corretta dopo HOW per completare ogni domanda. Una domanda non ha bisogno di una parola: per questa domanda, scrivi "X".
1. How you run? Three kilometres. // 2. How you pay? $46. // 3. How you study? Nearly two hours. // 4. How you know Steve?...
Leggi questa conversazione tra Kathy e il suo collega di lavoro, Darren. Scegli la migliore QUESION WORD per completare ogni spazio. C'è solo UNA parola per spazio.
KATHY: ...(1) do you live, Darren. Are you in the city or in the suburbs? DARREN: In a suburb called Kingston. I have a pretty little house with my...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per formare delle domande. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. children / do / many / you / ? / how / have --- 2. chicken / don't / ? / you / eating / why / like --- 3. TV / you / ? / often / how / watch /...
Scegli tra le seguenti espressioni HAVE per completare ogni domanda.
1. Ellie wants to...
Scegli le risposte migliori per ogni espressione fra le due proposte.
1. Do you want to have a coffee? - No, I prefer tea. - No, the kitchen is small. /// 2. Sit down and have a rest. - Only one time. - I'm not tired....
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare frasi con il verbo TO HAVE. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. shower / have / a / the / clean / you / after / bathroom / . / well --- 2. says / three / Margaret / . / children / wants / that / to / she / have...
Completa ogni frase coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past tense
1 Did you ____ what just happened? (see) / 2 She liked ____ the swans. (feed) / 3 We ____ for an extension. (ask) / 4 When Bob was young, he could...
Completa le frasi usando una delle tre forme di PERFECT TENS suggerite
1 Mike _____ for a job as a waiter. a) has applied b) has apply c) has applying / 2 I have just _____ from my holiday. a) return b) returned c)...
Completa le frasi con gli AGGETTIVI proposti scegliendo fra il suffisso -ED oppure -ING:
1 I felt ____ after listening to the professor’s explanation. (confusing/confused) / 2 She felt so ____ that she didn’t even want to get out of...
Cambia le frasi dalla forma attiva alla forma PASSIVA:
1 Jeremy asked me to sign the form. / 2 We finished the project just on time. / 3 We were helping the old lady. / 4 He cooks the waffles early in the...
Aggiungi il suffisso -ED quando necessario ai verbi delle seguenti frasi:
1. The movie we saw finish at 3:00. / 2. I have always want to be a star. / 3. The book was really disappointing. / 4. Wong is interest in...
Quali delle seguenti frasi sono al PRESENT PERFECT TENSE?
1 We have seen the light. / 2 I have finished my work for today. / 3 She saw him and she liked him. / 4 We had a great time in Switzerland. / 5 ...
Completa le seguenti frasi usando HAVE oppure HAS per il present perfect:
1 I _______ seen this movie before. / 2 She _______ just finished her exams. / 3 We _______ asked for an extension. / 4 They _______ invited us for...
Scrivi quali sono i PAST PARTICIPLES dei seguenti verbi:
1 take / 2 write / 3 live / 4 see / 5 buy / 6 teach / 7 let / 8 arrive / 9 announce / 10 make / 11 come / 12 be / 13 go / 14 fly / 15...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando il verbo suggerito al termine di ognuna e coniugandolo al PRESENT PERFECT TENSE(01).
1 They ___ ___ the train to Kyoto. take / 2 Mike ___ ___ for a job as a waiter. apply / 3 I ___ just ___ from my holiday. return / 4 I ___ ___ this...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando il verbo suggerito al termine di ognuna e coniugandolo al PRESENT PERFECT TENSE(02).
11 We ___ already ___ your car. repair / 12 My secretary ___ ___ here since 2005. work / 13 Congratulations! You ___ just ___ a million dollars! win...
Scrivi una domanda al termine di ogni frase in modo che il primo pezzo della frase sia la sua risposta.
1 RISPOSTA= He has been to China. DOMANDA= Where __? / 2 They have lived here for three years. How long _? / 3 Scott has taken your car. Who __? / 4...
Riscrivi ogni frase in forma NEGATIVA:
1 He has been to China. / 2 They have sent the package. / 3 Scott has taken your car. / 4 Jacy has completed her project. / 5 I have ordered...
Completa ogni frase usando il PRESENT PERFECT TENSE oppure il PAST TENSE del verbo suggerito alla fine:
1 He ____ last night on a train to New York. LEAVE / 2 __ Sally ever __ her son to the zoo? TAKE / 3 I __ not __ golf for a couple of years. PLAY / 4...
Indica se queste frasi sono ATTIVE o PASSIVE:
1 Mum has bought some cheese and biscuits for you. / 2 Winter has ended and Spring is here. / 3 Some of our men have been captured by the enemy. /...
Cambia queste frasi in forma PASSIVA:
1 Scott has sent some supplies. / 2 I have completed my homework. / 3 Sherry has baked a cake. / 4 She has lost the files. / 5 He has built the...
Correggi gli errori di PRESENT PERFECT che ci sono in queste frasi:
1 Joe have finished his homework. / 2 Have you finish reading that book? / 3 I have seen that movie last week. / 4 John and Mary has started a...
Completa le frasi con un termine di QUANTITA' adeguato:
1 a __ of cheese / 2 a __ of grass / 3 a __ of advice / 4 a __ of bread / 5 a __ of jewelry / 6 a __ of news / 7 a __ of sand / 8 a __ of toast / 9 a...
Scegli la parola corretta fra le due proposte, per completare le frasi(01):
Can you help me to move the _____? furniture furnitures We bought some new _____ for the factory. equipment equipments / She wears a lot of _____....
Scegli la parola corretta fra le due proposte, per completare le frasi(02):
1. Which of these words is countable? chair furniture / 2. Which of these words is countable? equipment machine / 3. Which of these words is...
Scegli la parola corretta fra le due proposte, per completare le frasi(03):
11. I bought some chewing ____. gums gum / 12. I don’t have enough ____ to finish this assignment. time times / 13. I enjoyed all the ____ we went...
Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per ogni frase e spiega perchè hai scelto quello(01):
1 I work at the zoo. It's my job to feed (the/a) crocodiles. / 2 Let's go to (the/a) zoo tomorrow. / 3 I love to watch videos on (a/the) internet. /...
Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per ogni frase e spiega perchè hai scelto quello(02):
11 Shelly is (the/a) most beautiful girl in our school. / 12 Mary had (the/a) little lamb. Everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. / 13 I...
Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per ogni frase e spiega perchè hai scelto quello(03):
1 Italy is (the/a) beautiful country. / 2 Lawrence is (a/the) good student. / 3 That chair is (the/-) most comfortable spot in our house. / 4 I saw...
Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per ogni frase e spiega perchè hai scelto quello(04):
11 George is (-/a) very rich. / 12 (The/An) apple tree in your garden looks nice. / 13 I'm on my way to (the/a) supermarket on Vince Street. / 14 I...
Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per ogni frase e spiega perchè hai scelto quello(05):
1 Norman is (a/-) skinny. / 2 I got (the/a) plastic bag from the supermarket. The bag broke on the way home. / 3 I went to see a movie with Alice....
Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per ogni frase e spiega perchè hai scelto quello(06):
11 English is (a/the) wonderful language. / 12 Have you heard (the/a) latest news? / 13 Please close (a/the) window. / 14 Yes, that is (the/a) good...
Scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase in base all'uso del PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE:
1a Terry is often taking his kids to the cinema. / 1b Terry often takes his kids to the cinema. / 2a I’m usually putting parmesan cheese on my...
Scrivi il nome di ogni cucciolo dei seguenti animali e collegalo al suo numero.
Osserva le immagini degli animali e poi completa le frasi con CAN oppure CAN'T in base al senso di ogni affermazione(01):
Osserva le immagini degli animali e poi completa le frasi con CAN oppure CAN'T in base al senso di ogni affermazione(02):
Scrivi il nome di ogni animale e del luogo dove vive e collega entrambi al relativo numero.
Scrivi il nome di ogni animale adulto e anche il nome del suo cucciolo.
Scrivi il nome di ogni animale collegandolo al suo numero(08):
Collega gli animali alle relative definizioni(lettera a numero). Non tutti gli animali hanno una definizione.
1.I live in the woods and I am very big and furry. I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs. I like to eat fish and berries. / 2.I live on a...
Abbina ad ogni PHRASAL VERB riguardanti l'abbigliamento, il significato corretto:
PHRASAL VERB= 1.take off / 2.throw away / 3.try on / 4.put on / 5.put away / 6.wear out / 7.give away / 8.get into / 9.pick up / 10.pick out /...
Leggi e completa il testo con i vocaboli di arredamento proposti:
VOCABOLI DA INSERIRE: mirror bedside-table pillow bookcase curtains washbasin dressing-table cupboard coffee-table microwave-oven bed bathtub...
Collega ogni atteggiamento del corpo (contrassegnato dai numeri delle immagini) al corrispondente significato dell'elenco qui di seguito(attenzione, ci sono due frasi di troppo):
a)Scratching the head / b)Shaking hands / c)Crossing the arms / d)Biting the nails / e)Clenching the fist / f)Pointing the finger / g)Winking one’s...
Usa i nomi delle parti del corpo illustrate dalla figura per completare le seguenti frasi:
My _ _ is on the opposite side to my chest and stomach / My _ have five toes each. I use them to walk. / I need my _ _ to see. / I use my _ _ to...
Per completare le domande di questi HISTORY QUIZ, scegli una di queste parole:
1. Where did JFK ... ? Dallas, Texas, USA. // 2. When did...
Le seguenti frasi descrivono una professione, abbina ognuna alle risposte proposte:
1. I didn't see that customer sitting there. // 2. I didn't think...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(04):
1. Ivan ______ the floor yesterday afternoon. - sweeped - swept - sweep // 2. Pamela _____ her finger with a knife. - cutted - cuted - cut // 3. I...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(05):
1. Elma ______ her toothbrush. - forgot - forget - forgetted // 2. After he caught the bird, he ______ it go. - letted - let - late...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(06):
1. I ______ a dime under the table. - find - found - finded // 2. John ______ a backpack, but he lost it. - have - haved - had //...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(07):
1. Karen ______ the window and turned on the air conditioning. - shutted - shut - shutten // 2. I followed the directions and ______ the box. -...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(08):
1. The chicken ______ three eggs. - lay - laid - layed // 2. She lost two games, but ______ playing. - keeped - kept - keep // 3. She lost two games,...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(09):
1. You and I ______ on vacation last month. - gone - went // 2. It ______ a good vacation. - were - was // 3. We ______ fun. - had - have // 4. You...
Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(10):
1. After coming home, we ______ our bags on the table. - putted - putten - put // 2. Last week I ______ two books. - readed - read - rode // 3. He...
Ci sono 3 verbi regolari o 3 irregolari. Quale dei verbi in ogni domanda è quello diverso? Scrivi il verbo che è diverso.
1. fly, plan, shake, begin // 2. understand, go, stop, buy // 3. want, write, prefer, watch // 4. hit, bring, hurt, love // 5. make, visit, cost,...
Scegli una di queste parole per completare ogni frase con il Past Simple(01):
1. The dog .... the little girl and her parents ..... her to the hospital. // 2. Yesterday,...
Scegli una di queste parole per completare ogni frase con il Past Simple(02):
1. I never borrowed $20 from you, John. You .... it to Mike! // 2. When the teacher .......
Scegli una di queste parole per completare ogni frase con il Past Simple(03):
1. My mother .... me this ring shortly before she died. It's priceless! // 2. I ..... you...
Scegli una di queste parole per completare ogni frase con il Past Simple(04):
1. I got up early today and ..... a long, hot shower. // 2. Even though you .... your...
Tutte queste frasi contengono esempi di verbi irregolari al PAST SIMPLE. Le frasi sono corrette o no(01)?
1. The teacher spoke very loudly and the students were quiet. // 2. I buyed a small musical box for my brother when I was in Paris. // 3. Alaska...
Tutte queste frasi contengono esempi di verbi irregolari al PAST SIMPLE. Le frasi sono corrette o no(02)?
1. The two boys runned fast and they escaped from the dog. // 2. When the police found the missing child, the town celebrated. // 3. My...
Tutte queste frasi contengono esempi di verbi irregolari al PAST SIMPLE. Le frasi sono corrette o no(03)?
1. When Susan got a necklace for Christmas, she didn't know who it was from. // 2. Christine's mother teach her some Japanese words when they were in...
Scegli il verbo coniugato al PAST SIMPLE correttamente per riempire lo spazio vuoto in ogni frase.
1. I ___ about a yellow unicorn last night. - dreamed - slept - think // 2. Anna ___ to class yesterday because she was at the hospital. - didn't...
Leggi il brano e poi usa i seguenti verbi per completare ogni frase della storia, ma fai attenzione a usare il passato!
At 9 a.m., Sally put her coat on, left the house and drove downtown for her job interview. The interview was at 11 a.m. but she wanted to do some...
Completa ogni frase usando i verbi tra parentesi. Attenzione ai verbi regolari e irregolari!
1. My sister (buy) a beautiful leather jacket yesterday. It was so expensive. // 2. Can you tell me if the 6.43 train to Chicago (leave) on time or...
Completa queste frasi con il PRESENT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi, ma devi decidere se è positivo o negativo. Usa la forma contratta solo per isn't.
1. I know it's 1am but I don't feel tired. I .... to bed yet! (go) // 2. Oh what a pity. I bought a lovely dress for your wife and she ..... it to...
Scegli uno di questi verbi per completare ogni frase al PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Non usare le forme contratte.
1. I ..... very hard today because I have an exam at school tomorrow. // 2. Look at...
Leggi questa conversazione tra amici e riempi gli spazi con i verbi suggeriti fra parentesi. La maggior parte degli spazi sono al PRESENTE CONTINUOUS - positivi, negativi e interrogative. Fai attenzione: ci sono un paio di verbi al simple present!
1. Rosanna: Hi, John. Nice to see you. What .... (do) these days? // 2. John: Hi, Rosanna. I .... (work) in a hotel near the beach. // 3. I .......
Riordina queste parole per creare frasi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS. La prima parola in ogni frase è AT. Non dimenticare la punteggiatura!
1. singing / the / birds / are / at / . / 5am / , --- 2. are / , / at / 7am / the / dogs / big / barking / . --- 3. up / at / is / 7.20am / getting /...
Completa queste frasi con il PRESENT SIMPLE o il PRESENT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi. Usa le forme contratte negative ove possibile(04).
1. John lives and works in Florida but he (have) a holiday in England at the moment. // 2. I wonder why the neighbor's dog (bark) again. Maybe there...
Jim è un padre preoccupato e telefona a sua moglie Liz per scoprire cosa stanno facendo i bambini. Completa il dialogo con i verbi suggeriti al PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Potrebbe essere necessario modificare l'ordine di alcune parole.
Jim: Liz, where are the children? I heard that a big storm (come) towards town. // Liz: Don't worry, Jim. Everybody is safe. // Jim: But, (riding)...
Leggi questo dialogo tra Amanda, il capo e il suo collega David. Riempi gli spazi con i verbi proposti fra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
Amanda: David, can you come in here please? // David: Yes, Amanda? // Amanda: What (do) on the Carson deal at the moment? // David: Many things. I...
Riempi gli spazi con il present simple, past simple o present continuous dei verbi suggeriti. Non usare le forme contratte.
Dear Mary, How are you. I (1) (receive) your letter last week. Thank you for the recipe for the cake I (2) (ask) for. I made it last week and it (3)...
Riordina le parole per creare delle frasi usando il PRESENTE CONTINUOUS. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. washing / because / . / the / am / he / I / dog / is / dirty --- 2. a / are / toy / two / about / fighting / brothers / . / the --- 3. working /...
Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi suggeriti al COMPARATIVO o al SUPERLATIVO(02).
1. Beth is ______than Eduardo. - more short - short - shorter //2. The blue dress is ______ than the yellow dress. - beautiful - most beautiful -...
GOING TO, scegli il finale migliore per ognuna di queste situazioni(01):
1. I think the exam will be very difficult and you are not studying at all. - you are not going to fail the exam - you are not passing the exam - you...
GOING TO, scegli il finale migliore per ognuna di queste situazioni(02):
6. The room is full of dust and John is holding his nose and making a strange expression with his face. - John is going to clean the room - John is...
Le seguenti frasi che usano GOING TO sono corrette o no?
1. We are very unhappy with the Royal Hotel. We aren't going to use it next year. ///2. Tom is very good at tennis because he's going to play for two...
Metti queste parole in ordine per fare delle frasi con GOING TO. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. . / that / table / going / the / cup / careful! / to / be / is / fall / off ---2. year / study / Jane / next / is / Paris / Art / to / . / going /...
Scegli un'espressione temporale fra quelle proposte per completare le frasi:
1. ..... my summer vacation, the weather was wonderful and I returned with a suntan. --- 2. Six...
Usa la forma corretta di CAN per completare ciascuna di queste frasi(01):
1. I ..... sleep last night. It was so hot! --- 2. When I was five or six, I .... do a handstand, but I .... now. --- 3. My late grandfather ........
Usa la forma corretta di CAN per completare ciascuna di queste frasi(02):
1. I ______ watch the movie last night. My TV was broken. // 2. I ______ open the door last night, the key was stuck in it! // 3. ______ you hear...
Scegli l'AVVERBIO corretto(02):
1. Harold rode the horse ______. - bad - most badly - badly // 2. Today he rode the horse ______ than yesterday. - worse - more badly - worst // 3. I...
Leggi questo breve paragrafo su Charlie Parker. Poi completa le domande e le risposte.
Yesterday was a terrible day for Charlie Parker. He was a very sad :-( man. He got up at 8a.m. because his alarm clock was broken. o he didn't have a...
Riempi gli spazi in queste frasi con BEEN o GONE:
1. Let's ask Peter about Florida - he's .... there twice. // 2. I've ..... to museum to see the exhibition on old dolls. It was a bit boring to be...
Guarda come BEEN e GONE sono usati in queste frasi e indica se sono corrette o no.
1. If you've already gone to Canada, why are you planning another vacation there? // 2. "Where's your husband, Mrs. Lawrie?" the gangster asked....
Riempi gli spazi in queste frasi con FOR oppure SINCE:
1. .... the dentist took out that tooth of mine, it's been really painful. I should go back to her. // 2. You have worked really well ..... the...
Leggi questo testo sul vecchio colonnello. Poi utilizza le istruzioni di risposta per scrivere delle domande utilizzando il PRESENT PERFECT o il PAST SIMPLE.
I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and I don't work anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired when I was 69. I have been...
Per completare ogni frase scegli SHOULD oppure SHOULDN'T(01):
1. Listen to that music! Our neighbors .... play music that loud at this hour. // 2. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you .... go to the...
Scegli il verbo modale corretto fra quelli proposti per ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. ________ you go already? You only arrived an hour ago! - must - should - can // 2. When he was young, he ________ swim very well. He won medals...
Rispondi a queste domande utilizzando le risposte elencate sotto (indica gli accoppiamenti dei numeri di ognuna):
DOMANDE: 1. What do you do if you get a headache? // 2. What do you do if you feel bored in your English class? // 3. What do you do if you get...
Leggi la seguente intervista tra Mr. Jones e un ispettore di polizia. Per ogni numero tra parentesi, indica la domanda migliore che devi chiedere per tali informazioni.
INTERVISTA: Policeman: OK, Mr. Jones. Now just tell us what happened last night and what you were doing between 7 o'clock and 10 o'clock. Mr. Jones:...
Riempi ogni spazio coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE oppure AL PAST CONTINUOUS.
1. Helen (do) her weekly shopping when she (meet) her old friend, June. // 2. The sun (shine) when I (get) up this morning. I (feel) so tired! //...
Guarda questo diario che Cynthia ha scritto. Usa molto il PAST CONTINUOUS. Quali frasi hanno degli errori?
1. I finally spoke to Darren today! I'm so happy. // 2. I was leaving the school with Alice, then we were going to the ice cream parlor on Grant...
Leggi questa lettera di Alice alla sua amica Maria. Riempi ogni spazio coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE oppure AL PAST CONTINUOUS.
Dear Maria, Sorry I haven't written for such a long time Something terrible (happen)! My boss (ask) me to do something for him and I (work) on that...
Leggi il testo su Handsome Rick. Per ogni numero tra parentesi, indica la domanda migliore che devi chiedere per tali informazioni.
TESTO: Rick is (1) years old and lives in Manchester. He is a (2) for a company that makes cardboard boxes and he earns (3)a year. He lives with...
Leggi questo breve testo. Per ogni numero tra parentesi, indica la domanda migliore che devi chiedere per tali informazioni.
TESTO: John Carpenter is a (1) who lives in the centre of London. His address is (2) and his telephone number is 090-445-2324. John is (3) years old...
Leggi questa storia e coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nel tempo giusto(01):
One day a husband and wife (1) (drive) to the countryside to visit their friends when they realised they needed to stop for gas The man was filling...
Leggi questa storia e coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nel tempo giusto(02):
John is 32 years old and lives in Manchester with his girlfriend, Gita He (have) a very unusual job - he is a stuntman! Every day he (drive) to the...
Scegli i QUESTION TAG corretti per ogni frase(02):
1. My nickname in the office is "Slugger", - isn't it? - aren't I? - am I? /// 2. Clifdon was the place we went for that rainy vacation, - isn't it?...
Completare le frasi utilizzando le forme contratte proposte: AREN'T - HAVEN'T - ISN'T - DIDN'T - HASN'T - WON'T - SHOULDN'T - ISN'T.
1. You've seen this movie before, .... you? // 2. George is friendly enough, .... he? // 3. You went to university, .... you? // 4. They should have...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con i QUESTION TAG. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. ? / good / Spanish / speak / , / you / you / don't --- 2. we / , / aren't / very / we're / meeting / the / late / ? / for --- 3. , / me / really /...
Scegli la forma corretta degli AGGETTIVI elencati di seguito per riempire gli spazi nelle frasi.
Scegli una forma che contiene ENOUGH dall'elenco qui sotto per completare gli spazi di ogni frase.
PHRASAL VERBS: metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. sat / window / the / down / came / and / . / room / into / near / Harry / the --- 2. weekends / at / the / time / what / up / get / do / ? / you...
MAX'S GOOD HABIT. Max reads more than anyone he knows. He loves to read during all of his free time. His friends tease him because he would rather read than play video games, but his parents and his teachers are proud of him. They say reading is important, and it will help him learn about the world around him. They also tell him it is a good habit to read on a regular basis. One day Max was reading a magazine article about volcanoes. He told his friends all about volcanoes and what causes them to erupt. The very next week, his class was assigned a science project about volcanoes. Guess who...
1.What would Max rather do than play video games? // 2.What type of science project was his class assigned? // 3.Who wanted Max in their project...
AMUSEMENT PARK PROBLEM. The smell of popcorn was in the air. I could hear kids laughing and screaming. People were everywhere! The breeze felt warm on my skin. It was a perfect day at the amusement park. My family and I wandered around the park, getting snacks and going on rides. I loved almost all types of rides! I loved to go fast and to spin around, to go down hills and to get splashed. The only rides I didn't like were rides that turn you upside-down. My little brother, Ben, didn't like those either, but my older sister, Laura, loved them. When we finally were near a ride that went...
1.Recount the story in your own words. // 2.What lesson did Matt learn? // 3.What is the difference between being aggressive and being assertive? ...
ANNA AND HER BASKETBALL ADVENTURE. A group of teenage boys was playing basketball on the court at the park. The basketball court didn't have a fence around it. If one of the boys missed the basket, someone had to catch the basketball quickly so it wouldn't bounce too far away. One of the boys was showing off, and he tossed the ball with all of his strength from the one end of the court toward the basket on the other end. The ball was flying like a rocket over the heads of all of the other boys. Then it kept right on flying. It flew straight over the basket and out into the field. Anna was...
1. What was the basketball court missing? // 2. What was the basketball like as it flew over the boys' heads? // 4. What did the ducks do when the...
FORCE. Imagine you're going bowling. You roll the ball down the lane, and it hits a bowling pin. The bowling pin stays up. Is that what you would expect to happen? Probably not, because the bowling ball exerted force on the bowling pin, so it should have been knocked over! Force is the push or pull upon an object. Since the bowling ball moves and hits the bowling pin, the force causes the bowling pin to move, too. Is force at work in other sports? Yes, it is! Think about baseball. The ball could not fly out of the stadium by itself. The pitcher uses the force of his or her arm to make the...
1.What is the short story mostly about? // 2.What does the word "force" mean? Highlight the sentence that tells you. // 3.What is the main topic of...
WHAT ARE CLOUDS? A cloud is made of water drops or ice crystals floating in the sky. There are many kinds of clouds. Clouds are an important part of Earth's weather. How Do Clouds Form? The sky can be full of water. But most of the time you can't see the water. The drops of water are too small to see. They have turned into a gas called water vapor. As the water vapor goes higher in the sky, the air gets cooler. The cooler air causes the water droplets to start to stick to things like bits of dust, ice or sea salt. What Are Some Types of Clouds? Clouds get their names in two ways. One way is...
1. What do drops of water turn into? // 2. What are two ways clouds get their names? // 3. What kind of clouds are high clouds? // 4. What clouds...
HATS IN HARVARD. Whoosh! The cold wind roared through the trees and between buildings. Winter was on its way. Amaya was warm in her house, thinking about an article she'd read at school. The article had been about kids who helped out their communities, and she thought it would be really cool to help her own town, Harvard. The only problem was that she wasn't sure how to help. What did her town need that a kid could do? In the article, the kids had grown food for people who needed food, but it was winter. She couldn't start a garden. Amaya was still deep in thought when her mom said it was...
1.Recount the story in your own words. // 2.What is the central lesson of the story? // 3.Which helpful project would be more helpful in your...
HELPING HALLY. Sam was sitting on the couch, watching television. His mom walked in the door with Hally, their dog. Hally walked right over to Sam and licked him hello. "Hi Hally! How was your checkup?" Sam asked. Hally just looked at Sam. "We have to help Hally," said Mom. "Help her how?" asked Sam. "Do you remember when we went to pick up Hally from her litter? We picked her because she looked like her mom. She is brown with spots, with long ears, and she was energetic, so we thought she'd be strong, like her mom. But how does she look now?" Mom asked. "Well," thought Sam, "She's still...
1.Recount the story in your own words. // 2.How did Hally change throughout the story? // 3.What are the problem and solution in the story? // 4.How...
HOW TO MAKE ICE CREAM. Do you like ice cream? Maybe you always buy it at the store or from an ice cream shop, but did you know you can make your own ice cream at home? First, gather your materials. You will need milk, sugar, and vanilla as the ingredients for the ice cream. You will also need some other materials to turn those ingredients into ice cream. The other materials are two zip-top plastic bags, ice, and salt. One of the zip-top plastic bags should be larger than the other. You might also want winter gloves or a towel to use later on! In the smaller bag, combine 1 cup of milk,...
1.What is the short story mostly about? // 2.If you were going to add in your own ingredients, which paragraphs would you need to add more...
LANDFORMS. There are many different types of landforms. Landforms are natural features on the planet's surface. You probably know about some of them already! Mountains are very tall landforms. They can be pointed or rounded, and some are even volcanic! When there are many mountains together, it is called a mountain range. Some mountains are formed from lava, while other mountains are formed when the plates under the earth's surface crash together and push up the land. Either way mountains are formed, it takes many, many years. Valleys are the spaces between mountains. Some valleys are...
1.What is a landform? Highlight the sentence that has the answer. // 2.Which landform does not receive a lot of rainfall? // 3.Write two facts about...
THE LIFE CYCLE. When you plant a seed, does it stay a seed forever? No! Plants and animals grow and change throughout their lives. Many plants begin as seeds. As the seed gets what it needs (water, sunlight, and nutrients from the soil), it begins to grow. The seed turns into a little sprout. It keeps growing until it is a full-grown plant. Then the plant makes new seeds, so that new plants can grow even after the plant grows old and dies. Those seeds will then go through their growth process. Because seeds go through this process over and over again, it is called a life cycle. Animals...
1.What is the short story mostly about? // 2.What is a life cycle? Do all life cycles have things in common? // 3.What is the main topic of the...
MY NEW SCOOTER. It was amazing. I couldn't keep my eyes off it. The way it shone in the light kept drawing my eye back to it. My dad noticed."Sophie, you have a scooter already, a really nice one!" "I know, but look at this one! It's so shiny and new," I said."It is great, but we have to get going. Come on," said Dad. We left the store, with me taking one last glance back at the new scooter. I knew my scooter was nice, and it still worked even though I'd gotten it for my birthday 3 years ago. I just couldn't stop thinking of that new scooter! A few weeks later, Dad and I were back in the...
1.Recount the story in your own words. // 2.How do you think Sophie will feel when she gives her dad her allowance each week? // 3.Sophie borrowed...
THE SOLVER. Kevin loves to read mystery books. He reads mystery books because he likes to try to solve the mystery himself before he gets to the end. Solving puzzles is like solving mysteries, so he likes working on puzzles too. He also likes solving problems. Kevin can usually solve any mystery, puzzle or problem. One day Kevin's mom was trying to find her glasses. Without her glasses, she could not drive. This was a problem because she was going to drive Kevin to his friend's house. It was also a mystery and a puzzle. Kevin really wanted to solve this mystery. Kevin sat down with his mom....
1. What does Kevin like to solve? // 2. What was Kevin's mom trying to find? // 3. Why did Kevin want his mom to find her missing item? // 4. What...
TAG RULES! "You're it!" Nevaeh shouted as she tapped me on the arm. I spotted Raymond and charged after him. He veered to the right and I just missed him. Nevaeh was just past him, so I started chasing after her, but she shouted, "No tag backs!" "Yeah there are! We didn't make rules for this tag game, so I can tag you!" I said, out of breath as I ran toward her. "Then I'm not playing anymore," replied Nevaeh. And just like that, our tag game was over. How annoying, I thought. Raymond and I stopped to talk. "I guess this is one reason that people make rules for games," said Raymond. "We could...
1.Recount the story in your own words. // 2.What is the central lesson of the story? // 3.What other reasons might we need rules in our communities?...
AMANDA'S NEWS. It was a long week for Amanda at school. She stayed after school to work on a special project three days in a row. When she got home on Friday, she plopped down in her favorite chair with a sigh. "What's going on, Amanda?" her dad asked as he was reading the newspaper. "I have to create a webpage for my technology class, and it is taking a lot more time than I thought it would," Amanda answered. Her dad looked over his newspaper and said, "When I was your age, we didn't even have computers, let alone the internet." He folded his newspaper and asked Amanda what the webpage is...
1.Which class is Amanda creating a webpage for? // 2.What is the webpage about? // 3.Who is Amanda's partner? // 4.How do Amanda and her partner do...
WILL THE WOLF. Will was fed up. All he wanted was to do things his way. Why did all the wolves have to do everything together anyway? They ate together, played together, slept together, and walked together. Everywhere. Everyday. It was exhausting. Will was growing up. He could do things himself now, and he had some pretty good ideas, too! But his mom wouldn't let him try his ideas by himself. Will didn't get it. One day, the pack was walking through the woods. Will had an idea that there was food down a path, but the pack didn't want to go that way. Finally, Will said, "Why do we need a...
1.Recount the story in your own words. // 2.What is the central lesson of the story? // 3.Describe Will. Would Will have learned a lesson if his...
THE WHISTLE. Two hundred years ago in Boston, there lived a little boy whose name was Benjamin Franklin. On the day that he was seven years old, his mother gave him a few pennies. He looked at the bright, yellow pieces and said, "What shall I do with these coppers, Mother?"It was the first money that he had ever had."You may buy something if you wish,"said his mother."And then will you give me more?"he asked. His mother shook her head and said,"No, Benjamin. I cannot give you any more. So you must be careful not to spend your money foolishly."The little fellow ran into the street. He heard...
1.Why had Benjamin never owned a toy before? // 2.Why was the mother disappointed Benjamin bought the whistle? // 3.What did Benjamin learn from his...
SAVING THE BIRDS. One day in spring four men were riding on horseback along a country road. These men were lawyers, and they were going to the next town to attend court. There had been a rain, and the ground was very soft. Water was dripping from the trees, and the grass was wet. The four lawyers rode along, one behind the other, for the pathway was narrow, and the mud on each side of it was deep. They rode slowly and talked and laughed and were very jolly. As they were passing through a grove of small trees, they heard a great fluttering over their heads and a feeble chirping in the grass by...
1.Why are the little robins out of their nest? // 2.How did Abraham Lincoln help save the birds? // 3.Why do you think the men were surprised Lincoln...
Per ogni frase, coniuga il verbo tra parentesi alla forma passiva con GET ogni volta che è possibile.
1. I don't know why this class is always so dirty. It (clean) every morning. // 2. The murder suspect told the police a complicated alibi but it...
Riempi gli spazi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi con una forma del verbo PASSIVO. Il tempo potrebbe essere passato, presente o futuro.
1. Many rock stars say the real thrill is that they enjoy(watch) by thousands of adoring fans. // 2. Your car is a death trap. It(should/send) to the...
Attivo o passivo? Leggi il notiziario, scegli la corretta forma verbale e scrivila nello spazio vuoto.
1. Millions of dollars' worth of damage has been caused by a storm which(swept/was swept) across the north of the United States last night. // 2. The...
Attivo o passivo? Per ogni frase scegli la forma e il tempo giusto:
1. That door(paint) yesterday. // 2. Michelangelo(paint) the Sistine Chapel. // 3. Michael Schumacher (drive) for Ferrari in 2003. // 4. In the UK,...
Crea delle FRASI PASSIVE cambiando l'ordine delle parole date(01):
1. 1937 ballpoint pen invent. --- 2. hospital open The Queen last week. --- 3. car steal 10pm last night. --- 4. you see with another woman!...
Crea delle FRASI PASSIVE cambiando l'ordine delle parole date(02):
1. Fiat cars Italy make --- 2. Spaghetti boiling water cook --- 3. Children schools educate --- 4. Football every country play --- 5....
Scegli le informazioni dall'elenco seguente per completare le frasi PASSIVE di seguito.
1817 - Marconi - 1977 - the USA - 1903 - 1957 - Charles Darwin - north of England - Chinese - Edison - Germany
1. The radio was invented by... //...
Guarda queste frasi, ci sono alcuni errori nelle forme verbali passive e attive. Quali frasi sono corrette?
1. The most important part of my country is the north. // 2. This is where coal is mined and we earn a lot of money from this. // 3. There are also...
Usa i verbi in elenco e il PRESENT PERFECT PASSIVE per completare queste frasi. Una di queste è negativa.
1. Six files....They are in the Recycle Bin. // 2. The application... // 3. This your...
Guarda queste frasi che usano tutte i verbi passivi. Ogni frase ha UNA parola che è extra o miss-spelt, qual è?
1. That house is to cleaned by two women every week. // 2. Grapes are not grown in this part of the country. It's to hot. // 3. This letter was...
Tutte queste frasi usano il PRESENT PASSIVE. Contengono errori o no?
1. This office is clean by Havoc Cleaning every morning. // 2. After the wood is cut, it is polished by another machine. // 3. Bananas is grown in...
Scegli il PAST PARTICIPLE corretto per ogni frase.
1. These letters must be. - written - writen // 2. Dogs are not. - permitten - permitted // 3. Not many criminals are. - caught - catched // 4. In...
Inserisci la forma corretta di CAN o BE ABLE TO per ogni frase.
1. I haven't concentrate recently at work. I don't know what it is. // 2. My brother cook very well. He is a chef in a French restaurant. // 3. When...
Riempi lo spazio in ogni frase usando COULD I oppure COULD YOU.
1. ....close your window please? It's very cold in here. // 2. the door for me please? I am carrying all these books. // 3. Oh, Anna isn't...
Per ogni frase, scegli NEEDN'T HAVE oppure DIDN'T NEED TO per riempire gli spazi con il verbo tra parentesi.
1. I(go) to work today but I went as I knew they were really busy on this new contract. // 2. I(take) any money to the museum - I didn't realise it...
Guarda questa e-mail che Sophie ha scritto alla sua amica in Australia. Ha commesso degli errori con i verbi MODALI: dove sono? Ogni frase è corretta o no?
1. Hi Cynthia, I've decided to come to Australia to visit you. // 2. You've invited me so many times and now, with my studies finished, I finally...
CAN o BE ABLE TO, queste frasi sono corrette o sbagliate?
1. You can use my pen as long as you return it. // 2. Eventually, I could get a hotel room even though it was so late. // 3. I could see the...
CAN o BE ABLE TO, metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare frasi di senso compiuto. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. about / ? / to / the / you / Carol / contact / able / canceled / were / flight --- 2. couldn't / music / I /. / concert / for / buy / the /...
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS, completa ogni frase usando uno dei finali suggeriti.
FRASI: 1. I am sweating because. --- 2. I've been crying because. --- 3. My clothes are all wet because. --- 4. I'm really angry because. --- 5. I'm...
Leggi queste frasi e per ogni spazio, scegli tra il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE o il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi(01):
1. I've....this room all morning and now I'm exhausted! (clean) // 2. Hurry up Jane! You've only....two s and we have to write the answers to five....
Leggi queste frasi e per ogni spazio, scegli tra il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE o il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi(02):
1. I'm really tired. I....since seven thirty this morning. (work) // 2. six schools in six years. He never stays in the same job. (teach)...
Leggi queste frasi e per ogni spazio, scegli tra il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE o il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi(03):
1. When I got home, the neighbor said that my dog (bark) for an hour. // 2. I (sit) on my front porch when I saw the eagle. // 3. When I called up,...
Leggi queste frasi che usano il present perfect continuous e past perfect continuous. Ci sono quattro frasi corrette e quattro errate. Quali sono corrette?
1. I'd been working for a very bad company when I met my present boss, who offered me this job. // 2. Don, sit down and relax! You've been working...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. morning / cleaning / these / been / dirty /. / all / I've / floors --- 2. three / office / for / has / Liz / this /. / in / been / weeks / working...
Verbi al PASSATO, queste frasi sono corrette?
1. He was working in Vienna when he met his wife. // 2. I know Simon for twenty three years. // 3. Where have you been yesterday? I couldn't find...
Verbi al FUTURO, queste frasi sono corrette?
1. I'll buy the red shoes if they still have them in the store. // 2. I don't have that much money, I'll ask my mother for a loan. // 3. Oh...
Verbi al FUTURO, leggi questo dialogo tra Pam, la manager, e il suo assistente personale, Becky. Scegli la forma migliore per ogni verbo tra parentesi:
BECKY: Hi, Pam. PAM: Hello, Becky. Are we all ready for the big meeting tomorrow. It(is/is going to be) at eleven in the morning, right? BECKY: Yes,...
Per ognuna delle seguenti risposte, scegli la domanda corretta fra le tre elencate. La domanda riguarda la parola in maiuscolo.
1. I bought a NEWSPAPER this morning. - What bought you this morning? - What did you buy this morning? - What you did buy this morning? // 2....
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. you / did / which / ? / type / to / buy / of / choose / cat --- 2. the / the / table / cat / from / fish / took / ? / which --- 3. you / nasty / ?...
Per ognuna delle seguenti frasi, scegli USED TO oppure WOULD. Se entrambi sono possibili, utilizza WOULD
1. Do you remember how your Uncle David.... sit in that chair and smoke those disgusting cigars. // 2. Your mother.... have a Yorkshire Terrier when...
Inserisci queste frasi negli spazi sottostanti in base al senso della frase.
DA INSERIRE: used to pay a lot for book - used to be better at mental arithmetic - used to walk more used to use candles or burning torches - used to...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. neighborhood / changed / live / , / used / lot / this / a /. / in / to / but / I / it's --- 2. many / run / how / ? / were / you / when / you /...
Utilizza USED TO o il past simple per completare ciascuna delle frasi.
I(see) Marcus at the library working hard. He told me to say hello to you. // She (be) a lot happier, but then she lost her job. // There(be) three...
Past Perfect: guarda queste descrizioni degli eventi divise in brevi frasi. Decidi quale è la prima azione da eseguire in ordine cronologico.
1. He was working in Vienna when he met his wife. // 2. I know Simon for twenty three years. // 3. Where have you been yesterday? I couldn't find...
Completa queste coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE:
1. If I(can/speak) Japanese, I would live in Tokyo. // 2. If James (not have) a cat, he would buy a dog. // 3. I would live in Monaco if I(be)...
Riempi ogni spazio con la forma corretta dei verbi per creare il first o second CONDITIONALS.
1. If I get home late tonight, I(not eat). // 2. If Jan could run 100 metres in 10 seconds, he (be) an athlete. // 3. If Simon catches a fish today,...
Leggi queste frasi al Second CONDITIONAL. Ogni frase ha una parola che è EXTRA o MISS-SPELT. Trova quella parola.
1. If he were to younger, he could walk faster. // 2. We could go to the beech if the weather were nicer. // 3. If your sister was an animal, what...
Guarda queste frasi al First and Second CONDITIONAL. Sono corrette o sbagliate?
1. I'll see you tomorrow if I come to work. // 2. If I did knew her name, I would tell you. // 3. If I were you, I would tell my father about the...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi al Second CONDITIONAL. Ogni frase inizia con la parola IF. Ricorda la punteggiatura!
1. time / , /. / study / French / If / would / I / I / more / had --- 2. mother / some / them / If / cheap / shoes / saw / , / would / she / buy /. /...
Per ogni frase, scegli WORK, TO WORK O WORKING per riempire ogni spazio.
1. When I finish university, I Europe for 6 months. // 2. I don't think children under 16 should.... // 3. My sister decided to take a job...
Riempi ogni spazio con il GERUNDIO o la forma infinita del verbo tra parentesi.
1. We had worked hard all morning, so at midday we stopped(have) a coffee and a sandwich. // 2. Did you remember(buy) that bag of apples I asked you...
Scegli un verbo tra quelli in elenco e inseriscilo nelle frasi sottostanti, scegliendo con attenzione l'INFINITO o il GERUNDIO.
Per ogni spazio, scrivi la forma corretta del verbo che vedi tra parentesi(01):
I love 1.)(go) shopping. My husband 2.)(think) I am crazy because I go shopping every day. I 3.)(be) like this since I was 10 years old. When my...
Per ogni spazio, scrivi la forma corretta del verbo che vedi tra parentesi(02):
So why 15.)(I like) supermarkets so much? Well, I love food and I especially love 16.)(try) different foreign foods. When I am I a supermarket, I can...
INFINITO o GERUNDIO, i verbi sono corretti in queste frasi?
1. My company has delayed to give pay raises due to economic problems. // 2. We were asked not taking photos inside the church. // 3. "I forbid you...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi che usano strutture all'infinito / gerundio. La parola DIANA è la prima parola in ogni frase.
1. part / in / intellectual / discussions /. / Diana / enjoys / taking --- 2. went / without / home / Diana /. / goodbye / saying / anyone / to ---...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con MAKE, LET o ALLOW. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. with / the / kitchen / not / you're / boots / into / muddy / go /. / allowed / those / to --- 2. English / for / my /. / hour / an / me / teacher...
Guarda queste frasi. Ci sono degli errori nell' uso dell'infinito / gerundio. Dove sono?
1. I'm bored to study grammar all the time. I want to listen to songs! // 2. I used to write e-mails in English a lot, but I don't recently. // 3....
Leggi questa intervista su un programma TV e scegli il gerundio o l'infinito per ogni verbo tra parentesi.
HANNAH: Ben, I was shocked(hear) this was your first movie role? You seemed(be) to be so comfortable on the screen. BEN: Thanks, Hannah. I was...
Leggi questa lettera di Ben all'amica Sheila. In ogni spazio indicato da un numero, inserisci un pronome relativo WHOSE - WHERE - WHEN - WHO - WHICH - THAT
Dear Sheila, In your last letter, you asked me to tell you about all the things I did during my summer vacation. We went to Vancouver (1)I have some...
Scegli uno di questi pronomi relativi WHOSE - THAT - WHO - WHERE per completare ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. What's the name of the city... the Golden Gate Bridge is? / 2. What do you call a machine.... you can get money from in the street? / 3. What do...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi che usano i PRONOMI relativi.
1. on / me / the / table / the / give / jug /. / which / is --- 2. man / is / that / in / big /. / who / a / lives / lawyer / house / the --- 3....
Guarda questi annunci scritti dagli utenti su un sito di incontri. Tutti usano pronomi relativi. Quanti errori ci sono in ogni frase: nessuno, 1 o 2?
1. I'm a man which likes fishing and reading. I would like to meet a woman who idea of a great evening is great conversation. // 2. I'd like to meet...
Guarda queste frasi che usano tutti i pronomi relativi. Quali frasi sono corrette?
1. That was the place where I'd seen you. // 2. Hannah went to get the book which I'd lent her the day before. // 3. It was raining again. The rain...
Scegli uno di questi pronomi relativi WHO, WHICH, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT per completare ciascuna di queste frasi.
1. Alexander Graham Bell is the man....invented the telephone. // 2. The son finds most demanding is French. // 3. They met in the...
Riscrivi ciascuna di queste frasi usando non più di cinque parole in ogni spazio e usando il PRONOME tra parentesi senza cambiarlo.
1. Mario is the guy who cuts my hair every month. He's 37 today. > Mario,..., has his birthday today (who) // 2. Carol's house is the largest in the...
Completa le frasi usando una delle espressioni proposte con verbi MODALI di obbligo, permesso e possibilità.
should keep - can start - don't have - to pay - mustn't enter - can buy - shouldn't walk - can't copy - can't iron - can't smoke
No Smoking 1....
Trasforma le seguenti frasi in domande usando il minor numero di parole possibile.
1. Something happened. // 2. I wrote to someone. // 3. I drank something. // 4. Someone likes Clara. // 5. Harry hates someone. // 6. Something...
Guarda questi titoli di giornale e riempi ogni spazio con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato all'INFINITO o il GERUNDIO.
1. Defeated Lawyer Too Angry.... After Trial. (talk) // 2. ....TV Late At Night Causes Kids Problems At School. (watch) // 3. Instead Of.... Meat,...
Completa le frasi con i PRONOMI relativi elencati di seguito:
1. Dallas is the city....Kennedy was shot. // 2. Bill Clinton was the president....wife was called Hillary. //...
SOMEWHERE-NOWHERE: scegli la parola migliore tra quelle suggerite, per completare ogni frase.
1. I didn't do.... yesterday. I stayed in bed. // 2. Are you...
Scegli una delle due parole tra parentesi per completare correttamente queste frasi (01):
1. There is always the ___ that the plane will be early.(OPPORTUNITY /CHANCE/POSSIBILITY) // 2. My grandfather gave me a very useful piece of ___ ....
Scegli una delle due parole tra parentesi per completare correttamente queste frasi (02):
14. Don’t ___ my sunglasses if you borrow them. (DAMAGE/HARM) // 15. The English ___ is beautiful in spring. (NATURE/COUNTRYSIDE) // 16. He...
Scegli una delle due parole tra parentesi per completare correttamente queste frasi (03):
27. She has been in ___ plain for over three days.(CONTINUAL/CONTINUOUS) // 28. He asked me if I would ___ him some money until Monday....
IF CLAUSES: coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nel modo corretto e completa le frasi(01):
1. If he ___ (eat) everything he ___ (be) ill // 2. The police ___ (arrest) him if they ___(catch) him // 3. What ___ (happen) if my parachute...
IF CLAUSES: coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nel modo corretto e completa le frasi(02):
13. You ___ (not have) so many accidents if you ___ (drive) more slowly . // 14. What ___ (you, do) if you ___(hear) the alarm? // 15. If you ___...
Crea delle domande in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(01):
1. My mother helped me with my homework yesterday. // 2. We are going to Japan next month. // 3. Ann bought a new car last week. // 4. I haven’t...
Crea delle domande in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(02):
11. Her mother brought her some tea because she was ill. // 12. Elizabeth saw a fox in the snow. // 13. I sometimes feed the hens. (yes-no) // 14....
Crea delle domande in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(03):
21. The cats belong to me. // 22. There are lots of posters and pictures on the wall. // 23. The teacher is not very friendly. // 24. He waters his...
Crea delle domande in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(04):
1. Columbus discovered America in 1492. // 2. I graduated from school two years ago. // 3. They were ready. (yes – no) // 4. The mechanic repaired...
Crea delle domande in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(05):
13. We need a nanny because my wife has too much to do. // 14. Her favorite color is red. // 15. That book is mine. // 16. You have 5 minutes to...
Completa le domande con WHAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOSE, HOW, WHERE(01):
1. ____ did you do that for? // 2. ____ dress do you want to wear, the red one or the blue one? // 3. ____ opened the door? // 4. ____ keys are...
Completa le domande con WHAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOSE, HOW, WHERE(02):
11. ____ did the party last? – Almost two hours. // 12. ____ did you do in Australia? // 13. ____ jacket is this? - I think it’s mine. // 14....
Completa le domande con WHAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOSE, HOW, WHERE(03):
21. ____ do you normally get to school? // 22. ____ did you find her? – Yesterday evening. She was in the park // 23. ____ does she teach? // 24....
Crea tante domande per ogni QUESTION WORDS che trovi tra parentesi, in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(01):
1. We went home quickly in the evening. (how, where, when) // 2. Peter watched his friend closely (whom, how) // 3. Jenny told us a long story...
Crea tante domande per ogni QUESTION WORDS che trovi tra parentesi, in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(02):
9. I went to my friend’s place yesterday because I didn’t have anything else to do. (where, when, why) // 10. He spent the evening playing cards...
Crea delle domande in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(06):
1. She told us that Aunt Lizzy was coming. // 2. Peter ran home after a dog bit him. // 3. The Queen was welcomed by a large crowd. // 4. Mum bought...
Crea delle domande in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(07):
11. Molly doesn’t want to see me because I’m so impolite. // 12. She didn’t sleep well in the tent. // 13. Jamie spoke in a very low voice. //...
Crea delle domande in modo che le seguenti frasi servano da risposta(08):
21. Harry gave me some sweets because he likes me . (2 questions) // 22. We wanted to go to Italy last summer. // 23. Derek has just spoken with his...
Cambia le frasi da discorso diretto ad indiretto usando come inizio frase la parte che trovi tra parentesi(01):
1. Mary said:”I will play cards the day after tomorrow”. (Mary informed me…) // 2. Sophie said:”I went to bed early last night”. (Sophie...
Cambia le frasi da discorso diretto ad indiretto usando come inizio frase la parte che trovi tra parentesi(02):
11. Peter: “I will not stop until this factory is shut down”. (Peter announced that …) // 12. Her boyfriend told her: “You have bought...
Cambia le frasi da discorso diretto ad indiretto usando come inizio frase la parte che trovi al fondo(03):
1. He asked:”Do you live in the country Peter?” He asked me ..... // 2. They inquired:” Did you see Charles yesterday morning”? They...
Cambia le frasi da discorso diretto ad indiretto usando come inizio frase la parte che trovi al fondo(04):
11. The watchmaker asked:”Did you buy this Swiss watch at my place”? The watchmaker asked .... // 12. The instructor asked me:” have you ever...
Cambia le frasi da discorso diretto ad indiretto usando come inizio frase la parte che trovi al fondo(05):
1. He asked:”Where have you been Tom?” He asked me ..... // 2. The teacher wanted to know:”Who discovered America?” The teacher wanted to...
Cambia le frasi da discorso diretto ad indiretto usando come inizio frase la parte che trovi al fondo(06):
11. He wanted to know:”How long has Peter had his sports car?” He wanted to know .... // 12. The coach asked:”What is he doing now?” The...
Cambia le frasi da discorso diretto ad indiretto usando la persona e il verbo tra parentesi(07):
1. Yes! I’ll do it again (JACK, AGREE) // 2. Would you like to drive me home? (JIM, OFFER) // 3. I will pay you on Friday (THE BOSS, PROMISE) // 4....
Cambia le frasi da discorso diretto ad indiretto usando la persona e il verbo tra parentesi(08):
11. Don’t leave your room again (MOTHER, ORDER) // 12. Don’t touch the wire with wet hands. (THE ELECTRICIAN, WARN) // 13. Please buy some eggs...
Completa le frasi coniugando opportunamente il verbo tra parentesi (01):
1. My family have ___ (buy) some land in southern France recently. They ___ (build) a summer house there at the moment. // 2. Andy and Mary ___ (go)...
Completa le frasi coniugando opportunamente il verbo tra parentesi (02):
11. They ___ (stand) in the queue for over an hour when the manager ___ (tell) them that there were no more tickets. // 12. Alan ___ (be) in the car...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo al tempo richiesto nelle parentesi (01):
1. He – be – an interesting man (past simple) // 2. I – arrive – at 11. (going-to future) // 3. I – not do – that – if – I – be –...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo al tempo richiesto nelle parentesi (02):
13. If – I – see – lights – I – stop (past simple and conditional 1) // 14. He said – Mum –already – go out (past perfect simple) //...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past simple oppure continuous(01):
1. It ___ (rain) when we ___ (come) out of the shopping centre. // 2. It ___(happen) very quickly. The car ___ (come) out of the side road and then...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past simple oppure continuous(02):
11. She ___ (have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock __ (ring). // 12. The car ___ (stop) at the lights. // 13. We ___ (drive) home in the...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past oppure present perfect(01):
1. The weather ___ (be) awful in the past few days. // 2. We ___ (wash) the dishes. They’re clean now. // 3. ____ (your course, start) yet? // 4....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past oppure present perfect(02):
11. How long ___ (Vicky, have) that camera? – For about a month. // 12. We ___ (just come) back from our holidays. // 13. You parcel ___ (arrive)....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past oppure present perfect(03):
1. The President ___ (just come) out of the building and will make a speech in a moment. // 2. ____ (you ever be) to America? // 3. ____ (Churchill...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past oppure present perfect(04):
11. It ___ (be) very dry so far this week, but it ___ (rain) a lot last week. // 12. I would like to meet a ghost but I ____ (never see) one before....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi nel modo corretto in base al senso della frase(01):
1. They ___ in Chicago for 20 years (be). // 2. I ___ a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see) // 3. The sun ___ at 6:38 yesterday morning...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi nel modo corretto in base al senso della frase(02):
11. I think Bob ___ for London this very moment.(leave) // 12. The plane ___ off in a few minutes. (take) // 13. I ___ up at 7 every morning but this...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi nel modo corretto in base al senso della frase(03):
21. He ___ his job a couple of years ago. (quit) // 22. Our daughter ____ from the university yet (gradate). // 23. They ___ any Christmas cards last...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present perfect(01):
1. The earth ___ here for billions of years (be). // 2. We ___ cards for the last few hours (play). // 3. We ___ problems with our new car recently...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present perfect(02):
11. I’m tired because I ___ well lately. (not feel) // 12. _____ your problems? (your parents, always, understand) // 13. The patient ___...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present perfect(03):
21. I ___ for 6 years. (marry) // 22. Dad ___ a number of jobs in the last few years (have). // 23. The bank is still closed. It ___ yet. (not open)...
Scrivi per ogni definizione il suo mestiere(01):
DEFINIZIONI: He takes care of people’s health. - - She sings jazz in a night club. - - He goes to school and does homework. - - She sells tickets...
Scrivi per ogni definizione il suo mestiere(02):
DEFINIZIONI: a) a person who cures teeth / b) a person who writes books / c) a person who dances / d) a person who sings / e) a person who drives a...
Scrivi per ogni serie di caratteristiche il mestiere corrispondente:
CARATTERISTICHE: 1. helpful, kind, hard-working / 2. hard-working, helpful, attentive / 3. courageous, clever, careful / 4. confident, slim,...
Scrivi per ogni definizione il suo mestiere(03):
DEFINIZIONI: a) can’t eat fattening food / b) has to know the route of flight / c) has to be strong / d) has to wear a crash helmet / e) has to...
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia, immagina di essere DAISY e completa le frasi con i termini corretti:
1)Jason is my.... / 2)Mark is my.... / 3)Sophie is my.... / 4)Julia is my.... / 5)Graham is my.... / 6)Sylvie is my.... / 7)Cindy is my.... / 8)David...
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia, immagina di essere MAGGIE e completa le frasi con i termini corretti:
1)Jason is my.... / 2)David is my.... / 3)Sophie is my.... / 4)Julia is my.... / 5)Ethel is my.... / 6)Sylvie is my.... / 7)James is my.... /...
Osserva lo schema delle parentele di questa famiglia, immagina di essere OLIVER e completa le frasi con i termini corretti:
1)Anne is my.... / 2)David is mmy.... / 3)Sarah is my.... / 4)Daisy is my.... / 5)Cindy is my.... / 6)Bobby is my.... / 7)Mark is my.... / 8)Graham...
Scrivi il nome di ogni vocabolo sui trasporti e i viaggi per rispondere alle domande, scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(01):
Scrivi il nome di ogni vocabolo sui trasporti e i viaggi per rispondere alle domande, scegliendolo tra i vari proposti(02):
Leggi queste frasi al CONDIZIONALE, trova gli errori e correggili.
1. If he didn't know what to do, he would have asked us. -- 2. Unless she comes soon, we'll be late for the first performance. -- 3. Tell him to go...
Completa ogni frase usando WISH.
1. I am not very tall..... taller. -- 2. I didn't learn English when I was younger..... when I was younger. -- 3. I can't speak perfect English........
THIRD CONDITIONAL ordinamento: metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto. La prima parola in ogni domanda è sempre IF:
1. 7.30 / for / I / . / would / I / work / bus, / have / hadn't / the / if / caught / late / been --- 2. known / be / you / if / so / angry, / you'd...
THIRD CONDITIONAL, indica quali di queste frasi sono corrette(01):
1. The doctors would have called by now if they had finished the operation. --- 2. I might have be very rich if I'd been born in the USA. --- 3. I...
Scrivi il verbo giusto in ogni spazio in queste frasi CONDIZIONALI.
1. If I ... watched the late movie on TV, I'd be feeling so much better today. --- 2. Our world ... be a better place if people were a little nicer...
Scegli la corretta forma verbale, fra quelle proposte, per completare ogni frase(01):
1. If I hadn't overslept, I ______ on time. - will have been - would have been - will be // 2. If you had eaten a good breakfast, you______ so...
Scegli la corretta forma verbale, fra quelle proposte, per completare ogni frase(02):
1. I wish our team ______ . - did win - had won - has won // 2. If only I ______ guitar! - can play - will play - could play //...
THIRD CONDITIONAL, indica quali di queste frasi sono corrette(02):
1. If I had knew it was going to rain, I wouldn't have gone hiking. // 2. You probably wouldn't have had an accident if you hadn't been so tired. //...
THIRD CONDITIONAL, indica quali di queste frasi sono corrette(03):
1. How wonderful that movie was! // 2. Only after posting the postcard did I remember I hadn't put a stamp on it. // 3. Rarely Veronica forgets to...
Scegli la migliore struttura, fra le due proposte, per completare ogni frase.
1. _________ should children be allowed to drive. - no sooner - under no circumstances // 2. _________ after months of planning were they...
Riempi ogni spazio con il verbo tra parentesi al PASSATO coniugato nel modo corretto.
1. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I (write) for over two hours. // 2. When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I...
Completa le frasi usando il verbo TO HAVE e le istruzioni tra parentesi.
1. I went to the hairdresser's to .... . (hair/cut) // 2. You should take your car to the mechanic to .... . (brakes/repair) // 3. For their...
I genitori di Michael andranno ai Caraibi per una grande vacanza e hanno chiesto a loro figlio, Richie, di svolgere alcuni compiti. Chi dovrà chiamare per loro? Abbina i numeri alle lettere.
COMPITI DA SVOLGERE: 1. Please get the pool cleaned. There are leaves stuck in the filter and mud on the bottom. // 2. Please get Toby's nails cut....
Brenda ha chiesto ad un costruttore di visitare la sua casa per le vacanze sulle montagne del Canada e riferirle dei problemi che incontra. Lui le manda solo dei messaggi di testo. Ma alcuni messaggi arrivano a Brenda un pò confusi. Quale di queste frasi contiene errori?
1. Hi Brenda, arrived at the house a few hours ago. Had a look around. House needs a lot of work doing to it. // 2. You will have to had all the...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi CAUSATIVE corrette.
1. place / . / they / to / same / the / cut / their / you / go / hair / in / had --- 2. you / . / it's / have / should / your / checked / you /...
Per ogni frase, scegli la corretta combinazione dei COMPARATIVI indicati, per completarla.
1. The ____ you study for these exams, the ____ you will do. - hard - better - harder - more successfully - much - better - more - good...
Per completare ogni frase scegli una parola dall'elenco. Potrebbe essere necessario modificare la forma della parola al COMPARATIVO.
1. On our bus service, the later you catch a bus, the .... it is. // 2. Harry's...
Cerca gli errori in queste frasi COMPARATIVE e SUPERLATIVE e correggili.
1. Much less water flooded into the house than I expected. // 2. There are less people here than promised to come. // 3. Tennis is a far harder...
Cerca gli errori in queste frasi che usano SAY e TELL e correggili.
1. I told "goodbye" to John but he just ignored me completely. // 2. Mike told me to come and see you immediately. // 3. Say "goodnight" to your...
Scegli il verbo più adatto fra quelli proposti e completa le frasi.
1. "I'd go and see a doctor if I were you," Julie said to me. Julie ... me...
Scrivi la forma corretta di TO SAY oppure TO TELL per completare ogni frase.
1. I just think John is an idiot. .... that, he earns a lot more than me! // 2. I would have .... Jessica about the meeting if I'd seen her, but I...
Leggi queste frasi che contengono delle domande indirette. Ogni frase ha una parola in più, qual è?
1. I would really love to know what my mother have said to him. // 2. The old lady did asked me where the bank was. // 3. They asked me what was I...
Correggi gli errori in queste frasi che contengono delle domande.
1. Can you tell me what time the last performance does start? // 2. He wanted to know if I was coming or not. // 3. Please tell me what you mean...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi che contengono delle domande.
1. asked / his / Chris / . / was / mother / tell / me / him / to / where --- 2. hours / week / know / I / wanted / many / . / how / to / worked / she...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi. La prima parola in ogni frase è sempre SUSAN.
1. computer / told / broke / it / Susan / her / me / who / . / was / the --- 2. can't / that / tonight / . / Susan / to / me / said / she / come ...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(01):
1. Julie said, "My birthday is on Friday." Julie said ... . --- 2. John said, "I saw that movie once before." John said he ... . --- 3. My friend...
Correggi gli errori in queste frasi che contengono verbi al FUTURO.
1. By 2050, I think we'll all be flying cars to get around. // 2. I will be sunbathe in Jamaica by next Tuesday. // 3. They'll be feeling tired...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con il FUTURE CONTINUOUS.
1. be / by / will / 7pm / tomorrow / traveling / evening / ? / you --- 2. won't / her / I / tomorrow / arrives / train / for / be / her / waiting / ....
Completa ogni frase con USED TO, BE USED TO oppure GET USED TO più il verbo tra parentesi.
1. European drivers find it difficult to ... (drive) on the left when they visit Britain. --- 2. See that building there? I ... (go) to school there,...
Correggi gli errori in queste frasi che contengono BE USED TO o USED TO.
1. I'm not used to having to study so hard. // 2. Get used to working hard quickly or you'll be looking for another job. // 3. Didn't your uncle...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con BE USED TO o USED TO.
1. used / smoke / day / . / smokes / twenty / , / but / he / a / to / never / he --- 2. living / in / to / . / this / used / getting / I'm / country...
Abbina ogni coppia di frasi con verbi MODALI correttamente.
1. John was in the building after 10pm. The rules state "nobody in building after 9pm." // 2. We expected to pay $5 to enter the park. We got into...
Leggi questo breve articolo sull'ultimo fumetto del cane Snoopy. Usa UNA parola per riempire ogni spazio.
A 50-year tradition comes to end on Sunday with the last .... Peanuts, the world's most famous comic strip. More than 2,600 newspapers around the...
Per completare ogni frase, scegli CAN'T, MIGHT oppure MUST.
1. Your mother .... be a great cook. You are always so keen to get back home to eat! // 2. I don't know why I am so tired these days. I .... be...
Scegli uno dei verbi MODALI proposti per completare le frasi.
1. John ..... gone on holiday. I saw him this morning downtown. // 2. Nobody answered the phone...
Leggi queste frasi sulla costruzione e sul viaggio della nave Titanic. Quale delle frasi contiene errori nell'uso del PAST MODALS of deduction?
1. It might have been very dangerous to work in the shipyard. Some men were killed during the building of the ship. // 2. There can't have been a big...
Riordina queste parole per creare delle frasi che usano MODALS of deduction. La prima parola di ogni frase è il nome di una persona.
1. knock / and / door / . / the / Tony / on / go / his / be / in / bedroom / . / might --- 2. must / that / . / seen / TV / . / she's / always /...
Completa ogni frase scegliendo uno dei QUANTIFIERS proposti.
1. I've sat in that chair ... a time and thought about poor Joseph. --- 2. ... Meg and...
Le seguenti frasi che contengono QUANTIFIERS sono corrette(01)?
1. Are there any questions or can we move on to the next unit? --- 2. Nearly each person I saw that day complained about the cold. It was freezing!...
Le seguenti frasi che contengono QUANTIFIERS sono corrette(02)?
1. If you have some doubts about the exam, come and ask me. --- 2. There were no photos taken here last night. None. --- 3. All the students didn't...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi con QUANTIFIER. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. get / in / manages / to / hour / five / who / complete / under / test / bonus / a / anyone / points / an / will / the / . --- 2. the / is / ocean...
Scrivi la parola migliore, tra quelle suggerite, per completare ciascuno di questi spazi.
1. The new supermarket is so much cheaper than the one in John Street. ..... , they do free home deliveries too.- However- On the whole- Furthermore...
Leggi questa lettera di denuncia che Daniel scrive al proprietario di una società alberghiera. Per ogni spazio, scrivi il pronome relativo corretto. Se non è richiesto alcun pronome relativo, è sufficiente inserire una X.
Dear Mr. Jeffries, I want to complain about the hotel .... (1) I stayed last week, one of your company's hotels. I spent nearly $200 on the hotel,...
Scegli il miglior PRONOME RELATIVO per completare ogni frase. Se non è necessario, inserisci una X.
1. It was Wilson .... gave me the old map and he had found it in a old junk shop. --- 2. My uncle apologised for his insult, .... we accepted...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con PRONOMI RELATIVI. Fai attenzione alle virgole!
1. the / now / is / homeless / house / fire / , / Jack / was / , / destroyed / whose / in / . --- 2. whose / King / sold / have / books / millions /...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per creare delle frasi contenenti GERUNDIO/INFINITO. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. much / dread / this / of / all / will / to / how / I / think / . / cost --- 2. you / ? / apartment / before / to / remember / did / the / you /...
Leggi la lettera di questo politico alle persone che vivono nella zona. Scrivi una parola per ogni spazio.
I wanted to write a few words to all of you .... (1) explain my decision to oppose the construction of another oil power station in our area. So much...
Metti queste parole nell'ordine corretto per fare delle frasi con espressioni di scopo, ragione e risultati. Non dimenticare di includere la punteggiatura!
1. the / overtime / you're / can / , / ? / conference / you / not / to / since / going / some / do --- 2. left / arriving / so / early / we / late /...
Scegli la parola migliore, fra quelle proposte, per completare ogni frase.
1. _____ everything looked so in order, we didn't clean anything else. - since - due to - because of - seeing // 2. _____ he knew he was...
Leggi ogni frase, pensa all'accordo soggetto-verbo ecorreggi quelle errate.
1. Everyone have done the homework as expected. // 2. Some of the money is missing. // 3. Somebody has forgotten to turn off the TV. // 4. Each of...
Leggi questo breve articolo su una famosa chitarra di John Lennon. Per ogni spazio, decidi se è necessaria una preposizione e, in tal caso, quale. Se ritieni che non sia necessaria la preposizione, inserisci una X.
The guitar John Lennon was playing when he first met .... Paul McCartney could fetch up to £100,000 when it is put .... for auction by Sotheby's in...
HOW TO FIND THE THEME OF A TEXT. Reading is fun! In addition to reading for fun, though, we can also analyze texts to learn more fromthe texts and more aboutthe texts. One way we can do this with fiction books, passages, or poems is by identifying the theme.The theme of a book is the "big idea" that runs throughout the text, connecting the characters and events. Many times, it has to do with what the main character learned over the course of the story. Most of the time, the theme of a book is not written out in the words, you have to use clues in the text to infer it. Themes can be ideas...
1.What is the theme of a text? // 2.Why do you need to read the entire text before you determine the theme? // 3.What does "infer"mean in the second...
WHY DOES THE OCEAN HAVE WAVES? The ocean is never still. Whether observing from the beach or a boat, we expect to see waves on the horizon. Waves are created by energy passing through water, causing it to move in a circular motion. However, water does not actually travel in waves. Waves transmit energy, not water, across the ocean and if not obstructed by anything, they have the potential to travel across an entire ocean basin.Waves are most commonly caused by wind. Wind-driven waves, or surface waves, are created by the friction between wind and surface water. As wind blows across the...
1.What creates waves? // 2.What could be an obstruction to waves? // 3.Why do you think wind is the most common cause of wave creation? // 4.What are...
CURIOUS ABOUT CAREERS: FIREFIGHTERS. Firefighting is an important job to keep people safe and help keep fires from damaging too much property. It is a tough job, but if you like to help people, it could be the job for you!Firefighters have to take physical tests to make sure their bodies are strong enough to do all of the work required. They have to be able to carry heavy objects, go up many flights of stairs, and work for a long time. Firefighters also go through frequenttraining. They need to be aware of the latest techniques in fighting fires, and keeping themselves and others safe. Not...
1.What are two personality traits firefighters should have to be successful? // 2.Why is it important for firefighters to do physical tests? //...
A POOL FIT FOR A HEDGEHOG. Summer was here, and it was a hot one! Cora the hedgehog was out foraging for food, trying to stay cool. She saw her friend Heather by her den. Heather was splashing around in her little pool outside. "Hi Heather!" Cora called. "When did you get a pool?""Hi Cora! I just got it yesterday, it's really helping cool me down. Would you like to join me?" Heather replied."I would love to, thanks!" They talked for a long while, and Cora had a lot of questions for Heather about the pool. She asked who Heather bought it from, if it was expensive, and if Heather thought she...
1.Retell the story in your own words. // 2.Describe Cora's character. What evidence from the text helps you describe her? // 3.What influenced Cora...
THE FOX AND THE LITTLE RED HEN. Once upon a time there was a little red hen. She lived in a little white house, and she had a little green garden. Every day she worked in the house and garden.Near her home lived a family of foxes. One day Mamma Fox said to Papa Fox, "I want a fat hen to eat." There was nothing in the pantry for the baby foxes, so Papa Fox started out to find something for them all.He ran down the road until he came to the woods. "Surely I will find something here," he said, but he found nothing to eat in the woods. As he came near the little green garden he said, "Oh, I smell...
1.What was the little red hen's house like? // 2.Why didn't the fox know the hen escaped? // 3.What do the hen's actions tell us about her as a...
THE MERCHANT'S CARAVAN. Once there was a merchant who sold fine silks and rugs. He needed to send his goods to a country on the other side of the sandy desert.The merchant owned a large caravan of camels, and he employed many men. Camels were the only animals strong enough to travel over the desert with the heavy loads.For many days, the merchant and his men had been preparing for the journey. The canvas tents and the poles were placed upon one camel. Great leather bottles of water were loaded on another camel.Firewood and bags of rice and barley meal were placed on still another. It...
1.Why did the caravan travel at night? // 2.Why did they throw away the firewood and water? // 3.How did the tuft of grass let the merchant know...
ANDROCLUS AND THE LION. In Rome there was once a poor slave whose name was Androclus. His master was a cruel man and so unkind to him that Androclus ran away.Androclus hid in the woods for many days, but there was no food to be found, and he grew weak and sick. One day he crept into a cave and lay down and soon he was fast asleep.After a while, a great noise woke him up. A lion had come into the cave and was roaring loudly. Androclus was very afraid because he felt sure that the beast would kill him. Soon, however, he saw that the lion was not angry, but that he limped as though his...
1.Why did Androclus help the lion in the cave? // 2.What law says that Androclusmust fight a lion? // 3.Why do you think the crowd wants Androclus...
HOW FRANKLIN FOUND OUT ABOUT ANTS. Franklin thought that ants knew how to talk to one another. He thought that they talked by some kindof signs. When an ant had found a dead fly too big for him to drag away, he would run off and get some other ants to help him. Franklin thought that ants had some way of telling other ants that there is work to do.One day he found some ants eating molasses out of a little jar in a closet. He shook them out. Then he tied a string to the jar and hung it from a nail in the ceiling. But he had not got all the ants out of the jar. One little ant liked sweet...
1.What did Franklin learn by watching ants? // 2.How did the ant get home from the jar hanging in the ceiling? // 3.Based on what you read what...
GRACE DARLING. It was a dark September morning. There was a storm at sea. A ship had crashed onto a low rock off the shores of the Farne Islands. It had been broken in two by the waves, and half of it had been washed away. The other half still lay on the rock, and the crew was clinging to it. But the waves were dashing over it, and, in a little while, it too would be carried to the bottom of the sea.Could anyone save the poor, wet men who were there?On one of the islands was a light-house, and there, all through that stormy night, Grace Darling had listened to the storm.Grace was the...
1.How did Grace know there was a ship wreck? // 2.Why was it so dangerous to rescue the crew? // 3.Why could the father not say "No" to Grace's plan...
RAY AND HIS KITE. Ray was a silly boy. You will think so too when you have read this story. Ray liked to play with the boys at school well enough; but he liked to be alone under the shade of some tree reading a fairy tale or dreaming daydreams better. There was one activity that he liked as well as his companions; that was flying a kite. One day when he was flying his kite, he said to himself, "I wonder if anybody ever tried to fly a kite at night. It seems to me it would be nice. But then, if it is dark, the kite cannot be seen. What if I should fasten a light to it, though? That would...
1.How is Ray able to fly his kite at night? // 2.What do some of the people think Ray's kite is when they see it? // 3.Why do you think the men...
Scegli il termine migliore da associare ai verbi elencati.
1. pay - a bill - on a bill - too many / 2. to be - a debt - in saving - in debt / 3. spend - too many - too much - a debt / 4. open - debt - money -...
Scegli la parola corretta fra quelle in elenco, per completare le frasi.
1. .... going to sleep, I like to read for half an hour. / 2. Call me .......
Scegli il verbo corretto fra quelli in elenco, per completare le frasi.
1. In many countries, dogs are used to ... people who are...
Usa i seguenti verbi per completare ogni frase. Potrebbe essere necessario cambiare il tempo.
1. Quick, .... Mark! It's freezing outside. Close the door....
Scegli il verbo corretto fra i tre proposti, che si potrebbe utilizzare in queste frasi al posto di uno di quelli presenti.
1. Peter, give out these tests, then clean the whiteboard please. - distribute - put together - collect / 2. I don't want to speak to you,...
Guarda queste frasi con HAVE TO e MUST e inserisci le parole mancanti scegliendole dall'elenco.
1. When you go to many countries, you have to have your passport and also...
Frasi con il verbo WISH: coniuga in modo corretto il verbo tra parentesi.
1. We always have to take the bus home. I wish we (not live) so far from the city centre / 2. We are completely soaked. I wish we (bring) the...
Riscrivi queste frasi mantenendo il loro significato ed usando WISH:
1. I ate too much and now I have stomachache. / 2. His parents would like him to look after himself / 3. I can't smoke anywhere now. The...
Riscrivi queste frasi mantenendo il loro significato ed usando WISH, IF oppure UNLESS:
1. If you aren’t on a diet, try this pizza. (unless) / 2. I didn’t turn up to watch the football match because the teacher didn’t mention it....
Riscrivi queste frasi mantenendo il loro significato ed usando WISH oppure IF come suggerito:
1. I didn't accept their invitation and I am sorry. I wish.... / 2. Unfortunately, I am unable to give up smoking. If only.... / 3. It's a pity our...
SAY oppure TELL? Completa le seguenti frasi nel modo corretto(02):
She.... me the truth. She.... she was right. The secretary.... boss was away on holiday. The secretary.... to boss she was away on holiday. The...
SAY oppure TELL? Completa il seguente brano nel modo corretto:
The other day an issue arose in the classroom. Roberto....that Omar was the teacher´s pet. The that he didn´t have any preferences....
SO oppure NEITHER? scegli la congiunzione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
1.She should not have told us that. (he) / 2.They went on business. (Liva) / 3.She will not tell him anything. (her mother) / 4.The boy is not...
GERUNDIO oppure INFINITO? coniuga il verbo tra parentesi nel modo corretto(01):
1. Tom has advised (reread) the story once again. / 2. We did not attempt (tell) lies as we knew him very well. / 3. Martha asked me if I fancied(go)...
GERUNDIO oppure INFINITO? coniuga il verbo tra parentesi nel modo corretto(02):
1. After a short break they will resume (work). / 2. I can (swim) very well. / 3. I will not forget (send) your letter. / 4. They plan (finish)...
TOO oppure ENOUGH? scegli l'avverbio corretto per completare le seguenti frasi e utilizzando l'aggettivo tra parentesi:
a) Peter is ... to become a police officer. He's only 1.65 cm tall. (short) / b) I'd like to buy a new car and a good house, but I'm just not ... to...
trasforma le seguenti frasi utilizzando TOO oppure ENOUGH e l'aggettivo opposto a quello presente, in modo che il significato rimanga lo stesso.
1. He isn't old enough to vote. He is ... to vote. / 2. Algebra is too difficult for me to understand. Algebra isn't ... for me to understand. / 3. I...
Guarda il video e poi completa il brano.
Five little ... sitting on a .... / The ... one said, "Oh! My, it's getting ...!" / The ... one said, "There are ... in the air!" / The ... one said,...
Guarda il video tratto dal film La Sirenetta e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 5'54" con 19 domande sul past simple. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal bellissimo corto di animazione Pip e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'06" con 10 domande varie di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
A Quick-Thinking(nota1) Hero
Jeremy W. is thirteen years old and lives in the United States. Every morning he catches the school bus to get to his local middle school. One morning, he was travelling on the school bus as usual with other students from his school. Suddenly, the driver(nota2) lost consciousness. He lost control of the bus and it swerved(nota3) along the road. Jeremy shouted for someone on the bus to phone 911, the emergency services number. He jumped out of his seat and grabbed(nota4) the steering...

Glossary1. quick-thinking: sveglio, 2. driver: autista, 3. swerve: sbandare, 4. grab: afferrare, 5. steering wheel: volante, 6. steer:...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi in modo che con WISH esprima un desiderio al presente:
1. I wish he .... (go) to the exhibition. / 2. She wishes Nick .... (call) her. / 3. Tim wishes he .... (write) the letter. / 4. Kate wishes Sally...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi in modo che con WISH esprima un desiderio al passato:
1. I wish I .... (go) to Paris. / 2. Paul wishes he .... (buy) a new CD. / 3. We wish we .... (visit) the exhibition. / 4. I wish I .... (hear) this...
Trasforma ogni frase con WISH e impostando il desiderio che esprime al presente:
1. I want to become a doctor. I wish .... / 2. Liz wants to visit her grandparents. Liz wishes ... / 3. Tim dreams to travel in Africa. Tim wishes...
Trasforma ogni frase con WISH e impostando il desiderio che esprime al passato:
1. Tim has lost his passport. Tim wishes ... / 2. Sue quarreled with her parents. Sue wishes ... / 3. Pete hasn’t arrived in time. Pete wishes ......
Leggi le affermazioni di ogni frase e crea per ognuna una frase iniziandola con I WISH oppure IF ONLY che esprima un desiderio riferito a quell'affermazione. Esempio: I don’t know the answer > I wish/If only I knew the answer. (= I don’t know)
2.I’m not good at sports. ? If only / I wish ... / 3.I’m not going with you. ? If only / I wish ... / 4.I can’t give you an answer. ? If only /...
Guarda il video tratto dal film UP e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'02" con 11 domande sul simple past. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Aladin e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'19" con 11 domande di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Angry Birds(02) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 1'19" con 9 domande su comprensione e there is/there are. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Cattivissimo Me(02) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 3'58" con 10 domande sul present continuous. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo cartone animato di Tom e Jerry e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'25" con 9 domande su comprensione e past simple. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo episodio di Mr.Bean e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 6'13" con 10 domande su comprensione e verbi al futuro. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Baby Boss e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'41" con 14 domande di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video sui pinguini di Madagascar e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'12" con 10 domande sul present continuous. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Scarlett e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'50" con 13 domande su present simple e continuous. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Frozen e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 6'12" con 9 domande su comparativi e superlativi. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film kung Fu Panda e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'41" con 11 domande sui comparativi. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Angry Birds(03) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'50" con 11 domande sui verbi al gerundio e infinito. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Ballerina e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'17" con 12 domande sui verbi al passato. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Harry Potter(02) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'10" con 8 domande su much/many/a few/a little/some/any. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo bellissimo corto di animazione Partly Cloudy(02) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 5'36" con 12 domande sui verbi can e must. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Monsters &Co e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 3'33" con 6 domande su daily routine e present simple. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
PHRASAL VERBS con UP: completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo giusto.
Jane and I want to XXXX up smoking. / Could you XXXX me up at 6 o'clock? / We must XXXX up or we will miss the bus. / Can you XXXX me up at the...
PHRASAL VERBS con ON: completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo giusto.
Please XXXX on your coat, it's cold outside. / Do you mind if I XXXX on the telly? I want to watch the news. / Excuse me. Where can I XXXX on the...
PHRASAL VERBS con TURN: completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con la preposizione corretta.
I love this song! Do you mind if I turn XXXX the volume? / Turn XXXX the telly and go to bed. / Turn XXXX the oven, I want to bake a pizza. / Turn...
PHRASAL VERBS con OUT: completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo giusto.
When it is hot and dry, forest fires XXXX out easily. / XXXX out! There's a car coming. / It took the firemen 5 hours to XXXX out the fire. / You...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS sostituendo le XXXX con CAME ACROSS, DOWN, BY, DOWN TO, OVER, UP WITH, ABOUT, OUT.
When I was reading the paper, I (found) XXXX this article. / How did this mess (happen) XXXX ? / We were at a complete loss, and then Jane (produced)...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS sostituendo le XXXX dopo il verbo look con TROUGH, LIKE, DOWN ON, AT, UP TO, OVER, INTO, FORWARD, AFTER, BACK
When I look XXXX on my time at university, it puts a smile on my face. / I think I lost my car keys. Will you help me look XXXX them? / You must look...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS sostituendo le XXXX con i verbi get along-get round- get by- get ahead get across-get away- get down- get back get through-get over coniugati al tempo corretto.
She's very good at XXXX her message XXXX. / The robbers XXXX with a million pounds. / It's a serious problem. We must XXXX somehow. / The news of...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS sostituendo le XXXX con UP, ON, OFF, OUT, DOWN, AWAY, OVER, BACK a seconda del senso della frase(01).
1.I have to take our new dish-washer XXXX because it doesn't work. / 2.My plane takes XXXX in about half an hour. / 3.Take XXXX your socks and shoes...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS sostituendo le XXXX con UP, ON, OFF, OUT, DOWN, AWAY, OVER, BACK a seconda del senso della frase(02).
13.It's too dark in here. Let's turn some lights XXXX / 14.Can you turn the music XXXX ? This is my favourite song. / 15.Our cat suddenly turned XXXX...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS sostituendo le XXXX con la preposizione corretta in base al senso della frase.
-If you apply XXXX a transfer, you might get one soon. / -He is very attached XXXX his family. / -They are no longer XXXX war XXXX the neighbouring...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS e sostituisci le XXXX coniugando opportunamente GO OUT – HANG ON – LOOK UP – LOOK AFTER – COME BACK – LOOK FORWARD TO – GIVE BACK – GIVE UP – SHUT UP.
1.If you don’t know the meaning of the word, you should XXXX it XXXX in a dictionary. / 2.He XXXX for a walk at 7 p.m. last night and he only XXXX...
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS e sostituisci le XXXX coniugando opportunamente BLACK OUT – DROP IN – CROP UP – MAKE UP – TURN DOWN – PUT DOWN – BREAK DOWN – LET DOWN – SHOW OFF- LIE AROUND.
1.My best friend XXXX last night because I was sick. / 2.John can’t remember a thing after falling. He just XXXX. / 3.That girl is always XXXX...
Scegli il PHRASAL VERB corretto fra i quattro proposti per completare ogni frase.
1. Jonathan doesn’t like to such a strict schedule, but he has no choice in the military. a. get in b. adhere to c. chip in d. drop off / 2....
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS mettendo negli spazi uno dei tre verbi suggeriti(02).
1 If a tough guy wants to 'take you down', he might __________. A| hug you B| hurt you C| smooch you / 2 It is a policeman's job to ______ down the...
Usa i verbi e le preposizioni suggerite per completare queste frasi con PHRASAL VERBS:
VERBI: believe, fill, get, look, put, switch, take, throw, turn, try. PREPOSIZIONI: away, down, for, in, off, on, out
Quick! XXXX the bus. It's...
Scegli la corretta preposizione da mettere al posto delle XXXX in queste frasi con PHRASAL VERBS(01):
Henry looked XXXX the magazine quickly. / Look XXXX ! There's a bus coming! It is going to hit you! / Did the doctor look XXXX your leg? / She looked...
Scegli la corretta preposizione da mettere al posto delle XXXX in queste frasi con PHRASAL VERBS(02):
He comes XXXX Italy. / The blue car came XXXX last. / Come XXXX try once more. / We came XXXX home very late. / She came XXXX some old letters in the...
Scegli la corretta preposizione da mettere al posto delle XXXX in queste frasi con PHRASAL VERBS(03):
When we got XXXX to the room, she had already left. / The police let him get XXXX with only a $10 ticket. / Look! Our plane is getting XXXX now. /...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al passato e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(01):
1.Mr. Fox XXXX a lot of jokes when he was younger.(know) / 2.My friends XXXX me a nice present for my birthday. (give) / 3.They XXXX me a new...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al passato scegliendolo fra le forme suggerite e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(01):
1. He .... to sing when he was 9 years old. (to begin) begun, began, beginned / 2. My little brother .... his new glasses when he fell off hus bike....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al passato scegliendolo fra le forme suggerite e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(02):
10. I .... T-shirts from the museum shop to remind us of our visit yesterday. (to buy) buyed, bought, am buying / 11. We .... photos of our favorite...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al passato e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(02):
Last month we XXXX on a trip to Jerusalem.(go) / I XXXX a good movie last night.(see) / We XXXX a tasty vegetables salad yesterday.(make) / He XXXX...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al passato e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(03):
Mother XXXX sick, so she stayed in bed. (feel) / I XXXX ten hours last night. (sleep) / Diana XXXX her pet dog to school yesterday. (bring) / I...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al passato e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(04):
2.They XXXX English songs at school last Monday. (sing) / 3.Rita XXXX to collect coins five years ago.. (begin) / 4.We XXXX in the deep end of the...
Completa le frasi sostituendo le XXXX con il verbo tra parentesi coniugato al passato e facendo attenzione ai verbi IRREGOLARI(05):
We XXXX class at 8 o'clock this morning. (begin) / The apartment XXXX a lot of money. (cost) / Teacher XXXX that movie for us. (choose) / I XXXX a...
Da questo lungo elenco di verbi, mantieni solo quelli IRREGOLARI al PAST SIMPLE TENSE e cancella tutti gli altri(01):
built occupied go play stayed sold denied translate sit draw bought missed drop got see brought asked dug advise came helped organize did drank...
Da questo lungo elenco di verbi, mantieni solo quelli IRREGOLARI al PAST SIMPLE TENSE e cancella tutti gli altri(02):
began take booked swam see copied flew sell piloted took caught advised went smiled played kick bit laughed chose help swim found eat felt break...
Trova e correggi gli errori nei VERBI IRREGOLARI presenti in queste frasi:
1.Mary spilt till the very evening because she been very tired. / 2.Have you ever sended a postcard to your friend from abroad? / 3.Sam often were...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(01).
1.She (hide) in the bag when she was shopping with her mother. / 2.He (buy) a video camera for his friend Ned on Monday. / 3.Yesterday she (make) a...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(02).
13.He (sing) a beautiful song in a studio last Christmas. / 14.She (teach) some English to her teddy bear. / 15.The turtle (steal) his false teeth...
Riempi gli spazi di ogni frase in modo da creare delle domande a cui la frase successiva serva da risposta perfetta:
1. Where ____ Mary? I went to the birthday party. / 2. Who___ with? I went with Sarah and her brother. / 3. What____there? We watched DVDs and played...
Nelle seguenti frasi, i verbi al PAST SIMPLE sono sbagliati, riscrivi le frasi in modo che abbiano senso.
1. Mary's father went her how to ride a bicycle when she was three years old. / 2. The glass slipped from her hand and won into a dozen pieces. / 3....
Trova e correggi gli errori nei VERBI IRREGOLARI presenti in queste frasi(01):
1.Kevin had meet his friends and then they goed to the cinema. / 2.Have you ever began to do something again after a failure? / 3.Keera could swam...
Trova e correggi gli errori nei VERBI IRREGOLARI presenti in queste frasi(02):
1.The tree burnet because the lightning hitted it. / 2.Did you went to cinema after you haved your dinner? / 3.Stanley didn't thought about Mary's...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(05).
1. Mary ___ the keys on the table and __ the room ( lay / leave). / 2. When John ___ the news and he just ___ of joy ( hear / leap). / 3. The wind...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(06).
1) I(hear) a new song on the radio. 2) I(read) three books last week. 3) They(speak) French to the waitress. 4) He(understand) during the class, but...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo indicato tra parentesi al PAST SIMPLE, attenzione ai verbi irregolari(07).
1) I(come) to England in 1993. 2) She(stand) under a tree to shelter from the rain. 3) They(do) their homework yesterday. 4) We(sing) too much last...
Indica se i seguenti verbi sono coniugati alll'INFINITO, al SIMPLE PAST oppure al PAST PARTICIPLE(01).
Indica se i seguenti verbi sono coniugati alll'INFINITO, al SIMPLE PAST oppure al PAST PARTICIPLE(02).
Indica se i seguenti verbi sono coniugati alll'INFINITO, al SIMPLE PAST oppure al PAST PARTICIPLE(03).
Completa le frasi utilizzando nel modo corretto l'espressione USED TO(01):
1 I __________ smoke, but now I don't. A=used to B=use to C=am used to / 2 Joseph __________ eat lots of junk food until his doctor told him to stop....
Completa le frasi utilizzando uno dei tre AGGETTIVI proposti in base al senso della frase(01):
1 The old man donated fifty dollars. That was very ___ of him. A=tasteful B=genteel C=kind / 2 It was a ___ victory. No one had expected Norway to...
Completa le frasi utilizzando uno dei tre AGGETTIVI proposti in base al senso della frase(02):
13 Look how big the statue is! It's ____. A=chilly B=huge C=puny / 14 These jeans are too ____. I need to put on a belt to stop them falling down....
Completa le frasi utilizzando una delle tre PREPOSIZIONI proposte:
1 You can depend ___ me. A=on B=in C=to / 2 Don't look __ my diary! A=to B=with C=at / 3 The dish consists ___ potatoes and rice. A=in B=with C=of /...
Completa le frasi utilizzando una delle tre parole proposte(02):
1 After ten years of war, they decided to ____ peace. A=make B=book C=take / 2 Why don't you ____ a chance on me? A=book B=take C=make / 3 He ____...
Completa le frasi utilizzando uno dei tre VERBI al passato proposti:
1 Recently, I ____ a lot of thinking. A=am doing B=will be doing C=have been doing / 2 By midnight, we ___ here for three hours. A=will have been...
WHEN, WHILE oppure DURING? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello giusto(01).
1 __ the summer, we played volleyball every day. A=When B=During C=While / 2 __ my vacation, I travelled to Switzerland. A=While B=When C=During / 3...
WHEN, WHILE oppure DURING? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello giusto(02).
1 I'd like to see you in my office, __ you have a minute free. A=during B=when C=while / 2 ___ the winter, it often snows. A=During B=While C=When /...
WHENEVER oppure WHATEVER? Completa le frasi scegliendo l'indefinito giusto fra quelli proposti.
1 You can tell me ___ you want. A=however B=whatever C=whoever / 2 Whatever means ___. A=nothing that B=anything that C=something that / 3 ___ wins...
Completa le frasi scegliendo la forma di FUTURO corretta fra le tre proposte(01):
1 This time tomorrow, I ____ on a jet plane. A=will leaving B=will C=will be leaving / 2 He just called to say he __ late. A=will be arriving B=will...
Completa le frasi scegliendo la forma di FUTURO corretta fra le tre proposte(02):
1 By the time you return here, I will have ___ the extension. A=completing B=complete C=completed / 2 This time next year, Sarah will have ____....
WILL oppure GOING TO? Completa le frasi scegliendo la forma di FUTURO corretta fra le tre proposte:
1 I think I __ take a shower before I go to work. A=am going to B=will C=going to / 2 He just called to say he __ be late. A=going to B=is going to...
Completa le frasi utilizzando una delle tre parole proposte(01):
1 Please __ to this letter as soon as possible. A=reply B=response C=respond / 2 He's from New York, so he speaks with a strong __. A=slang B=jargon...
Completa le frasi utilizzando una delle tre parole proposte(03):
1 I love the ___ in this restaurant. A=ambience B=atmosphere C=environment / 2 People look for a hotel with a good __. A=sight B=scene C=view / 3...
Completa le frasi utilizzando una delle tre parole proposte(04):
1 These kids tend to __ a lot of trouble. A=cause B=make C=do / 2 The police ___ him and put him in jail. A=caught with B=took C=arrested / 3 We had...
NOME, VERBO o AGGETTIVO? Completa le frasi utilizzando la versione corretta della parola proposta(01):
1 We both had ____ ideas. A=difference B=differ C=different / 2 Sammy Boy has a lot of ____. A=confidence B=confident C=conference / 3 Improve your...
NOME, VERBO o AGGETTIVO? Completa le frasi utilizzando la versione corretta della parola proposta(02):
1 She doesn't talk much; she is not very ____. A=communicate B=communicative C=communal / 2 We had great ___ in reaching the mountain peak....
NOME, VERBO o AGGETTIVO? Completa le frasi utilizzando la versione corretta della parola proposta(03):
1 Eat well and look after your ___. A=healthful B=health C=healthy / 2 The antique is over two thousand years old, but its __ remains unknown....
L'ordine delle parole in queste frasi è diverso. Qual è quello corretto?
1 Which is correct? A=In the summer, Paul spends time in Switzerland. B=Paul spends time in Switzerland in the summer. C=A and B / 2 Which is...
Completa le frasi utilizzando WOULD nella forma corretta fra le tre proposte:
1 Which sentence is correct? A=Would do you like to dance? B=Would dance with me? C=Would you like to dance? / 2 George would __ visiting the...
WOULD oppure HAD? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello giusto:
1 You __ better listen to what I say, young man. A=had B=would C=A or B / 2 I ___ like to introduce you to a good friend of mine. A=had B=would C=A...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: completa le frasi scegliendo la soluzione corretta(01).
1 If you heat water to 100 degrees, it __. A=would boil B=boils C=boil / 2 He always orders pizza if he ___ hungry. A=get B=would get C=gets / 3 If...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: completa le frasi scegliendo la soluzione corretta(02).
1 If you pay peanuts, you ___. A=get monkeys B=got monkeys C=getting monkeys / 2 If you ____, you get a certificate. A=will finish the course B=do...
ZERO INFINITIVE: completa le frasi scegliendo la soluzione corretta.
1 She heard him __. A=sing B=to sing C=sang / 2 She watched him __ his car. A=clean B=cleaning C=A or B / 3 Let me __ you with that. A=helping B=help...
Scegli la parola giusta fra le tre proposte per inserire un SUPERLATIVO in queste frasi:
1 I think football is __ best sport in the world. A=most B=the C=a / 2 This is the __ difficult math question in the book. A=more B=most C=much / 3...
Scegli il SINONIMO corretto per ogni parola proposta(01):
1 eat? A=consume B=digest C=snort / 2 use? A=utilise B=purchase C=register / 3 buy? A=shell B=purchase C=spend / 4 land? A=mud B=marsh C=terrain / 5...
ARTICOLO si o no? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi(01):
1 This will be a tough task for ___. A=government B=the government C=A or B / 2 ___ everywhere love burgers and fries. A=Students B=The students...
ARTICOLO si o no? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi(02):
1 The thief only stole from ____. A=the rich people B=the rich C=rich / 2 There is an American TV show called ____. A=Bold and the Beautiful B=The...
THEIR, THERE o THEY'RE? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi(01):
1 ___ is an interesting house up on the hill. A=Their B=There C=They're / 2 Many travelers have lost __ way in those woods. A=their B=they're C=there...
THEIR, THERE o THEY'RE? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi(02):
11 Don't look over here. Look over __. A=they're B=there C=their / 12 Look at these little ants. __ so tiny! A=There B=Their C=They're / 13 Elephants...
THIRD CONDITIONAL, fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente:
1 If I __ studied harder, I would have passed the test. A=would B=have C=had / 2 If I had studied harder, I would ___ passed the test. A=had B=have...
PHRASAL VERBS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi(01):
1 You should really ___ that old piece of junk that you drive. A=get rid of B=get in to C=get out of / 2 Which phrase means respect? A=look up to...
frasi temporali, scegli la parola giusta per completarle correttamente(01):
1 ___ the summer, the temperature shot up. A=While at B=While C=During / 2 He hasn't released an album ___. A=for ten years ago B=since ten years ago...
frasi temporali, scegli la parola giusta per completarle correttamente(02):
1 ___, do you think man will colonise space? A=In the future B=On the future C=With the future / 2 I haven't seen my baby ___. A=for a long time B=a...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito VIAGGI-TURISMO per completare le frasi(01):
1 You can buy flight tickets from a ___. A=travel agent B=journeyman C=travelling shop / 2 A travel schedule is called an ___. A=itinerary...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito VIAGGI-TURISMO per completare le frasi(02):
1 Ships stop at a ___. A=boatport B=port C=shipyard / 2 A long journey for pleasure on a ship is a ____. A=cruise B=bruise C=liner / 3 Before you...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(01)?
1 A lot of people read newspaper. A='newspaper' should be plural. B='people' should be plural. C='lot' should be plural. / 2 Steve got one brother...
STATIVE VERBS, quale di queste frasi è sbagliata?
1 A=He is angry. B=He is being angry. C=He is getting angry. / 2 A=He is understanding. B=He is talking. C=He is sleeping. / 3 A=He is dreaming. B=He...
STATIVE VERBS, quale di queste frasi è giusta, quale sbagliata?
1 Which is not correct? A=Barbie is looking for a new car. B=Barbie is owning her own house. C=Barbie is sleeping at the moment. / 2 Which is not...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito STUDIO-SCUOLA per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 For most people, the best way to learn new words is through ___. A=writing B=reading the dictionary C=reading / 2 When you practise listening, you...
Qual è il SOGGETTO delle seguenti frasi?
1 The boys played in the rain. A='the rain' is the subject. B='the boys' is the subject. C='played' is the subject. / 2 Mr. Jones likes to stay at...
Scegli la risposta corretta a queste domande varie sui SUFFISSI:
1 Which suffix means 'without'? A=-ful B=-tion C=-less / 2 Which suffix means 'full of'? A=-ful B=-full C=-tion / 3 Which suffix forms a noun?...
SUFFISSI in ABLE: scegli quello giusto in base ad ogni definizione.
1 Some say that UFOs are just another _____ mystery. A=unable B=culpable C=unexplainable / 2 If you can't believe it, then it is ____....
SUFFISSI in LESS: scegli quello giusto in base ad ogni definizione.
1 Which is not a real word? A=homeless B=hopeless C=clothless / 2 Which is not a real word? A=regardless B=startless C=endless / 3 Which is not a...
SUFFISSI in SOME: scegli quello giusto in base ad ogni definizione.
1 Are you feeling ___ tonight? A=lonesome B=lonelisome C=alonesome / 2 Something stressful may be ___. A=stressisome B=hardisome C=worrisome / 3 Dr....
SUFFISSI in TION: scegli quello giusto in base ad ogni definizione.
1 Words ending in '-tion' are usually __. A=adjectives B=verbs C=nouns / 2 Which word has a form ending in '-tion'? A=look B=rob C=concentrate / 3...
Scegli la parola giusta fra le tre proposte per inserire un SUPERLATIVO in queste frasi(02):
1 I think Lee Perry is the ___ singer in the world. A=best B=goodest C=good / 2 Bill Gates is the ___ man in the whole world. A=moneyest B=richest...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MISURE-QUANTITA' per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 How long is this? What is its __? A=longth B=length C=long / 2 How wide is this? What is its __? A=wide B=winth C=width / 3 How high is this? What...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MISURE-QUANTITA' per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 Most basketball players are over six ___ tall. A=feets B=foots C=feet / 2 I hope this year brings you ___ of luck. A=much B=plenty C=about / 3...
SO oppure SUCH?, scegli quello giusto per completare queste frasi(01):
1 Jenny was __ angry with me yesterday. A=so B=such / 2 Shirley is __ a beautiful woman. A=so B=such / 3 He was __ a handsome prince that all the...
SO oppure SUCH?, scegli quello giusto per completare queste frasi(02):
11 It was __ a rainy day yesterday, wasn't it? A=such B=so / 12 This is __ a bargain! A=such B=so / 13 This horse is __ a beauty. A=such B=so / 14...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(02)?
1 Some people likes to laze around. A='around' is the mistake B='likes' is the mistake C='laze' is the mistake / 2 Two days ago, Sarah buy some fresh...
SECOND CONDITIONAL, fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente(01):
1 If I __ a rich man, I would buy my own jet plane. A=was B=am C=had / 2 If I __ a ghost, I would run a mile. A=see B=would see C=saw / 3 I would...
Punto e virgola: indica le frasi in cui è messo nella posizione corretta.
1 Which is correct? A=No one knew where to buy tickets; as a result, the party was a failure. B=No one knew where to buy tickets, as a result; the...
SHORT ANSWERS: scegli quella corretta per ogni domanda proposta.
1 Can you swim? A=Yes, I can B=Can C=A or B / 2 How often do you work out? A=Once a week B=One week C=One time one week / 3 Which is a correct...
ABBREVIAZIONI: scegli quella corretta per ogni nome proposto.
1 Memo is short for ___. A=memory B=memorandum C=memorial / 2 A.M. is short for ___. A=ante meridian B=answer mimes C=after morning / 3 P.M. is short...
SEGNALI: scegli la parola corretta per completare il significato di ogni segnale proposto.
1 Keep __ the grass. A=with B=off C=away / 2 Trespassers will be ____. A=probed B=prosecuted C=roped / 3 No ___. A=entrance B=entering C=entry / 4...
QUESTION FORM: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta.
1 __ you thinking what I'm thinking? A=Am B=Do C=Are / 2 How __ you been recently? A=are B=have C=you / 3 Where __ you while the meeting was on?...
QUESTION FORM: scegli la domanda corretta fra le tre proposte.
1 A=Is the heater on? B=Does the heater on? C=Is it the heater is on? / 2 A=Why the sky is blue? B=Why does the sky blue? C=Why is the sky blue? /...
QUESTION FORM: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta(02).
1 ___ you know if I had been drinking? A=Can B=Would C=Will / 2 How could you __ that she was Russian? A=look B=tell C=find / 3 Would you tell me...
QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta(01).
1 That was a great party, ___? A=doesn't it B=wasn't it C=isn't it / 2 Kids just love chocolate, ___? A=isn't it B=don't they C=aren't they / 3 Elvis...
QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta(02).
1 You can't help it, ___? A=can you B=can't you C=will you / 2 He ate the eggs that were rotten, ___? A=weren't they B=isn't it C=didn't he / 3...
PRONOMI RIFLESSIVI: scegli il pronome corretto fra i tre proposti per completare ogni frase.
1 George helped ___ to the buffet. A=himselves B=him C=himself / 2 Please help ___ to the buffet. A=you B=yourselves C=oneself / 3 The band called...
PROPOSIZIONI RELATIVE: scegli quella corretta per ogni frase proposta.
1 Which sentence is correct? A=The bag is on the table, that I bought B=The bag that I bought is on the table. C=The bag that I bought it is on the...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito luoghi della città per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Books are sold at the ___. A=bookshop B=bookstore C=A or B / 2 You can buy a hammer at the ___ store. A=goodware B=noware C=hardware / 3 You can...
Domande con il PRESENT CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste domande correttamente.
1 __ Jack looking for a new home? A=Are B=Is C=Am / 2 __ Khaled trying to phone home? A=Am B=Are C=Is / 3 __ Jack and Diane enjoying their holiday?...
PRESENT CONTINUOUS con significato al futuro: scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase proposta.
1 Which is correct? A=I am playing football tomorrow. B=I am going to play football tomorrow. C=A and B / 2 Which is correct? A=I can't see you...
PRESENT PERFECT: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01).
1 George has ___ his breakfast and is ready to go. A=finished B=finish C=finishing / 2 Johnson has ___ up his room. A=tidied B=tidy C=tidying / 3 The...
PRESENT PERFECT: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(02).
1 We use the present perfect tense with the keyword ___. A=already B=ago C=last / 2 Which sentence is correct? A=Jenny has read that book a year ago....
PRESENT SIMPLE con significato al futuro: scegli la risposta corretta alla domanda di ogni frase.
1 Which sentence is present tense? A=I am walking. B=I'll take the bus. C=I smoke. / 2 Which sentence describes a future event? A=I wait here every...
PRESENT SIMPLE: scegli il verbo corretto fra i tre proposti per completare ogni frase(01).
1 I __ waterskiing. A=like B=am like C=liking / 2 I often ___ pizza whenever I get hungry. A=am eat B=eating C=eat / 3 Tommy __ his grandmother in...
PRESENT SIMPLE: scegli il verbo corretto fra i tre proposti per completare ogni frase(02).
1 Which sentence is correct? A=Students everywhere will love to eat junk food. B=Students everywhere love to eat junk food. C=Students everywhere...
PRESENT SIMPLE forma interrogativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 __ you enjoy your job? A=Does B=Is C=Do / 2 __ he enjoy his job? A=Do B=Is C=Does / 3 __ he Jane's husband? A=Do B=Is C=Does / 4 Does he __ in a...
QUESTION FORM: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi interrogative correttamente.
1 __ you want some more blueberry pie? A=Do B=Are C=Is / 2 __ you have any idea how silly you look? A=Do B=Are C=Is / 3 __ you coming over to dinner...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito negozi e luoghi della città per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Books are sold at the ___. A=bookshop B=bookstore C=A or B / 2 You can buy a hammer at the ___ store. A=goodware B=noware C=hardware / 3 You can...
Posizione degli AVVERBI: indica la posizione giusta fra le tre proposte.
1 Which is correct? A=He runs quickly. B=He quickly runs. C=A or B. / 2 Which is correct? A=He well sings. B=He sings well. C=A or B. / 3 Which is...
Indica la POSITIVE WORD fra le tre proposte:
1 What is a positive word for 'difficult'? A=backbreaking B=challenging C=mediocre / 2 Which is a positive word? A=lazy B=slothful C=relaxed / 3...
Indica la PREPOSIZIONE corretta fra le tre proposte per completare ogni frase(01):
1 __ a few minutes, the plane will be taking off. A=On B=In C=With / 2 Take the sandwiches ___ the bag. A=into B=out by C=out of / 3 __ Sunday, the...
Indica la conclusione giusta per completare ogni frase:
1 She loves to take a shower ____. A=at evening B=in the evening C=on the evening / 2 ____, he will give you some great tips. A=For a dollars B=To a...
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01):
1 Right now, my sister ____ dinner for my family. A=cooks B=cooking C=is cooking / 2 At the moment, Doris ____ for her boots. A=looks B=is lookings...
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(02):
1 Currently, my sister ____ at a merchant bank. A=is working B=is work C=working / 2 Steven is playing the cello, and Louise ___ the trombone. A=is...
PRESENT CONTINUOUS forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Felix __ not sitting at the table. A=am B=are C=is / 2 Sheila and Ralph _ not getting married on Thursday. A=are B=is C=am / 3 Mark is __ watching...
PAST SIMPLE o CONTINUOUS? scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 I __ and fell while I was running. A=trip B=tripped C=was tripping / 2 Simon __ such a mess while he was eating. A=make B=was making C=made / 3...
PAST SIMPLE forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Rob ___ get home until after twelve. A=did not B=didn't C=A or B / 2 Zack ___ happy with the test results. A=wasn't B=was not C=A or B / 3 Julia...
PAST SIMPLE forma interrogativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste domande correttamente.
1 __ you watch TV last night? A=Do B=Were C=Did / 2 __ you enjoy the chocolates I gave you? A=Were B=Did C=Do / 3 __ you play football after school...
PAST SIMPLE ed espressioni di tempo: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 __ Bill was running for president, he made many enemies. A=When B=While C=A or B / 2 I had learned a lot _____ I graduated. A=by the time B=by C=by...
Indica la contrapposizione giusta per completare ogni frase:
1 __ Canada, Britain is an island. A=Unlikely B=Like C=Unlike / 2 He is actually quite different __ his twin brother. A=from B=as C=with / 3 There...
TO CAN forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Christmas is coming and I'm so excited. I can't __. A=stand B=wait C=see / 2 I can't __ the thought of another week with no sun. A=set B=bear C=try...
TO COME: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Come __! Let's go. A=off B=up C=on / 2 Why don't you come __ and see me sometime? A=out B=round C=through / 3 I got him to come ___ to my way of...
TO GET: scegli la parola giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Marshall won't get __ of prison for another three years. A=into B=up C=out / 2 I need time to get __ my last girlfriend. A=over B=into C=about / 3...
TO MAKE: scegli la parola giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 When I was young, I used to make __ stories. A=over B=up C=out / 2 Please make __ your mind! A=in B=up C=over / 3 My kids made a __ in the living...
TO PASS: scegli la parola giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 A polite way to say 'die' is '___'. A=pass around B=pass of C=pass away / 2 To make a pass at someone means to ____. A=flirt with them B=kiss them...
TO PUT: scegli la parola giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 We don't have time to work on it today. We'll have to put it __ until tomorrow. A=on B=out C=off / 2 I'm not ready yet. I'm still putting __ my...
Indica il modo giusto di utilizzare SO per completare ogni frase(01):
1 Fujiko is from Japan. A=So does Yuki. B=So was Yuki. C=So is Yuki. / 2 Cars are expensive and so __ gasoline. A=is B=was C=does / 3 Bob loves to...
Indica il modo giusto di utilizzare SO per completare ogni frase(02):
1 George speaks good English. A=So do I. B=So am I. C=So did I. / 2 George can swim really well. A=So do I. B=So am I. C=So can I. / 3 Mary lives...
TO TAKE: scegli la parola giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Sarah took __ her coat as she came inside. A=in B=off C=out / 2 The plane will take __ at about 3 p.m. A=up B=in C=off / 3 Which phrase is correct?...
PAST CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01).
1 Jackie was ___ all day yesterday. A=slept B=sleep C=sleeping / 2 Mei Fung was ___ in the yard when she heard the noise. A=played B=play C=playing /...
PAST CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(02).
1 Which sentence makes sense? A=When I met her, I was having a cold. B=I was singing in the shower. C=After lunch, I was eating dessert. / 2 Which...
PAST CONTINUOUS forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 They __ not having a good day. A=was B=did C=were / 2 Shaun ___ strolling on the beach at the time. A=was not B=wasn't C=A or B / 3 Derek and June...
PAST PARTICIPLE: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01).
1 What is the past participle of write? A=Written B=Writen C=Wrote / 2 What is the past participle of rise? A=Risen B=Rose C=Raised / 3 What is the...
PAST PERFECT: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 When we got to the party, Jan __ already left. A=have B=has C=had / 2 She got up late because she __ gone to bed late. A=has B=had C=have / 3 I had...
PAST SIMPLE: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(02).
1 I ___ the film that I saw last night. A=enjoy B=enjoying C=enjoyed / 2 Joseph ___ me to move my furniture. A=was help B=helped C=was helped / 3...
PAST SIMPLE: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(03).
1 She __ finished the book before I got through the first chapter. A=has B=had C=have / 2 Sometimes both the past perfect and past tense could be...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito corpo umano per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 Your __ connects your foot to your leg. A=elbow B=wrist C=ankle / 2 The front, top part of your head is your ___. A=frente B=forehead C=fronthead /...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito corpo umano per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 Your hand is connected to your arm by your ___. A=elbow B=wrist C=palm / 2 The upper and lower leg are joined by the ___. A=thigh B=heel C=knee / 3...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito mestieri e occupazioni per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 A person who puts out fires is a ___. A=firebell B=fire extinguisher C=firefighter / 2 Another term for police officer is ___. A=law enforcement...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito mestieri e occupazioni per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 A person who fights in an army is a ___. A=solder B=solderer C=soldier / 2 A person who writes computer software is a ___. A=computerer...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito mestieri e occupazioni per completare correttamente le frasi(03):
1 A person who writes for a newspaper is a ___. A=journal B=columner C=journalist / 2 A person who keeps track of money is a(n) ___. A=bankman...
Indica quale parola di ogni gruppo non c'entra con le altre(01):
1 A=huge B=microscopic C=gigantic / 2 A=beige B=red C=snowy / 3 A=chair B=sofa C=sit / 4 A=walked B=caught C=pay / 5 A=fell B=fill C=felt / 6...
Indica quale parola di ogni gruppo non c'entra con le altre(02):
1 A=square B=circle C=cube / 2 A=lawyer B=mister C=engineer / 3 A=smoky B=quickly C=smoothly / 4 A=terrible B=awful C=terrific / 5 A=wrote B=took...
Indica quale parola di ogni gruppo non c'entra con le altre(03):
1 A=bread B=basket C=biscuit / 2 A=definitely B=certainly C=maybe / 3 A=center B=colour C=labor / 4 Which phrase is the odd one out? A=must not...
Qual è il termine OPPOSTO? scrivilo in base alla richiesta di ogni frase:
1 What is the opposite of sure? A=insure B=nonsure C=unsure / 2 What is the opposite of huge? A=unhuge B=tiny C=tinsel / 3 What is the opposite of...
Quiz di analisi grammaticale inglese, scegli la risposta corretta ad ogni domanda fra le tre proposte(01):
1 Which word is a noun? A=through B=thought C=think / 2 Which word is a verb? A=buy B=binge C=after / 3 Which word is a preposition? A=before B=look...
Quiz di analisi grammaticale inglese, scegli la risposta corretta ad ogni domanda fra le tre proposte(02):
1 A word like, 'oh!' or 'ah' is ____. A=an interruption B=an injunction C=an interjection / 2 A word that describes an action is ___. A=a verb B=an...
Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli l'avverbio giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 __ of us was able to reach the target on time. A=Either B=Not C=Neither / 2 Which is correct? A=We both didn't do it. B=Neither of us did it. C=A...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito GIORNALI e NOTIZIE per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 Three people were killed and two were ___ when the plane crashed. A=inebriated B=injured C=indented / 2 Two large electronics companies ___...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito geografia e punti cardinali per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 New York is in __ America. A=West B=South C=North / 2 Australia is in the ____ hemisphere. A=eastern B=southern C=northern / 3 China, Japan and...
Scegli il numero scritto in lettere giusto per rispondere ad ogni richiesta:
1 1000 = A=One thousand. B=One thousands. C=A or B / 2 105 = A=One hundred and five. B=One hundred fifty. C=One hundreds five. / 3 1,000,000 = A=One...
MOST oppure ALMOST? scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi.
1 __ of my friends find Jim Carrey hilarious. A=Most B=Almost / 2 ___ all of my friends find Jim Carrey hilarious. A=Almost B=Most / 3 I __ cried...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FILM FAMOSI per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 Dracula is a ___ movie. A=horrible B=horror C=drama / 2 Titanic is a ___ film. A=romantic B=romance C=love / 3 Finding Nemo is a ___. A=comic...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FILM FAMOSI per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 What is the meaning of 'Jaws'? A=A small fish B=Teeth C=A big fish / 2 E.T. means 'alien'. What is the long form? A=Extraordinary B=Extra Template...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MUSICA per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Classical music is played by ____. A=an orchestra B=a band C=a crew / 2 ___ is a musical style from Jamaica made famous by Bob Marley. A=Rocko...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito STRUMENTI MUSICALI per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 An electronic piano is a ___. A=wakeboard B=board C=keyboard / 2 A singer in a band is also called a ___. A=vocalist B=vocaller C=vocals / 3 A kind...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito nazionalità per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 A man from Scotland is ___. A=Scotch B=Scotlandish C=Scottish / 2 A man from Canada is ___. A=Candish B=American C=Canadian / 3 A man from Brazil...
Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01).
1 I have __ eaten eel before. A=never B=not C=A and B / 2 I ___ play golf when I was young. A=didn't B=never C=A and B / 3 I can't believe you ___...
Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(02).
1 She ___ been skiing before. A=never B=has never C=was never / 2 We ___ alive today if not for the heroic actions of the firemen. A=not would be...
Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(03).
1 The truck driver ___ his insurance. A=not had renewed B=haven't renewed C=had not renewed / 2 The fridge ___ recently. A=doesn't been working...
Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(04).
1 Which is correct? A=Never did it occur to me that he may have been a chief. B=It didn't occur to me that he may have been a chief. C=A or B / 2 I...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MATEMATICA per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 Another word for 'average' is '__'. A=mean B=medium C=media / 2 A number (but not a fraction) is ___. A=a degree B=an integer C=an internment / 3...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MATEMATICA per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 Nine ___ three equals three. A=divide by B=divise by C=divided by / 2 ___ is the study of shapes, lines, points and angles. A=Geometry B=Geology...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito nazioni e lingue parlate per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 In Finland, people speak ___. A=Finlandish B=Finnish C=Finish / 2 The official name for Indonesian is ___. A=Rahsia Indonesia B=Urdu C=Bahasa...
LIKE oppure BE LIKE? scegli la forma giusta per completare le seguenti frasi.
1 Cats __ to drink milk. A=is like B=are like C=like / 2 Most of my family __ to watch horror films. A=like B=is like C=are like / 3 Alligators __...
Scegli la PREPOSIZIONE corretta fra le tre proposte da mettere dopo il verbo LOOK:
1 Look _ that guy over there. What a clown! A=with B=at C=to / 2 If you don't know the word, look it _ in your dictionary. A=up B=in C=out / 3 Look...
LOOK, SEE oppure WATCH? scegli il verbo giusto fra i tre proposti per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 I enjoy ___ television. A=watching B=seeing C=looking at / 2 I sat at the cafe and ___ the pretty girls passing by. A=saw B=looked at C=watched / 3...
MAKE oppure DO? scegli il verbo giusto fra i tre proposti per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 It's time to __ your homework! A=make B=done C=do / 2 Will you help me to ___ the laundry? A=make B=do C=making / 3 I have a lot of gardening to...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FESTIVITA' per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Another way to write Christmas is ___. A=Xmas B=Cmas C=Zmas / 2 ___ gives presents to good children on Christmas. A=Frosty B=Santa Ana C=Santa...
Rispondi a varie domande sui colloqui lavorativi(01):
1 Which question requires a longer answer? A=Tell me a little about yourself. B=Have you been waiting long? C=How old are you? / 2 Which question is...
Rispondi a varie domande sui colloqui lavorativi(02):
1 Which question would probably NOT be asked in an interview? A=Tell me a little about yourself. B=Tell me a little about your wife. C=Tell me a...
Scegli l'AVVERBIO IRREGOLARE corretto fra i tre proposti per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 She seems __. A=nicely B=more nicely. C=nice / 2 She looks __. A=pretty B=prettily C=more prettily / 3 Bobby works __. A=hardly B=harderly C=hard /...
Scegli il PRONOME corretto fra i tre proposti per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 Joe likes Jazz, but I don't like __. A=they B=them C=it / 2 Joe likes waffles, but I don't like __. A=them B=they C=it / 3 She gave me her...
ITS oppure IT'S? Scegli la soluzione corretta fra le tre proposte per rispondere alle richieste di ogni frase:
1 __ raining. A=It B=It's C=Its / 2 My dog sometimes licks _ bum. A=its B=it C=it's / 3 Can you give _ to me? A=it B=its C=it's / 4 I'm always...
HOPE oppure WISH? scegli il verbo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 I __ it will rain tomorrow. A=wish B=hope / 2 I __ I could see into the future. A=hope B=wish / 3 George is short. He __ he was taller. A=hopes...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FACCENDE DOMESTICHE per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Washing the dishes is called washing _. A=in B=down C=up / 2 After you wash the clothes, you have to __ them. A=iron B=steel C=fry / 3 Before...
INFINITO oppure NO? scegli il verbo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 No one wants __. A=to die B=dying C=to died / 2 Wiliam wants __ a good king. A=to be B=be C=to do / 3 ___ a mistake is quite normal. A=Making B=To...
PAST SIMPLE oppure PAST CONTINUOUS? scegli il verbo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 She __ about her age. A=lying B=lied C=A or B / 2 Veronica ___ law at Oxford. A=studied B=studying C=A or B / 3 ___ a mountain is a good way to...
Spiega l'INTERIEZIONE indicata con una delle tre spiegazioni proposte:
1 We say 'aha' when _____. A=we are disappointed B=we are pleasantly surprised C=we are unpleasantly surprised / 2 We say 'ouch' when we are ___....
Scegli la forma corretta di GOING TO fra le tre proposte per completare ogni frase(01):
1 I am __ to have a snack in a minute. A=going B=go C=gone / 2 She is ___ visit the doctor later. A=going to B=going C=gone to / 3 Frank _ going to...
Risposte varie: scegli la risposta migliore fra le tre proposte per ogni affermazione qui in elenco.
1. John had an accident last night. a. I'm sorry to hear that. b. That's terrific! c. He must be proud of it. / 2. Their plane should be here in...
Indica, fra i cinque proposti, qual è il SINONIMO migliore della parola in stampatello di ogni frase
1. He LOOKED AT his watch quickly. a. searched b. reached c. glanced d. sobbed e. raced / 2. The robbers LOOKED THROUGH the whole house for...
Scrivi qual è l'OPPOSTO di ogni parola qui in elenco:
1. What is the opposite of happy? / 2. What is the opposite of black? / 3. What is the opposite of up? / 4. What is the opposite of under? / 5. What...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera A.
1. People fly in them. / 2. Kevin Costner, Brad Pitt and Sean Connery are all ___ / 3. When you grow up you are ___ / 4. A country that has many...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera B.
1. A man who isn't married is a ___ / 2. Another word meaning "luggage" is ___ / 3. Someone whose job is to cut hair is called a ___ / 4. Someone...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera C.
1. What chocolate drink came from Mexico? It's ___ / 2. Where is the longest wall in the world? It's in ___ / 3. We drink tea and coffee from it an...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera D.
1. What has four legs, barks and wags its tail? / 2. This is a precious stone often found in expensive rings. / 3. If you have twelve eggs or twelve...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera E.
1. An arm bends at the ___ / 2. The opposite of full is ___ / 3. A bigger copy of a photograph is called an ___ / 4. "The way out" is also known as...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera F.
1. Someone who works on the land, growing things is called a ___ / 2. Something you like the most is your ___ / 3. To apply for a driving license you...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera G.
1. What "G word" is an area by a house where people grow flowers? / 2. What European country used to be divided into East and West? / 3. This "G...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera H.
1. What "H word" is a tool used to knock nails in with? / 2. Another word to describe a good-looking man is ___ / 3. It's worn on your head for...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera I.
1. Water at zero degrees centigrade starts to form ___ / 2. If something is against the law, it is ___ / 3. A little word which means the opposite of...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera J.
1. What is a short, long sleeved coat called? / 2. A green stone found in China and Korea and is often carved is called ___ / 3. Fruit boiled with...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera K.
1. What in Australia jumps along on its two hind legs and carries it's baby in a pouch? / 2. A metal container with a handle, lid and spout which is...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera L.
1. The meal we eat in the middle of the day is called ___ / 2. A special room or building where books are kept is called a ___ / 3. Treated animal...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera M.
1. A word that means crazy or angry is ___ / 2. S. M. and L. are all sizes of clothes. What does the "M" stand for? / 3. Gold, steel and nickel are...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera N.
1. The opposite of broad is ___ / 2. The part of the body which joins the head to the torso is called the ___ / 3. An acupuncturist and a seamstress...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera O.
1. The shellfish from which we get pearls is called an ___ / 2. A thick liquid that come from the ground called 'Black Gold' is more commonly know as...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera P.
1. A person who takes care of, or brings up another is called a ___. / 2. The opposite of rich is ___. / 3. Legal or official authority is called...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera Q.
1. When the earth shakes we call it a ___ / 2. The amount of a number of something is the ___ / 3. The female ruler of a country is a ___ / 4. One...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera R.
1. A dried sweet grape is called a ___ / 2. Something in its natural state or uncooked is ___ / 3. Something that isn't imagined or made up is ___ /...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera S.
1. A small word that means unhappy is ___ / 2. A leather seat used for riding on horses or bicycle is called a ___ / 3. The money you get, usually...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera T.
1. The four round, black things covering the metal wheels are known as ___ / 2. Two babies born at the same time to the same mother are ___ / 3. The...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera U.
1. The brother of your mother or father is your ___ / 2. If something or someone is one of a kind we say they are ___ / 3. What "U" word' means...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera V.
1. A holiday is also called a ___ / 2. What "V word" is created when all the air has been pumped out? / 3. Someone who for various reasons doesn't...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera W.
1. The joint between your hand and your arm is your ___ / 2. The biggest mammal is a ___ / 3. The instrument most people wear to tell the time is a...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera X.
1. What trade name now means to photocopy? / 2. This musical instrument is made up of different lengths of wood and struck by small hammers. It's a...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera Y.
1. A round toy which moves up and down on a string by the flick of the wrist is a ___ / 2. The yellow part of an egg is the ___ / 3. A thick white...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera Z.
1. A pattern or path that turns right then left alternately is called a ___ / 2. A metal fastener which joins two sides together with interlocking...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE di ANIMALI.
1. What swims in rivers, lakes and the sea and has fins and scales? / 2. What builds a nest, has feathers and wings and can fly? / 3. What has fur...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE di BEVANDE.
1. What bitter black drink was invented by the Aztecs, but is now usually served made with milk and sugar? / 2. What soft drink is made of water,...
Leggi le frasi e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente(01):
1. The heating ___ last night and we couldn't fix it. - went off - turned off / 2. He ___ his last chance of being promoted. - gave away -...
Leggi le frasi e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente(02):
1. He ___ asleep during the long lecture. a. fall b. fell c. felt d. feel / 2. I can't ___ out what has happened to him. a. fill b. fall c....
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO BREAK e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. The firefighters had to break the door ___ to rescue the little girl. a. into b. out c. down / 2. The burglar broke ___ the house and stole all...
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO COME e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. The idea came ___ her while she was reading "Hamlet". a. to b. about c. before / 2. The farmer himself came ___ the intruders. a. before b....
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO GET e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. The manager failed to get his ideas ___ to the employees. a. across b. down c. in / 2. I don't think they can easily get ___ from prison. a....
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO GIVE e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. The little boy was forced to give ___ to his brother's wishes. / 2. I give ___ . This problem is too difficult to solve. / 3. He gave ___ all his...
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO GO e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. Why did he go ___ on his word? a. after b. back c. away / 2. I don't think you should go ___ a job in that company. a. after b. in c. to /...
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO KEEP e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. Shut the door and keep the dogs ___ of the house. a. away b. off c. out / 2. Try to keep the children ___ from the fire. They may get burn. a....
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO LOOK e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. Who is going to look ___ the child while her mother is away? a. after b. for c. at / 2. When she got the promotion, she started to look ___ on...
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO MAKE e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. The room was big, so they made it ___ a conference room. a. into b. of c. on / 2. The police don't know who made ___ with the money of that big...
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO PASS e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. When he sees blood, he passes ___ . a. over b. out c. on / 2. I'm so sorry to hear that your father has passed ___ . a. by b. away c. off /...
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO RUN e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. Why did he try to run ___ from home? a. off b. out c. away / 2. I always run ___ old students of mine when I go to that cafeteria. a. after ...
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO TAKE e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. Don't forget to take ___ notes of everything he says at the conference. a. down b. over c. on / 2. Little children like to take their toys ___....
Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO TURN e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:
1. This room is to dark. You'd better turn the lights _____. / 2. I wonder why he hasn't turned _____ yet. The meeting will start in ten minutes. /...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FRUTTA per rispondere correttamente alle seguenti domande:
1. What fruit gave Sir Isaac Newton a headache and is famous in the stories of Adam and Eve? / 2. What fruit was traditionally stepped on by foot to...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CASA-ARREDAMENTO per rispondere correttamente alle seguenti domande:
1. Where do you find a toaster and a kettle? / 2. Where do you find pillows, blankets, and an alarm clock? / 3. Where do you find shampoo, soap, and...
PREFISSI di NEGAZIONE: scegli la parola giusta per completare le seguenti frasi:
1. If you are ___, you shouldn't apply for this job. - unexperienced - inexperienced / 2. Everybody thinks that John and his brother are ___ guys....
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MESTIERI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1. A person who makes clothes for a living is called a ___. a. plumber b. tailor c. doctor / 2. He joined the navy because he wanted to be a ___....
Cerca gli OPPOSTI, collega i verbi del primo gruppo con quelli del secondo gruppo in modo che abbiano significato contrario(01):
PRIMO GRUPPO: 1. exhale / 2. fasten / 3. fill / 4. find / 5. forget / 6. hate / 7. lighten
SECONDO GRUPPO: a. remember / b. darken / c. inhale /...
Cerca gli OPPOSTI, collega i verbi del primo gruppo con quelli del secondo gruppo in modo che abbiano significato contrario(02):
PRIMO GRUPPO: 1. make up / 2. marry / 3. obey / 4. open / 5. owe / 6. send / 7. speed up / 8. shrink
SECONDO GRUPPO: a. receive / b. divorce / c....
Cerca gli OPPOSTI, collega i verbi del primo gruppo con quelli del secondo gruppo in modo che abbiano significato contrario(03):
PRIMO GRUPPO: 1. regress / 2. rise / 3. shorten / 4. show / 5. sink / 6. sit / 7. spend / 8. stay
SECONDO GRUPPO: a. fall / b. lengthen / c....
Cerca gli OPPOSTI, collega i verbi del primo gruppo con quelli del secondo gruppo in modo che abbiano significato contrario(04):
PRIMO GRUPPO: 1. shrink / 2. stop / 3. take / 4. take off (clothes) / 5. take off (plane) / 6. tighten / 7. weep / 8. win / 9....
PHRASAL VERBS con PUT: completa le frasi scegliendo la preposizione giusta fra le tre proposte.
1. She doesn't exercise anymore so she has put ___ weight. a. on b. in c. by / 2. He put ___ for a transfer, but it was refused. a. on b. in ...
PHRASAL VERBS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi(01):
1. You have to ___ your younger brother since mother is not at home. a. take care b. take after c. look after / 2. You have to ___ the...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito HOBBY-SPORT per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1. He went to play at the golf ___. a. track b. court c. course / 2. She goes to the pool to swim ___. a. rounds b. courses c. laps / 3....
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CASE-COSTRUZIONI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1. The building next to the railway line where people buy tickets is called a ___ / 2. Native North Americans lived in a ___ / 3. A king or queen...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con la parola giusta fra quelle proposte(01):
1. Who judges points in a soccer match? a. a judge b. a referee c. a proctor / 2. Which word means fortunate? a. genial b. lucky c. lively /...
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con la parola giusta fra quelle proposte(02):
1. What do people sing at Christmas? a. carols b. lullabies c. lyrics / 2. Which word does not mean lovely? a. pleasant b. amusing c....
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito METEO-CLIMA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1. If the weather forecast is fine, it's going to be ___ weather. a. cold b. wet c. good / 2. If the forecast is sleet, it's going to be ___. ...
Usa i VERBI dell'elenco per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
FRASI: 1. Can you ___ over to our place on Saturday? / 2. Don't worry. The scandal will soon ___ over. / 3. It's been hard for her to ___ over the...
Usa i VERBI dell'elenco per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
FRASI: 1. ___ out for that car, darling. / 2. I can't remember whose name he asked me to ___ out. / 3. Could he ___ out all the candles on his...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito METEO-DISASTRI NATURALI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1. A violent and heavy snowstorm is called a ___ / 2. When crops fail and livestock die through lack of water because of no rain there is a ___ / 3....
SO oppure SUCH? scegli l'avverbio giusto per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1. They had ___ a bad night that they couldn't sleep. a. so b. such / 2. She gave him ___ good advice that he was very grateful to her. a. so ...
SO oppure SUCH? scegli l'avverbio giusto per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
11. He is ___ student that he is going to win a scholarship. a. so b. so good c. so good a d. such e. such good / 12. We had ___ horrible...
Indica la PREPOSIZIONE corretta fra le tre proposte per completare ogni frase(02):
1 Ronald is particularly fond _ jelly beans. A=of B=at C=on / 2 Shirley is keen _ horses. A=on B=to C=with / 3 I am only interested __ making money,...
Indica la PREPOSIZIONE corretta fra le tre proposte per completare ogni frase(03):
13 Are you aware __ the new guidelines? A=of B=to C=on / 14 I'm so jealous __ her new cellphone! A=of B=with C=at / 15 People are getting fed up __...
NOMI oppure AGGETTIVI? scegli la risposta giusta ad ogni domanda(01):
1 Which word is an adjective? A=difference B=differ C=different / 2 Which word is an adjective? A=body B=fitness C=healthy / 3 Which word is an...
NOMI oppure AGGETTIVI? scegli la risposta giusta ad ogni domanda(02):
13 Which word is Not a noun? A=honor B=honest C=honesty / 14 Don't let __ stand in your way. A=frightened B=fear C=scared / 15 It is a great __ to...
AGGETTIVI in ED oppure in ING? scegli quello giusto per completare ogni frase(01):
1 The monster is ___. A=frightened B=frightening / 2 I felt ___ when I saw the monster. A=frightened B=frightening / 3 Little Joe was getting ___...
AGGETTIVI in ED oppure in ING? scegli quello giusto per completare ogni frase(02):
14 It was a __ experience for the kitten. A=terrified B=terrifying / 15 It was so __ when I tripped and fell during the awards ceremony!...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito VIAGGI-AEROPORTO per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 You meet someone at the ____ section. A=departures B=customs C=arrivals / 2 You leave via the ____ gate. A=departures B=arrivals C=customs / 3 At...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito VIAGGI-AEROPORTO per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
14 We have reached __ of 10,000 feet. A=an altitude B=an attitude / 15 Which word is uncountable? A=bag B=suitcase C=luggage / 16 Which is correct?...
AVVERBI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, ad ogni domanda(01):
1 Which of the following words is an adverb? A=happily B=happy C=happiness / 2 Which of the following words is an adverb? A=prettily B=pretty...
AVVERBI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, ad ogni domanda(02):
1 Which word is an adverb? A=ran B=gone C=quietly / 2 Which word is sometimes an adverb? A=fast B=round C=big / 3 The princess was ___ dressed....
AVVERBI di frequenza, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, ad ogni domanda:
1 Which is the correct spelling? A=Occasionally B=Ocassionaly C=Occassionaly / 2 Seldom is most similar to ___. A=frequently B=sometimes...
Modi di dire sugli ANIMALI, scegli la risposta fra le tre proposte, per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 A greedy person eats like a ___. A=dog B=pig C=donkey / 2 It's a __ life! (It's a tough life.) A=rabbit's B=dog's C=donkey's / 3 It's raining ____....
Modi di dire sugli ANIMALI, scegli la risposta fra le tre proposte, per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
11 Jake is a clever one. He's as sly as a __. A=ferret B=frog C=fox / 12 We're quite embarrassed of Uncle Joe. He's the black __ of the family. A=cow...
DOMANDE di chiarimento, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 Which sentence is correct? A=I don't understand. B=I not understand. C=I no understand. / 2 I'm sorry. I didn't ___ what you said. A=catch up...
DOMANDE di chiarimento, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
1 It's very loud here. Can you speak __? A=up B=in C=out / 2 I don't really ___ what you mean. A=take B=get C=make / 3 Ah, now I __ what you mean....
DOMANDE di chiarimento, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(03):
1 __ your opinion on this topic? A=How B=What's C=What / 2 __ do you feel about that? A=How B=Why C=What's / 3 Are you ___ on this? A=to me B=at me...
AGGETTIVI COMPARATIVI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per rispondere ad ogni domanda:
1 Which sentence is correct? A=George is as happy as Bill about the news. B=George is happy as Bill about the news. C=George is as happy than Bill...
BE ABLE TO, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 I hope Josh __ able to come to the party. A=is B=am C=will / 2 Fortunately, we were all ___ to cross the river. A=able B=can C=could / 3 He __ not...
TO BE all'infinito, participio o gerundio? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 I will always ___ there for you. A=been B=being C=be / 2 Johnny has always ___ a very naughty child. A=been B=be C=being / 3 Johnny! Stop ___ silly...
TO BE all'infinito, participio o gerundio? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
1 __ a real man. Join the navy. A=Been B=Be C=Being / 2 Join the army if you want to __ a real man. A=been B=be C=being / 3 It's just one of the...
TO BE all'infinito, participio o gerundio? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(03):
1 It's __ a really long time since we last had lunch together. A=be B=been C=being / 2 Will Jack __ angry if I don't invite him to my party? A=being...
Completa le frasi utilizzando nel modo corretto l'espressione USED TO(02):
1 If I am used to hot weather, that means I ____. A=love hot weather B=once lived in a hot country C=am comfortable and familiar with hot weather / 2...
Verbo TO BE, scegli la forma giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 I think I am going to __ sick A=be B=being C=been / 2 She has __ around for a long time. A=be B=been C=being / 3 __ in love is never easy. A=Be...
BECAUSE o BECAUSE OF? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 We left early ____ the rain. A=because B=because of / 2 We left early ___ it was raining. A=because of B=because / 3 The plane crashed ___ an...
BECAUSE o BECAUSE OF? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
13 ___ health issues, Joe couldn't be a pilot. A=Because B=Because of / 14 Joe couldn't be a pilot ___ he had some health issues. A=because B=because...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito LAVORO-AFFARI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 To start a speech, you say ____. A=Gentlemens and ladies... B=Lady and gentlemen... C=Ladies and gentlemen... / 2 A note sent to someone in your...
CAUSE ed EFFETTI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 Drinking alcohol ___ liver problems. A=is caused by B=causes C=are cause / 2 Some liver problems ___ alcohol. A=cause by B=cause C=are caused by /...
NOME, AGGETTIVO o VERBO? scegli la risposta giusta per completare ogni frase(01):
1 The world is a ___ place now. A=different B=difference C=diffident / 2 Two years ago, the economy was bleak, but now it has ___. A=covered...
NOME, AGGETTIVO o VERBO? scegli la risposta giusta per completare ogni frase(02):
13 I __ a waiter, but now I work in a bank A=used to B=used to be C=use to be / 14 Things have become more expensive __ I was young. A=when...
Modi di dire sui COLORI, scegli la risposta fra le tre proposte, per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 When you feel sad, you feel __. A=pink B=blue C=red / 2 To catch someone in the middle of a crime is to catch them __-handed. A=blue B=pink C=red /...
Modi di dire sui COLORI, scegli la risposta fra le tre proposte, per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
13 The boss gave us the __ light to go ahead with the project. A=green B=red C=orange / 14 The news came out of the __ - nobody had expected it....
Uso della VIRGOLA, scegli una risposta, fra le tre suggerite, per indicare la corretta posizione in ogni frase:
1 Which is correct? A=We bought shoes, socks, and a scarf. B=We bought shoes socks and a scarf. C=We bought shoes, socks and a scarf. / 2 Which is...
NOMI COMPOSTI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 Put on your ___ before you go out. A=rainman B=bathcoat C=raincoat / 2 Which is a real word? A=gunman B=knifebasket C=cuptable / 3 Which is a real...
COMBINAZIONI di PAROLE, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 It is a ___ to meet you. A=pleasure B=happiness C=happy / 2 There are pros and __ to your argument. A=disadvantages B=cons C=nonbenefits / 3 The...
COMPARATIVI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 Tokyo is ___ than Kyoto. A=big B=bigger C=more big / 2 My Jeep is ___ than Laura's Mercedes. A=slower B=more slow C=slow / 3 Red apples are ___...
COMPARATIVI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
1 London ____ Paris. A=bigger then B=is bigger then C=is bigger than / 2 I think these apples ____ those oranges. A=are more fresher than B=are...
COMPARATIVI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(03):
1 What is the comparative of 'quickly'? A=more quickly B=quicker C=more faster / 2 What is the comparative of 'efficiently'? A=more efficient...
CONGIUNZIONI, scegli quella giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 ___ you leave for work, please wash the dishes. A=Before B=Although C=While / 2 ___ it rains, it pours. A=Why B=Who C=When / 3 After ____, he left...
CONGIUNZIONI, scegli quella giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
13 __ you have a ticket, you're not allowed in. A=Whereas B=Unless C=In case / 14 __ the bad weather, we had a lovely picnic. A=In spite of B=Despite...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito NAZIONI e LINGUAGGI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 Which is a country? A=English B=Anglo C=England / 2 Which is a country? A=German B=Germany C=Dutch / 3 Which is a nationality? A=China B=Korea...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito NAZIONI e LINGUAGGI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
1 Jack can speak ___. A=French B=France C=French language / 2 In Brazil, people speak ___. A=Portuguese B=Spanish C=Brazilian / 3 Russian is ____....
verbi DELEXICAL, scegli quello giusto, fra i tre suggeriti, per completare ogni frase:
1 She __ a smile. A=made B=did C=gave / 2 It's time for you to __ a shower. A=have B=take C=A and B / 3 She __ a generous donation to the charity....
CAUSE ed EFFETTI, scegli l'avverbio giusto, fra i tre suggeriti, per completare ogni frase:
1 The rope broke ___ the weight on it was too heavy. A=because B=so C=because why / 2 Sally broke up with Emmet ___ she just couldn't stand him any...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PERSONALITA' per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 I am always happy. I am ___. A=grateful B=lousy C=cheerful / 2 I always want to know everything about you. I am __. A=noisy B=busy C=nosy / 3 I...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PERSONALITA' per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
13 You can trust me. I am __. A=reliable B=articulate C=outgoing / 14 I speak and express myself well. I am __. A=quirky B=articulate C=ambitious /...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FORME GEOMETRICHE per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 An object with three sides is a __. A=square B=triangle C=root / 2 A 3-D square is called a __. A=cube B=cubic C=scube / 3 A 3-D circle is called a...
DID o WERE? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 __ you know that Paris is in France? A=Did B=Was C=Were / 2 ___ they hungry? A=Did B=Was C=Were / 3 __ Stanley at home yesterday? A=Did B=Was...
DID o WERE? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
11 __ you see that? A=Did B=Was C=Were / 12 ___ you at Vellu's house on Thursday? A=Did B=Was C=Were / 13 __ that a siren that I just heard? A=Did...
DID o DO? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 ___ you see that show on the television last night? A=Does B=Do C=Did / 2 __ you know a good place to have lunch around here? A=Do B=Does C=Did / 3...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito BORSA e FINANZA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 If the stock market is bad, we call it a __ market. A=bear B=bull C=lion / 2 If the stock market is good, we call it a __ market. A=bull B=bear...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito NOMI COLLETTIVI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 A __ of basketball players. A=squad B=team C=panel / 2 A __ of directors (in a company). A=division B=squad C=board / 3 Members of a ___ (to...
HAVE o HAVE GOT? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 A=George has a new wife. B=George has got a new wife. C=A and B / 2 A=We have all got certain issues. B=We all have certain issues. C=A and B / 3...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito GEOGRAFIA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 The ___ reached thirty-eight degrees last night. A=temperature B=temperate C=climate / 2 An __ is a book with maps of each country in the world....
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CLIMA-GEOGRAFIA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 It was cold and rainy, and we couldn't see because of the __. A=fog B=foghorns C=earth / 2 A natural disaster due to movement of the earth is an...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CLIMA-GEOGRAFIA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
1 The time when the sun goes down is called ___. A=sunset B=sunoff C=sunout / 2 Between two mountains, there is a ___. A=vale B=valley C=volley / 3...
Il GERUNDIO, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 Which word is a gerund? A=write B=writing C=written / 2 Which word is a gerund? A=run B=ran C=running / 3 Which word is most often followed by a...
GERUNDIO o INFINITO? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 I stopped __ because I was concerned about my health. A=smoking B=to smoke C=smoke / 2 I stopped ___ and chat to Bob. A=smoking B=smoke C=to smoke...
Espressioni di richiesta informazioni, scegli quella giusta, fra le tre suggerite(01):
1 Can you tell me ____? A=where the post office is B=where is the post office C=where the post office / 2 Do you know ____? A=where can I find a cash...
Espressioni di richiesta informazioni, scegli quella giusta, fra le tre suggerite(02):
1 I'm totally lost. Can you help me find my __? A=place B=way C=streets / 2 Excuse me. Are you ___ with this area? A=family B=used to C=familiar / 3...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CIBO-ALIMENTI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 What is sushi? A=A kind of Italian pasta. B=A kind of Japanese food with fish and rice. C=A kind of Korean food with beef. / 2 What is fettucine?...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CIBO-ALIMENTI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
1 ___ is a little bit like butter. A=Margarine B=Planta C=Margaret / 2 Some people like ___ eggs for breakfast. A=roast B=steamed C=fried / 3 Meat...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(03):
1 John has lived here ___ September. A=since B=for / 2 Mary has been ill ___ Thursday. A=since B=for / 3 We have been waiting ___ three hours....
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(04):
11 __ I was a kid, I've always had a fascination with airplanes. A=For B=Since / 12 We've been eating turkey sandwiches __ Christmas. A=since B=for /...
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la preposizione corretta per completare le seguenti frasi(05):
21 He turned up at 3:00 and he's been waiting __ then. A=since B=for / 22 __ Josh was promoted, he's been working extra hard. A=Since B=For / 23 Have...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PAROLE STRANIERE per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 Let's go and sing ___. A=korake B=karoke C=karaoke / 2 If you have good __, you will have good fortune. A=karma B=barma C=wilma / 3 Many people...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PAROLE STRANIERE per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
1 Where do young kids go to school? A=chindergarten B=kindergarden C=kindergarten / 2 An afternoon movie is a ___. A=matinee B=movette C=featurette /...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito ARREDAMENTO per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Another word for sofa is ___. A=big chair B=couch C=lounge seat / 2 A small table in the living room is a ___. A=milk table B=coffee table C=tea...
ESPRESSIONI di TEMPO al FUTURO scegli quella corretta per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 I will be going to London __ three days. A=at B=after C=in / 2 The package is expected to arrive ___ three weeks. A=in B=after C=later / 3 It...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito DIFFERENZE di GENERE per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 A princess is always a ___. A=male B=man C=female / 2 What is the male of 'waitress'? A=waiet B=waitman C=waiter / 3 Which word is correct?...
EVERY DAY oppure EVERYDAY? Scegli la parola giusta per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Pamela goes shopping __. A=everyday B=every day C=A and B are both correct / 2 I do twenty sit-ups ___ after lunch. A=every day B=everyday C=A and...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito ECOLOGIA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 The planet is getting hotter. This is called ___. A=global melting B=global warming C=global heating / 2 Rain that contains dangerous chemicals is...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito ECOLOGIA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
11 Some food is designed in a laboratory. It is ____. A=genetically modified B=molecular C=reverse engineered / 12 Food which is grown naturally is...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito STATI D'ANIMO per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 Which word means 'very crazy'? A=insane B=sane C=lame / 2 Which word means 'very funny'? A=amusing B=droll C=hilarious / 3 Which word means 'very...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito STATI D'ANIMO per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
13 Which word means 'very hungry'? A=starving B=massive C=perplexing / 14 Which word means 'very big'? A=furious B=massive C=miniature / 15 Which...
COMPARATIVI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(04):
1 What is the comparative of 'thin'? A=thinner B=more thin C=A and B / 2 What is the comparative of 'athletic'? A=athleticer B=more athletic...
SUPERLATIVI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 What is the superlative of 'thin'? A=most thin B=thinnest C=A and B / 2 What is the superlative of 'honest'? A=honestest B=most honest C=honestly /...
Scegli la parola giusta, fra le tre proposte, per mettere il giusto finale alle seguenti frasi:
1. She usually is a careful driver but yesterday she had a(an) ___. a. accident b. happening c. incident / 2. She was fishing from the river ___. a....
Espressioni di CAUSA ed EFFETTO, scegli quella giusta, fra le tre proposte, per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Smoking ___ cancer. A=causes to B=cause to C=causes / 2 A poor diet ___ malnutrition. A=causes B=causes to C=cause to / 3 The new Government's...
Scegli il verbo giusto di ambito DAILY ROUTINES per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Which do you do first? A=get up B=wake up / 2 Then you __ a shower. A=take B=have C=A or B / 3 Don't forget to __ your teeth. A=wash B=brush...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FAMIGLIA e PARENTI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Your father's father is your __. A=greatfather B=godfather C=grandfather / 2 Your grandfather's father is your ___. A=great grandfather B=godfather...
FEW oppure A FEW? Scegli la parola giusta per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 You'll find __ dollars lying on the dresser. A=a few B=few C='few' or 'a few' / 2 I have __ things I'd like to talk to you about. A='few' or 'a...
EITHER oppure NEITHER ? Scegli la parola giusta per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 __ of the twins managed to finish their ice cream. A=Neither B=Either C=A or B / 2 We can ___ wait here or we can look around the shops. A=either...
Completa le seguenti frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi e decidendo se inserire anche un PRONOME RIFLESSIVO oppure no.
Last Monday I got up at six, then I(show)... / She really(feel)...well today. / Let's(meet) six tomorrow. / Last weekend Alex cooked dinner...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando il verbo tra parentesi e il WILL-FUTURE oppure il GOING TO-FUTURE(01):
Philipp.... 15 next Wednesday. (to be) / They.... a new computer. (to get) / I think my mother.... this CD. (to like) / Paul's sister.... a baby....
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando il verbo tra parentesi e il WILL-FUTURE oppure il GOING TO-FUTURE(02):
What are your plans for the weekend? I.... a geochache. (to hide) / Doris is always late. I'm sure she.... late tomorrow, too. (to be) / Would you...
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi alla forma NEGATIVA con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He does not write letters (01):
Present Progressive / Simple Past / Past Progressive / Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect / will-future / going...
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi alla forma NEGATIVA con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He does not write letters (02):
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect Progressive / Future Progressive / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Progressive /...
Indica se il verbo di ogni frase è coniugato al GERUNDIO oppure al PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
He likes reading books. / He is reading books. / Reading books can be great fun. / He is interested in reading books. / He was reading books. / He...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(01):
We are watching a film - He often reads books - Tomorrow the sun will shine - I was listening to the radio yesterday evening - We are going to fly to...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(02):
They are riding a bike - She looked at a picture - We often take photos - I have just had a cup of tea - Alice will learn French next year -...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(03):
Tom is asking a question - He helped his mum last Sunday - Jessica lives with her mother - He has written an e-mail - There will be some rain in the...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato ogni verbo:
cleans - is reading - listened - speak - am going - have watched - are going to fly - were - will work - has been raining
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He writes letters(01):
Simple Present / Present Progressive / Simple Past / Past Progressive / Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect / will-future /...
Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He writes letters(02):
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect Progressive / Future Progressive / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Progressive /...
Quiz sul PRESENT PERFECT, rispondi ad ogni domanda scegliendo una delle risposte elencate:
Which verb forms are used with the Present Perfect? had, had had, has, has had oppure have had / What are typical signal words for the Present...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al PAST CONTINUOUS:
He made some mistakes. / I wrote an essay. / She didn't listen to the radio. / Larry sat on the grass. / Did it rain yesterday? / Anne talked to me...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al PRESENT PERFECT:
We ride our bikes. / She writes texts. / They are watching videos. / Does he often jog? / Jack plays computer games. / Why do you have so many pets?...
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando la forma NEGATIVA (che si deve riferire al verbo in stampatello) e mantenendo il PAST SIMPLE:
He often READS comics, but yesterday he.... any. / We often GET UP at 7:30, but yesterday we.... then. / I often MAKE my bed, but yesterday I.......
Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando lo stesso verbo della prima parte ma alla forma NEGATIVA (vedi l'esempio della prima frase):
She usually RIDES her bike to school, but yesterday she DIDN'T RIDE it. / I usually sleep in on Saturdays, but last week I.... in. / Sarah often...
Completa le frasi utilizzando MUST oppure MUSTN'T ma scegli quale usare in base al senso di ogni frase(01).
It's late. You...make so much noise. / home by 9 o'clock. The film starts at 9:15. / I...finish this essay today. It has to be handed in by...
Completa le frasi utilizzando MUST oppure MUSTN'T ma scegli quale usare in base al senso di ogni frase(02).
I...take the umbrella. It won't rain. / I...cross this bridge. It's closed. / late. The train will leave in 10 minutes. / You...hurry. We...
Abbina ogni parola in stampatello al termine giusto in ambito QUANTITA'-CONTENITORI:
a piece of... / a packet of... / a bar of... / a glass of... / a cup of... /...
Trasforma i verbi tra parentesi al PARTICIPIO presente oppure passato:
He saw his friend (go) out with Sue. / The bus crashed into the blue car (drive) down the hill. / Peter hurt his leg (do) karate. / The umbrella...
PHRASAL VERBS, completa le frasi usando le preposizioni suggerite(01):
He comes...Italy. / The blue car came...last. / Come...try once more. / We came...home very...
PHRASAL VERBS, completa le frasi usando le preposizioni suggerite(02):
When we the room, she had already left. / The police let him get...with...
Scrivi una domanda in modo che le seguenti frasi siano le perfette risposte(01):
John is writing a letter. / She walks home from school. / The children are sitting in the garden. / Peter runs with his dog on Sundays. / My rabbit...
Scrivi una domanda in modo che le seguenti frasi siano le perfette risposte(02):
She never cleans the van. / Kim and Tina are playing ball in the garden. / They are running home. / Mr Johnson has been living in Montreal for ten...
Scrivi una domanda in modo che le seguenti frasi siano le perfette risposte(03):
She is opening a present. / The boys are hiding under Tom's bed. / My sister prefers porridge for breakfast. / On Thursday Jack has German, history...
Indica a che tempo è coniugato il verbo di ogni frase(04):
Did you play tennis yesterday? // Have you ever watched a film in English? // Was John reading the book last night? // How long have you been...
Usa il verbo e il nome tra parentesi per formare delle DOMANDE al PAST SIMPLE:
...after the cat? (the dog/to run) / when you were on holiday? (you/to take) / music yesterday evening? (Steven/to listen) / ...a cup...
Usa il verbo e il nome tra parentesi per formare delle DOMANDE al FUTURO:
... me £50? (you/to lend) / When... to the country? (they/to move) / ...the exam in French? (Laura/to do) / When... us the file? (Kim/to send) /...
Completa le seguenti domande inserendo WHAT oppure WHICH:
...colour is your pencil case? / ...picture did Henry paint, the left one or the right one? / ...language does Mr Miller teach, French or Italian? /...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(02):
Benjamin: "I often have a big hamburger." Benjamin says (that)... / Hannah: "They live in Boston." Hannah said (that)... / Tyler: "Ian doesn't invite...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(03):
Jacob: "I work in an office." Jacob told me (that) worked in an office. / Ryan and Lucas: "We play football." Ryan and Lucas told me (that)played...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(04):
Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!" Andrew told me... / Jessica: "Write a text message!" Jessica told me... / Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!" Nelly told...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(05):
Karen: "Don't play football in the garden!" Karen told me... / Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!" The teacher reminded me... / Mike: "Don't shout...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(06):
Christopher: "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me... / Betty: "When did you come?" Betty wanted to know... / Mark: "Has John arrived?" Mark...
Trasforma queste frasi con espressioni di tempo dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(07):
Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?" Yesterday Mandy asked me... / Jason: "Who gave you the laptop?" Yesterday Jason wanted to know... / Robert:...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(08):
Grandma: "Dad has made breakfast." Grandma said (that)... / Mia and Zoe: "We have cleaned the kitchen." Mia and Zoe said (that)... / Tom: "She has...
CONGIUNZIONI, scegli quella giusta, per completare le seguenti frasi in base al senso di ognuna(01):
I like English...I like French very much. / My brother likes maths...he doesn't like history. / The children forgot their homework,...the teacher was...
CONGIUNZIONI, scegli quella giusta, per completare le seguenti frasi in base al senso di ognuna(02):
I like sugar in my tea,...I don't like milk in it. / Listen to the story...answer the questions in complete sentences. / Is it Thursday...Friday...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
AUSTRALIA: Australia is an ...(1) continent located in the Southern Hemisphere. It lies ...(2) the Pacific and Indian oceans and has a land area of...
Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:
TASMANIA 02: Tasmania is an island state located to the south of the Australian mainland. It is a natural ...(1) with beautiful coastlines,...
AN ACTOR ANSWERING 00: ascolta un attore durante un'intervista riguardante il suo lavoro e indica a quale delle 4 domande indicate sta rispondendo.

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi ufficiale di 3a media dell'anno 2018. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.

Did you always want to be an actor? When did you start acting? Have you always been the main actor? What does your family think of your
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
Our class... the test yet. (not/to write) / Tim and Joe... the boxes into the house yet. (not/to carry) / It... to snow. (not/to start) / The cat......
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
She... her room... . (not/to tidy up/yet) / They... a Tablet PC... . (not/to use/so far) / My father... the car. It is still dirty. (not/to polish) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(01):
Karen... me an e-mail. (to send) / Dave and Pat... the museum. (to visit) / I... at the pet shop. (to be) / They... already... their rucksacks. (to...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(02):
The students... a flight to Vienna. (to book) / The cat... a mouse. (just/to catch) / Jack and Brian... this picture. (just/to draw) / He... his...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma INTERROGATIVA(01): the kitchen door? (to paint) / ...your brother... the shopping? (to do) / ...Julian ever... a spider? (to touch) / ...your father ever......
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma INTERROGATIVA(02): five years? (John/to live/for) / ...the e-mail to grandma... = (the twins/to write/yet) / Why... so much money on sweets? (Dan/to spend) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(03):
Emma... this film on TV. (never/to see) / How often... she... the office this morning? (to phone) / ...the Millers... yet? (to arrive) / John... on a...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(04):
I... in a restaurant before. (never/to work) / ...the school bus? (Robin/to miss/ever) / They... each other... a long time now. (to know/for) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST PERFECT nella forma NEGATIVA:
The driver... at the traffic lights, so the police car chased him. (not/to stop) / The budgie flew away because Jim... the window. (not/to close) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST PERFECT(01):
She... in Sweden before she went to Norway. (to live) / After we... the cornflakes, Henry came in. (to eat) / Before Ken ran to Kerry's house, he......
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST PERFECT nella forma INTERROGATIVA:
...the instructions before they switched on the mobile phone? (they/to read) / ...the new words before she texted her friend? (the girl/to learn) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST PERFECT(02):
When I arrived at the restaurant, Victoria... a glass of water. (already/to order) / He noticed that Peter... the old chair. (not/to paint) / Before...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURE PERFECT.
Anne... her bike next week. (to repair) / We... the washing by 8 o'clock. (to do) / She... Paris by the end of next year. (to visit) / I... this by 6...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
She... a cheeseburger. (not/to eat) / They... pictures. (not/to paint) / The teacher... the window. (not/to open) / Johnny... his bike. (not/to ride)...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
Julia... tea. (not/to drink) / They... the Internet. (not/to surf) / My brother... yesterday. (not/to sail) / Oliver... jokes. (not/to tell) / The...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS nella forma INTERROGATIVA(01):
...Ashley... on the computer? (to work) / ...they... the bike? (to repair) / ...Melissa... out a book? (to take) / to music? (to listen) /...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS nella forma INTERROGATIVA(02):
...the museum? (she/to visit) / ...with a pencil? (you/to write) / ...comics? (the boys/to read) / ...questions? (Kimberly/to ask) /
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
Carl... to the teacher for the last ten minutes. (not/to listen) / The students... to learn the new words. (not/to try) / Kim... crossword puzzles....
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS(01):
I... this website since 1999. (to run) / My parents... for years. (to smoke) / He... for his girlfriend since 6 o'clock. (to wait) / We... in Greece...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
Andrew... in the country since 2015. (not/to live) / How long... your grandparents this car? (to drive) / They... today. (not/to cycle) / Tony... his...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(03):
Max... his comic book. (not/to read) / How long... French? (they/to learn) / I... for two months now. (not/to drive) / ...the whole morning? (she/to...
Trasforma le seguenti frasi con il PRESENT CONTINUOUS in domande sempre con il present continuous:
1.Harry and Alice are cooking dinner tonight. / 2.He is waiting for the bus. / 3.They are coming home now. / 4.We are looking for Jill's keys. /...
QUESTION TAG con verbi al passato: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta.
1.You saw George yesterday, / 2.We weren't wrong, ...we? / 3.He didn't go, ...he? / 4.I was correct, ...I? / 5.It didn't rain last night,...
QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto e il tempo corretto in base al senso di ogni frase per completare ogni domanda proposta.
1.Doctor, I haven't got an infection, ...I? / 2.She takes her dog for a walk every morning, ...she? / 3.You'll come, / 4.We are buying the...
Trasforma ogni frase con WILL alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta, esempio: I'll see you tomorrow.I won't see you tomorrow.
1.Susan will go with you. / 2.Jenny and Chris will show you the way home. / 3.They'll be in London next week. / 4.I'll drive to Sydney. / 5.We'll see...
Trasforma ogni frase con WILL alla QUESTION-FORM nella sua forma contratta, esempio: Bob will wash the dishes tonight.Will Bob wash the dishes tonight?
1.Colin will do the housework this the housework this week? / 2.We'll go to the supermarket to buy some bread....go to the supermarket to...
Leggi il seguente brano su HALLOWEEN e poi indica se le affermazioni che ci sono al termine sono VERE o FALSE (02):
THE LEGEND OF STINGY JACK: People have been making jack-o’-lanterns at Halloween for centuries. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a...
Leggi il seguente brano su HALLOWEEN e poi rispondi alle domande.
HALLOWEEN: On October 31, Americans celebrate Halloween. Halloween means "holy" (hallow) "evening" (een). This is the evening before the Christian...
Usa le seguenti parole per completare il brano inerente ad HALLOWEEN: CHURCH, SOULS, OLDEST, DEAD, THEME, CULTURE, EVIL, EVENING.
Halloween is the one of the __________ holidays still celebrated today. It's one of the most popular holidays, second only to Christmas. Some people...
Collega i termini inerenti alle superstizioni di HALLOWEEN con le sottostanti definizioni:
Leggi il brano su HALLOWEEN e poi indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono TRUE o FALSE.
The legend of Stingy Jack. People have been making jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween for centuries. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a...
Scegli il corretto PAST TENSE fra i tre suggeriti per completare le seguenti frasi:
This is a story of a man who went fishing every night. He would always go alone because he enjoyed the silence. And even though he had to ride past...
Scrivi domande con il verbo CAN e risposte brevi positive o negative in base ai suggerimenti tra parentesi. Esempio: use your mobile phone during a lesson(no) > Can you use your mobile phone during a lesson? No, you can't
1 chew gum in the classroom(no) 2 miss school without a good reason(no) 3 use your mobile phone during breaks(yes) 4 eat snacks during breaks(yes)...
Scrivi delle frasi utilizzando le parole fornite e l'aggettivo tra parentesi al COMPARATIVO.
1 racing cars / cars (fast) 2 football I cricket (popular) 3 scooters / motorbikes (cheap) 4 trekking / rock climbing (safe) 5 walking / going by...
Scrivi in lettere le DATE DI NASCITA di queste persone famose.
1 Johann Sebastian Bach was born on 31/03/1685. 2 Marie Curie was born on 07/11/1867. 3 William Shakespeare was born on 23/04/1564. 4 Angela Merkel...
Riscrivi le frasi affermative nella FORMA NEGATIVA.
1 We went to Rome on the school trip. 2 She bought the fruit at the greengrocer's. 3 They had dinner in a vegan restaurant. 4 Martha spent a lot of...
Completa le seguenti frasi con BE GOING TO + uno dei verbi in elenco:
1 Penny is looking for her guidebook. She .... sightseeing. 2 Mum...
Scrivi che cosa IS GOING TO HAPPEN in ogni frase seguendo i suggerimenti tra parentesi.
1 Mum is cutting onions in the kitchen (cry). 2 Jack is putting on his cycling helmet (ride his bike) 3 I'm sending invitations to all my friends...
Scrivi delle domande e delle risposte usando GOING TO+le parole date e il suggerimento tra parentesi per indicare una risposta affermativa(+) o negativa(-) 01.
1 it/rain tomorrow?(+) 2 he/take his ebook on holiday?(-) 3 you/buy a souvenir from the gift shop?(+) 4 we/walk along the city walls?(-) 5...
Scrivi delle domande e delle risposte usando GOING TO+le parole date e il suggerimento tra parentesi per indicare una risposta affermativa(+) o negativa(-) 02.
1 he/buy/some souvenirs(+) 2 they/go/on a boat(-) 3 you/visit/archeaological site(-) 4 it/rain/later(+) 5 Amy and Sally/spend/their holidays/in...
Indica se queste frasi con GOING TO, esprimono un'intenzione o un evento the sta per accadere.
1 She's going to pass her maths exam. She's very good at maths. A 2 He's going to score a goal for his team Go, United! 3 They're going to visit the...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di TO BE GOING TO oppure WILL.
1 on Saturday? 2 this match, the other team is too good. 3 It....rain all day. 4 David....definitely pass the exam. He's...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di TO BE GOING TO oppure WILL + i seguenti verbi:
1 I don't think Mark's party. She's still angry with him. 2...
Completa il dialogo con il PRESENT CONTINUOUS oppure con TO BE GOING TO e i suggerimenti tra le parentesi.
LUKE: Pete, what....(you/do) after work today? ROGER: Well, first, I....(meet) Sandra at the bus station at 5:30 After that, we....(have) dinner with...
Completa le frasi con il PRESENT CONTINUOUS, BE GOING TO oppure WILL + il verbo tra parentesi.
1 Alex....(meet) a friend tomorrow. 2 I think it....(snow) soon. 3 I hope I....(visit) London one day. 4 What time....(you / leave) tomorrow? 5...
Completa le domande con EVER e il participio dei seguenti verbi:
1 Have you.....abroad? 2 Have plane? 3 Have you.....a bad mark...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi in forma interrogativa, mettendo EVER al punto giusto.
1 You have lost a valuable object. 2 The PE teacher has chosen you for the school team. 3 Martha has baked a cake. 4 You have forgotten your mum's...
Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(01).
1 If they....(stop) putting toxic waste in rivers, there....(be) a lot of water pollution. 2 If farmers....(use) too many pesticides on fruit and...
Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(02).
1 Plastic....(suffocate) the oceans if people....(not take) more care. 2 If you....(clear) the table, I'll....the dishes. 3 If people....(continue)...
Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(03).
1 If rainforest destruction....(continue), more animals....(lose) their habitat. 2 You....(not/learn) much if you....(not/study). 3 If I....(make)...
Completa le frasi con il FIRST CONDITIONAL coniugando il verbo tra parentesi(04).
1 If you....(not hurry), you....(miss) the train. 2 If he....(go) to bed earlier, he....(not be) so tired. 3 I ....(have) good marks if I....(not...
Completa le frasi con FOR oppure SINCE solo dov'è necessario.
1 We have lived in this house I was born. 2 Martha has had her cat three years. 3 Claire has known Ryan they were in primary school. 4 I haven't read...
Scrivi FOR oppure SINCE all'inizio di ogni esercizio ma attenzione: in un caso non devi scrivere nulla!
1...three years 2...last year 3...yesterday 4...five hours 5...a long time 6...October 7...all week 8...Christmas 9...some time
FOR oppure SINCE? scegli la conclusione giusta per ogni frase.
1 Phil has played football since HE WAS 10/TEN YEARS. 2 Jack and Tom have lived there for last SUMMER/THREE YEARS. 3 We have read twenty pages since...
Completa le risposte con MAY oppure MIGHT + i seguenti verbi:
1 A: What are you going to do after lunch? B: I don't know. I....for a walk in the park. 2 A: I'm going to have...
Traduci le seguenti frasi con MAY/MIGHT.
1 Olivia potrebbe essere a casa. Le luci sono accese. 2 Potrei arrivare in ritardo alla riunione. 3 Potresti non trovare una camera nell'albergo. 4...
Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa o negativa di MAY/MIGHT.
1 We....go to the cinema if there's a new movie on. 2 It's late: they....come. 3 She....get that job. There aren't a lot of candidates. 4 I....go to...
Completa le frasi con MAY, MIGHT, WILL oppure TO BE GOING TO.
1 Don't worry, Mum! I....clean my room when the film finishes. 2 in London next summer. 3 My mum me a new bike for my birthday....
Completa le seguenti frasi con i verbi MODALI, scegliendo una delle tre alternative proposte.
1 speak Spanish? Only a few words, but my French is pretty good.(Can, Could, Will). 2 You.....drink so much coffee. It's not good for...
Completa le seguenti frasi con uno dei verbi MODALI seguenti:
mustn't • could • can • don't have to • have • should • must • can • might
1 If you want to learn to speak English fluently,...
Verbi MODALI: scegli l'alternativa corretta nel seguente dialogo 01.
ROGER: Hello Nick. It's Tom. ANDY: Hello Tom. ROGER: How's your job going? What's your new boss like? ANDY: She's really strict. There are lots of...
Verbi MODALI: scegli l'alternativa corretta nel seguente dialogo 02.
- I don't feel very well. What....I do? - I think you....go to the doctor. ....I call him to see if he has an appointment for tomorrow? - Look at...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi con la corretta forma of CAN, MAY oppure MUST, esempio: Don't sit down! You mustn't sit down.
1 It's necessary to complete the exam paper in black or blue pen only. 2 Maybe Flora will return tonight. 3 Read this book! 4 There is no need to...
Completa le frasi con IF oppure WHEN.
1 I'll go to Australia....I leave university. 2 ....we don't save our trees, we will have no forests. 3 It will be hotter every year....we don't stop...
Completa le frasi riguardanti le regole per andare bene agli esami con MUSTN'T o DON'T HAVE TO.
Dear students, It's exam time again. Please remember a few basic rules for the exam period: for your exams at school. You can study at...
Completa le frasi con it PAST SIMPLE o il PAST CONTINUOUS dei verbi tra parentesi.
1.....your lunch yet? (you/eat) 2.....your lunch with your friends today? (you/eat) 3 Sarah.....the doctor about her cough. (see) 4 Sarah.....the...
Riscrivi le frasi nella forma interrogativa e dai risposte brevi in base ai suggerimenti.
Esempio: John was with his mother when it happened.(+) Was John with his mother when it happened? Yes, he was. 1 You were in the mountains last...
Scrivi le domande in base alle seguenti risposte, come nell'esempio.
Esempio: Was she at home yesterday afternoon? Yes, she was at home yesterday afternoon. 1 Yes, we were in the park on Saturday. 2 No, the weather...
Completa le frasi con il SUPERLATIVO o il COMPARATIVO degli aggettivi tra parentesi.
1 Marika is (nice) person I know. 2 Is Oily (old) than his sister? 3 What is (hot) month of the year in Italy? 4 My sister thinks she's (good) at...
Completa le frasi scrivendo il SUPERLATIVO degli aggettivi tra parentesi più le preposizioni IN oppure OF (01).
1 Giorgio Armani is one of....(famous) fashion designers....the world. 2 Auntie Linda is....(nice)...all my relatives. 3 The Portofino...
Completa le frasi scrivendo il SUPERLATIVO degli aggettivi tra parentesi più le preposizioni IN oppure OF (02).
1 We lost the match 8-0. It was our (bad) result...the season. 2 Yesterday the temperature was 38°C. It was the (hot) day...the year. 3 My sister is...
Leggi il seguente brano e poi rispondi alle domande.
How many people around the world speak English? According to research, approximately 1.5 billion people - that's 20% of the world's population!...
Leggi il seguente brano e poi scegli l'opzione corretta per completare le frasi proposte.
So, how did the language of a small island become the most spoken language in the world? The majority of places where English is an official language...
Leggi il seguente brano(liv.1a media) e poi indica se le affermazioni al fondo sono VERE o FALSE.
LETIZIA: Hi, Alberto. ALBERTO: Hi, Letizia. So, this is your new house. LETIZIA: Yes. This is the front garden... And there's a back garden too....
Leggi il seguente brano(liv.1a media) e poi indica se le affermazioni al fondo sono VERE o FALSE.
LETIZIA: Look. Here's a yummy blackberry pie recipe. MUM: Great. We've got a lot of blackberries in the garden. LETIZIA: What about the other...
Leggi il seguente brano(liv.1a media) e poi indica se le affermazioni al fondo sono TRUE, FALSE o NOT GIVEN.
Mr O'Brian is the head of the British Health Department. Ile isn't very happy about the survey results. Ile is worried because young people aren't...
Leggi il seguente brano(liv.1a media) e poi completa delle frasi e rispondi a delle domande.
Letizia is doing her maths homework. LETIZIA: Mum. Can I go out and meet my friends? MRS MURRAY: Finish your homework first You can meet them after....
Leggi il seguente brano(liv.1a media) e poi indica se le affermazioni al fondo sono TRUE, FALSE o NOT GIVEN.
You can find all different types of homes in Britain, but most people live in houses: 82% of British families live in a house and only 15% live in a...
Leggi il seguente brano(liv.1a media) e poi rispondi a vari tipi di domande:
My name is George, I'm 13 and I live in Brixham in Devonshire. My parents have a small tied 8 Breakfast and my sister Emily and I often give them a...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi facendo riferimento alla durata indicata tra parentesi, esempio: I don't buy a new book. (May) I haven't bought a new book since May.
1 We don't play video games.(a long time) 2 I know Cate.(I was 11) 3 I don't speak to my grandparents(three weeks) 4 My brother wears glasses.(he was...
Scrivi delle domande con HOW LONG per le seguenti risposte, esempio: I have lived in this house since I was born > How long have you lived in this house?
1 Daniel has had his dog for five years. 2 I have enjoyed reading since I was seven. 3 Gemma has had her bike since April. 4 They have been at the...
Completa le frasi scegliendo HAVE/HAS BEEN oppure HAVE/HAS GONE.
1 Italy before. This is my first visit. 2 My best friend is on holiday at the moment. Sardinia. 3 Where's mum? the...
Completa le frasi con il PAST PARTICIPLE dei verbi tra parentesi.
1 Have you India? (be) 2 I've...loads this morning. (eat) 3 Have you...a good week? (have) 4 She's....all her homework. (finish) 5 My dad...
FOR oppure SINCE? Scegli l'alternativa corretta.
1 I've been at this school FOR/SINCE three years. 2 Mark and Joe have been best friends FOR/SINCE Year 3 at primary school. 3 Katia and Tony haven't...
Completa il brano con il PAST SIMPLE oppure il PAST CONTINUOUS dei verbi tra parentesi.
Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my family. One day, we (drive) through a small village. It was lunch time, so we(stop) at a pub. We(look)...
Completa il brano con il PAST SIMPLE oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
Most of us think we can't live without our mobile phones. However, they(not / be) in existence for very long. The very first mobile phones(not be)...
Completa il brano con il PAST SIMPLE, PAST CONTINUOUS oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
Mark Zuckerberg (start) Facebook in 2004. At that time Mark was (study) psychology and computer science at Harvard University. While he (attend)...
Completa il brano con il PAST SIMPLE oppure il PAST CONTINUOUS dei verbi tra parentesi (02).
PETER: What(you / do) yesterday at 5 pm? JACK: I (sit) in the library. I (work) on my Geography project. Why? PETER: I (go) to the sports centre at...
Completa il brano con il PAST SIMPLE, PAST CONTINUOUS oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi in elenco.
buy • go • not have • read • speak • surf • watch • work
1 Jane.....a book when her boyfriend called her. 2 interesting...
Completa le frasi con il PAST SIMPLE del verbo tra parentesi ma alla forma PASSIVA.
1 The statute(complete) in 1572. 2 The gallery(close) last year. 3 The artist(love) by the Queen. 4 The portrait(give) to the museum. 5 A...
Traduci le seguenti frasi con il PAST SIMPLE.
1 Non é stato dipinto da un artista famoso, ma è fantastico. 2 Adoro l'uso di diversi materiali come l'alluminio e il legno in questo dipinto. 3...
Completa le frasi con il PAST SIMPLE oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
1 Last week I(buy) two detective novels to read on holiday. 2 I (read) three books this year. 3 We (have) dinner in a Turkish restaurant last...
Completa il dialogo con il PAST SIMPLE oppure il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
1 A:(you / have) lunch yet? B: Yes, I (have) it an hour ago. 2 A: Has (Julia / tidy) her room? B: Yes, she (tidy) it yesterday afternoon. 3 A:...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del PAST SIMPLE oppure del PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi: be • finish • see • correct • go.
1 see a white water rafting competition yesterday. 2....Miss Jackson....our English compositions? 3 Dennis and I....a great film last...
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi: eat • arrive • make • write • do • send • be(x2)
1 I....ten emails this morning. 2 She....a poem for her mum. 3 They....two chocolate cakes for the birthday party later. 4 We....all our homework. 5...
Completa le frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi alla forma affermativa o negativa in base al senso della frase.
1 I (eat) all my lunch. I'm not very hungry. 2 George(start) his painting. The canvas is blank. 3 Sarah(go) to Australia. She will be back next week....
Traduci in inglese le seguenti frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT (01).
1 Sono stato in America. 2 Abbiamo fatto la pizza per cena. 3 Si è lavata i capelli. 4 Sono andati al parco. 5 Si è tagliato un ginocchio. 6 Hai...
Traduci in inglese le seguenti frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT (02).
1 Hai mai provato il cibo indiano? 2 Non sono mai stato a Londra. 3 Non abbiamo mai fatto parapendio. 4 Non ha mai fatto una torta di compleanno per...
Completa la conversazione telefonica con la forma affermativa, negativa o interrogativa del PRESENT PERFECT dei verbi tra parentesi.
RYAN: Hi Al, I want to take Katie to the cinema but I don't know what film to choose. new Tom Cruise one? (see) RYAN: No, I....but...
Scegli l'alternativa corretta in queste frasi con il PRESENT PERFECT.
1 I went to the cinema last Sunday / since Sunday. 2 I have read two books since Sunday/last Sunday. 3 She didn't sleep well since yesterday /...
Completa le frasi con una delle espressioni con il SECOND CONDITIONAL proposte.
I'd buy the white one • I'd buy them • I'd walk to school • you'd be healthier • e could visit the museum • you'd learn more • we...
SECOND CONDITIONAL: completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi.
1 If someone(try) to bully me, I(tell) my parents. 2 You(feel) less tired in the morning if you(go) to bed earlier. 3 If I (be) taller, I(play)...
Completa le ipotesi con SHOULD o SHOULDN'T e i seguenti verbi: have • feel • pass • be • enjoy • speak.
1 Matteo's big sister has lived in England for five years. She.....English well. 2 The train arrives at 9:25. It's 9:25 now. now. 3 This...
Inserisci SHOULD oppure SHOULDN'T nelle frasi.
1 You.....tell lies. 2 Angela.....go to bed earlier. She's always tired in the morning. 3 The children that way. 4 Richard.....behave...
SHOULD-SHOULDN'T: scegli l'alternativa corretta (01).
1 You look very tired. You SHOULD/SHOULDN'T go to bed early. 2 You SHOULD/SHOULDN'T sit too close to the W. 3 You SHOULD/SHOULDN'T drink more water....
SHOULD-MUST: scegli l'alternativa corretta.
1 Teenagers SHOULDN'T/MUSTN'T spend too much time on their smartphones. 2 You MUST/MUSTN'T come to the new gym with me next week - it's brilliant! 3...
Usa SHOULD-SHOULDN'T per completare le seguenti frasi in base al loro significato.
1 Sarah has had a temperature since Thursday. She.....go to the doctor. 2 Gianni,.....I book you an appointment at the dentist's for Monday...
Leggi il dialogo tra due amiche e completa le supposizioni con SHOULD e i verbi sleep • have • wake up • arrive • be • look.
LETIZIA: Look at this hairstyle in my latest magazine. I might cut my hair like this. What do you think? SOFIA: It.....nice on you. You've got thick...
Completa le frasi con WILL più i seguenti verbi: drive • win • continue • be • disappear • eat • discover.
1 Polar bears.....from the Arctic region. 2 on other planets. 3 Brazil.....the next World Cup. 4 People.....only electric cars by...
Completa le frasi con WILL oppure TO BE GOING TO più il verbo tra parentesi.
1 Would you like still or sparkling water? I.....still, please.(have) 2 Next summer we.....America.(visit) 3 I can't do this maths problem. Don't...
Scrivi delle domande al FUTURO con le parole suggerite e dai risposte affermative(+) o negative(-) in base ai suggerimenti delle parentesi.
1 robots/replace/people(-) 2 people/recycle/plastic(+) 3 you/clean/the park(-) 4 Matt/volunteer/animal shelter.(+) 5 water/disappear/planet(-)
ZERO CONDITIONAL: collega le condizioni(1-8) ai relativi risultati(a-h).
1) If there is a red flag on the beach, 2) If you choose a volunteering holiday, 3) If you like a tropical climate and sandy beaches, 4) If it rains,...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: coniuga i verbi tra parentesi nella forma corretta.
1 If the weather's (be) good, we always (go) to the beach. 2 If your suitcase (weigh) more than 15 kg, you(have to) pay for the extra kilos. 3 (not /...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: leggi e completa le frasi con want • buy • is • arrive • go.
1 If you....from Heathrow airport, there are direct flights. 2 If the hotel before 14:00, you can't check in. 3 Come to reception if...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: abbina la prima parte delle frasi(1-5) alla parte finale(a-e).
1) If you heat water, 2) If you drink a lot of water, 3) If you swim in sea water, 4) If people drink dirty water, 5) If you buy water in plastic...
ZERO CONDITIONAL: traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese.
1 Se avessi abbastanza soldi, andrei all'estero. 2 Se studio tanto, andre all'universita. 3 Mio fratello é troppo serio, studia tutto it tempo. 4 Se...
Usando le parole date, componi delle domande e delle risposte brevi affermative(+) o negative(-) in base al suggerimento tra parentesi.
1 she / wash her hair? (-) 2 they / be on holiday? (+) 3 you / read your emails? (-) 4 mum / go to work? (+) 5 you / tell your friends? (+) 6 you...
Scegli il PRONOME INDEFINITO corretto fra i due proposti (01).
1 I've seen that girl SOMEWHERE/ANYWHERE before. 2 NO ONE/ANYONE in my family likes junk food. 3 EVERYONE/ANYONE should do regular exercise. 4 Do you...
Scegli il PRONOME INDEFINITO corretto fra i due proposti (02).
1) Is there ANYWHERE/EVERYWHERE we can talk? 2) I don't want NOTHING/ANYTHING, thanks. 3) I'm meeting SOMEBODY/ANYBODY later. 4) Linda has got...
PRONOMI INDEFINITI: riscrivi le frasi in forma affermativa(+), negativa(-) o interrogativa(?) in base ai suggerimenti tra parentesi.
1 I haven't got anything to do today.(+) 2 There's somebody in the room.(?) 3 I saw something I liked.(-) 4 They didn't meet anyone interesting.(?) 5...
Completa le frasi con someone/somebody, anyone/anybody, no one/nobody and everyone/everybody.
1 I don't know......who smokes in my class. They hate cigarettes. 2 Look!......has written graffiti on that shop window. 3 my family rides a...
Abbina le domande(1-5) con PRONOMI INDEFINITI alle risposte corrispondenti(a-e).
1 Can I talk to you about something important? 2 Have you got anything to eat? 3 There is something wrong with this machine, Who can help me? 4 Is...
Completa le frasi con TOO oppure ENOUGH e i seguenti aggettivi: tall • heavy • good • loud • old • warm • big • small.
1 The music is.....Please turn down the volume. 2 I can't have a shower because the water isn't...... 3 The lift is OK for four people, but...
Completa il brano scegliendo i COMPARATIVI e SUPERLATIVI corretti.
One day I was BORED/BORING/BORE, so I decided to do a geography quiz online. I like them. I think geography is the BETTER/GOOD/BEST and more...
Traduci le seguenti frasi con COMPARATIVI e SUPERLATIVI dall'inglese all'italiano.
1 The moon is closer to the Earth than the sun. 2 Sit down - I've got some very interesting news for you! 3 I can't decide which shoes to wear...
Leggi i racconti di Letizia e Alberto e indica se le affermazioni al fondo sono vere (T), false (F) o not given (NG).
LETIZIA: This year has been very difficult for me but it has been fun too. My dad is a martial arts instructor and we moved to China in March. I have...
Leggi i racconti di Letizia e Alberto e rispondi alle domande al termine.
LETIZIA: This year has been very difficult for me but it has been fun too. My dad is a martial arts instructor and we moved to China in March. I have...
Leggi il brano su Emma e indica, nelle frasi al termine, l'alternativa corretta.
I have been a volunteer at my local library for eighteen months. I started weatiter when I was 12 years old. My mum has been a library volunteer for...
Leggi il brano su Molly e rispondi alle domande che trovi al termine usando al massimo 4 parole.
I've been a travel blogger for about two years. I've always loved travelling, so after university I decided to do it as a job. I've worked really...
Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(02):
1 If I (can). -- 2 I (do) it. -- 3 If I (come) earlier. -- 4 I (prepare) the dinner. -- 5 If it (rain). -- 6 Kelly (take) an umbrella with her. --...
Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(03):
1 If John (find) money, -- 2 he (not keep) it. -- 3 If he (not print) the paper, -- 4 I (not correct) the test -- 5 If it (not be) so late -- 6 , I...
Completa le frasi (che sono collegate tra loro) utilizzando i verbi tra parentesi al CONDIZIONALE(04):
1 If the police (not stop) me, I (reach) you in time. -- 2 If I (not turn) off the TV. -- 3 , I (know) the end of the soap. -- 4 I Freddie (not...
Scrivi queste parole nell'ordine giusto per formare alcune citazioni famose:
a) be, is be, or not the “To question.” to that -- b) music food be the of “If love, on.” play -- c) bold.” made made drunk hath which hath...
Aggiungi i punti mancanti per completare correttamente questo testo(02):
Hello, I’m Jenny, Tim’s wife We have been married for almost eleven years I met Tim when we were both at university I studied Physics while Tim...
Scrivi quale forma verbale inglese è corretto usare nelle situazioni indicate in ogni frase(01):
1. We use ____ tense to talk about actions in the future. -- 2. If an action happened today I would use ____ tense. -- 3. We use ____ tense to talk...
Scrivi quale forma verbale inglese è corretto usare nelle situazioni indicate in ogni frase(02):
11. If an action happened two days ago I would use ____ tense. -- 12. We use ____ tense to talk about actions in the past but in unfinished time. --...
Le seguenti istruzioni sull'uso dei verbi inglesi, sono TRUE o FALSE?(02):
8. In present perfect the action is past and the time is finished. -- 9. We need infinitive form to make questions and negative sentences in past...
Le seguenti istruzioni sull'uso dei verbi inglesi, sono TRUE o FALSE?(01):
1. We use did to make question and negative sentences in past simple tense. -- 2. We use present simple to talk about regular actions and things that...
Correggi le frasi qui sotto e indica ciò che è sbagliato in ciascuna di esse(01):
1. I take some photos in the park today. -- 2. I have drive my car this week. -- 3. I will worked in the garden tomorrow. -- 4. He is works in an...
Correggi le frasi qui sotto e indica ciò che è sbagliato in ciascuna di esse(02):
11. I like playing volleyball today. -- 12. I do goes to work every day. -- 13. I am a manager yesterday. -- 14. Mark have finished watching TV. ...
Leggi la storia qui sotto e indica tutti i verbi principali. Poi scrivi un numero vicino a ciascuno di essi per mostrare se è: infinitive=1, simple form=2, past tense=3, past participle=4, ing form=5.
The Hungry Lion and the Foolish Stag
A beautiful stag was drinking at a pool. He noticed his reflection in the water and was admiring the size...
Completa ogni frase con una di queste espressioni temporali: EVERY DAY, YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW, AT THE MOMENT(01):
1. We've walked a long way ____, haven't we? -- 2. Tom hurt himself while rollerblading ____. -- 3. We’re having dinner at a nice restaurant ____....
Completa ogni frase con una di queste espressioni temporali: EVERY DAY, YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW, AT THE MOMENT(02):
1. Alison wrote about her exam results in her diary ____. -- 2. I’m waiting for my appointment at the dentist’s ____. -- 3. I’m making a huge...
Completa le frasi qui sotto con una diversa forma del past participle in ognuna di esse. Poi metti le frasi in ordine orario, dal lunedì mattina alla domenica sera.
1. Billy ____ a book with his sister on Sunday before tea. -- 2. Billy ____ a dictionary in class on Tuesday at about 10am. -- 3. Billy ____ an...
Completa le frasi qui sotto con una diversa forma del past participle in ognuna di esse. Argomento: questa settimana la mamma di Billy è stata in viaggio d'affari a Stoccolma, in Svezia.
1. She has ____ her tablet by dropping it on the ground. -- 2. She has ____ hard with her international team. -- 3. She’s ____ the hotel manager...
Partendo dalla frase assegnata, scrivi le seguenti tipologie di domande e le relative risposte(01):
FRASE ASSEGNATA: Mary is playing a puzzle game on her phone.
wh- question:_____ / short answer:_____ / yes/no question:_____ / short...
Partendo dalla frase assegnata, scrivi le seguenti tipologie di domande e le relative risposte(02):
FRASE ASSEGNATA: We are sitting in the dentist’s waiting room, because Bob has got an appointment..
wh- question:_____ / short answer:_____ /...
Partendo dalla frase assegnata, scrivi le seguenti tipologie di domande e le relative risposte(03):
FRASE ASSEGNATA: Terry’s mother flew to Iceland for her honeymoon last month.
wh- question:_____ / short answer:_____ / yes/no question:_____...
Partendo dalla frase assegnata, scrivi le seguenti tipologie di domande e le relative risposte(04):
FRASE ASSEGNATA: My brother took his girlfriend to a nice restaurant two days ago.
wh- question:_____ / short answer:_____ / yes/no...
Partendo dalla frase assegnata, scrivi le seguenti tipologie di domande e le relative risposte(05):
FRASE ASSEGNATA: Sue has worked for the travel company for the past two years.
wh- question:_____ / short answer:_____ / yes/no question:_____ /...
Partendo dalla frase assegnata, scrivi le seguenti tipologie di domande e le relative risposte(06):
FRASE ASSEGNATA: My partner has applied for three part-time jobs this week.
wh- question:_____ / short answer:_____ / yes/no question:_____ /...
Partendo dalla frase assegnata, scrivi le seguenti tipologie di domande e le relative risposte(07):
FRASE ASSEGNATA: I will send you a quick message when I get back from work.
wh- question:_____ / short answer:_____ / yes/no question:_____ /...
Partendo dalla frase assegnata, scrivi le seguenti tipologie di domande e le relative risposte(08):
FRASE ASSEGNATA: Geoff will meet you in Barcelona at 11 o’clock in the morning.
wh- question:_____ / short answer:_____ / yes/no...
Partendo dalla frase I EAT CHOCOLATE EVERY DAY, trasforma il verbo EAT nei tempi indicati(ove possibile):
2. Zero Conditional. PRESENT: 3. Present Continuous, 4. Present Perfect, 5. Present Perfect Continuous, 6. Imperative Form. PAST: 7. Past Simple, 8....
Irregular or Regular Verbs? Scrivi le forme di past tense e past participle di ogni verbo assegnato:
Quiz grammaticale misto: completa le frasi qui sotto(01):
1. Complete the gaps in this part of the alphabet: c _ e f g h i _ k l _ n o p _ -- 2. Write 2 days, 2 months, and 2 seasons: _____ -- 3. Write this...
Quiz grammaticale misto: completa le frasi qui sotto(02):
13. Add capital letters and full stops: i like spanish football the best team is madrid -- 14. Write the total prices in words: a) £1.49 + £3.78 _...
QUIZ con domande miste sui verbi, scegli la risposta corretta fra quelle proposte:
1 Which of these sentences is in the present simple tense? / A) I bought a new pet. B) My pets love me. C) I’m feeding my pets. / 2 Which of these...
Leggi il testo sulla povera vecchia Marge e poi completa le frasi al THIRD CONDITIONAL della sua giornata usando le istruzioni fornite.
TESTO: Marge is a woman of 55 who lives on her own in a small house in Scotland. She did not have a very nice day yesterday! As she was leaving the...
Leggi la frase scritta in stampatello e scegli, fra le tre proposte al THIRD CONDITIONAL, quella che indica la conseguenza più logica
1. I WASN'T THIRSTY. I DIDN'T DRINK THE LEMONADE. - If I was thirsty, I would drink the lemonade - If I had been thirsty, I would've drunk the...
Per ogni frase CONDITIONAL, leggi la situazione e scegli la frase migliore fra le tre proposte.
1. IT DIDN'T RAIN. THE FLOWERS DIED. - If it rained, the flowers wouldn't have died. - If it had rained, the flowers wouldn't have died. -...
Leggi l'itinerario di Alberto per domani. Poi per ogni frase coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al FUTURE CONTINUOUS o FUTURE PERFECT per completarle.
ITINERARIO: 8.00 Leave Home - 8.30 Arrive at Airport - 9.30 Plane Leaves For Paris - 11.00 Arrives in Paris - 1.00 Meeting Starts - 3.00 Meeting...
LEFT OUT. Trish was playing basketball with her brother outside when she saw a car pull up in Josie's driveway. Josie jumped out of the car, and Trish could hear a lot of voices laughing and saying goodbye to Josie. Trish stopped dribbling the basketball and watched as the car drove away and Josie skipped to her front door. Trish could feel her body start to get uncomfortably warm, and her eyes started to water. "Hey, what's wrong?" Daniel asked. "Nothing. I don't want to play anymore." Trish stormed inside and slam med the door. She heard the door open again behind her, but she didn't turn...
Why do you think Trish is upset? How do you know? // Retell the story in your own words. // Describe Josie. What evidence from the text helps you...
HOW TO SKATEBOARD. Skateboarding is exhilarating-you can move quickly and fly through the air! Before you can do amazing tricks in the air, though, you need to learn the basics of skateboarding, and be prepared for a lot of trial and error. The first thing you need to do is get a skateboard. It's probably best to talk with a skateboarder to find a store that sells good quality skateboards, not just toys. Many skateboarders create their own "setup," but for your first board, someone at a skate shop should be able to help you. A helmet, elbow pads, kneepads, and wrist guards are important to...
1.What are the basic movements for skateboarding? // 2.Name another sport that is similar to skateboarding. How are they similar? // 3.What does...
FIRST DAY. Here we go again,I thought, the first day of fourth grade. I always got a little nervous on the first day of school. I knewa lot of the other kids who would be in my class, and I had heard that the teacher was nice. There would still be a lot of new things, though. We would have new rules and new routines. We would have new information to learn in all of the subject areas. There would also be some new things that I wouldn't expect, like maybe they moved the classes to different hallways. It was exciting, too, but that didn't mean I wasn't anxious.We lined up outside, and for the...
1.Retell the story in your own words. // 2.How would a different setting have changed the story? (For example, if "First Day" had been set in the...
EMMA'S FAVORITE RESTAURANT. When Emma and her family go out to dinner, they always go to their favorite restaurant. Their favorite restaurant is an Italian restaurant, and they usually go once a week. Emma always gets ravioli, and her little brother Josh always gets spaghetti with meatballs. Their parents like to try different things.One week when they were getting ready to go out todinner, Emma's father suggested they try the new restaurant in town. Emma and Josh both moaned and groaned. The new restaurant was Lebanese. All Emma and Josh knew about Lebanese food was that it often revolved...
1.Why would Emma and Josh have moaned and groaned about trying a new restaurant? // 2.What do you think the phrase "tried and true" means? // 3.Why...
CLARA BARTON: CIVIL WAR HERO. War is frightening, because supplies are scarce and people are fighting. It is not fun for people who stay home and have to take care of their homes and towns, but it is especially hard on the soldiers. One woman set out to help as many soldiers as she could during the Civil War, even on the front lines of the battlefield! Her name was Clara Barton.Clara Barton was born in 1821 in Massachusetts. She worked hard from a young age, helping around the house and taking care of her older siblings. When she was seventeen, she decided to work as a teacher. At that time,...
1.Create a timeline of events in Clara Barton's life. // 2.The text says that Clara Barton "was a hero to many people because she was brave onthe...
BALLET. Ballet is a type of dance that dates back to the 15th century (in the 1400s). It is an art form that can be used to express a feeling, tell a story, or interpret a song. Ballet dancers are strong, graceful, and flexible. Ballet dancers may be men and women -ballet is not just for girls!Many movements in ballet are unusual for the human body. Dancers turn their legs out, insteadof having their knees and feet straight forward. They also point their feet and may even dance on the tips of their toes (but only when their teachers believe they are ready)! Not only do dancers need to...
1.What are three ways dancers should take care of their bodies? // 2.Go back to the second paragraph. Highlight two ways that dancers move their...
AN HONESTLY FUN CAMP. Will couldn't wait for September when school would start. It was early August, and he was at the same summer camphe had been going to for the last five years. His dad went to the camp when he was a boy and loved it, so Will didn't want to disappoint his dad by telling him that he didn't even like it.By the middle of August, Will had had more than enough. He had hadenough of the horses, enough of the baseball games, enough of the canoeing and enough of the lousy camp food. He wrote to his mom and asked her if she would pick him up early, but he didn't want his mom to...
2.Why did Will think his dad would be disappointed if he learned that Will didn't like the camp? // 3.Why do you think the food started to taste...
THE SINGING PLANTS. Todd awoke to singing. The singing was light and airy. It reminded him of a sunrise. Well that's appropriate, thought Todd, it's so early the sun is probably just rising. As his mind grew more awake, Todd realized that he didn't know where the music was coming from. He checked his radio, as well as his phone. Nothing. He stretched and looked around his room. Nothing in here would be singing, he thought. Todd got out of bed and walked toward his window, thinking that maybe one of his neighbors was playing music. The music didn't get louder as he walked toward the window,...
1.Retell the story in your own words. // 2.How would a different setting have changed the story? // 3.What does "hesitant" mean in the 3rd paragraph?...
LUKE, JAY AND ZACH'S WINNING GAME. It was the last game of the regular season, and Luke's baseball team, the Wildcats, had to win to make it to the playoffs. Luke really wanted his team to win because he had never been to the playoffs before. The coach called the whole team into a huddle before the game began. He said, "Whether we win or lose, it has been a great season. You should all be proud of yourselves. Let's give it our best effort. But remember –a loss won't lessen the greatness of our team. We have all worked well together and deserve to be proud of our accomplishments."The team...
1.After reading the fourth paragraph, which team did you think was more likely to win? // 2.Based on context, what do you think the word "drought"...
WHAT IS A SPACEWALK? Any time an astronaut gets out of a vehicle while in space, it is called a spacewalk. A spacewalk is also calledan EVA. EVA stands for extravehicular activity. The first person to go on a spacewalk was Alexei Leonov. He was from Russia. The first spacewalk was on March 18, 1965. It was 10 minutes long. The first American to go on a spacewalk was Ed White. His spacewalk was on June 3, 1965, during the Gemini 4 mission. White's spacewalk lasted 23 minutes. Today, astronauts go on spacewalks outside the International Space Station. Spacewalks usually last between five and...
1.Who was the first person to go on an EVA? // 2.Which mission was the first American on when he went on a spacewalk? // 3.What do astronauts do with...
MOUSE MADNESS. The tunnel was dark, but Marty knew his way through it. He used his powerful nose to find the passage out. It smelled like his favorite food: cheese!When he got to the edge of the passage, Marty paused. His mother had lectured him enough about dashing into the open without looking. It was dangerous. A zoo patron could see him and start screaming. Then zookeepers might bring in exterminators to shoo them out of their homes. There could be hawks around, ready to grab them. Marty was not ready to be devoured by a hungry hawk. He had to be careful.He watched. He waited. Then...
1.Retell the story in your own words. // 2.How would a different setting have changed the story? (For example, if "Mouse Madness"had been set in a...
SURVIVAL IN THE WILD. Plants and animals have the hard job of surviving in a very wild world. How do they do it? There are many ways plants and animals have adapted in order to survive.Camouflage is one way animals adapt to survive. For some animals, this means that their fur, scales, or skin are a similar color to the land around them. Deer, for example, have brown fur that blends inwith the trees, so it's harder for predators to see them. This saves them from becoming prey to a larger animal. Some animals can actually change colors to match their environment. Many people think of...
1.What are three ways plants and animals have adapted to survive? // 2.Go back to the second paragraph. Highlight two details that show how...
ROCKS. Are all rocks the same? No way! Rocks can be different shapes, sizes, textures, and colors. There are 3 different types of rocks that can affect what a rock looks and feels like. The three types of rocks are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.Sedimentary rocks are a mixture of dirt, rocks, mud, shells, and other materials that are on the bottoms of oceans and other bodies of water, and get compacted together over many years. Sometimes you can even see different layers in sedimentary rocks. These types of rocks feel grainy, like sand, and are easier to crumble than other types of...
1.What are sedimentary rocks? Highlight the sentence that has the answer. // 2.What are the three types of rocks? // 3.How are life cycles and the...
ORANGES EVERYWHERE. Bentley was wandering through the trees. The air smelled of oranges all around him. The weather was perfect, and the oranges were growing bigger by the day. He liked to walk through the groves, and loved the smell of the oranges, but he didn't like that heand his family ate oranges all the time. Sometimes, he wanted to avoidthem for weeks at a time. He wished his family could grow other things, like corn, or the ingredients for his favorite dip that his mom made. His mouth watered just thinking about his favorite dip. Yes, those ingredients would be better than oranges...
1.Retell the story in your own words. // 2.Describe Bentley's character. What evidence from the text helps you describe her? // 3.What does...
OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Zion really wanted to open his own business. He loved watching shows on TV about people who invented great things and helped other people love their inventions, too. He tried to learn about how people started their own businesses and how they got their great ideas, but a lot of it was too hard for him to understand yet. His mom suggested that he look around the community for a business leader who might be able to help him understand, so that he could start his own business one day.One day, he and his mom were out getting ice cream, and the shop owner, Mr. Warner, was the...
1.Retell the story in your own words. // 2.Describe Mr. Warner's character. What evidence from the text helps you describe him? // 3.What other...
LIZA'S FIRST SPELLING BEE. Liza has loved words for as long as she can remember. She loves the sounds words make, the shapes of words, and the way letters are arranged in words. Some of her favorite words are lollipop, balloon and purple. When Liza has free time at school, she likes to write down words and doodle on the letters to create fun drawings. Sometimes she takes the drawings hometo her parents, and sometimes her teacher pins them to the classroom bulletin board.One day, Liza's art teacher, Mr. Jordan, walked into her classroom and noticed one of Liza's recent pieces of word art. He...
1.What are some similarities in Liza's favorite words? // 2.What do you think the word "sanctuary"might mean based on Liza's word art? // 3.Why...
Guarda il video e poi rispondi alla domande.
1. With whom did Halloween begin? / 2. When did the Celtic culture spread across Europe? / 3. October 31 marked what for the Celts? / 4. October 31...
Guarda il video tratto dal film Angry Birds e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 4'59" con 12 domande su comparativi e superlativi. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Cattivissimo Me(03) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'40" con 10 domande sul present perfect. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo episodio di Mr.Bean(02) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 5'34" con 11 domande sui vocaboli del cibo. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda il video tratto dal film Cattivissimo Me(04) e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 3'16" con 8 domande sui vocaboli dell'abbigliamento. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo bellissimo video su Londra e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 6'14" con 17 domande di comprensione. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Guarda questo video dei Simpsons e rispondi alle domande facendo click e/o scrivendo sul video stesso.
Video di 2'40" con 20 domande sui vocaboli della casa. La correzione di questo esercizio viene data direttamente alla fine del video.
Completa le frasi sui PHRASAL VERBS e sostituisci le XXXX coniugando opportunamente Blurt / Bottle / Choke / Fend / Keep / Shoot / Sweep / Tease / Tone / Whip.
1. For people to understand the results of this research, we´ll need to XXXX down its written register. / 2. Before Jason broke up with Helen, she...
Indica se i seguenti PHRASAL VERBS sono separabili o non separabili dalla loro preposizione scegliendo la soluzione corretta (o entrambe) fra le due proposte dopo ogni verbo.
turn on ? He turned on the light. He turned the light on. / hand in ? Hand in your homework on time. Hand your homework in on time. / get on ? They...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito studio-scuola per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 ___ is the study of life. A=Biography B=Biokinetics C=Biology / 2 ___ is the study of physical laws and nature. A=Biology B=Physics C=Chemistry / 3...
Scegli il giusto significato per ogni MODO DI DIRE(01):
1 24/7 means... A=all the time B=never C=sometimes / 2 Sometimes we say __ instead of 'man'. A=turkey B=boybo C=dude / 3 An attractive woman is a...
Scegli il giusto significato per ogni MODO DI DIRE(02):
1 A stupid person is a ___. A=igno B=doofus C=rufus / 2 A word for drugs (that also means a stupid person) is ___. A=copa B=lickit C=dope / 3...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MODI DI DIRE per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 To speak softly is to ___. A=mention B=caress C=whisper / 2 To speak unclearly is to ___. A=whisper B=mumble C=reply / 3 To make a comment is to...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MODI DI DIRE per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 To __ means to complain. A=wine B=whane C=whine / 2 To give someone news is to __ them. A=inform B=reform C=deform / 3 To ___ means to give lots of...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(03)?
1 Most people dislike cold weathers. A='people' is the mistake B='weathers' is the mistake C='dislike' is the mistake / 2 At the camp, we practised...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(04)?
1 The dress was not enough big to fit me. A=There is a spelling mistake B=The word order is wrong C=The tense is wrong / 2 This road is more longer...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(05)?
1 Billy is the most strongest guy I know. A=A noun is wrong. B=The tense is wrong. C=There is an extra word. / 2 When I looked in the box. A=A word...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(06)?
1 Can you please sending the bill up to our room? A=The verb is in the wrong form. B=The preposition is wrong. C=There is no mistake. / 2 You better...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(07)?
1 Mary loves help her mother to do the dishes. A=There is a missing word. B=There is an extra word. C=The sentence is correct. / 2 You must to fill...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(08)?
1 Read through these sentences carefuly. A=There is a spelling mistake. B=There is a vocabulary mistake. C=There is no mistake. / 2 Dora speaks...
L'esercizio ti indica tre possibili errori per ogni frase, ma solo uno è quello giusto, qual è(09)?
1 The country's economic is not doing so well. A=A word should be a noun. B=A word should be an adjective. C=A word should be a verb. / 2 We all...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito SCUOLA per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 The teacher gave us lots of __________. A=homeworks B=homework C=housework / 2 I got good ________ in all my tests. A=grades B=letters C=points / 3...
SECOND CONDITIONAL, fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente(02):
1 If the country had a larger army, it ____ its neighbour. A=would invade B=invades C=will invade / 2 If I __ a superhero, I would call myself...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito GIORNALI per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 A smaller-sized newspaper is called a ___. A=press B=sheet C=tabloid / 2 You can read about upcoming movies in the ___ section. A=entertainment...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito SUPERMARKET per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Another word for sauces is ___. A=condos B=slauces C=condiments / 2 What might you find in the dairy section? A=milk and cheese B=rice and flour...
Indica quali di queste frasi hanno un senso compiuto con soggetto e verbo(01):
1 Which is a complete sentence? A=During the snowstorm. B=In the rain. C=He wept. / 2 Which is a complete sentence? A=When the sun shines. B=Peter...
Indica quali di queste frasi hanno un senso compiuto con soggetto e verbo(02):
1 Which is a complete sentence? A=A gift that for the man was there. B=A gift for the man was there. C=A gift for the man standing there. / 2 Which...
Sequenze logiche nelle frasi: inserisci l'elemento temporale corretto(01)?
1 __ of all, you need to apply for a visa. A=First B=Next C=Then / 2 __, send a photocopy of the visa to us. A=Next of all B=Next C=Nextly / 3 __, we...
Sequenze logiche nelle frasi: inserisci l'elemento temporale corretto(02)?
1 Which phrase is a synonym for 'for example'? A=for real B=for instant C=for instance / 2 Tea and coffee will be served ____ the chairman's speech....
Tipi di frasi: indica se le seguenti frasi sono semplici, complesse o composte.
1 George doesn't eat beef. A=This is a complex sentence. B=This is a simple sentence. C=This is a compound sentence. / 2 We took the nine-thirty...
SHOULD oppure MUST? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente:
1 All soldiers __ get their head shaved. A=must B=should C=A or B / 2 To enter China, you ___ have a visa. A=must B=should C=A or B / 3 I feel that...
QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta(03).
1 Ugly bugs run everywhere, ___? A=don't they B=doesn't it C=aren't they / 2 It's high time you told your mother about your marriage, ___? A=wasn't...
Frasi con RATHER: scegli la parola giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 I __ rather be a sparrow than a hawk. A=am B=would C=had / 2 I would rather be a cat __ a tiger. A=than B=that C=then / 3 I find his paintings...
DISCORSO INDIRETTO: scegli la versione corretta per ogni frase proposta.
1 Which example is reported speech? A=He said, 'Let's go!' B=He said, 'We had to go.' C=He said we had to go. / 2 Which example is reported speech?...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito daily routines per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 I take money out of the ATM ___. A=one week one time B=once a week C=once time a week / 2 What is your __ salary? A=monthly B=yearly C=A or B / 3...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito SCIENTIFICO per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Science experiments are performed in a ____. A=labby B=laboratory C=labix / 2 In Biology class, we had to ___ a frog! A=chop B=dissect C=cut up / 3...
PRESENT PERFECT e avverbi di tempo: scegli l'avverbio giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Have you __ seen a ghost? A=wherever B=ever C=never / 2 I have been to Shanghai ___. A=three times B=a time C=ever / 3 Which is the best sentence?...
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 He is out of breath because he has been __. A=running B=ran C=run / 2 I'm not hungry. I've been ___ all day. A=eating B=ate C=eaten / 3 I have been...
PRESENT PERFECT forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 She ___ eaten yet. A=have not B=has not C=not has / 2 Peter ___ finished reading the Economist. A=has not B=not has C=have not / 3 Viola has not...
PRESENT PERFECT forma passiva: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 The herb __ been used for centuries in Tibet for healing purposes. A=have B=had C=has / 2 The secret __ been passed down from generation to...
PRESENT PERFECT forma interrogativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 __ you ever seen a ghost? A=Have B=Has C=Had / 2 __ you ever climbed a mountain? A=Had B=Have C=Has / 3 __ Dorothy returned to Kansas yet? A=Have...
PRESENT SIMPLE forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Which sentence is correct? A=I am not live near here. B=I do not live near here. C=I do not living near here. / 2 Henry ___ have a car. A=does not...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito POLITICA per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 The leader of a country is the ___ Minister. A=Prime B=Big C=Main / 2 The top politicians are called ____. A=magistrates B=congresses C=ministers /...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito POLITICA per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 A person who works within the field of politics is a __. A=poliman B=politic C=politician / 2 The people choose their leaders in ___. A=a votemain...
Prova a fare un pò di ANALISI LOGICA in inglese distinguendo tra simple predicate e complete predicate.
1 Bob broke his leg. A='Bob' is the simple predicate. B='broke his leg' is the simple predicate. C='broke' is the simple predicate. / 2 Bob broke his...
Inserisci il PREFISSO giusto in base alle richieste di ogni frase:
1 Which prefix means 'before?' A=post- B=non- C=pre- / 2 Which prefix means 'after'? A=pre- B=non- C=post- / 3 Which prefix means 'not'? A=un- B=non-...
PAST SIMPLE o PRESENT PERFECT? scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 I _____ golf for a couple of years. A=did not play B=have not played / 2 His boss ____ at him many times for being late. A=shouted B=has shouted /...
Indica la forma giusta di AROUND per completare ogni frase:
1 Kids need space to ___. A=eat around B=run around C=root around / 2 Which is not a real phrase? A=jump around B=play around C=bump around / 3 I use...
PAST MODALS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 We should ___ left earlier. A=had B=have C=has / 2 You could have ___ a lot of money in that casino. A=lose B=loss C=lost / 3 Your mother must have...
PAST PARTICIPLE: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(02).
1 What is the past participle of 'ride'? A=rided B=ridden C=rode / 2 What is the past participle of 'attempt'? A=attempten B=attempted C=attempt / 3...
PAST PARTICIPLE: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(03).
1 What is the past participle of 'come'? A=camen B=come C=came / 2 What is the past participle of 'light'? A=lighted B=lit C=light / 3 What is the...
Frasi al PASSIVO, indica il modo giusto di completare ogni frase(01):
1 We use the passive voice when ____. A=the speaker did the action B=we do not know who did the action C=we know who did the action / 2 Which is...
Frasi al PASSIVO con verbi MODALI, indica il modo giusto di completare ogni frase:
1 All books must __ returned to the library within three days. A=been B=be C=being / 2 The soldiers' hair has to ___ really short. A=be cut B=cut...
Frasi al PASSIVO interrogative, indica il modo giusto di completare ogni frase:
1 Will I __ charged extra for this? A=am B=been C=be / 2 When was your living room ___? A=redecorate B=redecorated C=redecorating / 3 __ these...
Frasi al PASSIVO, indica il modo giusto di completare ogni frase(02):
1 Which of the following is a passive sentence? A=Fred parked his truck across the road. B=Fred's truck was parked across the road. C=Fred was parked...
Frasi al PASSIVO, indica il modo giusto di completare ogni frase(03):
1 According to the officer in charge, the security ___. A=was breached B=was breach C=breached / 2 The army was held back __ the rebel force. A=for...
Frasi al PASSIVO, indica il modo giusto di completare ogni frase(04):
1 Your cooperation in this matter __ greatly appreciated. A=would B=is C=are / 2 Every year, feasts and banquets ___ in his honour. A=are hold B=held...
TO GET al passivo: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 I __ my car washed by a guy named Joe. A=getting B=am C=got / 2 I think she needs to get her head ___. A=checking B=check C=checked / 3 Which...
TO HAVE al passivo: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 I usually __ my hair cut at that salon. A=having B=have C=am / 2 I need to ___ my teeth examined by a dentist. A=have B=do C=be / 3 Sheila usually...
Frasi con il PARTICIPIO, indica il modo giusto di completare ogni frase:
1 The __ bear made the crowd laugh. A=danced B=dancing C=A or B / 2 He made an ___ plea for assistance. A=impassioning B=impassioned C=A or B / 3 The...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito GIORNALI e NOTIZIE per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
1 Ten people were injured in a plane __ in Brazil. A=crash B=stop C=drop / 2 There was a ___ in front of City Hall today. An angry crowd faced off...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito GIORNALI e NOTIZIE per completare correttamente le frasi(03):
1 A __ broke out when an angry crowd attacked the police. A=riot B=summit C=discussion / 2 Good news for investors as the ___ continues to rise....
Qual è l'OPPOSTO di ogni frase indicata? sceglilo tra i tre proposti:
1 'He is as tall as his brother.'? A=He is as not tall as his brother. B=He is not as tall as his brother. C=He does not as tall as his brother. / 2 ...
Prova a fare un pò di ANALISI LOGICA in inglese indicando il complemento oggetto nelle seguenti frasi.
1 Jack kissed Jill. A='Jill' is the object. B='Jack' is the object. C='kissed' is the object. / 2 Pete ate lunch. A='ate' is the object. B='Pete' is...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito AZIENDE-MANAGER per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 A good manager needs to ____ the employees. A=motivate B=motorvate C=ensue / 2 Employees can also be called ___. A=the workpersons B=the staff...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MEDICO per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 I am sick, I think I have a __. A=cold B=ill C=hot / 2 My cold is really bad. I think I have the __. A=flue B=flu C=flew / 3 My forehead is hot! I...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MEDICO per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
13 So far, there is no __ for Cancer. A=symptom B=solution C=cure / 14 Doctors study __ at university. A=Medic B=Medical C=Medicine / 15 This man...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MILITARE per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Another word for war, or a battle is ___. A=brawl B=scrap C=conflict / 2 A soldier who can shoot accurately over a long distance is a ___. A=sniper...
Verbi MODALI, scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi(01).
1 The deadline for the application is next Saturday. You __ get it in before then. A=would B=could not C=must / 2 We ___ either go to the movies or...
Verbi MODALI, scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi(02).
1 ___ you dance the next dance with me? A=Will B=Would C=A or B / 2 __ you pass me the pepper? A=Can B=Could C=A or B / 3 You simply __ visit our...
Verbi MODALI e frasi negative, scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi.
1 You're going to park in the director's space? You __ be serious. A=can't B=won't C=mightn't / 2 I'm off to the shops. I ___ be long. A=mustn't...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito BANCHE-DENARO per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Someone who doesn't like to spend money is ___. A=manly B=shiney C=stingy / 2 If you owe money, then you are in __. A=bank B=dept C=debt / 3 When...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito tipi di lavoro-mestieri per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 If your job is to interview people, you work in ___. A=humanitarianism B=human resources C=personal resources / 2 Human Resources is also called...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PAROLE LATINE ancora oggi usate per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 The school or college that you attended is your ___. A=alma pater B=ad hoc C=alma mater / 2 Something that is quickly organised is done ___....
LIKES-DISLIKES scegli la forma giusta fra le tre proposte per completare le seguenti frasi(01).
1 George likes chocolate. In fact, he __ it. A=loves B=passions C=feels / 2 George doesn't like peanuts. He ___them. A=dislikes B=unlikes C=nonlikes...
LIKES-DISLIKES scegli la forma giusta fra le tre proposte per completare le seguenti frasi(02).
1 Mary loves her pet poodle. She ___ it. A=undores B=dores C=adores / 2 Mary hates heavy metal music. She ___ it. A=doesn't stand B=can't stand...
MAKE, LET oppure GET? scegli il verbo giusto fra i tre proposti per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 It does not __ any difference to me. A=get B=make C=let / 2 You should ___ him to come earlier. A=get B=let C=make / 3 Where can we __ tickets to...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito WEB-INTERNET per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 The Internet is also called the ___. A=Intranet B=web C=matrix / 2 We __ the web. A=turf B=surf C=sloop / 3 The index page of a website is called a...
Prova a fare un pò di ANALISI del PERIODO in inglese con questo esercizio sulla proposizione principale.
1 An independent clause must have ___. A=a subject B=a verb C=a subject and a verb / 2 Which of the following is an independent clause? A=The man...
INFINITO oppure GERUNDIO? scegli il verbo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi:
1 I wish you would stop ___. A=crying B=to cry C=A and B / 2 I just love ___ salmon. A=to eat B=eating C=A and B / 3 You are required ___ this form...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PROBLEMATICHE MONDIALI per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 ___ describes the way countries are more dependent on each other. A=Globalisation B=Globalist C=Global / 2 Many governments promote ___, where the...
GOING TO, rispondi alle varie domande sull'uso di questa forma verbale scegliendo una fra le tre risposte offerte:
1 Joey is going to __ in a new play. A=do B=be C=being / 2 What is the 'slang' way of saying 'going to' A=gonna to B=wanna C=gonna / 3 Which is...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito QUANTITA'-CONTENITORI per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1. Please go to the store and pick up a ___ of milk. a. bag b. half gallon c. dozen d. pound / 2. This recipe calls for a ___ of butter. a....
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito QUANTITA'-CONTENITORI per completare correttamente le frasi(02):
11. I need ___ eggs for the Easter egg hunt. a. a gallon b. a quart of c. half a dozen d. a teaspoon of / 12. I need a ___ of ground beef to make...
FOOD QUIZ, rispondi alle domande su cibi e consigli di buona alimentazione(01):
1. One of the following does not belong in this food group: a. banana b. beef c. peach d. nectarine e. prune / 2. The food group in question #1...
FOOD QUIZ, rispondi alle domande su cibi e consigli di buona alimentazione(02):
11. What food doesn't belong to this food group? a. noodles b. crackers c. scallion d. macaroni e. cous cous / 12. The food group in question...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito EVENTI STORICI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1. The murder of someone, usually an important politician, president or ruler for political reasons is called ___ / 2. The event which causes a huge...
SINONIMI oppure OPPOSTI? indica se le coppie di parole dell'elenco hanno significato simile o contrario(01):
1)abandon - leave / 2)abbreviate - shorten / 3)able - incompetent / 4)abnormal - standard / 5)above - beneath / 6)abroad - overseas / 7)abrupt -...
SINONIMI oppure OPPOSTI? indica se le coppie di parole dell'elenco hanno significato simile o contrario(02):
1) backdown - withdraw / 2) baggy - ill-fitting / 3) ban - permit / 4) basic - fundamental / 5) bearded - clean-shaven / 6) bent - warped / 7) bicker...
SINONIMI oppure OPPOSTI? indica se le coppie di parole dell'elenco hanno significato simile o contrario(03):
1) calm - serene / 2) care - neglect / 3) certify - accredit / 4) childish - infantile / 5) circulate - block / 6) classical - modern / 7) client -...
SINONIMI oppure OPPOSTI? indica se le coppie di parole dell'elenco hanno significato simile o contrario(04):
1)dead - defunct / 2)debate - agree / 3)decrease - diminish / 4)defend - safeguard / 5)definate - vague / 6)deluxe - superior / 7)decend - ascend /...
SINONIMI oppure OPPOSTI? indica se le coppie di parole dell'elenco hanno significato simile o contrario(05):
1)eager - keen / 2)earmark - label / 3)eerie - uncanny / 4)elastic - rigid / 5)elegant - unrefined / 6)embody - represent / 7)emit - discharge /...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(01):
1. A Christmas treat is ___ pudding. a. plum b. plumb / 2. A ___ expression mixes both humor and disbelief. a. rye b. wry / 3....
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(02):
11. A delicious fruit is the French ___. a. peer b. pier c. pear / 12. A dolphin and a ___ are similar. a. porpoise b. purpose /...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(03):
1. A popular grain for bread and whiskey making is ___. a. rye b. wry / 2. A popular sport in Hawaii is ___ boarding. a. serf b....
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(04):
11. A vein of gold in a mine is known as the mother ___. a. load b. lode / 12. A wheel ___ is someone who fixes or makes wheels. a. right ...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(05):
1. An ___ is a pot or vessel. a. urn b. earn / 2. An area of land without trees is a ___. a. step b. steppe / 3. Andrew ___ his...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(06):
11. Bad news reporting makes me see ___. a. read b. red / 12. Be careful not to ___ that big fish in too fast. a. real b. reel /...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(07):
1. Can you make any ___ of this note? a. sense b. since / 2. Carol eats ___ with every meal. a. bread b. bred / 3. Carry the water...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(08):
11. Come over ___ and say that again! a. hear b. here / 12. Company ___ dropped when the cutback and layoffs were announced. a. moral ...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(09):
1. Do you know ___ way he went? a. which b. witch / 2. Do you prefer ___ corn or corn on the cob? a. colonel b. kernel / 3. Do you...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(10):
11. Films must be screened by a ___ before they are shown. a. censor b. censure c. sensor / 12. Flowers are a natural source of fabric...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(11):
1. He found a new ___ to go to school. a. root b. route / 2. He had ___ a bad cough but it did not get any worse. a. quiet b. quite / 3. He had ___...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(12):
11. He ran so fast that he ___ all of the other runners. a. beat b. beet / 12. He showed his ___ by continuing despite an injury. a. medal b. meddle...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(13):
1. He was ___ unprepared for the warm reception that her family gave him. a. holy b. wholly / 2. He was a ___ enough fellow even if he was not...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(14):
11. Her novels regularly ___ the depths of human despair. a. plum b. plumb / 12. Her skirt was the color of ___. a. done b. dun / 13. Herbert was...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(15):
1. How late are you ___ to stay up at night? a. aloud b. allowed / 2. How much did you ___ during the summer? a. urn b. earn / 3. I ___ you not to...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(16):
11. I am not sure but ___ I will go. a. maybe b. may be / 12. I am very honored to ___ you. a. meat b. meet c. mete / 13. I can ___ many...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(17):
1. I do not mind if you ___ the fruit as long as you can still eat dinner. a. halve b. have / 2. I have a ___ and a daughter going to school. a....
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(18):
11. I like to read ___ to my children. a. aloud b. allowed / 12. I love him in ___. a. always b. all ways / 13. I need a ___ of fresh air. a....
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(19):
1. Go ___ down the road and then turn left at the lights. a. straight b. strait / 2. Go ___ in peace. a. forth b. fourth / 3. Go away! ___! a. shoe...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(20):
11. Have a ___. Give me another chance. a. hart b. heart / 12. Have you ___ that bread prices will be going up again this week? a. heard b. herd /...
Leggi le domande con il verbo TO AGREE e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per rispondere:
1 Which is correct? A=I am agree with you B=I agree with you C=I agreeing with you / 2 Which is correct? A=I don't agree B=I not agreeing C=I am not...
AVVERBI del punto di vista, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, ad ogni domanda:
1 ___, his pneumonia became worse. A=Unfortunately B=Fortunately C=Commonly / 2 ___, I think he deserves another chance. A=Fortunately B=Usually...
FRASI AVVERBIALI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, ad ogni domanda:
1 __ the time, he eats out. A=None B=During C=Much of / 2 ____, he kept the money he found. A=Surprise B=Not surprisingly C=Not surprise / 3 As often...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito LETTERE DI AFFARI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 I look ___ to hearing from you. A=after B=forward C=back / 2 I look forward to ___ from you. A=hear B=heard C=hearing / 3 RE: means ___. A=rigour...
CAN o COULD? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 We can all __ both English and French. A=spoke B=speak C=speaking / 2 Until they changed the law, tourists could __ here without a visa. A=come...
CAN o COULD? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
13 Cats __ climb trees, but getting back down is sometimes a problem. A=could B=can C=A or B / 14 The ancient Egyptians __ predict the motion of the...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(21):
1 We used a crane to ___ the cement blocks. A=rise B=raise C=rose / 2 Everyone attended the conference ___ Jenny. A=exceed B=except C=accept / 3 Can...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(22):
1 I worked so ___ all day today. A=hard B=hardly C=harder / 2 I can answer any ___ that you may have. A=inquiries B=enquiries C=A or B / 3 Katy works...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(23):
1 It's the __ of July! A=forth B=firth C=fourth / 2 I read the ___ book in under two hours. A=almost B=entire C=total / 3 Put some __ on, and let's...
PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(24):
1 The opposite of perpendicular is ___. A=paralell B=parallel C=paralel / 2 Another word for 'so' is ___. A=therefor B=therfor C=therefore / 3 The...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito COMPUTER per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 A computer camera is called a ___. A=camweb B=realcam C=webcam / 2 Every website has a unique ___. A=search engine B=toolbar C=address / 3 Storage...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CONTENITORI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 A __ of bread A=box B=jug C=loaf / 2 A __ of paper. A=slice B=piece C=page / 3 A __ of pizza. A=loaf B=slice C=page / 4 A ___ of lightning. A=thwok...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CONTENITORI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
15 A __ of dirt. A=roll B=heap C=big / 16 A __ of soap. A=pile B=bar C=stick / 17 He's making __ of money on the stock market. A=rolls B=ends C=piles...
Forma CONTRATTA, rispondi alle domande scegliendo fra le tre proposte:
1 Which form is used mainly in spoken English? A=Bill's B=let's C=isn't / 2 Which form is only appropriate for spoken English? A=can't B=shouldn't...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito DELINQUENZA e CRIMINALITA' per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
C=crimefighter / 2 A slang word for a criminal is _ A=crink B=crock C=crook / 3 When a criminal is given a punishment, we say he is __ A=phrased...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito DELINQUENZA e CRIMINALITA' per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
1 The job of the police is to __ criminals A=approve B=arrest C=arrive / 2 Criminals are given punishment in a __ of law. A=district B=court...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito ARTE e CULTURA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 ___ is the study of knowledge and ways of looking at the world. A=Philosophy B=Platology C=Geology / 2 A form of art that uses objects instead of...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito ASPETTO FISICO per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Which word means very fat? A=presumptious B=obese C=frunctious / 2 Which word means very thin? A=skinny B=lampy C=bucky / 3 A nicer word for skinny...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito AMBIENTI NATURALI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 A peaceful place is __. A=inserene B=serene C=sincere / 2 Another word for land is __. A=flat B=terrain C=torrent / 3 __ terrain may include...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FRASI FAMOSE per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Descartes said, 'I think, therefore I __.' A=was B=am C=be / 2 Einstein said, 'God does not __ dice.' A=play B=plays C=playing / 3 'You can fool...
SLANG inglese: gonna, hafta e wanna, scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi.
1 It looks like ____ rain. A=it's gonna to B=it's gonna C=it gonna / 2 I __ go now. A=am hafta B=hafta C=hafta to / 3 ___ join me for a coffee?...
GONE o BEEN? scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 Have you ever __ to Hawaii? A=gone B=been C=A or B / 2 Stuart isn't here. He's __ to the toilet. A=gone B=been C=A or B / 3 Has Bill already ___...
HAD BETTER, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 You __ better be good if you want to get presents from Santa. A=had B=did C=would / 2 I told Michael he __ better stay away from my girlfriend....
Il GERUNDIO come soggetto, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase:
1 ___ leads to cancer. A=Smoke B=Smoking C=To smoke / 2 __ regularly helps to keep the heart in shape. A=Jogging B=To jog C=Jog / 3 Looking for a...
Espressioni di opinioni personali, scegli quella giusta, fra le tre suggerite(01):
1 I __ that Hollywood movies are boring. A=see B=think about C=think / 2 I __ that income taxes should be lowered. A=strive B=feel C=have / 3 I ___...
Espressioni di opinioni personali, scegli quella giusta, fra le tre suggerite(02):
1 ____ we all go on a picnic tomorrow? A=Why not B=Why don't C=Why would / 2 I __ to feel that it doesn't make sense. A=pretend B=attend C=tend / 3...
FIRST CONDITIONAL, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(01):
1 If you need me, ____. A=I am in the kitchen B=I be in the kitchen C=I'll be in the kitchen / 2 If you need a hand, ____. A=I will be glad to help...
FIRST CONDITIONAL, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(02):
1 If she __ me to help her, I will. A=ask B=will ask C=asks / 2 If I have time, I ___ a walk in the park. A=take B=will take C=takes / 3 If Johnson...
Prova a fare un pò di ANALISI del PERIODO in inglese con questo esercizio sulle complete sentences.
1 Which is NOT a complete sentence? A=When I was young, I wore a baseball cap. B=When I was young. C=I wore a baseball cap. / 2 Which is NOT a...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito LETTURA dei GRAFICI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Which sentence means the price has gone up? A=The price of product A has run. B=The price of product A has skyrocketed. C=The price of product A...
EVEN IF oppure EVEN TOUGH? Scegli la parola giusta per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 She waits for him to call ___ she knows he won't. A=even though B=even if C=A or B / 2 I borrowed Kevin's umbrella ___ I didn't ask him for...
FALL, FEEL oppure FILL? Scegli la parola giusta per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 He __ over and hurt himself. A=felt B=fell C=fall / 2 Shaun __ off his bicycle. A=feel B=fell C=felt / 3 I __ like a burger for dinner. A=feel...
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito DATI PERSONALI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 Your __ status indicates if you are married. A=marital B=orbital C=married / 2 Your __ may be male or female. A=gender B=gander C=status / 3 Gender...
DON'T HAVE TO oppure MUST? Scegli il verbo giusto per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 You ___ do it if you don't want to. A=don't have to B=doesn't have to C=must not / 2 If it's against the law, you ___ do it. A=must not B=doesn't...
IT come soggetto impersonale, scegli la forma migliore per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 __ is almost 3:00. A=This B=It C=The / 2 __ is getting really cold these days. A=This B=It C=The / 3 It is important that we both speak to her....
QUIZ sul suffisso -ED, scegli la risposta giusta fra le tre proposte:
1 Which verb does not take '-ed' in the past tense? A=take B=look C=walk / 2 Which verb does not take '-ed' in the past tense? A=smile B=let C=bathe...
Indica la frase con lo STESSO SIGNIFICATO fra le tre proposte(01):
1 Could you tell me ____ A=what time it is? B=what time is it? C=what the time? / 2 Do you know ____ A=where Ben? B=where Ben is? C=where is Ben? / 3...
Indica la frase con lo STESSO SIGNIFICATO fra le tre proposte(02):
11 Could you tell me ____ A=where are the toilets? B=where the toilets are? / 12 I don't really know ____ A=how far Birmingham is from here. B=how...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformandole in forma PASSIVA(01):
Julia rescued three cats. / The students handed in the reports. / Maria crashed into the blue car. / Alex learned the poem. / Steven has forgotten...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformandole in forma PASSIVA(02):
She bought four apples. / We won the match. / The man stole the blue car. / The police arrested the thieves. / Jack swam the 200 metres. / The dog...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformandole in forma PASSIVA(03):
Mr Jones watches films. / The people speak English. / He reads comics. / We play volleyball. / They sing the song. / I take photos. / She does the...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformandole in forma PASSIVA(04):
They have opened a new shop. / Rick has interviewed the lady. / I have bought the tickets. / We have not sold the bike. / Tim has forgotten the...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformandole in forma PASSIVA(05):
She is reading a comic. / We are cleaning the kitchen. / My brother is not making dinner. / I am opening the presents. / Is Emma singing a song? / He...
Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformandole in forma PASSIVA(06):
Henry will drive Charlie home. / We will not send the tickets. / The bus driver will take the tourists to the hotel. / Will Oliver cancel the...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(09):
Jenny: "I'm coming down." Jenny said (that)... / Tim: "Jack is having breakfast." Ken said (that)... / Jamy: "She's telling a joke." Jamy told me...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(10):
Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow." Emily said (that)... / Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday." Helen told me (that)... / Robert:...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(10):
Henry: "I will be late." Henry said (that)... / Victoria: "Dan will meet Tim at five." Victoria said (that)... / Mum: "The boys will repair the...
Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(11):
Tim: "She works in an office." Tim said (that) she... / Jessica: "I am going to clean the room." Jessica told me (that) she... / Jeff: "They like the...
Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURE PROGRESSIVE.
Peggy... to the party on Saturday. (to come) / We... him tomorrow. (to meet) / This time next week he... to South Africa. (to fly) / At 6 o'clock on...
Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese usando i VERBI MODALI.
1 Non devi fare la spesa. L'ha fatta la mamma ieri. 2 Posso usare i1 tuo computer? 3 Non dobbiamo arrivare a scuola tardi. 4 Abbiamo dovuto studiare...
Leggi il seguente brano e poi esegui i TRE esercizi di comprensione che troverai alla fine.
Alberto found an interesting place on the Internet for her family to spend their summer holiday. But this is a holiday with a difference.... Hi! This...
Leggi il seguente brano e poi esegui i TRE esercizi di comprensione che troverai alla fine.
Alberto found an interesting documentary about climate change and the environment: In 2015, 193 countries adopted the 2030 United Nations Agenda for...
Leggi il seguente brano e poi esegui i TRE esercizi di comprensione che troverai alla fine.
Alberto is doing a project at school about hobbies and leisure activities. He found this: 1 Hobbies help us to use our free time to relax. Some...
Leggi il seguente brano e poi esegui i TRE esercizi di comprensione che troverai alla fine.
The National Literacy Trust has just published a survey into the reading habits of nearly 35,000 eight-to-sixteen-year-olds. The results show that...
Leggi il seguente brano e poi esegui i TRE esercizi di comprensione che troverai alla fine.
Our health and wellbeing as adults depend very much on the lifestyles we adopt as adolescents. Recent statistics provided by the Association of Young...
Riscrivi le frasi con il SECOND CONDITIONAL indicando che cosa potrebbero o non potrebbero fare le persone descritte. Esempio: Albert eats a lot of junk food. He shouldn't eat a lot of junk food.
1 Ellie spends the entire day on her smartphone. 2 Sally never does regular physical exercise. 3 William looks at his tablet when he goes to bed. 4...
Traduci in inglese le seguenti frasi con SHOULD e MUST.
1 Freddie dovrebbe dormire meglio stanotte, ora che la tosse gli é passata (has gone). 2 Gli studenti devono registrarsi per questo corso online. 3...
Scrivi ZC(Zero conditional), FC(First conditional) o SC(Second conditional) opportunamente accanto a ogni frase.
1 If you heat ice, it melts. 2 She will stay home if it snows. 3 If I studied more, I would get better results in my science tests. 4 If she...
Usa i suggerimenti per scrivere delle frasi usando lo Zero, First o Second CONDITIONAL + i termini dati.
1) you / heat water I it / boils (0 conditional) 2) experiment works I we I tell our science teacher (1st conditional) 3) you / do more experiments /...
Completa la conversazione scrivendo le domande mancanti.
MAX:......................? LEA: Nine o'clock? Nothing special. I was watching TV. MAX:.................? LEA: A programme about New York....